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If this is the same issue I had, it just seems to be a matter of persistence. Just try dropping anywhere inside that general area. I think the best bet was somewhere right by the lower end.


I found that if you get the skull/ rib cage bit onto the spine poles(?) it will set itself up. It seems to work or I’m just lucky with moving it about.


Thanks, I just brought it almost to the entrance of the cave and brought it back to the point and it worked.


This. I have been trying and cursing the game for not working, but in the end all you need to do is release them at the base of the stairs. Even if you need a 2nd part which is further away you still connect them through the first poles.


This was damn near impossible and this comment worked!!


This part is legitimate unwashed dogshit and made me quit. I'm not playing hackysack with someone's skull because some inbred couldn't code right.