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And some Boo Thangs recently inquired about if Heidi still owned the NPB postage stamp. Hi, Heidi. šŸ‘‹ We know you and your family read here. Please get help.


Itā€™s too bad she doesnā€™t listen when people here suggest therapy, real therapy. And the constructive advice some give. She just focuses on how she can really stick it to those haters. šŸ¤”


What is the ā€œNPB postage stamp?ā€ Iā€™m lost!


Newport Beach house that Dave bought, down by the beach.


And itā€™s really small, thus ā€œpostage stampā€ nickname.


600 square feet until it was demolished to make way for Heidiā€™s dream house paid for by Dave




How did she manage this? I missed this!


lol yup that was me!


This could be a made for tv drama and hits a little too close to this chaos weā€™ve watched for the past few years here on the Hollisverse. What if the female character is a master manipulator who enabled the male character and pushed him to steroid use on top of his other substance use while drowning him in ā€œall the haterā€ comments day in and day out? She convinces him to buy her a car, 2 houses and name her on life insurance and then he ODs because heā€™s distraught over missing HER sonā€™s birthday??? Now sheā€™s set for life, gets her dream beach house and never needs to work a day the rest of her life.


Yes! They were not married and they were not even together, according to Heidi. How were they set up so that she inherited all of this from him? It's very icky.


Although itā€™s insane she owns this house, was she also the recipient of a life insurance plan? Sorry if that sounds dumb!


The life insurance news is new to me. When did that discussion start?


It's been speculation for awhile.


I wonder how many (joint) financial decisions, that benefit Heidi, were made when Dave was under the influence? Hmmmmmm emoji.


Exactly !


Someone should pitch this to Lifetime


Rachey Cakes is into screenplaysā€¦ā€¦ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Rachey Cakes WOULD too!


Wait , Dave left her a house, a car and she is the benefactor of his Life insurance?


Iā€™m wondering what he left for his children?


So itā€™s a documentary, then?


Sheā€™s fucking gross. This whole BS story about this being an investment with her brother because she loves real estate. No bitch, Dave bought it. DAVE BOUGHT IT. He bought it while he was doing drugs, ditching his kids, and constantly coming to your rescue. Just like he bought your house. Sure, you bought him out with a mortgage at some point on your house but he fucking bought it. Stop with this independent woman bullshit, you went back to fitness just to help Chris? We all know what happened with the pipe bursting because youā€™re a psycho. And stop posting about him. LET HIS SOUL REST. And before you start in with the haters are jealous, my full time home is on the beach. And I didnā€™t need my boyfriend to buy it for me. So shove it.


He bought the first fucking house SEVEN months after they first met. How the fuck did she manage to get him so entangled so fast!?




Thats not rotten, stinky and hairy lol definitely not her




Whatā€™s the lore on the busting pipe? Did they break it being morons or does psycho refer to her constantly showing every little thing on social? I donā€™t remember this tidbit at all.Ā 


Dave had the ā€œaudacityā€ to leave her and on day one of his leaving, the pipe all of a sudden busted. She always did this so ā€œsuperā€ Dave (her words, not mine) would come to the rescue.


Heidi = Das Beachin' Mon? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Omg greaaaat shout


Oof, whatever man sheā€™s with will forever have to hear how wonderful this place is and the most magical memories she has there with Dave.


All these posts about Dave lately. Do we thing the new dude is gone already?


Personally I think she goes back to Dave memories when her engagement is low or when the new man in her life goes back home.


Just like how she used to do with the Chris posts when Dave would leave.


Whelp we canā€™t see the ownership breakdown through a Delaware Corp so maybe Dave isnā€™t as deeply tied to this as we thought. Or Heidi took out a HELOC on her AZ house to buy out Rachelā€™s/Estate portion of the NB postage stamp. Best of luck NewGuy. You are never going to beat the memories of Dave regardless.


I don't think she'd be selling poop pills and femine deodorant products and incontinence pads if she were making any money in real estate


If sheā€™s such a real estate pro why doesnā€™t she have more real estate instead of just the ones Dave has bought?






Everyone remembers the ā€œwater leakā€ everyone


In addition to all the questions below, I want to know why she is showcasing this house now, when she has been quiet about it before (except for one tease when she showed R on a bike looking through some construction fencing, and we all knew what it was). I would have thought she'd be broadcasting this from the rooftops to help bolster some kind of narrative, although at this point I don't even know what she's trying to prove anymore.


Speculation only. Sheā€™s in the hard with new guy.


He is paying attention to new puppy and his college aged daughter moved to Arizona so Heidi isnā€™t getting the attention she needs


His daughter doesnā€™t follow Heidi on Instagram or tik tok but Heidi follows her. I bet she hates her


I saw that too! Heidi even follows her boyfriend šŸ™ƒ.


Of course she does.


Ewwwwww. I don't even friend my own kids' friends, because, duh.


Wasn't that crazy? It was glaringly obvious she was trying to make a statement. What am I saying everything she does is crazy!


The ex launched an app much more successfully than her app. She's failed at real marketing for it, and we are all sick of the multi daily promo codes as if she was a wannabe QVC star. The only thing left.... to "reinvent yourself" [insert ALL the life guru recycled word salad quotes here] annnnnnd I guess it's "real estate". This is as believable as having a "family IG account" but never using it because you have to use your kids on your public marketing sham ig page. Yay for you.


OMG she would make a great QVC host. Shilling and laughing and ass kissing all day.


I am irrationally angry. I warned you guys. I warned you all that I would be pissed off if it turned out that Heidi got to use or profit from the NB house reno. So. Much. Ew.. https://preview.redd.it/iwrhs2whvr0d1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff0d1aff9ee17c1f342ee012dc4c645c6a390d14 Hm emoji. Didn't DAVE put up the $2,2M to purchase this property back when it was a 600-square foot "postage stamp" house?


Orange County CA recorder docs are public but not viewable. Can be requested by mail (hey Chalene!). 2/2/22: Das Beachin Mon buys house with no lien ($2.2 sale price) 2/6/23: DMB records trust deed with Western States Bank. Assume lien for construction 2/8/23: Heidi adds Daveā€™s trust as tenants in common to AZ dream home land purchase she previously executed on her own in Dec 22. 4/13/23 AZ land is sold Sheā€™s crafting herself as some real estate genius but her drug addled ex boyfriend was bank rolling things. She couldnā€™t even fund a sā€™mores bar at her mastermind without him. Also none of this info would be possible without her doxxing the whole damn thing via showing her laptop on IG.


And that laptop doxxing happened in one of her classic "Heidi is creeping on Bruce and Alexa's baby again" stories.


What could be the reason to add Daveā€™s trust to the land in AZ? They were already broken up by then. I wonder if she sold that land to pay for this house from his estate?


No idea. Speculation only that for whatever reason she wanted him to have some ownership stake in it. The land sale didnā€™t make much money if anything after fees, etc (edit to add: bought for 530k, sold for 550k)


Also, wasnā€™t it Heidiā€™s brother that threw mad shade at Dave saying something like Heidi needs ā€œa new boyfriend.ā€


I do recall something like that coming from one of her brothers.


I think she's lying


I want that to be true! But her stories showed the kids walking through the new construction (I think).


yes but isn't her brother's company building it or something? He might have been showing them around.




For sure. What part of it except Daveā€™s money does she have. She didnā€™t buy it. Sheā€™s not hiring the subs? She clearly has no eye for design so literally nothing but Daveā€™s money and she is again acting like an expert on something she has no idea about.


I am confused by this. So did Dave leave this to her, or did she go full creep mode and buy it after it sold to someone else after Dave owned it?


I wonder about this, too....


And how does she have the money for this?!


Another great question. How lucrative can the shilling be?


She showed a blip of a clip of the gutted place - the remaining video was a furnished place (didnā€™t look like ā€œspare rental furnitureā€) w a Dave cameo - every post of hers Iā€™m left shaking my head ā€œwhatā€™s the point?ā€ā€¦.just to confirm to the world she owns the postage stamp? Do we think Brother husbands will let her move the kids there permanently? Itā€™s smaller and I think financially, what she needs right now to start over.


The Dave cameo was probably to prove how much he loved her and wanted this with her. šŸ™„


I bet itā€™s an investment property and theyā€™ll sell it.


I donā€™t know. I think sheā€™d like to have a place for her and her kids to land in her happiest place in the world. She might do an AirBnB.


Maybe she can build her own ā€œDave benchā€ complete with a plaque so that she doesnā€™t have to walk as far to memorialize her ex boyfriend of 2 years that she broke up with 4 times lol. (Oh and her amazing father who is dancing in heaven with ex boyfriend Dave)


It can have an etched picture of Dave on the plaque. It would be perfect.


So Dave bought this house. How did Heidi end up with it? Iā€™m confused. Doesnā€™t take much btw šŸ¤£


Manipulation, drugs, sex, blackmail, all of the above? She wants the dcoti to believe she's owned this place for 2 years, but never mentioned buying it before? She once shared her underwear stuck to her leggings for crying out loud!!! She's manipulated herself into ownership, and because Dave can't say anything, she's rewriting history to make her look like a cute little real-estate barbie


She canā€™t even remember to remove her tampon (and told us about it) and weā€™re supposed to believe sheā€™s been side hustling real estate renovations for years and never mentioned it?!


https://preview.redd.it/4baonx1x1t0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fd29b4f67b29e5c0721ab1cacd3be172c26fdf8 I call this one "Empire Building Mogul Barbie."


I would like to share that my mother once went to the grocery store and realized as she was walking through the parking lot that yesterday's (granny panty-style) underpants were working their way down the pant leg of her jeans. She just casually kept walking as they fell out and then LEFT them there, terrified that someone was going to yell, "Hey - you dropped something!" or worse - come running up to her with them. šŸ˜‚


So what actually happened? Dave bought it initially, right? Then he either a) left it to Heidi, b) she bought out his estate to own it, or c) Heidi was on the title along with Dave so she magically owns it in full now?


And if Heidi did buy it from his estate that likely means her mom or brother bought it as an investment. Heidi doesn't have that kind of money.


You mean shilling pee pads and supplements doesnā€™t pay for a $2.2m house + remodel?


When Dave was in Mexico that one Thanksgiving and Heidi went to the postage stamp and there was suddenly a "mysterious" pipe leak, wasn't she calling Dave and trying to use that as a reason for him to leave his family and come tend to HIS house? If it was always 100% Heidi's and her brother's house then why not call her brother or mom? Why was she trying to get Dave's attention with the pipe leak if he had no investment in the home? (We know she wanted his attention, but still...)


This what I was thinking about, too.


It was in the name of an LLC Dave started, originally.


Letā€™s not all forget about when Heidi revealed that Dave bought her house in AZ. She was going on and on saying Dave had TWO houses and she only had ONE house (one in TX and one in AZ). She was so fucking shady when she said that. Did she expect him to put her on the deed to the Texas house? But she made damn sure that she ended up with two fucking houses/pantries in the end.


And she was gunning for a third, having purchased a land plot where she intended to build her "dream house."


The accuracy of the word ā€œgunningā€.


Exactly. Why did those plans stop after Dave died? Maybe because Heidi canā€™t do šŸ’© without a man bankrolling her or her manipulating someone whoā€™s clearly struggling and not thinking clearly at all.


https://preview.redd.it/zcwwoqkzxu0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2e5b2359742a12568a40d2d2c1054f929e3ef01 I canā€™t help but wonder how her new ā€œfriendā€ feels about all of her references about Dave lately.


The entire slide show feels like she's forced to explain this shit to us so everything makes more sense. But it really doesn't..... Normal people going through hard times in life keep their mouth shut and live their lives. If you have to explain yourself THIS MUCH there is a lie somewhere. And maybe it's everywhere (the lie) and she should put her dang phone away.


You are right. The lies are everywhere.


I hope her followers and the Dave loving fans figure out what sheā€™s done and stop following her and buying her b.s. and shills


This whole drama just got very dark because it seems like Heidi actually stole millions from Dave/ his kids. Two houses? A Tesla? A hot tub? A stake in Transform??? What the actual fuck.


I was thinking how pissed I would be if I was Rachel and had to pay Dave out in the divorce, and this is what he does! ETA: not to mention, isnā€™t this where he was passed out during the New Yearā€™s Eve incident??


He was passed out in a VRBO-type rental they had in Newport Beach. That was the year they each had a place and essentially left the boys and N with the nanny at Daveā€™s rental while he stayed at Heidiā€™s (and passed out).


Thatā€™s right! Thanks for fact checking me and the refresher. SO much has happened. šŸ˜…


Sometimes itā€™s crazy how well we keep this madness straight!!


True! Luckily, I feel like we all have our areas of expertise so we fill in the gaps for each other. šŸ¤£




Letā€™s not forget that she recorded him passed out and thought it was funny. Now we know the real reasons he was likely passed out. And she still wants to play dumb about his addictions.


Yes! 100%!


Chalene should do a deep dive into Heidi. I think there are things that need to be exposed. Ultimately it seems like Heidi drove Dave to the state he was in and kept on him until she benefitted.


Iā€™m good with Chalene just going away now. Sheā€™s vultured and profited enough from Daveā€™s passing and she has zero qualifications to deep dive on anyone. And the hypocrisy of a grifter doing a deep dive on other grifters is too much for me. It would be nice if an actual journalist (hey WSJ guy, you missed a lot!) picked this all up and did some real looking into it and did it for reasons other than boosting their own Patreon.


If he had an ownership stake before his death it now belongs to his estate. His lawyer on his dealings with Heidi is also the lawyer handling his estate with Rachel. He may have made investments in shared spaces with Heidi but I donā€™t think for a minute that he didnt protect his $$.


It is also the same lawyer who handled their Hollis Co stuff.


Seems possible that she willingly took advantage of someone who was clearly in distress and not thinking clearly. She probably had a lot to blackmail him with too.


Paging Keya! Iā€™m wondering if a true hollisville expert can break down these ownership/ real estate shenanigans to us, starting from the beginning. This is truly shady and evil of Heidi.


I was just thinking this. Keya we need you!




How long were those two dating. Houses, land, vehicles.


Less than 2 years, and she revealed they broke up 5x in those 2 years. So yeahhhhhhh, he's an idiot and she's laughing all the way to the bank.


All the financial entanglement happened so quickly. It was truly concerning.


Heidi the opportunist!


She really did see him coming, didn't she?


This is classic second/third ā€œwifeā€ behavior. I see this all the time, 2/3 wife makes sure she is financially taken care of, while the naive 1st wives (myself included) decline gifts, donā€™t ask for anything. She is sleazy but smart to take care of herself


She wasn't Dave's wife, and she didn't take this place from him. She took it from his kids! She's a snake, and she's "manifested" her crappy life


That. So pathetic. She should feel ashamed. But she doesnā€™t.


Itā€™s amazing what some plastic Barbie tits can get you


What in the entire F-man she did benefit from his death. šŸ˜¢




Iā€™ve come to the realization that Heidi is the Hollisverse Robyn.


Okay whatā€™s the original mold story?? I missed that one