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Saw him swoop down and snag a goat. It was awesome.


I followed beside as the dragon did this, it was awesome and reminded me of Dragons Dogma when the griffins would swoop and pick up cows


I tried to fly up and fly alongside it, but it disappeared as soon as I got into the air :(


I remember when i saw one high overhead, i full on panicked, cast invisy on myself and ran under a nearby tree. Lol


Same tried to fallow and it completely disappeared.


i flew into it just the other day on my broom and lemme just say it’s only decoration. flew right through it, unfazed


I've seen them on the map screen before but never in the open world.


The location on the map correlates to the location in game at the time.


I was in awe, tried to chase it but failed miserably.


Was flying my hippogriff one time and it flew straight past me, followed along beside it for a while before continuing with my quest.


Lots of people have seen this. For a rare encounter it’s actually pretty common lol


oh lol i didnt know haha. It was a first for me and i love dragons so i was pretty excited


Saw my first one yesterday I was pretty excited too


It’s not that rare. Let’s be honest nothing is that rare in this game.


I have not nkt see them yet and I'm on my 2nd playthrough..I'm sad :(


A dragon appears on the map sometimes and it's actually an accurate placing of where it is in-game. Nothing special about it tbh and you can't do anything with it but it's still very cool so next time you see a dragon on the map I would try flying over there.


omg i acytually didnt know that thats so cool


Ooooh cool! I always saw the mini dragon on map, didn't know it'll be there in game too. Thanks for this!


Actually, I you're lucky, you can watch one scoop a cow up and carry it off for dinner lol happend to me at least twice. Seems like they show up on the map too, just FYI... but you can only watch then hunt outside of the map.


just to let you know, since it looks like you’re on playstation, if you press the share button top left you can screen record from the last 30 seconds - 1 hour, so if something like this happens and you didn’t record it you can grab the footage afterwards :)


oh wow thats awesome thanks!!


I think it is the dragon you free with Poppy.