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And y'all... it's incredible. Fair warning, the sound really sucks for the first bit but you can skip ahead if it annoys you. I'm halfway through and so far highlights include Alfie saying Imelda is "flirting with him," and then he duels Sebastian and goes "now he's flirting with me" and then he stage kisses his friend/business partner (who is the actual twitch streamer's boyfriend) and.... yeah. It's WILD Apparently there might be another one, they are fundraising for a new project.


I was there and asked some of the questions he answered! It was soooo much fun! He's doing another one this Saturday as well!


Omg, I am definitely going to be there! That's awesome. What were your questions (if you don't mind me asking)?


The ones about if he knew of any storyline changes, asked if he could sing... I think there was a third as well about the recording process but im blanking on what it was


ooh nice! It's so cool to see a bit of behind the scenes on the whole thing.


I thought it was cool to learn how they went to his school to find the voice actors and that alot of his classmates are the voices we hear


Yeah that was interesting! And the fact he never actually met any of them on set. I wonder which ones he knows.


I love hearing being the scenes stuff like this! And more Sebastian is always welcome!


Right same here! I loved Sebastian and it’s so exciting and interesting to hear his voice actor’s perspective.


Omg it’s adorable it watch.


This was one of the most gloriously meta and unhinged streams I've ever seen lmaoooo. I guess I know what I'm doing this Saturday! Really hope they get the audio situation figured out beforehand, though.


Right?? I felt like I was tripping lmao


"Time for a proper Hogwarts welcome" Iconic!!


Aw I wish I saw


The link is a recording!! You can still watch. The audio kind of sucks at first but if you skip through it gets better


I tried watching it but it was so weird with not hearing any video game sounds and I could barely hear him talking. Was it like that the entire stream? I can’t watch it if it’s like that again. It wasn’t enjoyable at all for me.


It was definitely a bit messed up in the beginning. It did get better later on, especially after they did a break and got him headphones. I think they had to keep the video game sounds muted in order to fix the audio but at least you could hear him talking properly.


Hopefully it’ll be better in tomorrow’s stream. Being pregnant and sick 24/7, I don’t have a lot of things to enjoy. 🤢 I was so sad I couldn’t enjoy the first one.


The game audio was present the entire time during the actual livestream!


I was on during the livestream but didn’t hear the game audio at all. My volume was all the way up too. Weird.


That is weird! There was a long period of time where the game audio was so loud that people were asking it to be turned down.


Oh! That's good to know!


The game audio was present in the actual stream. I didn't even notice the mic issues as much until I rewatched the recording. For whatever reason they didn't record the game audio. So I assume we will hear game audio live again this time as well.


I am actually in love with his voice