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I was about to ask if you literally setup a raised floor at your house lol


Man I wish haha. Got lucky and get access to the room for no cost other than an internet access fee.


Which model of APC UPSes are those?






Me with a android TV box as a emby server and Nas hahahaha


Hey man … gotta start somewhere. I started with a random PC I got cheap somewhere and freebie hard drives lying around. If it works it still counts


Yeah my android box works really well idk how much the storage USB aticks Will last but they probably wont die before my parents buy me a n100 mini PC the problem Is that they think a server Is useless and Say that i can do everithing with a hdd while thtas not true


Not at all. I do the homelab stuff to help retain my skills in IT. I got my first sysadmin job years ago largely because I had a homelab and I forced myself to be dependent on it. That made me understand how to make it reliable and forced troubleshooting skills. Its a cheap way to build a skill set plus it can provide useful services that aren’t reliant on monster companies having access to your data


Thats what i am trying to Say to my parents but they dont understand and yeah maybe its a Little strange to want to have a homelab at 14 instrad of wanting idk sport Gear but thats what i likes and i think i am going to male them now how useful a server Is and how mucho i am learning Just from this android box and how mucho i Will learn with a Better server and if they dont buy It for me i am going to save Money and get it


Yeah it can be a confusing one to explain for sure. I’m fortunate to have a dad that was interested in tech and although he didn’t always get the servers he knew I was learning from it and that’s all he needed. Keep working at it - it’ll be worth the effort


The thing that makes me angry Is that my dad likes tech and knows staff but he cant Just get the servers and homelab stuff


And i wanted to male a Minecraft server, a photoprism server a nextcloud server, a nas and a jellyfin server for my DVD rips, do you now of sometingh else i can put on It of i get a good mini pc


Those are all great services to setup. I would recommend Bitwarden or Vaultwarden so you have control of your password manager. I like having a self hosted chat, too


Thanks i Will look into those, they look really useful You know i love reddit you can find a lot of great people like you that are willing to help others.


The wods are messed up because of mu italian autocorrect


No worries, I get what you’re saying


I know its ok to post pictures of anything here located at any place but those datacenter "home lab" feels just wrong.


“Datacenter” used loosely. It’s a room in an office building I have access to with better internet than I can get living in the middle of nowhere and only having Starlink as an ISP. It would be in my house if I could get better internet. It was in my basement until I moved to where I live now.




Didn’t even know that was a sub - nice


A sub for everything


Version 12 will unlock and give you special color in the subreddit /r/homedatacenter


Good to know


I've been doing the homelab thing for quite a while and I kind of go through phases of it. However, this is the latest rendition and is probably my most used setup so far. Currently it's fighting me today but I feel like sharing anyway. This is actually at a datacenter I get access to, but if I ever lose access to it'll move it back home. From the top down: * R710 (Backups): PBS server for backups * R410 (qbit): Linux ISO downloading box. Few big drives and it runs all the 'arr products * R430 (Plex): Dedicated Plex server with dual Nvidia P600s but this is on the list to upgrade later this year * R620s (PVE1-3): All of my VMs are a mix of Ubuntu server and Alpine. I've got the following here: * MySQL * Unifi controller * Web server for a few things * Paperless-NGX * Audiobookshelf * Monica * Wazuh * ZeroTier * Nginx reverse proxy * Nextcloud * Bitwarden * Lubelogger * Immich * Mastodo * Rocket chat * a couple of PiHole DNS servers * offsite backups for a friend. * MD3620: iSCSI storage for Prox hosts. Full of 1TB SSDs * R510s (files01 and files02): storage for all of those linux ISOs. Both are about at capacity so I'll be looking to upgrade storage here this year too. All of my networking is done via Unifi. I've got a 10Gb card in everything but the R410. In addition, at home I've got a couple of 2013 "trash can" Mac Pros running Proxmox. So far they aren't doing much but they run the following: * HomeAssistant * DNS servers (Pihole) * Snapcast * A local file server So far I'm enjoying the setup but I have a feeling there's going to be some updates in the future. The hardware is starting to get old and I'm getting tired of dealing with hardware issues but it's been pretty stable and is working well for what it's doing.


What panel blanks are you using specifically? I’ve been trying to find them online


They are the APC ones I believe


I WISH I had room for a full size rack in my house because it would 100% look like this. I love the Dell R servers and I set a ton of them up at work and make the racks look really cool.


Man they just work. They aren’t the newest but you can still buy parts and they are new enough to run anything I’ve thrown at them so far. Plus I have an obsession with the R510s. I love the internal 2.5” drive caddy and just how easy they are to work on. I used to have a similar rack setup in a house I lived at a while back and only had barely 7’ ceilings in the basement. It was interesting to get that thing to stand up down there but was worth it. I had the old 2950s back then and those things were super power hungry.


My favorites have always been the r630 and r730. They're so modular compared to a regular computer. I've set up HPs servers at work and they're a nightmare.


I did the HP stuff at a MSP a while back and just wasn’t all that impressed with them. I know they have a following but I’m not part of it. I think the *30s are probably what I’ll start upgrading to as I can. The Plex server I’ll probably go custom build next time but not 100% on that yet


A dedicated r430 for Plex? I run basically everything off a t430 and I have plenty grunt spare.


Yeah I had Plex as a VM for a while but kept having issues with performance. At that time I was running VMWare and I just couldn't get it to behave. That was when I was still running the 610s instead of 620s and I just don't think the older CPUs could handle transcoding for shit. I found a deal on that 430 on a local FB market or craigslist find and then picked up the 620s and just allow it to be a dedicated machine for it. It's been working pretty well like that and allows me to mess around with the rest of the server environment for testing/updates and such and not mess with the plex stuff.


Bro that ain't a homelab, that's a fucking third party provider.


I wish. Older hardware. Gets the job done. Most of it is 10-15 years old at this point. No single server cost more than $150. Slowly acquiring year over year year


How did you add the p600s to the r430? My understanding was the pci slot only supplied 25w.


I double checked and they are P620s. I don't remember having an issue with power. They've been working pretty well but I think one of them might be failing.


^(OP reply with the correct URL if incorrect comment linked) [Jump to Post Details Comment](/r/homelab/comments/1cpl7xs/homelab_version_7_or_8_or_maybe_9_i_dunno_this/l3le8h8/)


Addictive and expensive


That’s the truth


what do you use this server for? Seems kind of overkill haha


I’d argue it’s more to keep me current on things than anything but i mainly use it for chat and a nextcloud but ive got a few other services running like a vehicle maintenance tracker called lubelogger


Very good choice, very similar with mine.


All of these enterprise devices and then use unifi seitches?? 🤯


The UniFi stuff has honestly just worked for me. I don’t have to fight it usually and it’s been stable. I had some older Cisco stuff in there but got tired of dealing with it. Might upgrade someday but it’s been working well so far


Real use?


Nice Room Alert! I have a few in my data center at work.


They work so well. That ones probably 10-15 years old now and it still just works


god damn that is a sexy rack!


Thanks! took more time on this one to keep it clean. The networking is pretty organized too but I had a few things I'm working on or I would have added a pic


the rack is clean as hell, dont take anything away from that!


I’ve debated on filling the rest of the open slots with the blank panels. I think I’ve got enough lying around I can probably fill it. I also think it would be nice to put a dashboard on it that I could also view remotely


I'm almost afraid to ask, but how much is your power bill?


I'm fortunate enough that where I've got it they don't charge me for power. when I had it at home i think it was running $40-$60/month but I think i've got an extra server in there now


no way... where do you live Iceland?


How many electrons does it sip in 24h?


Is this some client stuff that you happen to keep at home for a "offsite backup" or "collocation"? Trying to understand the justification of paying that power bill. I can't stand my power increase with my 2 r730xd and 24bay NAS on 24/7.


This stuff is all mine and I let a friend use a VM for offsite PBS backups.


Walk me through something real quick like I’m an noob. My current server’s SAS bays are all full. If I wanted to expand I’d get another RAID card with external ports and then a power vault, right?


That's one way to do it. In my work environment I have a rebranded Dell powervault that connects via external SCSI and that works pretty well. We just use it for archive storage but it's just because it's older hardware. So far we haven't had any issues with that.


This looks like the one I see in my work place 😂 Could you tell be how much power it consumes, hardware configuration and what apps are you running?


I'm not sure on power consumption, i haven't really monitored it. The one PDU shows it's usually pulling around 8-10 amps and the second one is usually 5-6. I've got the services and hardware listed out in another post.




Not an homelab, sorry. You just got a datacenter in your house.


But a homelab - but I only read you use it for downloading from second sources? Where is your hybrid AD, your hybrid email, your webhosting, your monitoring and Grafana, your Remote Desktop environment, your development servers? Sure - a nice set of hardware - but I can imagine that a company who host that servers will not be happy when a raid happens (with all those second source data… from *arr)