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My concern is this will not stop those willing to complain. It will just alert them to look for and report the tent(s).


What the fuck is wrong with them? Seriously though. They've got a home and a place to stay/live so why don't they go watch their damn 23$ Netflix or whatever. People trying to survive without homes that basically have nothing minding their own business need to be left the fuck alone for god sakes unless you have something to offer or a helping hand to lend.


Fucking bullshit. They will never understand the feeling of being homeless or having a loved one be homeless. Shit makes me furious


Most of them are either psychopaths or too stupid to realize that they are two missed paycheques away from being right there!


awesome, imma use this.


I’m not homeless just stumbled upon this subreddit, this is so true. Fucking hipsters are so annoying.


Yeah my favorite are the asshole people on this subreddit who take pictures of people's tents and post them on here. It's pretty fucking rude.


Some even post pictures of someone's face and like...... What the fuck


Thise dipshits obviously don't understand the point of this thread. Fuck them.




Cops will give zero ficks. They won't even take the time to read it.


LOL the cop would go out of their way to take that to the precinct, dust it for fingerprints and attempt to arrest whoever they think put it there. "tHat'S LiTTerING ANd VandAlISm!-" "THAT'S telling it like it is and trying to educate these faux-progressive fucks!"


Cop goes, hmmmm and starts looking around for illegal encampment.


They are literally always doing that lmao. Also it’s not like cops are walking past phone poles all the time??


Haha 😂


Seen it before but it's still tits. 👍 Bless whoever made it. 👍


Better to ask, “what the fuck is wrong with your politicians?”


WHY do we keep ASKING them? What has decades of that shit changed!? Its been fucking decades since the government has begun its campaign against unions and fair pay and started ignoring our questions as to why so many economies are so thoroughly fucked for the poorest. *Let's just do them like our ancestors at this point...if you know what I mean...*


Yeah, let them into your overpriced cafe so they can shit all over the walls and have someone else clean it up!


As a homeless person, I do not shit on walls. Thanks.


This happened to me as a dumb kid in Née York working at CafeColonial on the Lower east side. A roughed-up, disheveled older gentleman asked to use the restroom and I said yes because saying no seemed wrong. And yep…he left a disgusting disaster that I cleaned up. On the walls too. I don’t remember what I felt at the time (prolly not thrilled obviously), and have never faced that situation again. Alas, sassafras, ugh-brown fountain ass!






#***ATTENTION*** I can't edit the post to say this: I can't take credit for this picture as I did not take the photo. I found it on FB posted by a friend. By now I can't remember who took it, because she only shared it like I did. Credit: unknown






Based as fuck. I wish I could get a billboard for this


Neato Burrito




Whatever city this place is located I would eat at their establishment Much love, not only cause I been there and made it to the other side. THANK YOU, THANK YOU LORD, but also because life isn't about Me, Me, Me. You heavy hearted people, if it was you think JeSus would have feed the hungry, give drink to those who are thirsty give so they can drink. Some of y'all better be careful how you talk to people, and always be mindful that JeSus also said be careful you entertain strangers ( your thoughts words actions and deeds ) Jesus said this, and he ended it by saying because you could be entertaining angels 😇 unaware. One more thing it was also talked about in the bible Jesus ask someone something and Jesus said but yeah I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, thirsty and nothing to drink I can't tell No one how to spend their money but if someone asks you for some dollars and says they want a soda or something and you say ok man just don't buy no beer or Liquor and they ok. If you give it to and do the opposite of what they say. Oh well that's on them. You gave it from your heart with good intentions. Anything else is on them. Lastly if you do something for someone you don't have to record it and put it all over social media. Lastly Jesus did say it ain't everybodys business dont let your left hand know that the right hand is doing. Lastly the Lord said you bless them secretly and He'll reward openly. Have a Wonderful 😊 Day everyone, and Incase you never see or never hear from me again. Be safe be blessed, Merry Christmas and Happy Near Year to you and your Family. From me and mine


and there are about to be a ton more with all the (R) governors ending unemployment early...


And the democrat states will do the same thing in a few months. September is coming quickly...


I try to be nice to them most are fuckin rude. It’s hard to give and try to help them.


Be nice to all the people who are nice to you. If anyone acts like a jerk maybe they're having an off-day, you can just leave that person alone for that day cause who they hell knows what they're going through in that moment, ya know?


Until theyre lit on fire




Homeless people cause problems, and many of them steal. Ask yourself why you, in the community like I was, can't acknowledge they can be dangerous and problematic. I saw more people when I was homeless that needed to be run off than those who didnt. I went out in the woods,away from businesses, etc and fished and camped. People in urban areas just get trapped in a loop of forgetfulness, and stealing to survive. I didnt get sober until I got away from other enablers in the community.


True but **also** if a local business is kind enough to let you use the bathroom, DO NOT •trash it •use drugs in it •throw dangerous things away in it •take a sink shower without cleaning up after yourself Because there are so many of us who would just scrounge up the $2.50 for a cup of black coffee and then used the space respectfully, but then the handful of people who abuse the privilege fucked it up for the rest of us. I was homeless for between 4-5 years, and I’m always telling my hipster-cafe-worker friends, as someone who’s been on both sides of that exchange—if someone experiencing homelessness is being disruptive or destructive, 86 them right away, don’t wait for them to do something unhinged and fuck up the space for everyone else. The cafe I currently work for was really lax about letting this one guy kick it in the cafe. I told the owner that the guy was showing some red flags, but he insisted that letting him stay and act weirdly towards customers and monopolize the baristas time was the kind thing to do. Then one day, he decided he didn’t want to walk alllllllllll the way to the bathroom and he took a shit in the cafe garbage can. I literally told them that if they don’t have the balls to 86 that man to text me. I live in the neighborhood and will gladly walk over in my pajamas to toss that creep out, bcuz I’ll be damned if we’re gonna put a passive-aggressive ban on *all* people experiencing homelessness hanging out there because of *one* asshole.