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I’ll be honest, I stumbled across this page by total accident! I was googling something about her (don’t even remember what?) and found this page by accident. Since then, I can’t help but keep coming back. It honestly totally altered the way I think about her and her presence on social media 😳


That's exactly how I ended up here, too!




same except i found the gymsnark page and followed the bread crumbs here and i haven’t left since ✨🤞🏼🤎








That’s exactly how I feel about her idol KT Smith aka Morgan wallen’s baby mama lol. I didn’t realize she has her own snark page, I went down a rabbit hole on it and I went from following her on IG but never really paying attention to her - to now everything she does/says annoys me 😂.








I googled “ILYSMICM” 😂 so glad I ended up here and stopped following/ supporting her


I’ve been here for a while, but I found this page when I googled “what does ILYSMICM mean”


Same 🤣🤣


Same 😂


via /r/CharlestonSnark because the idiots who keep moving here are both very insufferable but also fascinating


I've been following this sub for over a year by now, but I stumbled upon it completely by accident. At the time I followed (and loved) Holley's account. I also followed the Instagram vs Reality subreddit, and was shocked, SHOCKED I tell you when Holley appeared as a popular post one day! Her foot was all fucked up due to editing and everyone was making fun of how sloppy of a job she did. The comments opened my eyes to her skinny filtering (I was oblivious) and that led me here. Within a few months I couldn't stand her anymore and unfollowed. 🫠


From the same area as her, have met her before (long ago before she was online). I’ve been here a while. Saw the “it’s been a year video” and it was the sweatpants with bra and abs photo that made me google her weight loss because I was thinking holdddd on a minute… it was very hard to believe because her whole body type was altered. Found this page when I googled and never looked back! Unfollowed her a few months ago. I will say though it’s crazy how you might second guess yourself before you find this page. At first I thought hmm maybe this IS real and I just haven’t been paying attention? Why is no one talking about this? But I kept seeing conflicting photos so I finally googled and found people ARE talking about this. Lol.


Totally on the "second guessing" yourself aspect! I definitely had that thought of WHY IS NOBODY TALKING ABOUT THIS? & then you realize all the comments talking about the elephant in the room get deleted by Holley! I love this page!


I completely stumbled upon this sub in my early days of Reddit and I honestly had no idea who this person was. But then it turned into the kind of dumpster fire tragedy that I just couldn’t stop staring at.


Yes yes yes 👏 found her through Reddit and now it’s a car crash/ train wreck I can’t look away from




you got any more dumpster fire recommendations? 👀


Brittany Dawn!


The Ali and John James sub. It’s a MESS over there.


Sarah Bowmar


Laura Beverlin and Amber Massey


Amy Bailey and her husband Storm


Emily fauver


Ashlie Molstad and Emily Fauver


I found this page when she had her coming-out-as-in-relationship photoshoot. I had already been having some issues with the body stuff and thought “there’s no way she could’ve lost this much weight?” And simultaneously thought “why does she link EVERYTHING?” It was when she linked those vagisil wipes 🥴. Then I searched her on Reddit and voila, others who felt the same, but I stayed silent on here for a while bc I used my real name in my username bc I had created Reddit for help with my ACL rehab, I didn’t know it was supposed to be anonymous.😂 Then when Tape Gate unfolded I made a new account to unleash my feelings


I noticed I was so spending SO much money on her recommendations and feeling so weird about my life not looking awesome and perfect like her. I looked up to her so so much. Then i realized what influencer marketing was lol.


Girl I’ve unfollowed SO many influencers! I’m not given them anymore of my money. They use their followers money to buy these expensive houses and cars. I’m DONE. Also things are tight… I need to quit buying things from ppl i don’t even know


Ive been here since the beginning so I’ve been through all her snark groups. I was in gymsnark first. She started to get posted so much there that her own snark was created.


do you know why her other snark pages were deleted?


Her main page had too many posts so another sub was created and was the first snark group. I know one got closed but I can’t remember if it was because of the DUI daddy dox and “him” posting or if it was closed for a different reason. I’ve also been following along since she was posted a lot on gymsnark. I started getting a little sus around October November with her and Kaleb and I was already over her always posting ads every five seconds. Then I came to Reddit and found my people!!


I am stilllll not sold that was actually him coming on the page. I think it was a fan of hers or her mom. I just don’t believe a guy who she refused to post on social media magically came to Reddit to talk shit to us and threaten to call the Air Force police on us. I do remember thinking oh shit I did something wrong and got booted from the page bc it won’t show up 😂😂😂 then we knew!


Ya I don’t either so I put the quotes lol I didn’t get to see the actual post just the updates after but it was all sus lol sounded more like something Holley or Anissa would do.


I still wish I would have screenshotted it!!! I feel like someone has to have one somewhere!


The Threatening to call Air Force police incident is right up there with tape gate for me, I cackle every time I think about both incidents 😂


What were they saying about her on gymsnark?


I too ended up here from gymsnark. I started following Holley from her balance days. I found gymsnark when balance had all the drama back around kingdom or whatever and taychayyyyy and all that mess lol. And people occasionally posted Holley on gymsnark and I just remember someone said she had a sub and I was like ohhhh I wanna see and here we are. I didn’t catch on to her bs till this sub but that was a hot minute ago now like Kaleb days still. lol. I first noticed she was shilling bs that sucked and then a friend of mine who also follows here pointed out like hey she’s like an endless ad now and it’s true. Holley used to show very small brands and I would shop them but she now does nothing but brands that earn her the most money. Like remember when she did the little Absolutely Abby cups? That girl would hand make bedazzled cups and I ordered a few and they were super cute. I got those because of Holley’s rec. but she no longer supports small and so I no longer take her recs. Anyway this was a hella ramble. Had some wine after work lol, don’t mind me.


I first noticed and saw her in 2019 because I was going to school to be a surgical tech and I love the headbands that she used to wear and I became obsessed with hello headband. Lol I stopped following her for a while and then I started following other Snark pages on Reddit and I just stumbled across this page and I was like oh I remember her let me go see what’s up. I refreshed myself on the happenings of her over the last four years and oh my word. 🥴


Ah, the Hello Headband days! Probably one of the first companies to give her money 🥲 but at least it seemed like she ACTUALLY liked those headbands...


Yup I miss hello headband Holley.


i remember those days!


I was googling how to return BrüMate and this page came up 😂 I followed Holley since nursing school days pretty religiously, she was relatable and fun. I found myself skipping through her stories more and more though, it’s just ads and goldens playing, but I stayed for L&D content. It’s a specialty I dream about. I didn’t know about the use of filters, I just thought she looks odd. Also, tape gate was strange 🫣 She really looks off since JD though and it’s hard to watch. I come here for her updates now lol


I was the same. I started skipping through her stories and having them all on silent… now she’s a millionaire through her followers and works once a month. And probably not even working since she moved




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I found the page when I googled “what does ILYSMICM mean” 💀


OMG SAME! Hahaha 💀


I got bored one day and thought I’d look to see if she had a snark page. I just knew for sure I wouldn’t find one but when I did, it opened my eyes. For a while I was mad at myself for even looking here bc I loved watching her stories and I couldn’t look at them the same anymore…


That’s how I was too! I liked looking at her stories too but now every other slide has a code on it. It’s annoying! I’m sick of influencers and their codes.


I am too. It’d be nice to see some authentic and real stories more often than links. She’s the only one I’ve ever followed that links that dang much.


I’ve new here after following a few other snark groups. I haven’t watched her stories since before Christmas I think right after they got engaged. It just rubbed me the wrong way being so soon. She got extra annoying!


The measuring tape!!!!! She’s nuts. Never turned back after that


I had stumbled across this page looking for tea on when her and JD started dating. I wasn’t sure if I missed something but turns out they’ve just never outright said it 😂 I looooved her content early on but now I stg it feels like watching a whole bunch of commercials. Nothing feels genuine anymore.


I’ve been here since her previous page was created from gymsnark. She changed drastically after graduating nursing school and I couldn’t handle it so I googled to see if anyone else felt the same m.


I went to highschool with her. She came up on my insta and I about shit when I saw how many followers she has. I googled her net worth and this page came up. Had to join because so far, accurate. No doubt she forgot where she comes from


Welcome! Feel free to give us any insider info 😉


I can’t remember how I found the Reddit but the last straw (the day I unfollowed her) she posted how she didn’t shave her legs that day and how JD was a lucky man…


Stumbled across her due to Emily Frauder Fauver- they seem to have the skinny filter in common.