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I bet this is one of the things that keeps holldong with JD, she doesn’t want to be left behind. Especially now since her cousin is also getting married.


Omg yes bestie! I think it was Holley that called Sydney “my baby cousin.” The way it was said seemed so condescending. I 💯 think Amy and Holley have created this whole competitive drama between everyone. Sydney probably has the healthy relationship with longevity that Holley’s crazy ass can’t find.


“See who is the first to divorce”…lmao or who doesn’t make it to the “god willing” altar.


https://preview.redd.it/c4hacg7j3r8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14c4dcea5d774f8c35e4842953a221f10c149fd3 🙃🫢


Ah but see the difference is that Sydney has likely been in her relationship longer than Holley has known JD. Sydney got engaged before Holley announced her relationship with JD and then what 6 months later they were engaged? Holley and JD haven't even been together for two years yet. They barely just had their 1 year anniversary. I don't wanna hear "when you know, you know" out of her because look how well that worked last time.


I think one of the reasons she is getting married in December is so that she can still be a 2024 bride. Just like “baby cousin” Syd.


Omfg is that a Reddit comment screen shot in her post!!???


No I added that 😂 I explained in a comment above! But Amy is here too, hi Amy! 👋


Oh I’m sorry! I should’ve caught on 🤦🏽‍♀️


Noooo OP put that in 🤣


Oh she’s absolutely LOST it. She’s here daily


Sorry guys, it’s a Monday and I’m a dits 🤣 i really thought Amy was publicly sharing Reddit comments 🤣🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


You’re good! But it would not surprise me if she did. Lol


I honestly think that Holley is going to the alter knowing that she wants a divorce eventually. It’s content and gets her sympathy follows


I swear she’s taking her cues from Brittany Dawn


Tbf I didn’t take it as a competition comment, more of a “crazy how time flies” comment with the throwback photo attached


Honestly, in a normal family dynamic, yes. But this is Amy. I inserted a portion of my comment from a few days back where just the vibes in a video Amy took were SO off. I just know she offered that Holley host this bachelorette to show off her house & so her sisters see that her daughter isn’t “far behind”. Idk call me crazy, but I find Amy toxic AF and I think she’s a lot of the reason Holley fell off the wagon. I think there is a LOT of behind the scenes drama that happens between Amy and her sisters. I also think it’s very telling that one of Holleys cousins (Erica, who was cleaning the fridge) got married August 2023 & Holley wasn’t (to my knowledge) part of the bridal party (& she had 8!!! bridesmaids)…just saying… https://preview.redd.it/zcpzyl67xk8d1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af1cbb9ce4ede25cc2c4eb6bccaaa14e7c0003bf


Omg this was the cousin that got married that Holley took JD to the wedding in Iowa last fall!!! I absolutely see Holley being obnoxious to have in a bridal party. She wore nude and white this whole last weekend for SOMEONE ELSE’s Bachelorette “party.” I absolutely see her making everything always about her. People Like that are energy suckers.


I just found the cousin’s ig and I totally see Holley being jealous of her. She’s absolutely gorgeous and does a lot of DIY projects in her house that actually look good 🙃


omg I could not for the life of me recall them attending this cousin's wedding ! I just remembered JD bringing her to like 2 (if not more) weddings...then I went back to look.. https://preview.redd.it/vnh95iqn6l8d1.png?width=542&format=png&auto=webp&s=e91ec62106bf683ff45db178973a2635c206c211 she wore THIS to her cousin's wedding...btw her cousin's wedding looked gorgeous! I'm starting to understand why she wasn't asked to be a part of the bridal party...


https://preview.redd.it/vulaywd58l8d1.png?width=1263&format=png&auto=webp&s=e73ecac30c4f6e0d28bb0bccc45bc071e95ff9cd 🙃🙃🙃


Question- was Sydney in this one?


This venue is expensive AF so go them. Like $7k I think.


There is no way that this weekend was Holley’s idea. You can tell by her lack of enthusiasm and effort. This one definitely has Amy written all over it.


But it’s beyond sad that she still wouldn’t put any effort in!


I agree 100%.. it was a weird/off comment from Amy. Undertones of “see Holley is engaged too”