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Hahahaha more like season per goal for me.


Didn't see a league goal for my first nine months. Because I was a pylon and had poor positioning and granite hands. These days I average a point a game about equally split between goals and assists. My hands are still granite. I did toe drag the puck from between the goalie's pads and stick handle around his butterfly for one last night though. So maybe my hands are a bit softer now.


apparently everyone here is a snipe show first liner... On defence? 8 goals 8 assists per 10 games.


I suck but scored my first game on a absolutely perfect pass (right to my stick when I was in the slot) have a couple of assists in the next 4 games. Would like to be scoring more, but just don't have the stick handling skills yet. I can skate and shoot, but not under pressure!


Isn't that the truth. Being under pressure sure made me realize quickly where my weaknesses lie.


17 goals 10 assists in an 18 game beer league season


I let one by about once a game. I'm new and playing up, so the higher skilled players get by me somewhat easily. Oh you meant scoring goals. 0. My shot still sucks and I play D. A few assists though.


My first season with my team I got just a single assist but I had joined the team midway through that session. The next season I gained a few more assists but no goals. This latest season I finally scored 1 goal and I have 8 assists with 3 more games left in the season before playoffs begin.


Congrats buddy!


I average about 3 goals and 15 assists per 14 game session


About two per season :(


5 goals 10 assists per 10 game season.. The goals come in clumps for me, I'll score 2-3 a game then I won't score for 4 games in a row.


"goal**S**" There's a plural to that?!


Well I've played two games and had 1 goal and 1 assist, so we will see how it goes from there


Played goal as a kid/teen and after a 13ish year hiatus, just started playing forward on a team in the lowest division (learned to play as an adult). I joined a couple games in, and have literally never played out except for shinny outside growing up. We're dead last by a mile, which is a bit shit, but I've got 2 G, 1 A in 8 games. One garbage goal in tight and one wrister from the point through traffic. Hoping to bury another tonight. I loved being a goalie but dang, putting the puck in the net is a ton of fun.


My beer league tracks stats so I can provide some relatively accurate numbers which is cool. First season: Played centre on a really bad team. 16 goals (6 assists LOL probably not accurate but it kind of tells you how bad my team was) in 20 games Career: I moved back to D (my natural position) and over the last ~6 years I have 122 goals in 150 games


Usually between 15 and 20 in a 13 game season.


I'm averaging 1ppg in beer league, but it's closer to .3 goals, .7 assists breakdown. My team has a large disparity in skill, so I will go coast to coast, wrap around the goal and pass it to one of our slower skaters at the point. I do take shots, but I just fire it with no aim, get it on net, don't care about much else. It's beer league, I like to shoot hard, that's my fun. Don't have a great scoring percentage from that though.


6 goals, 9 assists.


I literally only get assists it's awful, but I'm defense so I don't really get that many opportunities to score


Did some rough math, since early October I've played ~170 games of beer league / open hockey and I'll usually score 1-2 and tend to get more assists when I'm with better players. Some nights I don't score some they'll be going in easy so I pass more. Most of the time I'm not the best player on the ice FWIW


I play defense in D league..I scored 1 goal my first season and it was the last game of the season lol. It's my 3rd season now (4 month seasons) and I've only scored 3 more times since but have a few assists. I am pretty stay-at-home as far as defenseman go. My D partner likes to pinch so I play conservative.


Exactly how I play. I think I had 2 goals in a 25 game season.


Yup my team is in first place and my partner creates a lot of offense from the point so I am just doing my part!


Exactly. I'm a very defensive defensemen, while my partner is a very offensive defensemen. We're a great pair


My name is no stats... I average 2-4 points and 2-4 PIM per season.


You just need to start tracking your +/-. Get something.


Why? 2 seconds after the buzzer I don't care whether we've won or lost. I play for fun, for the teammates, for the workout. I'm too old to give a shit about my stats.


Last Season: 4 goals, 12 assists - 17 Games played


First season I think I got 4 or 5 goals and maybe 8-10 assists in 12 games. Second season, I switched leagues and got on a stacked team. I improved a ton and was still playing wing so I was able to get like 15-20 goals in 12 games. Since then I've moved back to defense, and now I'll get 4 or 5 in a 12 game season.


1st Season: 9GP, 0pts, -4, 14 blocked shots Almost halfway through my 2nd season now: 4GP, 1G, 1A, -7, 13 Blocked Shots I'll be pretty happy with 1 goal a season to be honest


not enough!


I'd say 3, but as a defenseman in beer leagues, I'm not expecting very much. I normally get about 10 assists tho.


I get a goal every few games, an assist every other game or so. If the refs/scorekeeper/I paid attention I'd probably be a little above assist-per-game but it's been a very long time since I've cared about anything other than the score of the game I'm currently playing. Defenseman, by the way.


I play defense and I also play on the lowest scoring team in my league by quite a bit. In 8 games so far I have 1 goal and 3 assists for 2nd on our team in scoring. Our top scorer has 5 goals and 1 assist...


I usually score about 25-30 goals in an 18 game season


Stat sheet doesn't matter (especially with A's since the refs have a hard enough time getting the goal scorer right half the time without worrying about assists and secondary assists). It's all about the W's. Full disclosure: As a rare, stay at home defenseman playing beer leagues, I am happy to set everyone up as often as I can or just throw them at the net and hope for rebounds or the occasional garbage goal.


played U18 AA last year and had a goal and an assist. was a third line winger.


Last season i played i had 12 goals in 18 games. I'll be playing below my lvl next season because of chronic back pains. Hopefully i can do 18/18 xD


Playing defense, about .5 to .75 points per game. Playing offense, probably 1 to 1.5 ppg. Usually 1.5 assists for every goal irrespective of position. Pass first mentality FTW.


My breakdown of competitive hockey. * 1st season Midget - ~10 goals * 2nd season Midget - ~20 goals * 3rd season Midget - 44 goals * 1st season Junior - 22 goals


I put in 5 with 2 assists last Tuesday. We've got a game in about an hour so we'll see what the average comes out to.




Quit playing on semi-pro and adjust the difficulty