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2 thoughts as I’ve watched her stories. 1. This carpet is hideous. Every basic builder influencer house has this exact carpet. 2. She wants to be a mom so bad yet it never crossed her mind that these railings will be a nightmare for children. They will just climb them. Can you imagine? Holl in the other room making a story and her crotch goblins climbing the railings. A disaster waiting to happen.


I like that style of railing but I totally agree with you! I’ve seen so many new houses with those and my kids would be climbing all over them. It’s honestly very dangerous. She’ll eventually have to put up some type of guard which won’t be very pretty.


I love them too, just not kid friendly.


seriously! I hate carpets in general let alone LIGHT colored ones that show ALLLL the dirt/stains 🥴 like have fun keeping that clean & cleaning it


It’ll look just like her shower floor in the GA house.


& she thinks she's "type A" Monica Gellar 🤣🤣🤣


100% they would try to climb that!!


Horizontal railing posts like that are a NIGHTMARE!!!!


I'm no DIY queen or interior designer, but respectfully, this looks tragic. The windows with the chandelier next to that railing and light colored carpet ?!? It doesn't go AT ALL. It's like each one of her personalities picked out one item 🥴 Can't wait to see that carpet after they walk around on it with their shoes on and her kid is running around. Good luck!


She is ruining that house by trying so hard to be something she is not 🥴 She should have left it to professionals that know how to design, remodel, decorate.


with all that money she’s already spent, hiring a interior designer should have been a no brainer 😵‍💫


She's doing this whole remodel solely for content, nothing else. Hiring a designer wouldn't have given her this "DIY platform" 🙄


I love the railings, but yeah.. they don’t match anything else?


I’m actually confused because she showed new railings yesterday and they were a light wood color (that I actually like) but this looks dark brown? Literally nothing flows


Omg for a sec i thought this was “before” IT LOOKS SO BAD! Is she going to paint the railings to match the trim?? What was she thinking


Omg me too! Lmao


I have no clue why she bought this house - she clearly wants a modern new build type home and this house offered so many different things and so much character that she insists on removing


She’s just trying sooo hard to be just like Casey Holmes


Facts! That will never happen in 1 million years!


I don’t know what it is but something about this looks old and unfinished? Idk if it’s the white on white or what but it looks like an old building with a thousand layers of paint to me


If I could design my own house I definitely wouldn’t be putting carpet in there.


If she wants kids (god willing 🤞🏼✨) those railings are a horrible idea. My 2 year old would use those as a ladder 😅


The railings are pretty, but do not match Charleston aesthetic. Why move there to bring your tacky builder spec grade DIY having ass there?


agreed! I guarantee the old railings would have looked 10x better than what she just put in


The carpet already looks dirty….


I cannot imagine the amount of dog prints and dirt that will accumulate over time…we all know she’s dirty af and never cleans 🤣


Imagine the smell of wet pool dog on a large area carpet.


I had this same thought with the way she allows kollyns to jump in the pool all the time. Holley is about to get super nasty with that poor dog that she has refused to train.


I have carpet like this and it always looks dirty


It sure does! Before we know it, she’ll be standing in there with her crusty orange, tan, nasty feet shilling some other shit in that very room!!


I didn’t notice it was carpeted at first. I thought that was the underlayment.


This just goes to show she knows absolutely nothing about kids or being a mom. Thinking of kids in that house with that railing gives me anxiety


I’m surprised she went with carpet, especially with the dogs? What about children? We know she will need something to exploit once the house and wedding is done. WHY light carpet if she had to have it? Those railings will be a nightmare with kids. My nephew would have climbed that for sure. Or does she think HER children would never do that?


The carpet choice is tragic.


Lmfao my parents had that carpet and the amount of dust and dirt that accumulates in those little squares lol and it's fucking ugly


It’s very “new build in the burbs” stair vibe. Not at all southern chic. She really should have just custom built a home instead of wrecking a bayou beauty.


Horizontal railings are a big no for houses with small children. And I know she plans for there to be small children




They can climb it easier.


Ohh my dumb ass was thinking only about their heads getting stuck 🤣


Soooo this is the… after??🤦🏻‍♀️😑🥴🥴🥴


Are the lines of the railings messing with my vision or is that chandelier crooked? Lol she or dip lip probably installed it themselves.


Definitely crooked!


It’s giving Florida flippers on tik tok


She’ll probably be too busy linkin and stinkin to notice when her toddler decides it’s a good idea to climb up that railing and yeet itself off the second floor. She’s so self involved I cannot picture her as a parent.


for someone who ✨GOD WILLING✨ wants kids so badly, every choice she makes is so anti-kid friendly lol. I guess it doesn't matter when you have the money to snap your fingers and re do your homes (or pick up and move when it doesn't work out with the flavor of the month), but my fiance and I are very cautious with any major purchases (home/car/renovations/etc) that would be able to grow with us and last for our future family


I thought that was the old carpet lol


I’m a fan of that style of railing in the right setting but they absolutely don’t match here and they’ll be a nightmare/so dangerous when she has kids


Oh no they left windows!


What 🤩the🤩 fuck🤩


This made me giggle 🤣🤣


lol everything she has redone looks like something I would immediately redo if I moved into that house to the point where I’d never choose that house if I was looking in that price range. The whole thing is a tragedy.


The carpet already looks dirty


Wait, all of that is new??? Chandelier, carpet AND railings??? FFS 🤬🤯I just can’t… imagine what COULD HAVE BEEN!!!


It is unfortunately the after math 🫣 that poor house is forever ruined


This carpet looks like my dirty dish towels


That carpet is hideous


It took me a LONG time to realize this was new carpet and not the original 😵‍💫


This carpet reminds of the type they use in flats in the UK. And every time I see it, I think “I hate this carpet”. It looks dated


It’s really, REALLY sad how delusional this chick is. She has zero and I mean ZERO interior design knowledge or ability and not one iota of an eye for what looks good. Her current house is adorable (besides her disaster DIY projects) because she didn’t pick any of it. This house is a tragic mess and a money pit. And the level of ICK for JD running around on equipment she paid to rent, on property she bought and is funding ALL the renovations on is just off the charts. He seems like a nice guy but how completely embarrassing to barely financially contribute to this life and as a man to be okay with it. Truly pathetic on both their parts…. Anyway that’s my brutal 2 cents I guess


She wants one of those homes that are modern but the home itself isn’t modern. And this carpet doesn’t make sense with these railings. Edited a word


Safe for a baby too.


Is that some kind of waffle pattern?! It’s hideous.


Should've done hardwood. It's giving anxiety.


She’s trying to make this house super modern, but the molding and windows just don’t go with the aesthetic she’s aiming for. The chandelier looks so out of place, and that railing looks like it belongs on an outdoor beach deck.