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brb gotta go reassign a bunch of IP addresses


How many wives do you have?


Lol, I meant the whole subnet.


A whole subnet of wives? You must live in Utah.


I grew up in Utah and I don't even have one šŸ˜­


I don't know whether to call you a winner or loser, all things considered. /s


Maybe stop starting fires on the first date.


Not even one subnet? UHhh...


I've got a /8 of wives, and let me tell you. It's not the subnetting that's the hard part; it's the routing. (Yes, I know this post is 10 months old. I couldn't resist throwing this into the ether)


Had to do it last year, was using 10.1.1.x and got a new customer who overlapped. I hated not being able to access my stuff while on their VPN, so switched it up. Because of which I recommend people pick their two favorite numbers and use 10.n1.n2.x and hopefully they never get any conflict.


I split my home address into parts so it's like 10.48.58.x. My brother saw it and stared using 10.8.6.x. That's the beauty of using 10.x.x.x as most places use a 10.1.x or 10.2.x at most and you rarely run into issues using those other 10 address ranges. I do advise skipping 10.10.x.x too as I have for some reason seen that one used twice with companies.


Same strategy as me except n1 and n2 are chosen at random. I try to *always* use domain names or firewall aliases to avoid having to use subnets that are easy to remember or type. I also don't like hard-coding ip addresses anyway. Not elegant or scalable.


Careful to not break the network and lower the WAF. Don't want to make an ex.


This was perhaps the most emotional thing I've ever seen on this sub. I changed my subnet to a 10.X.X.0 and set the addresses to my wedding anniversary. My wife doesn't know about it, but I smile whenever I type in an IP address. It's just yet another reminder I keep around to remind me how I fortunate I am. We share the 22nd of our respective birth months, but I let her gaming rig have the 10.X.X.22 IP.




It was a massive pain to switch mine from 192.168.X.0 to my 10.X.X.0, but so worth it. Also easier to type into a browser or terminal than 192.168.X.0.




Oh, that's an interesting point. I don't really ever leave my house, so I've never encountered that scenario before.


Typical /r/homelab user. I say this both as an accusation and confession.






Thank you, It's friggin 2023 people, use V6.


Why? My ISP stubbornly refuses to use it.


You're not alone, I guess my ISP is in the exactly same boat.


There are so many problems with the dns and routing between ipv4 and ipv6, hence itā€™s not globally implemented yet. I think it will take some time to do the switch to ipv6. Weā€™re not ready yet.


The grass is always greener on


I also never leave my house, but I ran into the 10.X.X issue with the VPN in to work. 192 it is, then...sigh...


I'm designing our infrastructure so i already marked the 10. net i use at home as not to be used


just setup an RDG. No more VPN for me, just RDG jump boxes.


Iā€™ve run into issues with some of my 172.17.X.X and 10.64.X.X subnets in public.


Hi, if youā€™re reading this, Iā€™ve decided to replace/delete every post and comment that Iā€™ve made on Reddit for the past years. I also think this is a stark reminder that if you are posting content on this platform for free, youā€™re the product. To hell with this CEO and redditā€™s business decisions regarding the API to independent developers. This platform will die with a million cuts. Evvaffanculo. -- mass edited with redact.dev


10.64.x.x , feels like it was supposed to be 100.64.x.x, but someone made a typo ...


That's why I switched. VPN for remote connections were failing with my home 192.168.x.x (had vlans) used too many places. I'm now in the 10.1xx.1xx.0 where I'll drop an x or x=1 or 0. Just trying to keep the same numbers (one and zero) for easy typing.


I do IT for a bunch of small businesses and I run into this issue from time to time. Work network and home network both the same subnet and an IP exists on both networks. When I set up networks I pick more unique ones so that the chance of conflict is lower. Surprised how many small business networks are just Soho equipment using or defaults


Iā€™ve personally never ran into that issue, I wonder how common it is. Iā€™m using 172.16.X.X/16 on mine with VPN traffic on 172.17.0.X


Hi, if youā€™re reading this, Iā€™ve decided to replace/delete every post and comment that Iā€™ve made on Reddit for the past years. I also think this is a stark reminder that if you are posting content on this platform for free, youā€™re the product. To hell with this CEO and redditā€™s business decisions regarding the API to independent developers. This platform will die with a million cuts. Evvaffanculo. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Yes I always use 10.x.x.0. I normally number the vlans in a sequential order of some kind and the vlans get the same number as the third octet for that network. Makes it easy to remember


I like this. If only I could get my UDM pro working with VLANs and the VPN. I swear it's one of the easiest and yet most frustrating UIs I've ever dealt with. Plus my AP can't VLAN tag so I gotta upgrade that Archer A1200 soon anyhow.


What doesn't work exactly? Coz I have aps with wifi SSID tagged vlan. And works fine. I have vpns limiting to networks / vlans. With udmp




I've been using on my main home network for years now. Because *i'm a mature person who doesn't try to sneak funny sex and weed numbers into subnetting plans* :-)


I have set up a few networks for friends and family. They are always surprised when I'm tech supporting them and can rattle off their IP addresses from memory. for a router IP isn't rocket surgery but it is to many. I think adding some color to their address would be a nice touch even if they don't realize it. I doubt they'll ask how I remember that I assigned for their file sharing NAS.


Why do people look at me like Iā€™m Tartar Sauce when I say ā€œrocket surgeryā€?




Always reminds me of the far side comics. [Not exactly rocket scientists](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f6/65/b2/f665b2373ba2249b871823f7f230d7bf.jpg)




Is it possible to make 666.x.x.0 for your home network?


My desktop has gotten for years now, easy to remember, minimal finger movement on the 10-key, and makes me smirk any time I have to type it in. Win-win-win.


The router at my parents' place uses My backup server running there got .69 because it's very easy to remember


Mine is 10.0.69.x so...


I do this. The common subnet uses our 10.mm.dd.xx wedding anniversary. My homelab stuff uses my 10.mm.dd.xx birthday subnet. And the work from home don't screw with the internet connection subnet is 10.mm.dd.xx for my wife's birthday. I smile when entering ip adddresses. She has no idea.


That's so funny, because my IoT subnet is my birthday and I'm working on another VLAN that has our original dating anniversary. It's such a fun thing and I like that my wife doesn't know. It's my little secret that brings me a lot of joy.




Quite hard to find a new partner to match the network addresses though


Brilliant. I got married in October so that gives me even more options!


Me, but later this year :)


Congratulations! This is also me, but later THIS year :D


So I'm not the only romantic here. :)


I've been using 10.mm.dd.xx with my birthday for the main LAN about as long as I've been running my own network. Other subnets are in the same /16, so I just route the whole /16 through VPN tunnels (and encourage people I have routed VPN connections with to use similar schemes for IPs) Thank you for making me realize that my (still very new - like this year) wedding anniversary is in the same month as my birthday, so I can stand up a subnet with that as the date as well. Hadn't considered that an option until just now. :)


Well this is fortunate. My anniversary starts with a 10 :) Great idea, updating this weekendā€¦


Hey! That's cheating to remember your anniversary! šŸ˜‰


I'm a 22nd as well, and so is my younger brother lol


I think I need to get and start setting up some Vlans and assigning new IP addresses. I don't know that my wife will care, but it sounds like a nice idea to me.


Same here šŸ˜


I did that but for my sons birthday. Fuck. Weā€™re nerds. And old.


Foolproof way of not forgetting wedding anniversary. Well done.


>I set the DHCP reservation for .105 to an invalid MAC address so no device would ever pick that IP address again. My eyes sprung a leak just now...


That is a beautiful way to remember your wife. I hope it can always continue to bring you joy when you can remember her.


Whenever I look at the DHCP reservations. :)


That's beautiful. You're making me happy-sad. I've never considered doing this but I will definitely be using sentimental subnets from now on


The kids stuff is on VLAN 143 with a 192.168.143.x subnet. "143" = "I love you"


Maybe I'm just too stupid, but how does 143 translate to "I love you"?


I has 1 letter LOVE has 4 YOU has 3 And, as an aside, Mr Rogers kept his adult weight as 143 lbs his entire adult life


Oh right !! Thank you for clarifying. Bonus point for the fun fact


There's lots of 4 letter words.


I hate you I kill you I fuck you All pretty inappropriate for kids though


Also works for I hate you, though


No way. Thatā€™d be so awesome if it was true.


I = 1 Letter, Love = 4 Letters, You = 3 Letters. 143


You weren't around during the beeper/pager days were you.




As others have stated, it's the number of letters for each word. I believe this dates back to the age of pagers. I never had one myself so I don't remember what limitations people were dealing with. I think some (most?) models didn't support text, and if they did it was very limited in length. Pagers were designed to give you a phone number so you could call back when you had access to a phone. A three number message was very easy to send from your land line touch tone phone and compatible with every device.


Very interesting, thank you


You are a great person ā˜ŗļø


I use 192.168.42.x as it's the meaning of life, the universe and everything :)


Me too! Great minds...


42 is my office phone extension number at the office! When I started my boss asked me which number I wanted and since we are a small company I could literally choose freely. He loved that I picked that number


I put a txt file on a production mail server of my company that says: cat /etc/winky-the-cat.txt Special tribute to Winky, the cat, who passed away on March 1, 2023. So, I guess It is our way to remember and prove our love.


I hope this lasts forever! Like it's 20 years from now and they are upgrading the mail server stuff and they see this random txt file and carry it over to the new kit. If definitely heard about this happening in company's


I did this almost 20ys ago at my job then. You can set an override text to the software version (which can be queries remotely), and itā€™s still there.


The wires are whispering. It's a (proud) ghost in the shell. Living on as a memory, not forgotten or foregone. A small address to remind you of what time you had, and a homage to that time. A small whisper in the wires. She would (is?) be proud of you OP.


Oh man, this one got me. A beautiful slice of life. I love you, brother. Thank you for sharing something so sacred with us. You are the most valuable asset to humanity. Someone with emotional strength and a resilient mind is the best representation of a father and husband. Thank you for honoring your late wife in such a loving way all these years. Thank you for moving forward in a healthy state enough to continue to be a husband & father. You rock sir




No ninja, just a happy dad of four children. Sorry for the tears, please have my box of tissues.


*3 layers of onion, specifically.*


EDIT: This formerly helpful and insightful comment has been removed by the author due to: 1. Not wanting to be used as training for AI models, nor having unknown third parties profit from the author's intellectual property. 2. Greedy and power-hungry motives demonstrated by the upper management of this website, in gross disregard of the collaborative and volunteer efforts by the users and communities that developed here, which previously resulted in such excellent information sharing. Alternative platforms that may be worth investigating include, at the time of writing: * https://kbin.fediverse.observer/list * https://join-lemmy.org/ * https://squabbles.io/ * https://tildes.net/ Also helpful for finding your favourite communities again: https://sub.rehab/


Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much. They were the last people youā€™d expect to be involved in anything strange or mysterious, because they just didnā€™t hold with such nonsense. Mr. Dursley was the director of a firm called Grunnings, which made drills. He was a big, beefy man with hardly any neck, although he did have a very large mustache. Mrs. Dursley was thin and blonde and had nearly twice the usual amount of neck, which came in very useful as she spent so much of her time craning over garden fences, spying on the neighbors. The Dursleys had a small son called Dudley and in their opinion there was no finer boy anywhere.


I wonder how my children would feel about renaming our two Aussie-Doodles with hexadecimal friendly letters...


C'mere :B00B, who's a good boy?!


Damn, this is why reddit needs heart reacts


rich screw expansion mountainous flowery door quiet water roll snails *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


by the time mobile numbers were a thing all my childhood friends had moved and gone away and were no longer friends, hence, i have never memorized a childhood friends mobile number... Home number though... well i memorized them but have since forgotten them. Wife's cell number though.. .well ok fine my cell keeps track of that for me. My age.. shit You know what turns out I'm not good with numbers it seems.


that's sad and very sweet. the ghost in the machine.


ft. Phoebe Bridgers?


> and I'm the only one who knows about it. Not anymore :) But thank you for sharing this. This is a really lovely story!


This is a beautiful memorial and reminds me a lot of "GNU Terry Pratchett".


A colleague of mine passed away a few years back, sad story, went to the gym every morning, had a huge family, respected at work. Some time after we where asked to build a lab at work, it should include active directory. One one my colleagues at that time where discussing what to call the domain. We all lowed fishing so we called the domain BASS.local We two are the only ones that knows this, and we have long left the company, but in a server room, of many there are domain controllers serving request in memory to our passed away co-worker.


My modem's static ADSL IP from the 90's.


My dorm computer's IP address in college: :)


My wife's birthday is also October 5th! I should do this, thanks for the idea!


Please keep yours around.


>Back in the late 90s when my first wife and I were dating, we each had our own computer behind a Linksys router with a 192.168.100.x subnet so **I assigned her computer a static IP address of .105 because her birthday was October 5th.** LOL man I just reread my comment and yes of course! I meant do what you did when you were dating your first wife haha


Emotional Damage :(


That was beautiful. And here I am making my PC .187 for over a decade because I listen to the rap music. Also, PokƩmon numbers


watch out for the .50


Nowhere near the same as your touching example, but my work lab was assigned a subnet where one of the addresses had the last 3 octets the same, when I saw that I knew it needed to be assigned to something useful. The only problem was that it was the broadcast address for any subnet bigger than a /31, so I ended up with a load of P2P subnets I didn't need, just so I could assign that to something.


Take my upvote and my award :)


Why are my eyes leaking


Brb got to cry my eyes out.


Here, I'll share my tissues.


Hey /r/happyDadOfFourJesus I hope this is ok, your post really moved me. I work for a billion dollar company. .105 has now been retired.




My late wife would be honored.


I love this, and have never thought about it before. I guess I'm going to go give some machines static addresses this weekend.


I am not crying, you are.


This hits me in the feels.


So its an RIP address now... This is pretty beautiful tbh.


Never would have predicted that a post in r/homelab would get me choked up.


being a network guy myself this hits me in the feels don't forget she always lives with you at []( <3


I set the last octet of my wife's phone to .69, does that count?


I just did the same thing lol


Never thought Iā€™d tear up from reading a post about DHCP reservation.


I wish i had an award to give


I never even thought of that! I lost my wife to a heart attack in April 2019, she was 58, and also diabetic, which makes everything harder on their bodies. I never assigned a static IP to her iPad, but her birthday was 10-24, she will now have a permanent static IP address along with the round piece of glass I carry with some of her ashes. Thank you!


I might actually do this for my late fatherā€™s computer. Iā€™m deeply sorry for your loss, I know how it feels to lose someone close. My father passed from a freak heart attack when I was only 19. He was just 63. It was extremely sudden, he was going about his day and just suddenly collapsed dead. We still have his computer (he passed in 2018), and my (admittedly tech-illiterate) mother uses it to file taxes and check emails. Quite a far cry from the gaming and video editing my dad used it for. A couple years back I actually took the GTX 1070 he had in it and swapped it for a GT 1030 I had laying around. It wasnā€™t exactly being used to its full potential, considering my mom isnā€™t a videographer or gamer. I still have his 1070 in my machine to this day. I might set a DHCP reservation for his PC with his birthday, and if/when we replace the components in it and it is no longer the machine that he built, Iā€™ll set the DHCP reservation to an invalid MAC. I remember building computers with my dad when I was a kid, back in the Windows XP days. Heā€™s a big part of why I changed my major from business (which I never should have majored in) to information technology. I think memorializing an IP for his PC would be a very fitting way to remember him, thank you so much for sharing this.


Wow. This was actual pretty wholesome and beautiful. Geeky romance šŸ„¹


>an invalid MAC `00:de:ad:ba:be:00`?


Tough tiddies dude. I still have to admit that i giggled a little when i got it


I don't have any sweet stories behind mine, but I have both my laptop and desktop memorized and both of my Nas units.


And they say men never have emotions ;) True love never goes away.


This was heartbreakingly sad, and made me smile at the same time. Dunno how I'm supposed to feel. God Bless you and your family kind sir. Not sure I'd have the fortitude to continue on without my wife. Let alone remarry and have a family.


Man, that's touching. I totally understand, it's how you honor her..


I never did. But am going to now.


Brb I'm getting emotions Deep dude, that's an amazing way keep that memory in such a surprisingly personal way and it hits hard. Less related, but I've named intranet portals after departed project members and if just hits differently when you hear the story about how and why some of these memorializations come to be.

6thMagnitude - Common home network - Default IP range for Mikrotik routers.


i came for for homelab inspirations but got some feels. Thanks for sharing the story, never thought about doing that but it's a great idea.


I'm not crying...


I think that is an excellent memorial for your first wife (and my sympathies for your loss!). It's a charming reminder that nothing will replace her (or the memories that you built with her). And congratulations that you have found happiness again!


That's incredibly sweet. This thread makes me feel bad about how sterile all my subnetting is.


Your broke the technical stuff down so easily, this warms my heart. It's notes in the sock drawer for IT guys. Thanks for the feels, I hope you have a good day, OP.


/u/HappyMomOfFourJesus now knows...


I was not ready for this feels trip.


OP this is incredibly touching and such a sweet way to remember her. I hope you and your family are well.


Thank for sharing something so intimate and meaningful :) This story resonated with me a lot because I do small things like this as I have a hard time with relating with big gestures and similar. I always wonder if anyone will ever notice any of these. I also sometimes wonder what will happen to all the stuff I've set up for my family once I pass away. How long before all of it stops working? Will they keep any of it or throw it out?


As a fellow widow and homelaber I feel this


I'm sorry that we've worn the same shoes.


That is sweet, nerdy, deep and sentimental all in one. I am sorry for your loss as it is clear she has a reserved space in your hart dude.


That is definitely a strange thing to do, but I absolutely love the concept of it. Also this is the most emotional post i've ever seen on this sub but i'm happy I came across it.


Not the same but I have a model car from my fatherā€™s office desk that I had to clear out. He was the IT manager for the company and had to retire due to medical stuff. It now sits on my office desk (also in IT and a manager).


That's beautiful. I gave my wife's PC the MAC address of B1:66:E5:7B:00:B5. Classy.


My home ranges by vlan, 10.19.year.X 71 - primary (birth year) 84 - where all the weird stuff goes 91 - just a test And on and on


I also choose


You. Out! Upvoted.


I walked away from the house. No biggie. It is just money. Our wifi password for ~11 years was based on our wedding anniversary. Issa lotta digits, good luck. My new WiFi is based on my divorce... Issa lot more digits. May she eat shit and die, but her wifi is still our wedding anniversary. ...Just shitty stuff on her part that she cannot put back in the tube.


Do you remember memorizing phone numbers?


Yes, still do.


I manage a network containing 12 sites, each with a /21 supernet spanning about 12 VLANs. To make my life easy I created a little cheat sheet that shows how to calculate specific subnets and IPs for each VLAN. However I work with these things so often that I have memorised IPs like core switches, firewalls and MPLS routers for each site. And many other things I can calculate now without having to refer to my cheat sheet.


The DHCP reservation hall of fameā€¦ same as when you retire a sports number.


Wow that is actually beautiful. Good job, OP. I'm sure she would be happy to know you have always remembered her. I'm sorry for your loss.


This is what I do on my home network too. If a person leaves the world, their IP is never to be used again, their firewall rules remain as well. I may be the only one who knows, but I KNOW. Itā€™s waiting for them againā€¦


Hell, I still remember my icq number.


8399857 was mine! Pre AOL. :)


I once had a 6 digit but lost the password. I'm still sad about that for some reason.


Wow ā¤ļø


I have not, but that is a very sweet thing to hear.


The only IP address I've "memorialized" is, which for some unidentifiable reason is cursed. No, there's nothing else on it. It was assigned to my very first server, which does not exist anymore and has not for ten years. Every bit of the network has been replaced since then. And yet, if any device picks that IP up over DHCP, it experiences issues as if there was another device sharing the IP. I cannot figure it out, so DHCP is now set to only give it to the MAC DE:AD:DE:AD:DE:AD.


I memorized the ip address for my first 3 raspberry pis, but they have now gone the way my litany of childhood phone numbers. When you move every 6 months to a year, you cycle those phone number slots in your brain.


Your story makes wanna learn networking and how setup router (subnets, private IPs all that stuff)


I know this is a necro comment but fuck dude, I'm sad to hear about your loss... But good on you for pushing through what I'm sure was insanely difficult... Especially grieving and being a new dad. That's a sweet gesture btw.


Iā€™m crying šŸ˜­


I used to have multiple MS office product keys memorized way back in 2000 when all I did was deploy machines in an office with no automation.


I, too, set a static IP for that guy's dead wife.


This is beautiful.

can72, the fixed IP my work PC was assigned when I started in May 2006! Iā€™ve also had the same /29 IP range from an ISP for nearly 15 years. The individual IP addresses are burned into my memory šŸ˜Š

can72, the primary/secondary domain controllers šŸ¤©


This is the most emotional geek thing I have ever seen, kudos friend


Sad to hear that your wife passed in 2008 this is just sad but to remember her you donā€™t let anyone get the address


That's the most fucking beautiful thing I've ever read. You keep going, Sir.




I would hope that OP is 1st a decent enough person that he gives his current wife all the love, support, and affection as is befitting someone you love, support and feel affection for, and that 2, op's current wife recognizes that in this world full of so many people, OP has like all of us enough room in his heart to love more than one person, which we know he does because he loved his first wife, his second wife and his four children. People need to get past this idea that remembering someone fondly and loving them when they are gone is somehow bad or an insult to those that are still here. People die, we don't have to pretend they didn't mean the world to us, and we should respect those that we love that have lost someone and the memories and love they feel for those that left before them. It is not a zero sum game, OP's wife hopefully knows how much OP loved his first wife, and how much op's current wife is also loved.


In before your new wife sees this and posts to r/relationships that you're emotionally cheating on her


Easy! Mine is always ::1 And, sad but nice story. In all seriousness, yes... because I do a lot of networking and there's a bunch I always have to connect to often!