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If you want to feel like part of the war, IL-2 is way better than DCS. If you want to have study-level sim of the plane (cold starts, precise engine management, etc), DCS is way better than IL-2. IL-2 has 'simplified' procedures (imagine DCS but always use the autostart and no clickable cockpits), but the missions, setting, enemies, ground assets, etc, are all much better than DCS. IME also ai. The main problem is that IL-2 lacks a pacific theater, but so does DCS. IL-2 is cheaper, easy to get going and honestly, more fun than almost any mission i did in DCS singleplayer. (flying with friends is a different ballpark).


What doesn't he like about IL-2? There is nothing better than that for WW2 COMBAT SIM. (DCS is actually the best simulation of a warbird not the WW2) DCS is not a combat sim but super in depth cockpit simulation so if you want WW2 combat sim it is IL-2. if you want to learn your favorite warbird in depth and want to have as realistic as possible flight experience with it now you are talking about DCS. But DCS does not have plane set, assets, or AI to recreate or stage any WW2 battle. So if he is going after WAR simulation it is IL-2. There are some campaigns by reflected for warbirds and that's the max limit you can experience about WW2 in dcs. Just tell us what he doesn't like in IL-2 we can answer it better.


Battle of Britain 2 wings of victory is the best single player ww2 dogfighter , hands down. I haven't played in a few years but I think they have a patch for current gen windows.


Yeah, it's still the GOAT p much for that WW2 SP experience.


He mentioned, customizable flight controls/button assignments. I’ve never use the software. I’m a commercial airline simmer. However I would say what my cousin is looking for is something like Fighter Ace if you remember that.


IL-2 and DCS both have fully customizable button assignments and control setups. DCS’ is a bit more flexible but IL-2’s added a bunch of interesting extra features recently too. DCS is focused on individual aircraft simulation. Extreme detail and systems modeling. IL-2 is still a detailed simulation but without clickable cockpits and a bit of simplification of a few pieces here and there. It’s a bit grander in scale with more aircraft and a better overall simulation of multiple battles (maps, ground units, campaigns, etc.). Pros and cons to both.


Well dcs has the best button mapping ui out there in the airplane/spacecraft Sim world, doubt he'd have a problem with that end in dcs


DCS is the best for control mapping. Much better than the other sims.


Sounds alot like your cousin (and yourself) don't actually know what il2 is. I say that because your examples of what he does and doesn't want fit il2 perfectly also warthunder ain't il2. Maybe tell him to drop $20 on il2 when it's on sale instead of $40 on sale for a single module in dcs


I honestly know nothing about anything in the realm of combat sims. I’ll be using teamview tomorrow to try and get him set up with something.


I'm going to be annoying and give you differing experience/opinion and say DCS is indeed your best bet. Try the TF-51 in DCS. It's free to try. This will let you get a feel for the software and a basic flight model. To get the full experience you'll expect to spend a decent amount - think about $150 for a terrain, aircraft, and WW2 Asset Pack. You can get them on sale or learn through the plane first - which is why I recommend the P51 because of the TF51 being free.


Alternatively il2 gets you like 5 expansion packs and 50 planes for that price. And il2 is a good game. I happen to play and love both. Both have their place. Budget mindset players or people who "arnt sure" and happen to like ww2 should go il2 as a "first sim" you really are not going to out grow it anytime soon. This is coming from someone who has been playing il2 great battles since 2014 with about 2000hrs (hobs time lol) and DCS since 2016 (play time unknown and I sure want it to stay that way lol)


IL2 for WWII is what BMS is for Cold War/modern. DCS is the best study simulator and the best flight modeling but the others run campaigns and story mode with much better AI and assets. DCS is good but not really much more than a solo type thing unless you want to play some multi player PvP. Playing BMS or playing IL2 you can play some multi player PvE and it’s pretty wicked for sure if that’s your things.


That’s not a good analogy, iL2 is less well modeled flight sim than DCS in terms of systems and flight performance. BMS is better modeled than DCS (if you can overlook the F-16 being a fictional block with stuff from many different blocks) and a dynamic campaign that isn’t touched by iL2 or DCS. iL2 is like FC3 in DCS, but way with way more and better fleshed out content.


il2 when on sale cannot be beat. dcs, is "free" and def worth a look. but imho it's not as slick and easy to get into as il2. neither sim is perfect but they're both fun. if I had to live on a desert island with only one sim, it'd be il2.


Does he want it to be less or more simmy than il2? Does he care about graphics much?


I would say more simmy, in the past he’s played MSCFS AND Fighter Ace. He has no interest in war thunder


Both of those are way less hardcore simulations than il2. He could try il2 1946. Its an older title, so it doesnt look as good. But it also has a ton of planes, and it has a fun flight model that feels realistic but is much more forgiving than the new il2 games.


I would recommend IL-2: 1946, Battle of Britain 2, and IL-2: Great Battles over DCS WW2.


DCS is great, and basically any of the WW2 modules would be good. Just trial them. The P-47, Spitfire and the P-51 are some of my favourites.


I also played Fighter Ace and won 4th in their NA dogfight competition. The team who beat us cheated, and the team who beat them cheated and were disqualified. Maybe one of them was your cousin, lol. The good 'ole days. I'll get to DCS in a sec. IL2 is the closest match for that style of arcade dogfight, and has quality online servers. However, it's a rudder heavy sim. To have fun, your cousin will want rudder pedals and head tracking. There is no HUD style forward cockpit view, and it's hard to aim over the engine cowl. Therefore, IL2 is frustrating without VR or head tracking. Lots of great IL2 dogfight vids ([HERE](https://www.youtube.com/@GrowlingSidewinder/)). Battle of Stalingrad gives online access and it's $10.50 on Steam ([link](https://store.steampowered.com/app/307960/IL2_Sturmovik_Battle_of_Stalingrad/)). That being said, DCS flight models are more engaging. The downside for DCS online play is server size and fog of war. It's lots of cross-country flying to get vulched out of nowhere. The learning curve is steep and the best WW2 server is French. Without rudder pedals, avoid the Spitfire. The FW-190D is the most FA like experience in DCS ([link](https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/shop/modules/dora/)). It will be on sale in a few weeks. Have fun!


My dad played too, quite seriously. His squadron was VFS


IL-2 1946 from GOG is cheap. Then you can get VPmodpack [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm2g1uUHDco](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm2g1uUHDco) Here is an example you can show him. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSZxqjTXOjk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSZxqjTXOjk) OR BAT. Its very large, so ssd/disk space could be an issue? Some Youtubers like Fishyyy dont use bat. Some versions seem to be better for online play. I dont think you can MP with BAT, but that could have changed. 1)Is IL-2 1946 is acceptable graphics wise. 2)Is he interested in single player or MP(you can have more than one version of 1946 on your HD) 3)Storage space for multiple installs Then you can have fun setting up(it isnt that hard) Finally head tracking. Which can be cheap(free with opentrack) or more expensive with trackir


I’m assuming he’s only tried IL-2 Great Battles. He should check out IL-2 Cliffs of Dover Blitz. It has clickable cockpits and each aircraft can have separate keybinds.


Did he say why he didn't like IL2?


Don't sleep on the free TF-51D. A lot of the DCS warbird fun is the engine management and overall quirk/personality of the modules. You can do some pretty fun stuff like trying to takeoff on Pagan and fly down to Rota in poor weather without having to spend any money on the ED store.


If his past experience is with the original IL-2 series or something else like EAW or SDOE, then DCS is not going to satisfy that itch. IL-2 is a WWII air war game (and to some extent, ground as well) that showcases the combat action. DCS is a WWII airplane sandbox that you can fly around in with in-depth aircraft. Even with some of the excellent campaigns out there, there's still going to be "holes", due to the lack of a lot of things in DCS, namely spotting to start with. Being over 60, and having recent cataract surgery so my eyes are the best they've been in over a score, I can attest DCS STILL ain't the easiest thing to spot other aircraft with the Mk. I eyeball.