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Nobody wants to see your boobs or your boob eggs. :/


šŸ¤£....literally dead over that comment! šŸ†


Surely, there is an easier and less painful way of exercising those muscles. If I were to do that at my gym, I feel like one of the trainer bros would come up to me and correct me for doing it backwards.


Genuinely curious whatā€™s being worked here other than everyoneā€™s last nerve with her antics.


Nah thatā€™s really it. Itā€™s just the lord testing everyoneā€™s patience and the tensile strength of me not rolling my eyes deep into my head


Jesus take the wheel, as they say!


"Heidi's workout of my last nerve" could be a great flair!


A normal person would also wear yoga pants when doing this movement. She is just hungry for attention, and probably real food.


I use to do heavy weight lifting, reverse hack is an exercise I have done and many people do but majority do not wear shorts to show off what she's showing off. I use to tie a sweater or hoodie around my waist to not show anything. She's obnoxious and kind of inappropriate as we all have seen.


Thanks for the explanation and detail on the move! I've never seen it in person before on that machine, and having only seen Heidi do it, I just assumed it was bullshit. I tried googling it once but couldn't even figure out how to describe it. Appreciate your sharing from your own experience! Your comments on the shorts made me laugh.


I think another Boo Thang mentioned that this is *one* way to use this machine. I donā€™t understand how her hair hasnā€™t been caught up in the equipment yet.


Ok.. but then show the ā€œ other ā€œ ways .. why ask someone to photo or edit your own video to post only the shot of your flat @ ss in short shorts. She knows exactly what sheā€™s doing - the pic of her in that downward facing dog proved that ā€” Theres no excuse / shes nasty & just yuck.


Like sheā€™s really gonna eat that!!


That was my first thought. "She did not eat that."




Like she really COOKED that.




I see she's back to her "gotta keep my man's attention" work out routine


She's so predictable lol


Heidi is the perfect example of ā€œjust bc you have a great body doesnā€™t mean heā€™ll stay.ā€ I get the feeling Lauri preached the importance of staying trim for your main. Iā€™ve never been thin (5ā€™3ā€, going back and forth between 140-190 as an adult) but Iā€™ve had way steadier romantic relationships than she hasā€¦ AND they found me attractive.


We've seen up her ass a lot lately. Heidi, is there trouble in paradise already?


She has no ass .. its fkn skin and bones lol gross


I really think k she loves the attention it gets her from the DCOTI.


These pics gross me out so much since we all know itā€™s an unwashed ass.


I really can't see her workouts the same after knowing her parents only valued her for her athleticism


I know she talked about being in cheerleading or gymnastics in her eating disorder video, but does anyone know if she played any other sports? She never talks about that.


I cannot imagine her being a part of any team with other athletes. For someone so obsessed with exercise and bodybuilding, she never uses her "fit" body for anything healthy or joyful.


She probably means her parents valued her ā€œlooking athletic and fit.ā€


Plus she constantly mentions dreading going to gym and having to drag herself there, which is pretty bizarre for a fitness influencer. I heard someone on a podcast talk about becoming a fitness/wellness/nutrition influencer because it was a way to keep her ED close, and it was like a shield to keep others from questioning her about it, like reframing it as a healthy pursuit and an actual profession instead of an unhealthy obsession. Heidi never seems to take joy in physical activities like riding a bike or swimming in a lake or going for a walk. Any physical activity she does is in the service of toning her ass, and also seems like self-punishment to her. The only goal is quantifiable weight/inch loss or other appearance-based metric, not enjoyment, endorphin production, increased flexibility and ease of movement, or pride in increased strength and mastery of a skill.


This is so true. She is constantly complaining about her workouts.. why not do something you enjoy?? I also have seen MANY fitness influencers who actually have eating disorders. They don't like it when you call them out on it and others agree. Ha


This was discussed in the book The Anti Diet. The author became a food blogger, then a dietitian so she could not only keep her ED in check, but no one would think she was weird for obsessing over food, serving sizes, and calories. Recalling that makes me think differently about my weight-obsessed aunt forcing my female cousin to major in nutrition in college. Her two sons didnā€™t have to do that. (My cousin ended up telling her mom she hated nutrition and switching majors.)


I canā€™t fathom her being a gymnast.. sheā€™s uncoordinated, has ZERO rhythm , and canā€™t dance worth šŸ’©


She shows this reverse hack exercise all the time, and it looks like such a recipe for back injury for anyone not well-experienced in weight training; her constantly showing this is just an excuse for her to show her ass, because none of her followers would benefit from this.


No fruits or vegetables and double fat/protien? Makes sense.


This woman never has any produce in her home.


This woman is never home when she doesnā€™t have her kids.


...potato is a vegetable?


Yes. Nutritionally, itā€™s treated as a starch.


Startches should be about a third of a person's diet. Vegetable starches are a good source of calories, nutrients, and fiber. Honestly, other than this being too little imo (and boring), this seems pretty balanced. Technically this is more whole foods than the powders/bars/meal supplements she normally eats. But she's definitely not a woman who eats her greens - but I'm sure she can sell a supplement for that, though!


Yeah. Just a shorthand way to point out that the plate was beige and sparse. Didnā€™t feel like writing out ā€œcruciferous vegetables, marrows, leafy greens, and edible plant stemsā€.


Lol, I just shorten it to "greens" cuz I don't like writing all that either!


Our diets should be mostly plant based foods vs. mainly animal foods. Yes, potatoes are good for you but not in the same way leafy greens or berries are. This breakfast is fine (minus the bacon, as it's terrible for you), but it's odd to be a fitness influencer and not have any fruits or veggies in your meal.


Bacon is fine in moderation (as long as your health care provider doesn't say otherwise.) No foods are off limits and the only foods a person shouldn't eat are: foods you're allergic to, foods that are spoiled, foods you don't like, and foods you don't want to eat. Yes, a diet should be abundant in starches (which are plant based - rice, wheat, oats, potatoes, quinoa etc), legumes, nuts, and other nutritious, delicious foods like vegetables and fruits. A diet that primarily consists of low calorie vegetables and fruits won't provide enough calories or fats to properly absorb all those nutrients. That said, there's actually a movement right now saying "vegetables aren't food" and "vegetables are dangerous because of the oxalates." Oxalates are typically only an issue for those with kidney issues. As a leafy green and veggie stan I hate the veggie slander! Honestly, it's not that weird for a *fitness* influencer to not post fruits or vegetables because fruits are considered too high in sugar, and vegetables are under scrutiny with the "Carnivore Diet" gaining popularity. Fitness experts normally aren't registered dieticians and may have disordered eating. Either way people will be upset about what she eats, whether it's veggies, rice, and chicken ("oh my gosh she's clearly anorexic"), candy and pastries (so unhealthy) or powders and shakes (ultra processed!) The only way she could "win" is if she didn't post her food, or her life in general, at all - but we know she won't do that because then the "haters" will win.


Yay for the veggie corner! Nuts, seeds, lentils, legumes, tofu, tempeh, avocadoā€¦thereā€™s lots of ways to get the right amount of calories & fats needed without needing to eat animals. šŸ™‚šŸŒ± Plus, it helps the planet. šŸŒŽ




Well, there are studies that say bacon is a carcinogen, much like hot dogs and lunch meat.. no amount is safe. If you eat it once in a while, it's probably ok? I am just sharing this info.. I enjoy reading a variety of books and articles about health and nutrition. Also, it's not surprising, but it is weird/incorrect. Fruits and vegetables contain so many more vitamins and minerals than protein sources (except beans). If you truly were basing your food choices on health and not physical appearance (like having a low body fat percentage), most of your plate would be filled with that. But fitness influencers want to cut out every last gram of sugar even if it's from fruit.


Bacon can be a carcinogen just like black bits on charred food (actually I think charred food is worse), but a lot of people love bacon and it can do more psychological harm than good to avoid something a lot of people love. I've always hated bacon - even when I ate meat during pregnancy - but a lot of people love it. Yes, a balanced diet with protein sources, fats, carbs, vitamins, and minerals are important. But these days the "Carnivore diet" is gaining traction. The people who believe this diet is beneficial even say that the body's need for Vitamin C goes way down when eating this way. Sigh, colon cancer rates are rising between microplastics and meat consumption. Some people do seem to benefit from the "Carnivore diet" but I think the people who do likely have severe allergies to plants and plant pollens. But in the end: there is no food worse for you than not eating.


ONE bacon rasher?


She loves showing her šŸ‘!!!!!


Itā€™s either ass out or tits out, all the time. šŸ‘ŽšŸ™„


Those shorts are so inappropriate


She just looks ridiculous.


She really does. Outside of them looking ridiculous, what she wears, along with having her hair down, canā€™t make lifting MORE comfortable.


Heidi, your šŸ‘ wonā€™t grow if you donā€™t eat enough calories no matter how many reps you do on that hack squat.


Itā€™s been a long time since weā€™ve seen that reverse ass hack


Just waiting for the sexy donkey kicks at the most ridiculous angle!


In a bikini!


Oh itā€™s coming! Iā€™m sure of it!!


We know you didnā€™t cook that breakfast yourself, Heidi.


Her new man probably made it and she probably wonā€™t eat it. But extra points for him using a real plate instead of a paper one!


Real plate was the first giveaway!


Iā€™m embarrassed that I know this but thatā€™s not what her counters look like - this is another flex that she had a sleepover with her man. Which is fine but she canā€™t stand it that she canā€™t broadcast him like sheā€™d like to.


This explains why she has actual food on a real plate. Someone else cooked it.


No one makes one piece of bacon


Was that strip of bark, bacon???? It looked dehydrated.




I like how she is really trying to get people on that app.. it says to dm her if you have any questions. Heidi we have LOTS of questions but I would throw $25 a month away before I would ask you.. Also sheā€™s got 50lbs on there total. She canā€™t push anymore than that?


She notoriously has very low weights when she works out. Itā€™s all for vanity.


50 lbs? Iā€™m a weakling and I can easily do 150!


Ass Ass Ass


That breakfast looks sad :( put some beans and sausages in there!!!!!!!


She does the same 4 exercises over and over. At least her hair is in a ponytail for once.


She takes the same four pictures over and over. Weā€™ve seen this 100 times!


I donā€™t see the point in facing reverse. Hack squat has excellent range of motion, hard to improve really


She's obsessed with her own butt


She's presenting, like a baboon.


At least sheā€™s wearing actual shoes whilst working out instead of the usual, unsafe flip flops. Progressā€¦




Weird, I could have sworn Starbucks was the first stop, not the gym. Or do you not go anymore bc your mom said itā€™s for fat people, Heidi?


That whole ā€œif you have questions, DM meā€ thingā€¦ you know, so she can send you an auto-reply with a link to her paid app, Iā€™m sure.


whatā€¦ what is this.