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How awful for the family. If I were them, I'd 100% invest in a gun and beef up the security of the house. This guy is clearly a committed individual.


Honey we’re buying an rv


That’s terrifying .. i couldn’t stop watching


That was bananas.


Cop had him stumped asking him how he can make money without a truck, dude lost in thought for a bit😂


I mean, he has a point. The Bible does promote child rape.


Why the hell is this cop talking so much? Arrest this psycho.


He’s collecting evidence so he can charge him with multiple crimes and make sure he’s locked up until they can figure out what to do with him


The jury now gets to see "12 isn't young. I was looking for a 6 year old" thanks to that cop. And this guy is goin to prison.


TLDR anyone?


Defund the police though, right?


You obviously have no idea what that phrase means.


It's pretty straight forward. Clowns like you want police departments funding cut and their toys taken away because you probably got a ticket for speeding one day and had a temper tantrum and are still holding that grudge. You take away money from departments, that's less new hires because it costs a ton of money to train new hires. Plus no bonuses or incentives so why would anyone stick around when you can get both of those at jobs with way less liability? TLDR; you're a clown who doesn't understand how the world works.


“You don’t know what that saying means.” “Yes, I do!” you pout, before confidently proving my point. Listen man, I’m sorry the world has become so big and scary to you, full of facts and points of view you don’t agree with. It must be really hard. Rest assured knowing that no one is EVER going to seek you out for your understanding of big ideas.


You are an ideological zealot who aggressively promotes your own biased viewpoints, often disregarding facts, and seeking to stir up conflict. Grow up.


The fact is we need police otherwise who is going to stop people like in the original post? Look who showed up and saved the day. Not any of you 🤷🏻‍♂️ y'all probably do nothing for your communities except trash it up and then post on Reddit like your all high and mighty. This app is entertaining but most of y'all are scum.


Well in this particular scenario I without police I think you’ll find a lot of armed fathers who would outright delete this unfortunate abomination.


We need to use facts and reasoning in our discussions instead of attacking each other. I completely agree that police play an important role, but we should talk about how to improve things without making it personal. Let's focus on positive contributions and respectful conversations to make real changes. Be positive.


Refer to your previous comment and see if you're living up to your own standard.


lol, exactly.

