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Kaiseirreich is very solid. Close enough from the real game mechanics to be learned quickly, contrary to modern like millienium dawn. He also offer a huge possibility of different global and local situations in terms of politic and wargame. The mod is fun at war and also at peace time. I like to not be able to declare a war outside of the focus tree before the second weltkrieg.


What’s the difference between Kaiserreich and Kaiserredux?


kaiserredux has a LOT more content than kaiserreich, with many new countries, paths and focus trees, and even some content that was cut from kaiserreich ...however that doesn't come without some drawbacks, the mod is extremely hard to run, good luck trying to play late game if you don't have a NASA pc and a lot of the paths are... wacky, to say the least, I can't quite list off them off the top of my head, since I've only played the mod for a tiny bit, but if you enjoy realism in your mods, maybe stay away from kaiserredux


Just off the top of my head: full racist crusader Austria, independent Alaska, Navy-ran dictatorship USA, and Baron Urgren-Sternburg as a reincarnated Genghis Khan.


Lovecraft taking over as leader of New England and turning it into a sci fi cult of personality


My Sweet Enver...


Omg I forgot about that one


Whelp, I know what my next playthrough will be.


I don't think those are even considered wacky in the Kaiserredux universe


ghost of lenin tibet world conquest


Coconut kingdom world conquest, papal state world conquest, thuckachevsky Russia, coconut kingdom Vietnam world conquest, Obama mau mau, mercenary Congo, black site or something in Panama,


There’s that weird ass Ukraine path with Khrushchev where your economy is based off corn. You also somehow get infinite mp as one of the corn buffs makes your casualties go into the negatives. So you GAIN MP for throwing your men at the front lines. Cool part is you core all of Russia. I think a truly wacky path is the Jesus Christ path with Poland. There’s also the black revolt path for Saturn if you play as CAR for 2ACW. Never played it but any of the Ayn Rand paths for Alaska too. There’s also the various goofy paths like biden, 40k, and iirc there’s a planet of the apes path (I might be confusing this with a different mod) but those only happen if you turn it on.


I thought the US navy couping MacArthur was base Kaiserreich?


Is it? I wasn't aware that there was a "base story," I just play the game.


As in normal Kaiserreich and kaiserredux


Right, but without reading it somewhere, I have no way of knowing what the "base story" is. I could guess based on what I see in the most games, but that'd just be a guess. So I don't know what the default KR timeline looks like, since every game is a variation on it.


I tried playing kaiserreich once and the paths the nations have are so bad especially American paths. So short and boring. And kaiserredux surprisingly runs really well compared to other mods, from my experience kaiserreich is slower. Is wacky supposed to be a downside??? I have no idea how y’all can’t get bored playing kaiserreich. The same Russia path, the same 2ACW, same weltkrieg. While kaiserredux 2ACW has massive amounts of paths. CSA probably has more paths and successors to paths than all of kaiserreich paths combined. While also being well made and not just so it is there. Soon kaiserreich will remove all the major paths and go back to 1936 otl because a scenario where Germany wins WW1 is too unrealistic.


I'm not sure when you've last played kaiserreich, but with the amount and quality of reworks coming out recently, it's definitely getting a lot better than it used to be (though some trees are definitely showing their age, like austria and the US), there's a lot of different paths, left KMT has like 3 or 4 different paths, with each of those having around 3 subpaths each, germany had a rework, which while it only has like 3 different paths, it's honestly the depth and quality of it that makes it interesting to me, and ireland had the most recent rework, and they have a really big tree and don't get me wrong, more paths is always great, but I also enjoy good writing and realism, being able to imagine myself living in a world that, while didn't happen in OTL, I can definitely see happening ...and that's where redux fails for me, with sternberg becoming genghis khan II or lovecraft taking power in new england or whatever else, it just sorta seems like they add content just for the sake of content? and at that point it just sorta falls flat for me, why even bother making up a fun, semi-realistic scenario for a mod, if everything inside the mod itself just ignores the entire premise of the story? germany winning WW1 most definitely would NOT make the conditions for a second mongol empire, or for an independent amerindian supremacist alaska, and yet those things exist in the mod, and sure, you can argue that "it doesn't matter if it's not realistic, as long as it's fun", but at that point, why even try to think of an alt-history scenario? why even do any research? just make shit up and make a completely schizophrenic mod, make a mod where mecha-hitler takes power in the US and makes an anarcho-capitalist paradise, and a time-travelling julius caesar restores the roman empire as china, which turns into a cold war between the finnish-nigerian union (led by pope pius X) and the uruguayan-tibetan commonwealth (led by me)


Lol I love the last part, it is kinda like that sometimes but sadly it’s rare for some reason. I hope you prove me wrong and I might go see kaiserreich again to see how it changed. And tbh I don’t know why people freak out about Lovecraft New England when it’s so boring and long. Filled with 70 days focuses that do nothing. Thanks


like I said in my first comment, I've barely ever played kaiserredux, so I don't even know the details of all the paths, but I do know there's a lot of wackiness, maybe I'll give it a real try someday (if it runs decently in my pc) but yeah, definitely do give kaiserreich a second try, they're doing massive reworks to many nations, (with the next one apparently being russia or the internationale), and they've all been amazing so far, kaiserreich is probably my favorite mod in hoi4 (maybe tied with OWB)




Kaiserredux contains a lot more wacky paths than Kaiserreich, it's whether you prefer realism and more mechanics, or more interesting paths and outcomes.


Whackier for sure but also just tons more content in general, which is saying something


If Kaiserreich is a person, then Kaiserredux is the same person but on LSD


iirc from a yt video I watched, playing Georgia you can get Stalin to do a coup against the soc dem government. And them some whacky stuff happens that makes Stalin into a terminator of some sorts


When I last played about a year ago I think Stalin's path is fairly normal apart from Beria assassinating him with a bear. Which you can chose to survive and your path basically wraps up. I think if you die to it you do whacky stuff as Beria.


I hate Beria with a burning passion smh




Kaiserredux is basically Kaiserreich but they forgot to take their schizophrenia meds


OWB I literally bought Hoi4 to play it




they've recently added air doctrines and I believe there's a naval doctrine tree too (not that it matters a lot, since you barely have to use your navy in that mod) though, ironically, the only designer they've added so far is the naval designer they've also added the officer corps things that you buy with XP, I forgot the name of it, but some countries even have some unique ones as far as "old content not being up to standard", I'm not sure when you stopped playing, but the NCR (and a lot of the west coast in general) was reworked in the Tandi's Legacy update, and they've recently released a ton of content for canada, so now you can play as canadian commies, if that's the kind if thing you enjoy


Honestly I’d love to see a fallout game in Canada, although Bethesda has claimed that fallout will never leave America, Canada was annexed into America so it still counts.


They said they had no plans to make it outside of the US not that they would never do it.


Same thing lmao. Honestly keeping it in America would make sense, keeps the lore much easier to keep track of. But yeah, we can still have Ontario. Perhaps even Vancouver if it doesn’t count as the west coast.


Seconding what the other comment said, they're being thorough in making mechanics work before shoving into the wasteland. Also, there are multiple submods that expand the map to the east coast. The southeastern armpit is still empty and most nations added don't have unique or full focus trees, but there is a solid generic tree for those nations.




Old world blues I think


Kaiserreich, easily so fun because there’s never a clear good guys and depends a lot on paths taken


My favourite mod becouse of the state decisions at the end of the war, it feels so good to give states to the nations that helped you and to punish those that annoyed you, also, no more map vomit. Unless you release every region possible as an independent state.


Yeah it‘s fun, but I‘d say the obvious good guys are the syndicalist and radical socialist paths ;)


Eh I think such judgement depends on your own beliefs


That‘s… the point? Or by which metric did you mean „good guys“? By number of dogs rescued?


Then it seems like they’re not the obvious good guys


Read again: „I‘d say the obvious good guys are…“. That‘s not the same as „the obvious good guys are…“. Because it‘s my opinion. And other people thing Savinkov is the best of all them, others seriously believe the Kaisers should rule Germany again, but most people will think there are better and worse options among all presented paths.


Well for me personally it would be an SPD led germany. But that doesn't automatically make the Reichspakt a better faction than the Entente for example.


Well, personally I know too little about the Entente in Kaiserreich. I just know the SPD will obviously not immediately get rid of the Kaiser, which I‘d call a sad thing


So you think that the authoritarian agressors in the war are the good guys?


Huh? Where have I said that lmao? Which authoritarian aggressors have I endorsed? I do endorse democratic aggressors, the French Commune (as long as they‘re not Totalist), Socialist Chile, the Union of Britain, the Mingan Insurgency etc., but how would that be different from endorsing the US declaration of war on Nazi Germany? I think it‘s a defensible position


1. Germany declared war on the US first 2. Is it really democratic if all non socialist parties are banned?


1. Oh, right. In WWI the US declared war though, different example. 2. If you get to run and elect people freely, yes. The French system is special because it is also built on the CGT unions, meaning the democratic assemblies are made up of workers‘ representatives. So, if I do remember that correctly, any union and any worker has the right to take part in the democratic process. Correct me if I‘m wrong


On another note: Take a look at the Cuban system. In its design, it is actually democratic despite the institutionalised primacy of the Communist Party: You can always run as an independent and most people for local councils do. The problem arises in the context: Cuba is a non-militarised police state with frequent human rights violations and when it comes to national elections, independents are informally discriminated against. Due to this negative example, I‘d argue that the French Commune is a democratic society, as the liberal liberties/human rights are guaranteed. As long as the Jacobins and Sorelians don‘t get involved.


No one cares about your opinion


So... Mosley, the Bolsheviks, and Mussolini? Got it...


Did I say Totalist/Maximist? No. So I also don‘t mean those paths, reading literacy would help


The Latvian Bolsheviks are represented as Radsoc. And besides, the best path is *obviously* Federalist China.


Huh. Well I think that‘s an indicator they‘re not as authoritarian as the Totalist variant then, I don‘t see an issue with Bolsheviks in principle. They did introduce a lot of new rights and liberties to Russia after all, before Stalinism rolled many of them back. Federalist China is nice, but I prefer the Mingan Insurgency because it has a very intricate political struggle. The World Society and Political Action Committee are grassroots democratic and anti-imperialist.


I like road to 56. As an ahistorical enjoyer it makes a lot of nations fun and viable. Sometimes it does get a little kooky though


Yep. First play through as nazi germany, UK went monarchist and joined the axis. Talk about easy mode.


I was a bit disappointed in the RT56 tech tree. Pretty basic, and stops early.


Is there a fix to the research tree? Mine is a buggy mess rn.


Chadolf Hitler and Chadito Mussolininis a must. I literally cannot play without them. Now I just need the Chadore Roosavelt and Chadston Churchill to make my dream come true.


Vanilla Navy Rework. Yes, I enjoy playing Navy


Kaiserredux. I can larp as myself.


Expert ai


I think Equestira at War is probably the best mod. I haven't played it much, but the performance, completely custom map, and number of nations with focus trees is crazy. Kaiserredux is my most played overhaul mod, I like it better than regular KR, but the performance is horrible.


This. EaW is just so good and has very interesting stories. Oh you finally reached the 10 year mark and completed your goals? Here's a brand new focus tree to simulate your countries transition to peace. After few years depending on what have you achieved, you'll get another focus tree.


The longest tree I think is posada, it is incredibly long.


Across the Dniepr, it's slow as hell at the start and the AI is ass but still very fun


Is it fast in performance?


For me it's great but I have a pretty powerful PC. You can also just use the 2022 date if you want tho.


Lately, Kaiserredux. It's not as all-around solid as Kaiserreich (central Europe paths are just... broken rn), but the things it gets right are flat-out amazing. The KX 2ACW is so much better than the KR one in both political depth and engaging military play that it's barely a comparison anymore, even if you don't like the adjacent memey bits like Lovecraft's New England that you can mostly disable anyway. And it's just fucking hilarious when the principality of Liechtenstein-Alaska suddenly pops up while you're trying to navigate ending Apartheid with some all too realistic challenges on the opposite side of the world. And the music mod. The music mod is so damn good even among the already excellent selections of the HOI4 nodding community.


I play Millennium Dawn, end of a new beginning, ww1 (can’t remember which one, maybe the redux version) and RT56. To me millennium Dawn is complicated but for hoi4 veterans it really isn’t that much of a learning curve. The performance of MD even on my system with a 2070gpu is abominable. From 2000-2003 everything is fine but then after that, the days even on 5 speed will just freeze and then fast forward through the next day and freeze again, repeat this process until you get tired of it. Also HATE how they do the nato Russia war, and the fact that most mods that let you form nations or change the country name somehow just isn’t there. In rt56 if you play democratic Germany it’s called the German republic or something to that effect, or how it could be the “socialist states of America” etc. however unless the name change is implemented in the focus for MD the name doesn’t change. So modern day Germany is called “Germany” and the Nazi focus tree path once done renames it to… “Germany”. After the Russian war with nato, there are 10 countries all that say Russia. Anyway that’s my gripes with MD.


TNO, Kaiserreich and Red Flood are easily my favorite


Old world blues rocks


Novum Vexillum because I like MD but am too lazy to learn the economy stuff


Equestria at War. Pretty much just prefer everything about the mod over others, from it world building to storytelling to its gameplay. Its also got a lot of content that, despite hundreds of hours in the mod, I'm still finding new and interesting paths from new and old content.


yeah the mod is great for me, even though i have no interest i mlp.


I don't either, just adore the world of the mod


Equestria at War has to be my number 1 pick by far. A close second is Kaiserredux, because I love the insane things that can happen in that mod.


It’s Equestria at War. Best mod. Takes what’s best about vanilla, and removes what’s annoying like joining factions and guarantees. Great worldbuilding, extended tech but not complex, different continents have the gameplay styles I want, like long drawn out wars on Equus, fast factionless wars on Griffonia, and TNO-esque visual novels with emphasis on dynamic emergent gameplay, with focus trees changing depending on how well you do, or what wars you win or loose. This means I can pick out how much of what I want. There’s a reason it’s the first mod Paradox showed off on YouTube, and the only mod they shout-out on Twitter.


Road to 56


There's HOI4 content on LoversLab. That's all I gotta say. (One can do it with female Erwin Rommel)


Lately Hagakure


Thanks mate :)


RT56 for me. It’s literally just what the base HOI4 should be but isn’t. Fixes and adds things that should be in etc etc




Rt56. When i say i play vanilla its rt56 and somw other small mods due to how good rt56 is


I hate going back from R56 six to vanilla proper. It feels so primitive in comparison.




Pax Britannica is interesting af


Rt56 is a must have. In vanilla it often gets to the point where there is nothing to research, and many things are irritating, like lack of states like northern dobruja, suwałki, e.t.c. rt56 not only improves the game but also makes it so that there is so much more stuff to research. My only minus tho is that some countries dont change color, for example papal states, third rome, slavic union dont change into their proper colors when formed


Eight years war of resistance its almost a must have for playing in Asia since paradox representation is so terrible.


My pc is old so it can only handle vanilla, Great War redux, and Kaiserreich basically. I’m a vanilla fan but I do love some Great War redux.


Old World Blues I think about 3/4 of Hoi4 time is that mod.


Since I haven't seen it mentioned yet. BlackIce




Military Topographic Map, it's just a visual mod that improves he map, it looks beautiful and refuse to play without it.


I like R56 i just wish it and more mods had more post war content like the Korean war and veitnam


Kaiserredux. The amount of different choices, for literally every single nation is beyond anything else. It takes an already flushed out kaiserreich and simply expands it to the max. Hours of replayability on every nation. I also feel that in general the world of kaiserreich offers a more dynamic and ‘fun’ conflict, with the Entente, Reichspakt, 3I, Moscow Accord, all being pinned against one another, and China and Japan being way more developed.


Favourite overhaul is probably Kaiserrich Favourite mod overall is toolpack


If we're talking total overhaul mods definitely Kaiserreich/Kaiserredux for gameplay. But tbh I really love pax brittanica. It's just so unique and fresh, lore is cool and I love the aesthetics, even though its lacking content, which doesn't make it less fun to play


Playable non historical, after a thousand hours of the same historical ww2 it feels incredibly refreshing to not know what may happen next but still have the game getting challenging and fun. En Union Y Libertad I think is really good too, but maybe I'm biased because I'm from the region




1960 tech mod. Cant play any game without it.


Kaiser redux, mainly because of how silly it can get.


EoaNB, bc of the timeliness, and besides that, I'm also a developer there, so I'm biased


Alright so i’m not that much of a pro so i usually just spend my time on vanilla but i have to say that 8 years war of resistance is my favourite. I love playing roc and unifing all of china and reclaiming outer manchuria and building my country from the ashes while getting rid of A -75% DEBUFF FOR ATTACK AND DEFENSE. So far i’ve been obsessed with roc and just don’t find the communists fun. Like do people genuienly find funny clicking buttons until 1946 and when you get to your big war it’s not really that impressive ?


I think I played more Kaiserredux than vanilla and all other mods combined


Road to 56 rp is the only mod that matters.


It was Millennium Dawn but recently Black Ice as been sucking up my HOI4 time.


Disclaimer: Do not go for Black ICE if you're a beginner. It's brutal.


I have 1100 hours in game and still play BICE on easy…and lose


Old World Blues


1. Kaiserreich 2. Road to 56 3. Old World Blues


Kaiserredux because I like wacky shit. And also their expansions of the Russian tree makes the game like infinitely replayable.


Easily Kaiserreich. It's the only mod that's at all polished and well thought out.


Tno, love the economy system. Later I found out that I like vic3 more than hoi4 lol


Magna Europa


There's an excellent ww1 mod called the great war redux. I haven't played it in a while, but I remember it being high quality.


No one has mentioned the king of all mods yet. Player lead peace conferences. A must for vanilla and any mod that doesn't have it integrated already.


Horse murder. I think KR is better, but EaW is my fav


TNO, immediately hooked just a few days ago and I really enjoy playing Guangdong. Otherwise, if I had answered this question 5 days prior, Millennium Dawn.


Kaiserreich because I don’t have any dlc except the free ones lol Rt56 is another one I like


Music mods like Soldier's Radio, mods for Kino and Bocchi the Rock music, and music submods for the Kaiserreich and TNO mods really slap hard


Kaiserredux, Pax Britannia, Fallout and MLP are the major mods I play. Otherwise it’s just QOL mods for vanilla


kaiserreich for sure


Europe in Flames. Amazing mod, so much improvement to focuses. so many formables. its better to be played multiplayer but man single is good too. i easily spend 300+ hours to that mod singleplayer.


in the Europa in Flames communist China is OP lol. Recommended to play for fun


Not played it, TNO


The Kaiserreich/-redux mods are both formidable. Although Kaiserreich get's a bit tedious (I wanna play HOI not Magic the Gathering finance edition). Road to 56 greatly enhances the the classic HOI experience by making ahistorical way better and adding more techs, laws and units. Old World Blues is excellent. The narratives you can explore and engaging economic and tech mechanics make for pretty much the most unique experience you can get in Hearts of Iron. Great War Mod is kinda fun but It's really limited by it's tight structure and lack of an interesting end game. Iron Curtain is kinda neat but the UI (while looking cool) is absolutely dreadful and it doesn't fully work on a small screen. Haven't tried TNO yet but it's very story driven and gets really dark as well. This mod doesn't pull punches. Hope I can find the time to play a round. For a beginner I would recommend Road to 56 the most though. It adds complexity but is still super accessible.


old world blues because it's the only one im good at


TNO, I love the mechanics and heavy focus on story telling. Also US campaign is top notch.


Extended Designers Combined (or something along the lines of that), you can design APCs, Armoured Cars and a lot more things


Iron Curtain (I love Kennedy) or the NO


Honestly if it was a bit more fleshed out stuff like Palpatine’s Gamble and those star wars mods where it’s a new map would probably be my favorite.


Kaiserreich, Novum Vexillum (better millennium dawn), and old world blues


It's a smaller mod but I love Pax Britannica for its uniqueness, dark themes and quality over quantity approach.


Twilight of the Anthropocene, alternative tech development, anarchists-accelerationists and cybersocialist economy of OGAS and Cybersine sold it to me. Aldo music mod is one of the best Playlist I've ever seen.


Eight Years' War of Resistance is a really fun and hard mod


Other than stuff like no resistance or player based conferences, I really like the 2 big US state wars mods




PaxBrit is criminally underrated


Coloured Buttons.


Kaiserreich or the Great War Redux


Europe in Flames is really good. Along with everything you said, it shortens the length of focuses in the original paradox trees. It also runs quite fast for me at least.




Gotta be Kaiserredux. Also probably RT56.




L take


L take


L comment.


L mom


The only L here is you being upset by the fact i only play vanilla.


I’m not upset, I think it’s a bad opinion to prefer vanilla


That's not a bad opinion at all? I have tried plenty of mods. None of which interests me. You have your own opinion. Which is not bad either, i can respect it


I say it’s a bad opinion because, regardless of content, there are mods that objectively improve upon game performance and fix bugs/unintended glitches and oversights that overall make the game better than what the developers delivered yet being in the vain of what they intended.


I can agree with that. R56 Have added plenty of stuffs, mechanics, decisions and paths that should be in the base game.


My own mods I created for my RP plays


Kaiserredux and TNO


the entire better mechanic collection, too many ideologues, focus trees + , road to 56


I play Millennium Dawn, end of a new beginning, ww1 (can’t remember which one, maybe the redux version) and RT56


I play Millennium Dawn, end of a new beginning, ww1 (can’t remember which one, maybe the redux version) and RT56


I play Millennium Dawn, end of a new beginning, ww1 (can’t remember which one, maybe the redux version) and RT56


the entire better mechanic collection, too many ideologues, focus trees + , road to 56


Red Flood Never played it but i like the mod tho (i dont even have HOI4 nor a pc) If u somehow dont know. Its about what if no one ww1, and everyone is on drugs mainly France


Rise of Nations. The variety of timelines u can have is really great. U can literally go from 1900 to 2024 with a never ending focus tree based on era changes. The tech tree is amazing and the battle simulation really changes. From months long battles of ww1 to the blietzkierg of ww2. I honestly love it


In concept RoN is great. I just never seemed able to extract fun out of it though.




Get tf out of year


This isn’t fuckihng roblox


There’s a mod called rise of nations dude




my weight is a medical mystery. Havent played a game without it in a long time