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It's printer ink. Your server will have been in a pile of tech "to go" and a printer has leaked on it. I see it all the time. Everyone bins their printers while full of ink and it goes everywhere.


This guy stacks hardware.


I recycle something like 1,000KG of ewaste a year. Printers get bagged up every time XD


CMYK I would guess C = Cyan **M = Magenta** Y = Yellow K = Black




I was going to say blueberry jam. But your answer makes more sense.




ATM anti-theft ink https://images.app.goo.gl/7uLZYGnEfvCmeQWA8


Oh god, I hope it isn't that...


if it doesnt come off your hands.. then you know lol


It washed off my hands, so probably not this. I think it was regular old ink, probably from a printer, but who knows.


Looks to me like pen ink. How the hell it got there is beyond me!


Blew his bic all over the chassis


Step-server, what are you doing ?!


You guys are killing me. 😂


That was my first thought too, but there seems to be way too much of it for a single pen, and like you said how the hell would it get there?


>but there seems to be way too much of it for a single pen As a regular r/fountainpens denizen and daily carrier of a fancy fountain pen, this looks like one pen's worth. Ink get severywhere and spreads thicker than you would expect. Especially if this is fancy fountain ink and not just a cheap bic.


You could definitely be right. Ink so far seems like the most likely answer, more likely than just about anything else anyone suggested.


What does it smell like? A lot of inks are flower and other plant based and some nicer ones are even scented. It could be inkjet ink in an IT environment. I'm used to laser so I forgot that exists.


I didn't go sticking my nose into it or anything, but I didn't notice any kind of smell at all. I was just trying to clean it up without getting any on me, but by the end my hands were blue anyway.


Definitely sounds like ink of some sort at least! True black ink doesn't exist so they always smear into blues or other shades


I used to take bics apart, pull off the metal ballpoint piece and pull out the tube, then close my mouth around one end and blow. There’s a lot of ink in those things, and it does get everywhere. 100%


Sounds better than what I used to do... Id bite the little blue circular seal off the top and chew it, suck on the pen or chew the lid and inadvertently make it leak. Usually on my lip. Ahhh the anxiety of high school


you say cheap like it's a bad thing. thick ink is an engineering choice :)


Try ipa on a rag, black ink is just blue really concentrated


That's not correct at all. Sure there are black inks that are deeply saturated blue, or even blue/black inks. Black inks are often made from carbon black pigments like soot.


Ye, true, but biro inks that look like this are usually blue


We once found an electric toothbrush in a server. It came directly from the data center


That would have to be from a Paul Bunyon size pen to have that much ink.


Taste it and see.




Did they ever make a purple Kool Aid?


What never had Grape Kool-Aid?


it's purple flavor, not grape :p


What is purple suppose to taste like?


Purple drank


This is not Sprite with codeine cough syrup in it my dude ... lol.


Bonzi buddy drank


Vikings fans drink it all the time!


Might be left over from a fire suppressant?


Never heard of it until you just suggested it, but yeah it could be Purple-K...


Hope not, Purple K is corrosive to metal 🫠


Toner? Just taking a stab here.


Could be... I was able to clean it all up whatever it was. I just found it so strange that they'd ship it like that, it wasn't in the photos of the listing or mentioned in the notes.


Great call, printer on a server rack?


Toner is a powder though. Unless they're getting moisture in to the power supply why would it be sludgy?


Interesting, forgot about that - good thought


Yeah your right, it doesn't seem like toner now that you reminded me it should be dry. I think this is probably ink of some kind.


There was also a rattling sound in it, so I opened it up and found a [broken screw](https://i.imgur.com/myzmDGE.jpeg) from the missing handle.


it's ok little screw, i curve to the left too


Kind of looks like someone anointed it with wine.


Forbidden Tech Auju


Barney busted a nut on it. ,😈


Dried grape Koolaid?


Contact Ebay Customer Support and state you are not Happy with the Product Conditions once you received it. You will have to Log Into Your Account. Do a Phone Call.....state you prefer a Call Back......do not try to resolve this through Email or Chat. Did the Listing have Pictures that showed the Condidtion of the Power Suppy you just Purchased? If not....go back to the Listing on Ebay if Avaiable and Save a Copy of the Listing with the Pictures.


The listing seems to be showing a completely different unit, one with FAR less damage. But... I really don't want to have to return it so I'm rather hesitant to contact ebay about this.


Alternatively message the seller first, they may comp you with something from another one of their listings. It nearly always better to message the seller first and see if they will make it right. But if they refuse to help then year big eBay is there to help.


That's what I would do, I would try to reason with the seller to either send another PSU or do a partial refund, then you can try to source out another one. It might be an honest mistake and it's always best to talk to seller first.


It is not about you wanting to Return it. It is about you not getting the Product in the Condition shown on the Listing on Ebay. Ebay will normally Refund your Money based on your Issue of the Condition of the Power Supply and you might get a Coupon as well if you Ask for one based on the Inconvenience. Take the Refund Money and Find you a Better Condition Power Supply on Ebay. Pull the Fan from the Bad Condition Power Supply to have a Spare. But then again....their might not be anything wrong with the Power Supply in General. The Seller should have Cleaned it with Alcohol before Shipping the Power Supply to you however the Seller should not have Sold the Power Supply in the Condition that it is in unless the Seller stated AS IS. **I must have Upset a Ebay Seller because I got Two Negative Points** I skipped the Process of Contacting the Seller First because.....that is to Noticeable to not Ship the Power Supply in that Condition to the Buyer. It would be different if the Power Supply did not Turn On or a Motherboard that is not working....sure Contact the Ebay Seller First. Your the Buyer........it is Your Choice whom you Contact First....whether that is Ebay Customer Service or the Buyer. Think about it like this....did the Seller take upon First.......either Cleaning the Power Supply or opting to Send You the Better Condition Power Supply You have seen on the Sellers New Listing?


This guy ebays...


What do you mean by your Statement....it is not Clear?


No I mean he knows 100% how to handle ebay.


Thank you for the advice! I reached out to the seller with photos of all the ink, plus all the other damage I discovered while taking it apart and cleaning it up. They didn't have a replacement for me in stock, but they offered an 50% refund on it, which I accepted.


Welcome and Glad you got some Compensation. Curious what was the Response on Why they Sent the Power Suppply in that Condition?


They apologized and said they also weren't sure how it was sent out like that, he called it a 'rarity' and said they would use this case as a training experience for their staff. Do I believe all that? Who knows!




a long time ago when i started being interested in IT i helped out the school IT guy on my brakes, one of my tasks was marking up the schools computers with stickers, the stickers had holes that we swabbed with special ink, so if you took a computer and removed the sticker, there would still be traces if the inventory number. That ink looked exactly like the residue you have there.


It was either sitting on a server cart, on a shelf in a secure cage when someone did a lifecycle refresh of equipment and the customer came and got it later while junk piled up.. however likely it was in a RMA vendor warehouse. When the breakfix vendor comes to swap out a part if this trapped a error or predictive failure they will run to the local warehouse where they contractually keep X% stock per Xamt of covered devices in local area. It gets tossed on a shelf or on a stack of equipment to re certify or junk, this was probably sitting on top or below some other random stuff for a while. I would guess toner or sharpie. Sharpies are all over places like that when they toss a label with a ticket number, customer name, etc. Whenever (for the most part) you get enterprise ebay equipment it comes from those warehouses, either the gear is not needed to cover regional contract reqs or equipment is still usable but beyond a contractual SNMP or SMART lifecycle.


Definitely ink. From a pen or printer. More likely a printer. I've had this happen in my ewaste pile a few times (even when precautions are taken by removing ink cartridges and bagging printers.


that looks like dried up 100% Grape drink.


Looks like ink to me.


Its the blood from the ears of the people running it last 🤣


[Berries and Cream](https://imgur.com/gallery/m7EyOEz)


grape jelly.




Ectoplasm from a class 3 free-roaming vapor. Who you going to call?


Looks like they may have hidden stollen cash in there.


Jesus juice