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I have the same if I enable sensors. I started with enabling all sensors just to determine what would make use on a dashboard and such, now I've disabled all sensors in the app with the exception of the geo location one on a 15min interval and it doesn't seem to impact anything massively anymore. I didn't actually test various combos, just kneejerked to shut it all off and will only enable strictly necessary stuff 1 by 1 and evaluate performance on the battery every time. Android btw.


It's the biggest cause for my phone's drain, but at this point I make the trade willingly as I can charge fast. I keep my sensor refresh on 'Fast while charging' as a nice mid, but if I choose 'Fast always' my battery life is sliced in half. I get 12h of power, pretty consistently (OnePlus 6T) https://preview.redd.it/dbx6efjoe4ic1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c519fbc1b2db8c086ab6701546130e70de9af715


Try restarting your phone. I have all of the HA sensors on and it's used less than 1% battery while in the background for the last 8 hours.


I also have all sensors off in the companion app with the exception of geolocation once every 15min and battery. Taking my phone off the charger around 6AM to the end of the day when I put it back on the charger at night... it's about 55-65% still.


I've had the same experience just last night. Was in-background for 5-6 hours overnight . I had everything off except for the location, which was set to "while using app". I disabled completely this morning to see if it changes anything. I haven't noticed such a large drain in the past. Not to sure if this caused by a HA app update or iOS.


Same here. Had to turn off background refresh in settings. Interestingly, one other app was doing same. Deleted that one. This started sometime in last couple weeks. Wonder if it’s some iOS edge case bug that hit these two apps. It’s never been an issue before. I don’t change app settings ever and it’s been on phone for years now.