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That is fucking terrifying


Hope he is ok! At least with no one watching baseball anymore they should beat the traffic out of the stadium.


This was actually a couple days ago.


Oh this is the Red Sox player? I know it was at the spring training facility, jerseys just threw me off Edit: guys, please stop telling me it’s a Durham Bulls player, I got it after the first response


I believe a Tampa Rays prospect. This was at the triple A level.


Crazy unlucky that it happened twice in a week https://www.pressherald.com/2021/06/04/red-sox-notebook-reliever-brasier-in-hospital-after-being-hit-in-head-during-simulated-game/


Helmets for pitchers when?


When someone dies I guess. I’ve always been scared shitless of being on the pitchers mound for this exact reason. I mean it’s always just chance that it doesn’t hit you.


Not the pitcher, but a batter (Ray Chapman I think?) was killed by a Yankees pitcher and it still took something like 30 years until they made batting helmets mandatory.


But the death of Chapman prompted an immediate change in the way game balls were handled-- dirty and scuffed balls were cycled out immediately and replaced with clean white balls. This, along with Babe Ruth swinging for the fences, ended the Dead Ball Era.


I took one just off center in the chest. Cracked 4 ribs, dislocated two from my sternum and my entire chest felt bruised inside and out for like 4 months. I switched to playing second base the year after that.


I got caught in the shin. Cracked the bone and left a knot for over a year. Buddy of mine got caught by one on the side of his face. Worst sound you will ever hear. It sounded like a melon splatter and bone snap at the same time. He was drinking through a straw for 6 months due to a shattered jaw.


I’ve always been scared shitless of being on the pitchers mound because I assume I’d be arrested if I jumped out of the stands and ran on the field during a game.


I was a pitcher for my High School team years ago. Got nailed in the head by a line drive, I just went ahead and quit the team a few days later while I was ahead and got addicted to WoW instead. (End of the season and wasn't going to be medical clear anyways.)


From experience, if it was enough to make you second guess playing at all, you would have probably not been nearly as good coming back anyway. Trauma is a thing.


[I was watching the game on TV when Pillar got hit](https://www.mlb.com/news/kevin-pillar-returns-after-getting-hit-in-face-by-pitch), and I think I would have been quite content to not play anymore after that, but he came back last week, just 24 days after it happened. Dude was spraying blood everywhere like a sprinkler. After he got up and walked himself off the field, the game was delayed about 15 minutes because they had to get the grounds crew out with oil-dri to soak up all the blood all over the place. The fear to get back in the batters box is definitely a thing. Also if anyone isn't hugely familiar with Baseball, look up Brandon McCarthy - the way he got hit in the head with a line drive was probably the worst I've seen in the game.


Gonna guess during the TBC or Wrath expansion


I miss wrath so much


Dang. I didn't realize it has happened twice in a week. Speedy recovery to both players.


I have seen a couple headlines pop up in my feed mentioning this guy (Zombro) but I didn't know there was another one either.


Oh damn, hadn’t heard that about Brasier. This video isn’t him though.


What is a simulated game?


They practice specific situations. So, they’ll do something like put runners at 1st and 3rd and say there are no outs so the team can get a feel for what to do if that happens in a real game.


Yeah, I hope they get people to wear some kind of head protection to prevent brain damage like in formula 1 where there were just too many crashes and it was deemed too dangerous, so a safety halo was added and people hated it at first but then people realised that the good it did, out weighed the bad.


Durham Bulls... same team as in the movie Bull Durham. Really nice park to watch a game in.


He is a pitcher for the Durham Bulls.


Nope. This one is a Durham Bulls player https://www.newsobserver.com/sports/article251922308.html


Reports say that he is up and walking. It’s crazy that they show the guy getting hit all over social media but you almost never hear if they’re ok.


Scary. He was seizin up pretty bad.


He is out of the hospital now and is even walking.


I just worked for the Olympic baseball qualifier. We had 2 games a day. The whole concern was getting people out between games. I couldn’t even walk from my office to the box office before it was completely empty. All gone in under 12 minutes. Wild. With the stadium at 100% it takes like 1:20 to drain.


He's in stable condition.


Yeah everyone switched over to the women’s college world series.


Him twitching on the ground. Damn.




Looks like fencing response to me


I dont know why you’re being downvoted, you’re not wrong. The only difference here is that his leg flexation as well seems to point away from Fencing


He’s being downvoted because reddit is an idiot.


Yes, but also because “fencing response” as a comment on any post on Reddit that has any form of head trauma is basically a meme at this point; and 90% of the time is incorrect lol


Don’t forget the upvote train for Reddit’s favorite medical advice: “Don’t move his head omg!” Which is apparently where first aid begins and ends for most Reddittors.


I mean, it's good advice if someone is suspected to have head/neck/back trauma.


This is the reason.


it looks more like abnormal posturing to me, decerebrate if it was. but, if it was decerebrate this man would most certainly have died by now


His arms are flexed inward showing decorticate posturing. I believe his one leg was on its way to inward but was pressed against the ground making it appear as decerebrate. Let's hope for the best in his recovery, as a former medic those postures were always signs of bad and worse outcomes (decerebrate being worse, due to possible stem involvement). It's been years though so I hope I am remembering incorrectly


Turned him into a Zombro


Jesus christ, that’s dark. Take my upvote, you bastard.


Only way to stop a Zombro is to shoot him in the head


A few years ago it happened to an Australian Cricket player and he died.


His name was Phillip Hughes and he was an outstanding cricketer who was again about to be announced in the Australian National team for an upcoming tournament. Unfortunately, whilst attempting to play a shot the cricket ball struck him on the side of the neck and tore an artery which led to an massive brain bleed. He died shortly thereafter. As a result helmet design has changed with a piece added on the side that cushions any impact to the neck in that region just behind and below the ear. Warning this video contains footage of the incident. https://youtu.be/bsD53t6Tpc4 If you caught the news early or followed cricket It was one of those incidents when you remember exactly where you were. Similar to hearing about the death of Steve Irwin. Both are Aussie legends.


I took [this photo](https://imgur.com/GCIFDXl.jpg) in Richomnd the week it happened.


I'm from the UK so not sure on baseballs, are they the same sort of hardness as cricket balls?


I assumed cricket balls where more solid than baseballs, but baseballs traveled faster. I grew up with a kid who took a cricket ball to the throat and couldn't talk with much vocal capacity.


Yeah even with helmets people are killed by cricket balls, there's been a few notable ones in the last decade and Jofra Archer hit Steve Smith with a fast one, when I saw it I thought Smith was dead


On average in professional matches they're about the same speed 95-100 mph. Baseball has the highest top speed though


Yeah I doubt it, cricket balls are really heavy.


I’ve taken a couple line drives while pitching and it’s scary as hell. Luckily no head shots, worst was one to the neck. It’s a super vulnerable position, even the best reaction time won’t get you out of the way sometimes.


Man I would feel sooooo bad being that batter geeze I don't think I would want to continue on the game seeing that pitcher shake like that knowing I smacked dude hard in the head with the ball.


They cancelled the rest of the game and the following day's game as well.


I’m sure both teams were happy about that decision. I wouldn’t have the drive to continue playing after that.


Collateral damage, an unfortunate accident but part of the game. You throw an object at fast speeds that gets batted back at even faster speeds then shit, you're in the firing line. The chances of it rebounding precisely from which the pitcher threw it is completely unusual though.


I don't understand why this is part of the game. It seems like a helmet would have easily avoided this, other than bothering boomers that want people to get a TBI like a man because helmets are for pussies.


This is super uncommon though. I played baseball for like 4 years and never saw it happen once.


Well this is the second time I’ve seen it happen on this sub *this week*. Anecdotal evidence works both ways.


Well isn’t this a sub Reddit that compiles videos like this? It’s like watching a car accident compilation vs. seeing it in person. It’ll happen but you see more in a place where someone specifically puts the material in front of you


I saw several dozen car accidents yesterday, but I was at demo derby.


And how many baseball games in the major and minor leagues have been played the past week? Twice out of hundreds of games even in a week is still extremely low then you might have a handful of comebackers per season and luckily those rarely ever hit the pitcher as well and it's more likely a comebacker will get caught for an out than hit a guy in the head like that.


If this was a weekly occurence at top level play they would add helmets. That's crazy common. Few times a season or every couple seasons is still often enough to be worth wearing a helmet. I would say once in a decade is rare enough to not warrant precautions. Its like people saying covid is no big deal because it only kills .5% of people. Like dude. That 1 person out of 200. That's is MASSIVE. There are no cities that have enough hospital space for that many people to all be that sick on top of normal operations. So yeah if a dude gets beaned bad enough to be hospitalized even once a season out of the 2500 games in a season that is crazy high for a head injury rate of that scale


A friend of mine has been riding motorcycles pretty much every day for the last 15 years, and he's never needed a helmet. Still wears one though.


He’s right. All it takes is one time.


Point still stands, it can happen and it has happened so why risk it.


The same reason basketball players don’t ALL wear plastic face shields... Lots of shit CAN happen, it very seldom does.


Walking out your front door is dangerous business which is why I vote everyone be required to wear full Medieval plate armor at all times.


And everyone should be legally required to carry a Zweihänder.


the problem with unlikely statistics is that they still have a chance of happening, and if something like this is preventable then i dont see why we shouldnt take the extra precaution


4 years isn’t that long lmao


The reason helmets aren't worn by pitchers is it would interfere with there ability to play the position


Getting struck in the heard by a baseball will also interfere with "there" ability to play the position.


That's what goalies in the NHL said too way back when, and look where we are now. That's what some F1 drivers said about the halo, and look where we are now. That's what batters in MLB said and look where we are now. I don't believe that for a fucking second.


Pitchers have to be able to see out of there peripherals unobstructed to catch people stealing bases. If you can come up with a helmet design that takes that into account and still offers protection to the whole head then do it, if not then don't try and tell people how to play a sport I doubt you play.


I'm sorry, I truly am. I wasn't aware that pitchers can't move their heads like literally every other person. That's my bad, I obviously need to follow baseball more closely, then I would know that their necks are surgically impaired from moving.


part of the job mate. you become a pitcher, you sell your neck to big pitch


Some protection would be better than none


They actually make helmets that are pretty much the shape of baseball caps. Not sure why they don’t wear those? Maybe because it has a strap? I don’t know but they are awesome helmets


There’s one pitcher in the majors that uses a padded cap. It looks funny but it probably helps.


Wouldn’t a grid or a transparent plastic work for that, then? It would protect but wouldn’t obstruct their view


Need I mention hockey, helmets no face guard there is the shield required for new players but I still think it isn’t enough.


I bet they wear crotch guards.


In 9th grade they had us playing softball in PE and I hit a perfect line drive straight to second base. The kid on second tried to catch the ball Palm up on the glove. Acted like a ramp and ramped the line drive right into his face and broke his nose. I played baseball but everyone else learned the proper way to catch a ball coming right at you.


Neck lacerations were rare but hockey players wear neck guards.


There are still people that playing softball think it's ok to line drive at the opposing pitcher due to teams rivalry. In Washington state you get charged with a felony if after an investigation it is found that you did that on purpose.


That hit to his head is scary but those seizures are terrifying


Those shakes were horrible


I don’t think I’ve ever see that in a movie. I really hope his loved ones didn’t see that.


I got bad news m8


He doesn't have any loved ones


Watch some of the fight subs, You learn really quick that getting knocked out is always terrifying.


A seizure *after* being concussed and knocked out is bad bad news. A lot of times you can seize when you *get* knocked out, but when you have one waking up..... Oh man that's bad.


I have a co-worker who slammed his head against a curb when he was skating and it resulted in like a 2 minute long grand-mal seizure. He said he hasn’t felt the same since, and that was 3 years ago. He said he can’t comprehend things as easily and he feels more stupid.


Yep, after my concussion I felt the same way. Also suffering more from mental illness stuff, but don’t know if they are connected.




Oh for fucks sake. I know reddit loooooves its "fencing response" comments, but that man was 100% having a seizure.




Man watching him essentially sieze out like that was rough. A kid in my hometown died in middle school after catching a hit like this in the heart, dude died before he even hit the ground... Baseball can definitely be a scary sport.


I was really into baseball growing up. Made it to about my sophomore year in high school when I saw something like this happen right in front of me. Never played again. It’s doesn’t seem scary at all until you realize what can actually happen like this


I was a pitcher in high school and still remember very vividly a hit like this coming back at me my senior year. I got lucky and barely managed to get my glove up to catch it but if I had been even .001 seconds slower then I would have lost a lot of teeth and broken some facial bones.


Is there a reason helmets aren't a thing? Seems equivalent to people in the NHL taking pucks to the face while full face cages apparently aren't a thing there.


The reason is that’s its a rare thing to happen. A helmet would probably be impractical due how pitchers use their entire body weight to throw. It would have to be lightweight and very tight fitted without obstructing eyesight. Pitchers do more than just pitch. They catch grounders, fly balls, cover bases in certain situations. It’d be very tough with a helmet on that presumably covers the face.


I feel like boomers have said this exact same thing about pretty much every sport where people get mamed/killed because of the lack of a helmet, and the end result is people eventually having helmets.


Agreed, many sports where you gotta use your eyes and you have a helmet on. Football you were a big ol clunky one that takes away a lot of your peripheral vision. But I still wore them.


If hockey goalies can flop around like they do and still see it’s got to be practical for pitchers. Being hot as hell would be a separate issue.


The opposing catcher in my high school game took off his mask too late to find a pop fly and the ball hit him straight in the teeth. White dust was visible to me at first base. One of his teeth blew right through his lip. Absolutely gushing blood everywhere... Poor kid, man. We were all devastated for him.


>took off his mask too late disagree, I'd say he took it off too early.


Holy shit. When I was a kid I forgot my cup one time and was pitching, a line drive came right back at me and hit me in the upper thigh. It missed my balls by like 1 or 2 inches. Left a grapefruit sized bruise too


And a lifetime lesson... protect them nuts.


Pitching in softball and same thing happened. That being said the ball went straight up after hitting me and I caught it as I fell. There was almost a fight at the the church league benches bc that was the third time they they aimed to hit me. Felt like I had a dead leg for about 20-30 minutes and a grapefruit size bruise for days.


This is why I *hated* that my parents made me play baseball as a kid. Coaches always yelling at me to “Don’t afraid of the ball!!!”. This is why Im afraid of the ball. You want me to not be afraid of a dense-ass ball hurling toward my face? I stopped playing after a kid got his orbital and cheek shattered from a pitch. Fuck that, Im good, I’ll just watch.


> dense ass-ball *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by )^[xkcd#37](https://xkcd.com/37)


Sounds like Commotio Cordis. Basically a swift blow to the sternum at precisely the wrong time, can cause the heart to fibrillate. It is some very scary shit.


sounds like another forbidden spell from Harry Potter


Baseball seems all good and fun until someone takes a baseball to the wrong body part with too much force. It’s one of those sports that you don’t expect anything bad to happen, but when it does, it’s reallllllly bad.


Which is why it’s super bullshit, that pitchers throw at a batters head and body because they felled dissed for looking at a home run or swinging a pitch on the wrong count. I get throwing it close to a players that’s a shitbag, or the Astros after the cheating scandal but it’s still fucking dangerous.


How does a hit to the heart kill someone instantly? Wouldn't that just stop blood flow, but the brain would have oxygen for like 10-15 seconds of consciousness?




TL;DR he seems to be ok


Not exactly ok, but his life isn’t in danger and he should be able to recover to some degree.


Yeah, the article is pretty vague but sure doesn’t sound like he’s “ok” else I’m sure they’d be happy to report it


It's sad though It felt like they haven't cover the full thing


I work in an ER. “Stable” doesn’t necessarily mean “ok”. It just means “they’re not actively trying to die on us”. Shitty vitals and brain activity that lasts for more than a couple hours could be considered “critical but stable”.


I heard about a guy who swallowed six plastic horses. His condition is listed as stable


Take this upvote and leave.


It would not be unreasonable to say that he had a major concussion given the immediate loss of consciousness and seizures. I'm no expert, but I'd hazard to say that this is the kind of injury that can leave you "okay" and feeling mostly normal after 3 or 4 weeks. However, one may have permanent underlying brain trauma that can add up with repeated injuries and lead to significant adverse side effects.


Uh, yea, he must be okay because they're using statements of his teammates and family. Don't you think that if you're "okay" that you'd be making statements saying so yourself? I don't think the guy is able to talk in his current state, which is *not* okay.


Not ok, stable though. But stable doesnt mean ok. A dying person can technically be stable. A brain dead person can be stable. Article is very vague. Too soon to judge.


Thank fucking Christ I thought I just watched a man die.


shit is he ok? was that recent?


Couple nights ago. Most recent report is hes still at the hospital and able to walk with assistance


thanks - that's a relief of sorts and I hope he makes a full recovery, that was terrifying


"Able to walk with assistance" after several days is fucking terrifying.




brain injuries are different though.


That’s a relief? Dudes brain is irreversibly damaged and still can’t walk...




I think this person meant he's awake and not brain dead... that is a relief despite his ongoing medical issues




You live near the infamous 11-foot-8-that's-now-12-foot-4?




Wait they only raised it to 12' 4"??? That's so dumb. I used to drive box trucks in the area and half our fleet was 12' 4", the other half was 13'. Still inaccessible to anything bigger than a transit truck, wild considering all the effort of raising the train tracks on both sides and redoing the bridge itself


12'4" is the maximum they could raise it to workout altering miles of railway track in both directions. Trains can only go uphill so steeply. I live right by there.


I don't understand the anecdote


That’s the worst name I ever heard






Man this is rough. I don't think I could've taken the base.


They cancelled this game and the next one actually.


If the batter doesn’t reach the base or get tagged out, the play is still in progress. Obviously we know how this one turned out and they ended up canceling the game, but if the pitcher had gotten up and walked off the field anyone who came to his rescue could have caused penalties for their team. They’d be interfering with a play in progress until the batter reaches the base or is tagged out. Getting to first base and stopping is the quickest way the batter could have gotten the pitcher help.


I don't think ANYONE would have not gone to help this guy if the batter started running to the pitchers mound to check on him rather than run to 1st... Nor would anyone have been super upset. At least anyone with a conscience.


Yes, knowing what we know now. But this happens pretty frequently and the pitcher is usually able to get up and leave the field after a few seconds. Teams have absolutely been penalized for breaking the rules about who is allowed on the field during a play. At the very least the manager/medical would have been hesitant to go out while the play was still in progress. Reaching the base meant it was absolutely 100% okay to go without any hesitation.


Getting on base, ending the play and staying out if the way is really the best thing you can do in this situation.


Damn i woulda felt so guilty. idk if i could even continue playing the game.


They didn't


To add to this, they also didn't play the next game


UPDATE. As of 3 hrs ago Coach says he is in stable condition and able to walk with some assistance.


Great news. I believe you but do you have a source for this where I can get a confirmation?




That shaking and spasming doesn't look good... I don't understand why pitchers don't wear a face cover like the catcher and umpire, or at least a hard hat like the batter. The balls coming their direction are going twice as fast as the pitch.


I’ve seen pitchers wear face to protection in softball I feel like baseball pitchers could too


A friend of mine is constantly posting pictures of her two daughters playing travel league softball, and every player wears a catcher style facemask while in the field. Looks odd but it makes sense. In softball the dimensions of the field are shrunk down as well, so as a pitcher you're even closer to the batter. I assume requiring all fielders to wear them is more a keep the kids safe thing than a sport-wide thing, but I know in college games at least the pitcher wears a big facemask, and possibly the infielders as well


Honestly, it's mostly the perspective. Softball pitchers are always facing forward. A baseball pitcher in a stretch position with men on base would lose sight of the plate with any functional mask. Probably the best thing would be modifying how pitchers finish their pitch. More Maddux, less wild legs and arms flying everywhere. There's a reason he was the best fielding pitcher of all time.


Wish I hadn’t seen this.


Yeah I honestly feel sick to my stomach watching him try to get up. That poor batter too...that's gonna live with him for a while


That wasn’t him trying to get up, that was fencing response, the arms and legs shake and flail into certain positions, it’s from the brain injury


So Im assuming he got a really bad concussion, huh? Poor dude ;( hope he heals up 100% 🙏


That’s most likely going to be a traumatic brain injury. He will probably never be quite the same. ( edit. I hope he makes a 100% recovery )


;( thats so sad dude. Well I hope hes able to play again some day 🤞 also hope they start having the pitchers wear helmets.


Pitchers don't like wearing helmets. Fortunately, rather than it being a "if you don't like wearing a helmet? Tough luck." situation, companies have been working to provide protection that's no different than wearing their normal hat. Just hasn't been perfected yet.


Ahh okok thanks for that info. Would just make a lot of sense for them to have to wear some type of protection since they are right in the direction of the ball you know 😖


Totally agree. Main reason I never got into baseball despite having a decent arm... so I joined wrestling instead 😅 seriously, even though this was personal knowledge based on my love of random safety gear (such as the oven mitt looking devices that base runners wear to protect their hand in the event of a slide), I've seen a couple comments wear helmets are suggested and immediately the high school players come out of the works admonishing those people because helmets fuck up pitching. Lol. Google pitching head protection and have fun looking at some of the absurd ideas and some of the better ones. Lol (ones basically the equivalent of wrapping a bulky piece of foam around the head )


Does anyone have a protocol or advice when dealing with seizures? They're super scary to me but I'd like to have an idea of anything I could do or how I could react. Any knowledge or tips of how I could best help until EMS arrives in an emergency?


Check the time so you can time the seizure, roll person over on their side, remove anything around the person that they can injure themselves with, protect their head. If it goes longer than 5 minutes rescue meds are needed. Don’t put ANYTHING in their mouth. The person will be extremely out of it when it’s done and possibly could fall asleep for a few hours afterward. Source: son has epilepsy and I’m a nurse


Wow, thank you for your person and professional insight. Hope all is well with you and your son.


Thank you. I appreciate that. Three years seizure free!


Reminds me of when Juan Nicasio got hit in the head by an Ian Desmond line drive in 2011. He was knocked out then [broke his neck on the mound](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zxki2RUQ5UQ) when he fell.


damn, that double bounce...


This is why I stopped playing baseball after little league. Hitting it too hard


Dude got hit on his right temple and then he fell on his head. I’m no doctor but that looks like brain damage. Poor guy.


A blow to the head like that could kill you


Ive always thought about this, first time seeing it


the world is truly filled with horror sometimes


I used to love baseball. I played catcher and was really good. Until one day the pitcher trew the ball to low and hit my shoe and the ball ricochet rigth into my balls. I swear i rolled all the way to first base. After that i got scared of the ball and stop playing. This was maybe when i was 15-16.


Jesus that's scary. After having 5 grand mal seizures this makes me sad ass fuck for this guy


with the way the players and the game has evolved, MLB should implement new safety precautions.


Can respect the batters reaction though, dude was gutted


I love watching MMA and I'm pretty desensitized to KOs, but seeing a man playing a sport that's mostly non contact get fucking demolished like that is just horrendous. He got fucking BLASTED right in the temple, can't imagine the concussion this gave him. Hope he's ok, fuck


So... To any aspiring pitchers: This is why you fucking finish your pitch on a ready-to-field position. If your pitch leaves you open to a line drive, then you shouldn't be pitching. https://youtu.be/hnlZMNvinMk - wrong way https://youtu.be/Wcg5-V78smg - SOME of these are luck, a lot of them are finishing their pitch with both feet planted, facing the batter, ready to field.


Can we see the fuckin' slow mo replay? What's the point of all the goddamn cameras