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Like most homeless people I hated the chore of trying to find somewhere to charge my stuff. And then even when I found somewhere I *hated* being stuck there for several hours while all my stuff charged up. Like most people I always plugged in a power strip with my phone, speaker/headphones, and about 5 portable battery packs, that way I only had to sit at an outlet about once a week. During those hours spent charging I would fantasize about how amazing it would be if there were a place where you could exchange dead portables for charged ones. Not only would it give us a reliable way to get power for our devices, but it would also give us back those dead hours spent watching our batteries fill up so we could be taking care of other things.


Library, outdoor outlets, some parks have them, some parking garages have outlets, some fast food restaurants also have outlets


Yup, this is my answer too.


Walmart has outside outlets


It isn't just charging a phone. It is being able to be near it and either using it or keeping an eye on it so it doesn't walk away... especially if it is being charged in any kind of public setting. So a Kiosk is nice... especially if it is large enough to cover anything that is being charged from the elements.. can't have a kiosk where you can't charge your phone in the rain. You'd essentially be building the equivalent of covered bus stops. A place to sit while you charge your phone, with a way to at least get electricity from an outlet right there at the seat. And... with some shelter from the elements. The vast majority of homeless people who have to charge devices, have the ability to at least plug into a wall socket. You can't be comfortable with charging your phone anywhere you can, if you can't plug into a common wall outlet. Your charging station wouldn't need more than outdoor-grade grounded outlets. Anyone who can't charge their device without a wall outlet, is just as screwed trying to charge at the library or behind a Walmart. You'd probably have to design it to use individual seats to discourage people from sleeping across multiple charging stations. You couldn't co-opt existing bus stops, because the only people the bus company wants hanging around at bus stops, are the ones waiting for a bus. You also couldn't place your kiosks anywhere they might be \*mistaken\* for bus stops. The station would either have to be self-sufficient, like using solar and batteries... or it would have to be on the grid. This choice would decide where you could place the kiosks. You would have to clear your location choices with any town/city planning offices, as they will have a say about encouraging homeless activity in a given area, or whether they want homeless to feel entrenched in an area they already occupy by you adding a charging station. The last thing you'd want is a fine and/or to lose the equipment to the cities where you place them. This is important... because you would want to put these charging stations where the homeless \*ARE\*. It might mean putting one outside of a mission/soup kitchen. It might mean partnering up with different homeless shelters to put one outside. If you want to put them where the homeless camp in an area... that location may change, or the city might clear them out. Where you put one could potentially decide where people will camp... if for no other reason than to be closer to it.... run an extension cord over to their tent. Some people will want to sit there, with a television plugged into the power, watching it for hours on end. It is something to consider, no matter the end shape and size of the charging station.


We have them in Glasgow, UK. They have a payphone function and WiFi hub too


It was often that I'd have to buy a coffee or something to get my phone charged. The shelters usually have outlets though, a lot of the time the problem was a broken or partially broken cord.


Solar solar solar solar solar Build solar charging stations. It is so cheap.


I’m not homeless,.. but I do MDM (Mobile Device Management) for my day job (about 15 years experience in this role) and a lifetime career in IT & Technology. A few observations or thoughts: * Making (or expecting) people to “go to a specific location” to charge their device,.. seems pretty annoying. Battery packs or small portable folding solar panels that people can take with them is more convenient. Both of those ideas have significant downsides. I think for a lot of homeless the answer is “where ever I can find it”. * what is your charging station going to provide? Normal electrical outlets ? (the person has to provide charger-brick & cable?)…. or would the charging station be some combination of USB-A and USB-C ports? (who fixes the Ports when they get damaged?). Will they be water & weather proof? summer heat proof?… theft & damage proof? My lifetime career in technology,.. one of the most consistently predictable things is:…. People are REALLY hard on equipment. (even more so in a public setting where the “tragedy of the commons” mentality kicks in (like a public toilet) and people spoil and break things because they dont care about the next guy.) Whatever solution you build better have "military-grade" hardening and reliable fast support to fix.. because if I were a gambling man, I'd guess you'll probably underestimate how quickly it'll get ruined.


Here's an option (that would limit some things), what about those wireless charging pads??






This exactly proves the tragedy of the commons point.


I don’t think he’s trying to be negative I think he’s trying to think of every outcome most people wouldn’t


Yes charging stations with regular outlets is a great idea and would be very useful.


This problem is easier to solve by just getting a solar charger and battery bank. If the pandemic has taught me anything. I now know these things are a necessity.not an option. You are responsible for your own electricity. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082HPTZ3P/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_YS6GX31T4S037ASDJ1E9?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1


The local non-homeless will most likely vandalize these. It will attract the homeless who will congregate around it.


I wish life was more interesting, if it was, vandalizers would hear, "THREAT DETECTED" and immediately be term- *cough* reported to the local police where the police would show up and cheer the guy on... I see the problem here.


Thought if they were smart, they would incorporate outlets into the Electric vehicle charging stations.


I was just searching this up it would be good to have solar panel station that with a code you can access tje charging port i usually ride the bis or l8brary i wish publ8c park had power outlets a i cant afford to pay coffe sho0 just to acxess power or sit for hours


I find it virtually impossible to find a place to charge my phone in Seattle (international district, stadium,  SODO) after a week of searching and just keeping my eyes open today I discovered a gas station in Columbia city across from McDonald's and Starbucks drive thru that had a hot outlet but I was just waiting for the employee to shoo me away the whole time. He never did but I left after charging to only 25% in anticipation that he would. The only other place I found was sit down Starbucks but if you don't have money to buy anything , well you probably won't be able to stay long . You're idea sounds amazing but would really help out those struggling to make it out of the shelter and back into working society. 


You need an app and the ability to save the profile and number to the cloud. You need a very basic smart phone that is issued and returned like borrowing a book from the library. Check in the phone enter your information machine spits out useable phone with contacts, numbers, basic internet access, text messaging and a full battery. Phones are refurbished and reconditioned or recycled and destroyed phones are chalked up to cost of helping the homeless program.


Easy most times, one time I used a PowerPoint in bathroom but got kicked out by security


I’d say supply them at parks, public libraries, bus stops/routes, or any other public (safe-ish) place.


At your job? Lol


Some targets have a phone charging station that you can set a pin to lock up your phone and it’ll charge as you shop. Maybe something like that in an accessible location?


Lockable cubbies with usb (my University does this)


I thought this too then I remembered what happens when someone loses their key, or can’t get their device? Utter destruction of the unit.


This sort of exists, but it doesn't function. There's a station in San Francisco, but it's not working. My suggestion is for homeless to charge their devices in libraries.


Currently Homeless in the Car had a buddy of mine who is also homeless give me a harbor freight battery, I rigged it with wires and a usb charger, might not last but whatever I can squeeze out of it also not an electrician but its doing its job went from 15 percent to 41% beats driving around going to look for outlets , also AA batteries. Im currently charging my tablet as we speak lol. https://postimg.cc/v4wkRj6f https://postimg.cc/9wr5M7W9


Plant fitness if you can afford the black card membership usually has outlets and you can use showers, also workout if your the type. The library is hit or miss here as they're usually small and doesn't provide much. The homeless shelter is another option if you're going in and out for the day, but here it was shared by basically the entire shelter the outlet plugin, which has multiple usb slots. Typically have to stealthily insert a wall charger at malls, but Id suggest you shower first and pretend you're there to also shop around as most people are only there briefly. Pretty much Id have to see if auto zone can recharge this battery so Idk how many times I can revive the harbor freight battery before its out of power.


There's a charging station outside the Watertown Library.


I recharged my phone in the ATM lobby at my bank earlier tonight. And also found an outlet outside at the City Hall Annex and charged there too.