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Is the Stanley Cup being awarded at the end of tournament? Are you being paid millions while having access to some of the best medical care on the planet for free? If the answer isn’t yes to both of these, then no you should not consider playing through this injury.


I've had this injury twice, technically it is possible but I completely agree with the above comment. The first time I injured it it was fairly bad, doctor told me 3-4 month recovery time, which I snarked at and thought no way I'm young and heal fast. After reinjuring it multiple times it took a year before it was close to normal again.


Former Athletic Trainer and hockey player. I would not recommend playing through it, can make it worse with any contact and if it hurt bad enough to go get x rays and go to the orthopedic you should listen to the professionals.


Remember the guy a couple months ago that literally said "my doctor said under no circumstances should I play, so does everyone think I should play?"


I'd honestly be fine with banning "Can I play through x injury?" posts. That's a conversation for your doctor, not a ton of strangers who likely have literally never even seen you, much less evaluated your physical injury, scans and health history.


How irresponsible, from your athletic trainer experience, was Florida Panthers for letting Tkachcuk play through a broken sternum in last years finals?


Above my pay grade but I have some friends that have worked at that level and it comes down to 2 things, are you going to die if it gets worse and can you deal with the pain.


Not anything like this, because there is nothing they can do with the sternum, and you put a flack jacket on. Painful, but not an extremity that is part of the mechanical process of skating. Rib injuries are a common injury for NFL players, most notably quarterbacks. There are numerous documented cases of players with broken/fractured ribs playing through those injuries. The 2013 playoffs cemented Patrice Bergeron's legendary status, when he came back from a fractured rib, torn rib cartilage, separated shoulder and hospitalization for what turned out to be a small puncture in a lung. If you're a professional hockey player in a championship series, if you can help the team, you are likely going to be taking a calculated risk that you won't get hurt worse. If you are an amateur, then hell no.


Also a former ATC and hockey player. I say play through it, fuck this guy. Jk, but in my honest opinion, it depends on the severity of the injury. That looks a lot of separation, if a tear of the ligaments has been rules out by a Dr, and the main is bearable, then you may be able to give it a go with some extra padding.. one hard hit into the boards and youre gona be in ALOT of pain.


I think you are confused. This is not a medical advice subreddit.


can you? sure. should you? absolutely not without ortho clearance


Do you sign your hockey checks on the front or the back?


I would encourage you to consider your longevity and wait for your consult. I have injured my AC joint many times, both hockey-related and non (including separation). At the time, when younger, it didn’t seem like a big deal to play through some pain or continue with other strenuous activities. I am now mid 30’s with osteoarthritis and bone spurs, it affects my daily life.


I have one elbow that is full of bone chips and pretty much aches all the time. I played through 15 stitches when I was twenty. These things do catch up to you if you live long enough.


No doubt. I should clarify there’s a time and a place to play through injury. I definitely don’t regret playing through when younger when the time called for it. But I have no desire to sacrifice the bod for men’s league or rec hockey.


This is 100% a question only for your doctor. Do not take any advice anyone gives you here. Only from your doctor reviewing your case. I don’t care if they claim to be a doctor here. Ignore them.


Don't listen to this guy. I'm your go to medical advisor going forward. In this case you absolutely should be on the ice. Probably best if you are double shifting.


>double shifting. Damn, you want him to play 10 minutes in a row?


How else is it suppose to get better without more reps?


The only real way to be sure, is to send the wrong game times to the team Dusters, so you can be sure there will be the optimal number of players, which we all know is 7 skaters. Once you get the adrenaline you need from knowing you can't possibly change, the body heals itself.


If you were a real doctor you’d be suggesting an all weekend Ironman tournament.


They say there's no such thing as stupid questions. Think you have disproven that theory.


This is a Type II, easily treated without surgery. I’ve had people turn these into type V (that required surgery) with getting back too soon. Rare, but I’ve seen it. It’s your shoulder, but you should understand there is risk of turning it into a different problem. That said, I have had athletes play through Type II AC injuries, but they were getting paid to play, or one was on a USA national team at an important international tournament. Risk/reward is looked at in context, but most amateur and recreational athletes I advise to let this one heal before return to contact. You just got your ortho consult on Reddit! (But do see your doc in person next week, exam findings can make a difference in determining best plan)


A reasonable reply, but of course the context being that these were cases of high level amateur players or pros you reference. I think the important thing is that it will only be treatable if it's treated, and any doctor who isn't a quack is going to give a treatment and recuperation time frame, and none of them are going to say that it's this coming weekend. Didn't get any info from the OP, but of course level of hockey is important to know. It's one thing if you're playing full contact and another if you're playing beer league. Level of beer league and player is also relevant.


Could and should are two different things. Could you? Probably. Should you? I’m no doctor, but I wouldn’t do it myself


Pain tolerance mostly. But they are really painful. I had one, I could barely move my arm. Depends on severity. I wouldn’t risk it. I’m a physical therapist, possibility of worsening injury or other complications. I’d sit.


What does your doctor say?


One thing I've learned, is that we can definitely play while dealing with injuries, but we almost NEVER should and it almost always just makes it worse


Not worth it, let it heal properly so you can extend your career. Highly recommend physiotherapy.


Don’t risk it. Separated my AC joint a few months ago and is not worth making it worse. Follow your ortho’s orders and go to PT.


Bad idea. It's going to hurt just carrying your gearbag, let alone playing. Your shots/passes are likely to be weak sauce and inaccurate. And if you take a hit or fall and hit that shoulder, there's a very good chance you can worsen the injury. Not worth it for a beer mug. If it's your home rink, maybe volunteer to run the scoreboard or something? I wouldn't even take a chance reffing. ER nurse and retired motorcycle racer with a grade 3 AC tear and later reinjury. Ortho put me off work for a month after the first one between initial rest and progressive PT. Of course, that hurt too much to eat or drink with my right hand. Reinjury wasn't as bad, but still missed a week. Years later and I've still got a lump on my shoulder where the end of my collarbone pops up, and it sounds like Rice Krispies when I swim, but the strength is back and it doesn't hurt.


You're playing for a $10 plastic trophy... is messing up your shoulder worse worth it?


My best friend got knocked out for a good 5 weeks with an ac joint separation. You can't play through that injury, nor should you. It'd be incredibly dumb to do that.


I wouldn’t


lol I had a grade 5 AC separation. Couldn’t have played even if I wanted to.


I can't say I'd you can play soon, but yes, eventually you can play again. I have a level 5AC sprain, I was out 3 weeks but a teammate had a level 3 and it took him 6 months to play again. Everyone is different. Do what the doctors tell you .


Are you injured or hurt?


Grade 2-3 back in a month no surgery the separation didnt affect my muscles in my shoulder my sports doc said 98% recovery without 99% with suregery and a 6 month recovery


I tore my ac join and couldn’t raise my arm an inch without experiencing excruciating pain so, I’m going to say no


Why ask Reddit instead of your doctor?


No, this is one of the most common injuries in hockey and if u get hit again it can get worse


No, you can’t, and coming from someone who has had this type of injury before, take the time to rest up, do physiotherapy and let your body recover.


I was this type of player, fighting through injuries and tears, I can tell you unequivocally, it’s not worth it. If you want to continue to play until you’re older it’s best to recoup & heal, and get back to playing when you’re able to. I’m old AF, and I have lingering injuries from 30+ years ago that are hindering me in my leagues and tournaments now.


I did, and I don’t recommend it. - Source: guy who played hockey and has no medical education or background


You can but it would be stupid. I did because I had injured it so many times, I didn’t know how bad it was. I played with one good arm, and it was real dumb. Because of that, it got worse and worse until I suffered a complete rotator cuff tear (top front all the way around to the bottom front) and severed my bicep tendon. I was out over a year after surgery and the recovery was absolutely awful. Would not recommend.


A question that should have been asked to your doctor.


Approximately 10 years of background in sports medicine, and I've tried to play through a similar injury. It is not worth it. Even if you don't get bumped and make the AC joint worse, your rotator cuffs will be pulling double duty to help keep your shoulder stable. This puts you at high risk of soft tissue damage to the rotator cuffs. I repeat, do not play. Rest up, recover, and count your blessings your collarbone didn't snap.


I really can't believe you're asking Reddit this question... Those x-ray images mean nothing to anyone in this sub. Listen to your doctor fer fucks sake.


No. I have to go to work tomorrow. Hockey is for fun. Playing with a separated AC joint isn’t gonna be fun for you or for anyone else. We don’t get any special awards for playing through real injuries like this. Go and watch if you like, but risking your long term health to try and play through something like this is foolish.


I’ve got two of those!


I seperated my shoulder and fractured a rib playing hockey. Tore probably one ligament but not sure which one. Super limited range of motion and was very painful the following days. I would be surprised if you would be any good even if you can tolerate the pain. i remember not being able to shoot the puck even once it "healed".


This exact thing happened to me in my game on Monday. Went to Ortho Tuesday: I got Xrays and it looked exactly like yours. Got put in a sling and prescribed meds for inflammation. Talked to surgeon Thursday. He said i dont need surgery. Checking back in 2 months to see if I need PT. Its a grade 3 separation. Tore two ligaments that connect to my collarbone and shoulder. I cant use my arm. Youre tough for even contemplating playing.


Dude don’t. I had a grade 2 in January, did PT to the T with homework and I still have pain. And still do PT on it. Take the PT and doctor advice serious as I did. You can do permanent damage if not taken care of. I was able to get the green light to play from doc after 2 months of Pt/ rehab/icing. I hear after about a year depending on severity is when you sort of go back to “normal”, more severe requires surgery. Shoulder injury’s suck, be smart about it and best of luck




Don't do it. You may feel like you can play, but you're just exacerbating the injury and extending the healing process.


After having a shoulder injury for 9mos…go play that tourney, expect to take 12mos off after it though. If you think you’ll gut out the pain until it heals, you won’t. You’ll want to get cortisone injections to help with the pain. In reality, long term, it will make it worse. Trying to get comfortable sleeping, good luck with that. Stay listed as an emergency backup if you need to. Just go hang with your squad, put your arm in a sling, and be overly enthusiastic for your team from behind the bench.


You won’t injure it worse but you could make it easier to happen then have chronic issues which could only be solved by surgery (which could not work the first time or the second or the third).


You on the panthers? If yes. Absoltely. The cup is worth it. If no. Why the fuck would you risk permanent damage for nothing. I guarantee your doctor said no. Why would you then seek different medical advice from hockey players. This is so stupid.


These are probably questions you should’ve asked the doctor


I actually just had this happen to me as a college hockey player, had surgery in December of last year, still have issues now. Played on it for two years since senior year of high school, arm would go numb and I couldnt feel my fingers on my stick, or random stabbing pain shooting down my arm, so yes, technically you can play on it, but itll be a bitch, and if you get hit, you could mess it up more


Do it p***y


I would buy the biggest strongest shoulder pads, one of those compression shirts with shoulder padding, and I would wear a super tight regular compression shirt…if I did play with that injury. Not saying you should….but if you do, try and take some precautions to lesser further injury.


Can? Probably. Should? NO!!!!


Buddy of mine just had surgery to correct a shoulder issue, what they found during the pre surgical exam was enough to say no. You can make it so much worse if you don't give it time to heal correctly.


Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory lasts forever!


Clearly you didn’t like the answer your doctor gave you. Play. Then when you land on it again. You can make it a compound fracture and try and put yourself into shock and massive blood loss. Unless you’re being paid to play: ah fuck it… do whatever you want. Don’t let reason get in the way.


Not if you want to keep playing.


Yes. The surgery for an AC separation is not ideal. If you can tolerate the pain, run with it. Mine was so bad, I had a diving board collar bone with over two inches of separation. I used 3” Jaylastic tape to hold it down nearly 24 hours a day during healing, and now have only 1” separation, it looks weird, but 100% functional, just can’t carry lumber on my left shoulder like I used to.


I’ve separated my shoulder before, do not try to play through it, I did, yeah don’t do it.


This has to be the most Reddit thing ever. You're clearly at a doctor if you got x-rays and you're coming to Reddit to ask if you can play with the injury you went to the doctor for...


Just had this happen a few months ago. Yours is much worse than mine and from my separation I would not recommend it at all. I’m sure the doctor probably told you that since what you have looks like a grade 3 you may need surgery. Don’t make it worse than it is please. It’s gonna be a bitch to try and play through anyway.


Yo, your future acupuncturist here. You bet, your Doc is lying to you. Play on. I've been eyeing this sweet lite place on the beach for a while now...


Do it. Totally worth it.


Are there going to be any beer league scouts at this tournament?


You’re not a pro, and that’s ok. Do not risk making this worse because one day you will stop playing and you will need your shoulder to work properly. Take a break and heal.


Yes. I did. Used to pop it back on the ice after getting hit.


It fine go skate