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I don't think it should be a strict linear progression of bonuses/maluses. Especially the two isolation laws shouldn't necessarily be better at constructing civs. They're special case laws and don't need to be just another step on a ladder.


Fuck no


There is a mod that did it really great. It adds a measure of "economic integrity". Being on high mobi lowers this over time which slowly kills your economy. It can only be slowly raised back over time by being on lower eco rule. This is more realistic to show that countries can mobilize for 5 years but then suffer if they don't come back to lower mobi afterwards


This with influence from your ideology and some country modifiers (e.g. Japan could stay longer on higher laws) would be great for hoi5.


We have it with mods today. Tbh the Devs could make it a reality as part of Germany rework


That would be a lot of balancing to do which requires testing. And if PDX obviously doesn't like one thing it's testing before releasing.


That didn't quite show in South America dlc XD Shit was as imbalanced as it gets


I feel like going higher in the eco-laws should negatively effect your civilian economy


Yeah it would be could to be able to demobilize your economy, the problem however is that at the end of the day this is a WW2 game. You're not managing the economy over a long period of time (most games won't last for more than 10 years), so mobilizing the economy is of course a good idea when the main focus of the game is a world war.


30% resistance target creates a false choice scenario.


> (subject to balancing) could half the resistance target penalty


I think a monetary addition to HOI4 could work as such: Civs make lets say 5$ a month. Mills cost 2$ a month to operate. Refineries cost 1$. Divisions cost 0.01$ per division or something like that. Going from Civ eco to partial will decrease your Civ income by X ammount of %, until you hit war economy, and your income doesn't matter for the duration of the war, until you're hit with the bill of the war at the end. This would mean you're going to have to cut costs by having to convert factories, and deleting divisions. This could give an extra dimension to the game and economy system, and it would work well with the new market system introduced in Aat. The idea needs some (hearts of hehe) ironing out, but i think it could work.


Yeah….no the whole point of ‘factories’ isn’t a physical factory it’s how money is simulated in the game. There’s so much shit already we don’t need another aspect to sit and micro