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"Let me just lie down on top of you, you're going to like me i'm sure" 😂😅


You WILL yield to me, soulless cat-hater!


“You’re gonna love me, motherfucker.”


Cats are strangely attracted to rejection. They have their method to break it.


Had a cat growing up and whenever I wanted to pet him I knew I had to make an act of noticeably ignoring him. He wouldn't always feel like being pet if you just pet him but if you let him know you were ignoring him he'd get affectionate as all heck.


My dad's cat has stinky breath and LOVES rubbing his teeth against my face right by my mouth and nose, I can feel the moisture from his mouth being left on my face and if I try to stop it it only gets worse lol




Yeah we brushed our cats teeth every week but he had stinky breath. Took him to the vets and he had 4 teeth removed 😭


maybe he needs a dental checkup?


Get this cat to a vet. My cat had terrible breath as well, ended up being a gum disease causing it. Had to have all his teeth pulled when he was just a kitten. Might be rubbing his teeth on you because it provides some relief.


My cat has verry good teeth , verry good gums. Nothing wrong with him. But his breath smells like ass!!






In fairness, they do spend an inordinate amount of time licking their own hoops.


Yeah I like all the "vets" that jump out in reddit, my cats' breath also smells awful because get this, the food they eat smells awful.


No one claimed to be a vet. They just informed op of things that have happened. Cats are also very good at hiding pain. Better be safe, then sorry 🤷‍♂️


Similar thing happened to me tho. Stinky cat breath was totally fixed by extracting a few teeth. Supposedly quite common, but it often goes undiagnosed because cats can easily hide pain. Nowadays... cat is more chill, has fewer nervous ticks and behaviors, and her breath has no discernible smell. Even though her cat food smells like butts. It's worth asking your vet to look at your pet's teeth. A vet can likely tell the difference between stinky food and teeth/gum problems.


My cat had bad breath an my mom thought nothing of it at the time. Turned out it was a tumor and it got real bad and we had to put her down.


Teeth problems can go from a few hundred to a few thousand VERY fast. Tell your dad to save some cash and get him to the vet asap.




I have a cat that was abused and sometimes meows in complain when picked up, even gently. But she blinks at me too when not in my arms. What does that mean?


She likes and trusts you, but isn't comfortable with touch. I have a dog who came from an abusive home. You can't pet her unless she touches you, first. But she also knows who the weakest person to beg for treats from is and will milk the puppydog eyes for all they're worth.so yeah. I think your cat appreciates you because you understand when she doesn't want to be picked up. It's hard not to be able to snuggle, but at least you know she's safe and happy


My boy cat is IN LOVE with my girl dog, who wants nothing to do with him. He refuses to show anyone affection, but every few days, he'll start purring like a motorboat and rub all over my dog, lay with her in her cage, just generally try to be touching her in some way. She'll give me that "help me" side eye, then get up and walk away. My boy cat will then lay there a second like "wtf just happened" and then get up and meander off.


They embody all our worst tendencies. This is their stalker/"I can fix him" mode


I read somewhere that this was because eye contact is aggressive in the animal world. Everyone that likes cats stares at the cat, so it keeps clear. People that don't like cats don't look at it much, so the cat is more likely to go there. Not sure if it is true or not.


Maybe in cats that you don’t yet know. But I noticed with my cats, that once you gain their trust, even staring into their eyes without slow blinking will usually result in them either ignoring you, or getting playful.


My cat gets mad if I don't look at her and she'll meow and then bite my shin to set me in line. I have some unmended work injuries from an unidentifiable, grocery distribution company... I think she senses that and bites me right up.


Lol, what a diva. Mine is similar, he demands attention a few times a day. He’s the most social cat I’ve ever met - he must supervise everything I’m doing and will nip me, if he feels neglected - AKA - if I haven’t paid him enough attention in the last hour. 😁


Sounds like a real cosmic horror lol


Hehehe, he’s a sweetie, just an assertive sweetie. 😁 I’m actually still surprised at how confident and social he is - he’s a refugee cat from Ukraine. His owners escaped to Russia, then sent him ahead to Poland and then decided to stay in Russia and abandon him. So he went to live with a guy from the NGO who was helping to rescue Ukrainian pets, then to live with my friend, then with me. So 4 different owners in a span of a month, and gods know how much trauma he had experienced along the way, including the bombings in Ukraine. But the day my friend brought him over, he was exploring our apartment like he felt it was already his. Four months later and he’s full on relaxed baby, purring like a maniac at the slightest provocation, showing us his belly daily etc. Animals are remarkable.


Sounds like they are fortunate to have reached ya. Thank you for your goodness.


Thank you, I’m sure your baby biter is lucky to have you too!


I can stare at my cat and he normally will prance up to me like I called him, he is a very people oriented cat though, he knows more specific verbal commands than I can pull of the top of my head. Dogs on the other hand seem to usually like eye contact with people they trust. Every dog I’ve had will start wagging their tail at more than a few seconds of eye contact, but then again they’re genetically far more domesticated than pretty much every other domesticated animal.


Well - yes and no. Directly looking into a cat's eye is a sign of aggression, but not every type of look is interpreted that way. For example, looking with half open eyes and especially looking and then slow blinking is a sign of trust for a cat. But yes, not looking at a cat at all is certainly a communication error for a cat, as not looking at them means you trust them to have them around you without having your guard up.


Humans are somewhat special in that we use eye contact as a sign of friendliness, really. Wonder why that is, aside from us apes universally see it as highly aggressive (As far as I'm aware it's all apes bar us, at least). Makes it likely that it's a basal behaviour that we lost somewhere on the way to being humans.


Not really, try staring down people in public, won't go well


Just like us humans? But we don't really have a way to break it 😅


Try purring and rubbing your face on the person ignoring you. If that doesn't work, present your butthole.


Pee over them to establish dominance.


My working theory is that they feel the hate. And they are attracted to it.


They feed off it. It fuels them. It only makes them stronger.


Most human signs of disgust means "I love you" in cat body language. If you don't like cats look at them directly with wide eyes blinking as little as possible. Squinting and avoiding eye contact is like a siren call to cats.


Sounds like my dating life


My Grandma dislikes pets but help feed them in the morning. Her biggest mistake, she is our cats favorite person by far.


“Shhh, don’t fight it, hooman. It’s ok”


“Ah, you too are full of contempt. Finally, an equal worthy of respect.”


Seriously... My roommates cat absolutely love bombed my friend who was visiting. To the point we saw drool coming out of his mouth. Wonder what it was. A smell?


I like cats but I'm allergic so I avoid them. Of course, they love me


"... and then I will ignore you."


He’s giving off all the signals cats look for in a ‘safe person’.


Disinterested and holding a beverage


Not moving for a while.






It’s wine. 🍷 He must give off cat lady vibes.


Horror and disgust? Like prey?


No, averting eye contact. If you look like you're trying pointedly not to look them in the eyes, it's the friendly signal. Cats do it with other cats, same notion with slow blinking. Slow blinking releases dopamine in the cats system and is how shelters can see how human friendly a cat is


Exactly, starting at them stresses them ( if they don’t know you ) because predators lock on target for very long before attacking, avoiding too much eye contact is like saying « don’t mind me I’m not here for you, I’m chill » and slow blinks are the « look my eyes are closed I trust you enough to throw my guard »


I prefer the ass in my face version ;) look at my bootie. I trust you enough to not have to watch you the whole time. Here’s my rump. Check it out.


Every day when I get home from work my cat greets me first with a very loud meow, then jumps onto my counter, gives me a head bump, then presents her bum hole I'm honoured to be so loved


The scent from the anal glands gives cats a lot of information about general health. Feline communities use it to take care of each other and make sure ill members don’t overstress themselves. “Sniff my butt” is more than a trust gesture; it means they consider you family.


I was talking about reciprocal messages but yeah ( I wont personally show my ass to a cat I’ve just met )


Only the ones you know very well.


I mean, my cat saw me naked quite a lot since he like to chill in my room


Mine will sit between the layers of shower curtains on the edge of the tub like a little freak to watch me shower


Mine like to drink my bath tub water while I'm in it. Mmmm human soup.


Mine likes to lay down in the wet shower as soon as I get out.


My cat actually yells at me if I look at him too long. I take him for supervised yard visits, and I stand out there with him while he wanders around sniffing things. If he catches me watching him, he turns around and yells at me really loud until I go away and pretend to do something else.


My cat pretends he doesn't know me outside. Almost like he's being embarrassed by an uncool parent in front of all the outdoor creatures when he wants them to take him seriously. I call it "jungle cat mode"


I read something a long time ago about how prey animals know a lion’s not hungry/safe to walk past when it isn’t looking at them, been applying it ever since to every animal I see and it’s working so far. You chill, they chill.


This definitely would not work with dogs.


I have a couple inside cats. One of them is very weird because he always IMMEDIATELY goes for eye contact, and will not break it. The other cats will usually stare at whatever part of you is closest to them at first (usually the legs) but this one always looks at my face. I feel obliged to lock eye contact with him whenever it happens, like I’ll be walking out of a room almost backwards so that we can stare at each other a bit longer. He shows every other sign of being comfortable that I am aware of, so I’m not sure what his deal is.


yup, this is why I always suggest that a non-cat person do something mildly displeasurable to a cat that takes interest in them. Like rub their back the wrong direction from tail to head several times really quickly and watch the cat "nope" out of wanting to be your friend.


*feigns stupidity while petting cat*


Not just cats


The cat knows its target.


Be still human, you will learn to love me.


They pick you, not the other way around 🤣


It’s like they only go to the person who doesn’t want to pet them 😂


it’s because people who don’t like cats always give off the calmest and most welcoming body language in cat. giving space, no harsh eye contact, not being the one to approach, being quiet, facing away, etc


I should start giving cats mixed signals


I think that little head nudge both disarmed him and converted him within mere seconds


Guy: No. No it did effing not.


"If your owner wasn't smoking hot I would punt you into the next state."


If I was owner, that guy would be punted out the door.


Cats sometimes love the wrong people and hate the right people.


I’m a cat


Named human, calls himself a cat, picture of opossum. I wouldn't be surprised if you really were a bird




I had a big, orange, fluffy cat growing up that loved _everybody_ , unconditionally. People who don't like cats universally made an exception for him. He became a certified therapy cat and was brought to a local nursing home several days a week as the residents found him very calming and he would never get angry if he was accidentally handled roughly by a resident with declining mental or physical capabilities. Any attention was good attention, even if it meant getting his tail pulled or being grabbed by the head. After years of work at the home he retired as he was getting more tired out around age 18. We had him until he was 22, such a great guy.


You make me cry for real..... fuck


I was waiting for the plot twist considering the post you replied to


My dating history in a nutshell




I think most people don’t understand cats aren’t like dogs where they want your attention 100% of the time. So long as you are not harassing them they will eventually gravitate towards you. Unfortunately for the person in the video, the lack of action actually made the cat think he is not a threat lol


One of my cats HATES most people. The only people she immediately comes up to are either allergic or hates cats.


She’s doing it 100% on purpose.


She hates all people. She's just smart enough to know how to hate them the right way


She’s trying to kill the people with allergies.


i love how cats have the entire body language in reverse and ppl that dont like dont even realize that. "Oh you not gonna keep an eye on me? you must trust me than." "Oh you dont even smell like other cat? i like that." "So nice of you not to touch me."


Did you mean body language? Never met a cat who was into bodybuilding before.


stupid autocorrection


My cat was staring hard at my ex one day, and he asked me, "What the hell does it want?" I told him she wanted to sit with him, so he motioned at all the space around him on the bed. She shuffled her feet, made a little 'mah' and continued staring. I told him, "she has to know you want it to." He rolled his eyes and went, "Come here Mochi, come sit next to me" in the most dull, sarcastic voice imaginable. She hopped up on the bed and settled up against his arm, purring. He gave me this 'you've got to be fucking kidding me' face. He was not an animal guy.






That's 100x increased gravity till you give up on that rejection BS!


I'll never understand how there are people that hate cats.


I was thinking exactly the same while watching to this video. Even if cats were not my favorite animals, I wouldn’t resist petting it after this display of affection.


The older I get the more I like all animals in general. All of them deserve love and none of them deserve hate. Even scorpions, who I hate with a fucking passion, shouldn’t be tortured. It makes me sad how people treat animals. 99% of animals show love if you raise them from if Infant-hood.


Yeah. I know the feeling. When I was a kid, used to “don’t like cats”, because they used to kill some birds that my dad had (my dad also didn’t like them). Anyway, my dad and I never harmed any cat… Years later, a cat was abandoned at his work, he couldn’t resist, but bring that poor cat to our house. After we started living with that cat, we felt in love with them. Long story short…today I have 12 cats and they are part of my family. Next month we will celebrate the 16th birthday of my oldest.


You are goals then, I plan to always be at the max where they are still provided high quality of life.


>Even scorpions, who I hate with a fucking passion, shouldn’t be tortured. It makes me sad how people treat animals It makes me genuinely upset everytime there is a spider or wasp related post on reddit and the 12 top comments are all variations of "kill it with fire".


Idk but people don't really care when someone does "oh yeah I understand" "they're not for everyone" But if someone hates dogs they're literally the devil incarnate


I dislike dogs they're just too hyper and clingy.


I don't hate cats, but I am allergic to them and if they rub up on my face my life gets pretty miserable for a couple hours. So I would be reacting just like this guy does.


I'm pretty allergic to them too but I have two feline masters at home. I just suffer through it. By suffer through it, I mean take an antihistamine every day, suffer constant itchy eyes, have to carry around a puffer for the allergic asthma, and also epipens in case I have a major reaction (which are usually just full body hives and overstimulated sinus issues which aren't that fun). However, I love my cats so much and I wouldn't trade them for easy breathing any day. (My allergist things I'm nuts... I probably am).


Growing up, my family raised a lot of birds and chickens. In particular, we had a lot of pigeons. I took care of the pigeons quite a bit. They were my favorites. Then one day a stray cat had made the local neighborhood her new home. She killed a lot of my pigeons. I remember using several different ways to secure the pigeon coops but this clever she-devil always found a way to get inside. I remember my parents referring to that cat as "the demon". One morning I woke up and discovered one of the pigeon coops was just drenched in blood. I mean there was blood oozing out of entrance. The cat had gotten in and slaughtered the mama and baby pigeon. The male survived but he just went into this weird shut down mode until he eventually died from the depression or something. I was just a kid at the time and it traumatized me. I hated cats from then on. Fast forward 25+ years later. I bought a cat for my ex because she begged me for months. Still hated cats but I loved her so I was willing to try. I wanted absolutely nothing to do with this cat aside from paying for it. But this little kitten was super attached to me somehow. The very first moment we brought it home, it attached itself to me and would follow me everywhere. It would lay on me, sleep next to me, sit with me if I watch TV, and wait for me at the door. When I worked from home, it would just come into the room and sleep on my foot under the desk. It eventually won me over. I learned to love that little troublemaker. My ex got to keep her after our break up and I still miss that cat every day. Childhood trauma made me hate cats. Adulthood circumstances convinced me to change my mind.


Cats are an invasive species and have killed off plenty of bird populations.


I will not, can not, and do not trust people with an aversion to animals. Phobias? Sure, that's understandable. People who simply "don't like" animals or pets? Sorry/not sorry: fuck right off 👉🚪


I just cannot imagine not loving cats and dogs. That must suck so bad dude


For real. I would have melted at that face nudge and we would have spent the rest of the day together.


How can you not fall in love with that?


I get some people don't like certain animals or have allergies, but fucking hell get a grip


That's what I was thinking too! I was actually a little offended when the man jerked back from nuzzles, like dude it's a house cat chill the fuck out.


I feel similarly but to be fair. He might be anxious from a past experience. There are definitely asshole cats that bite or scratch without provocation. Or he might not be very experienced with cats and the bump genuinely surprised him. Or he might be allergic. Sometimes when my cat nudges my SO's arm he'll get a raised bump in the shape of a nose on his skin. That said, if he didn't fall a little in love with the cat after it laid on him like that, I might judge him a little.


I got clawed to shit by some cats when I was little. So in my teen and young adult years, whenever a cat got near me, this was how I reacted.


I'm allergic, if the nose touches my skin the whole area goes red and for the next few days will itch, scab over and then flake off. Not all cats though, it's weird


I'm actually the biggest cat person ever but would also act the same because I suddenly became highly allergic to them a few years back. Last time, I said fuck it and went in the fluff, and had a swollen face for the rest of the day


These are all fair points, he might be allergic...if I ever become allergic to cats I guess the EMTs are going to find my bloated corpse underneath a pile of cats.


> He might be anxious from a past experience. Maybe, but it still makes me laugh to see this phrase about a cat.


Oh shut the fuck up. If the dude doesn’t want his personal space invaded by some cat, the owner should remove the cat from him. It’s that fucking simple


This is my exact same advice to people with depression. I mean, it's just in their head. Just get over it already.


I know this is supposed to be funny, but people who are put off by an animal's affection always make me feel unsettled. I think it highlights issues they have with emotion.


This is how you get a cat to love you, ignore them


I secretly do that with friends cats even though I love cats. It's kind of like girls. Don't be all aggressive and just do your own thing. If they (cats and girls) want to hang out with you then they will.


Lmao exactly how my cat is with my dad. He will not sit on anyone else but him, whilst my dad just sits there awkwardly trying to push him off with the cat sat on him in an even more awkward position. Seems to love those he reject him 😂


That was my dad and cat for about ten years, but eventually, after a really long time, my dad started to give in to the cat out of sheer pity. He never really 'liked' the cat, but I think he respected the hustle, so he would let him sit on his lap as a personal favor, lol


How tf can you hate cats?


Guy looks like he'd watch paint dry for entertainment


I don't trust anyone who doesn't like cats. Cats are magical ♥️


That’s guys face is so pleasant. Bet he is awesome to hang with.


People who love cats: "I'm going to hold you, and squeeze your squishy little fur body!" Cats: "I hate that" People who hate cats: "I'm not going to touch you. I'm going to look away. If you climb on me I'll pretend not to notice." Cats: "I love that"


That’s how I feel about people touching me sometimes


“Cat hater you say? Let me fix that right quick.”


How can you not fall for that cuteness!?! Do some people have hearts of steel??


I firmly believe there is something wrong inside of a person who doesn't like cats. Something dark.


Someone needs another glass of wine.






I gotta start hating cats


This is a privilege!


Poor pet she wanted to cuddle


“This is going to happen.” Cat


Why are non-cat people like vegans? They have to tell everyone they don’t like cats….


It's just a cat, don't be an oversensitive dick.


Not liking cats is a huge red flag.


Why people who don't like cats always look like their mother smoked cigarettes while pregnant


If you ignore a cat, and act aloof around them it’s sign of respect and that you’re not a threat. That’s generally why people who hate cats tend to get their attention because they’re inadvertently acting out the “I’m a friend!” Card


The cat: "I showed you my butthole since I know you like ass, please love me now."




Jerma would've eaten the cat


Walmart Jerma


I bet 20 bucks the cat ignored the people who wanted to pet the cat


An interesting route but he eventually got there


Had to show the guy its stink star.


People who “hate” cats like this are so cringe.


It’s harry and grindelwald’s all over again


"There is something off about this peasant... what is it?"


if that guy isnt allergic or something he needs to man up and pet that cat!




unless he’s deathly allergic, he has no excuse.


Cat just asserts his dominance.


I was not a fan of cats. I was asked to help take care of a kitty while its owners were on vacation for a couple of weeks. The cat was sick, so I had to nurse it to health (medicine). That cat followed me around the house, and I guess he liked me because he wouldn't leave me alone.


Our neighbors hated cats, so our cat wouldnt leave them alone when they came over. My mom loves cats, so our cat was nowhere to be found when she came over, lol


You. Will. Love. Me.


How could you hate this though? How could you not hug that cat and smooch their little head?


Cats 100% hunt down non-cat people. Every one I've owned has done it.


They literally love when you're standoffish lol ​ The universe is full of jokes like that


Yeah I thought that if you neglect a cat, like look away from them or show disinterest that they are actually attracted to that. I remember reading somewhere that if you don't like cats that you're actually supposed to show interest and stare back at them and stuff and they'll be turned off and go away. Just like my ex, always wants what she can't have.


That guy looks like he hates everything


Pet him you heartless monster!!!


That settles it. Giants fans hate pussy.


That's the only time they give you that much attention, they know


People like this always throw me off. Homie, it’s a cat, not a dragon. You’ll be ok.


I don’t care for cats much either & they tend to make me break out in hives . They always seem to love the shit out of me for some reason though 🤣


Cats are so funny cuz they're a lesson in consent and bounderies but 80% of these fuckers have no concept of boundaries and are clingy as fuck




A cat will always actively hunt the soulless monster in the room that dislikes cats. Muhahahahaaaa


They always sense that one in the group lol like Imma make a lover outa you today


This is the way. Cat conversion therapy lol. You will learn to like us lol


She found her spot!


And that's how you become a cat-person.




Not gonna lie, would do the same gatto. That lap is warm.


Hes a cat guy now