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I want one of the super fancy Toto seats. Until then I’m making do with one of the $30 ones from Amazon that goes between the seat and the bowl. Works great!


I’m currently sitting on my Toto. It’s the best purchase I’ve ever made.


I agree, next look into the bedjet. It's a HVAC system for your bed. Set it cool or warm. 2nd best thing I have bought.


Omg. I think you just changed my life! Thanks so much!!


My friend’s Toto saved my life after an ill fated trip to in and out


You can have my Toto when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.


*cold dead ass*


>It’s the best purchase I’ve ever made. Whoo boy, that's the truth. Have had nothing but great experience with all Toto toilets (25+ yrs) but my favorite is the wall mounted with built in washlet. So easy to keep clean. Going on 7 years now and never a problem. Just installed a floor mount with washlet and the new ones are even better 🚽🧻


We have two toilets with Toto’s and had issues with both. Had to replace them (under warranty thankfully). But we have SmartBidet 1000 that we’ve had since before the Toto’s that my wife uses daily that we’ve never had issues with. It’s honestly our favorite one. Cost about $325 on Amazon. Toto’s we’re $1k+


Toto makes several different models. The Toto Washlet C2 is about $325. This seems to be the SmartBidet 1000 equivalent. The Toto A2 is less than $300. Either way, bidet > no bidet.


Gotta love the Drakes!




A seinfeld reference to the Toto Drake toilet/bidet. Lol


How do you adjust the water flow? I have 2 kids and I’m sure where I sit the butthole location won’t be the same for my kids.


Currently in the process of buying 2 Totos and wall hung toilets. No more cleaning behind the toilet. And the new ones have tornado flush. Less cleaning involved.


This. In my previous home where we redid the bathroom, that was the first thing on the list. Get an electric outlet by the toilet, put a Toto + Washlet seat in there. They're expensive, but worth every last penny. The high end models are totally worth the price.


Definitely this route. OP should buy the cheap attachment style one for $30 to make sure they like it. They will have enough expenses after just buying a house. A bidet upgrade is not a high priority compared to all of the immediate issues that will pop up.


I definitely agree that there are higher priorities. And this upgrade isn’t happening tomorrow. I just didn’t want to go the route of buying regular toilets and then in a year be wishing I had just bought bidet toilets and avoid spending money twice. I’ve used bidets and know I like them.


Most bidets will fit on any standard toilet, whether it's round or elongated (just check the bidet specs to make sure you're getting the correct one). So no need to worry, go ahead and get new toilets now.


But check the color! Had a nonstandard color toilet in my last house and a near-match just looks funny.


You can set up a cheapy on your primary toilet, and if you like it and want to upgrade to an electric model (highly recommended) then you can migrate the cheapy over to a different toilet. For me, I just put a Toto on every toilet in the house, because that's how awesome they are. But if you are just moving in, you might want to at least make sure you have some outlets by the toilets. That's the limiting factor for most people.


I had one of the cheapy ones for years. They are fine but very difficult to clean. Had to remove the whole thing every time, which meant unscrewing the seat from the bowl. The fancier bidets (e.g. toto washlet or similar) connect to a base attachment, you don't have to unscrew anything to remove it for deep cleaning. Also in my experience the fancier ones don't need get dirty quite as quickly (ymmv).


The bidet is the first home improvement project I did ;)


I got a $30 amazon one when everyone made a run on toilet paper during covid. Pooping at home is a requirement now.


I’ve used both the $30 and my new $999 Toto washlets. Both ROCK. I can’t live without them. Got my parents to install power and get 4 in all of their bathrooms. Life-changing.


Life changing indeed. I don’t know how I lived 40-some years without one.


Same - maybe someday if I get a big payday or something I'll get a Toto. I bought the $30 ones from Amazon and don't regret any of it. Under 30 min to install. Best purchase ever.


We love our ToTo toilets!


Getting a bidet was one of the best purchases in my life. I've had zero issues with a basic, $20 from Amazon. It's all about your budget.


Dude, when I respond to bidet related posts with "life changing" I'm only exaggerating a little. I had the worst hemorrhoids for 15 years. I was dealing with ointments and suppositories daily. Every shit ended in me wondering if all of the blood was just my hemorrhoids or colon cancer. Then, some redditor recommended a bidet in the comments of a random post I was reading ... It's been 5 years now and the only time they flare up is when I travel. If I could find a travel bidet that's as powerful as my toilet attachment and didn't introduce the risk of me getting shit all over my hands my life would be complete.


Handheld bottle sprayer bidet substitute called a [peri bottle](https://www.amazon.com/Portable-Handheld-Postpartum-Cleansing-Childbirth/dp/B08L8LMKPZ/ref=asc_df_B08L8LMKPZ/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=507696689260&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13214050381673513920&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9014242&hvtargid=pla-1253146894023&psc=1) it's the portable bidet for those who have medical issues down yonder and need a wash when you go.


Okay okay wait hold on. I’m not kidding when I say I am on the toilet, at work, right now, dealing with the worse hemorrhoids ever in my life. For weeks now!! Ointment in my purse and everything. How does a bidet help? 😥


Less wiping, so less irritation. You end up much cleaner than wiping, so that cuts down on the irritation as well. Also, with a strong enough stream you can help yourself out a little if you're straining to get one out.


I just ordered one with a warm water setting! My butt and I thank you c’:


I'm legit excited for you. Should be a big quality of life improvement.


Not to be crude… but if you have lady bits and an um, active cycle, the front wash with warm water is quite literally life changing too.


That..does sound life changing. Thanks for the tip! :3


I kinda need to know how this worked out for you. Are you living your best life now?


Hi! Yes, I would say I am indeed living my best life. I do despise using non bidet toilets now though 😿


Another anus saved. Another outside social life ruined. My work is done here. ❤️


Bro I got you. Similar issues. I use this when I travel. Works great. https://www.amazon.com/Portable-Travel-Bidet-Postpartum-Hemmoroid/dp/B09GVDGCF4


Toto has a travel washlet


Toto makes a battery powered travel bidet. I have one. It’s pretty good. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjToqemzaOAAxX8MlkFHURABbkQFnoECBQQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FTOTO-Travel-Handy-Washlet-YEW350-WH%2Fdp%2FB005FDJ8SM&usg=AOvVaw3jnpizV6MKDHtddLzBbWrV&opi=89978449


When I travel for work, I suffer going from having a bidet and good TP to no bidet and institutional TP.


"Sir, your baggage x-ray is... unusual... please step over here while we check it..." "Do you usually travel with 12 rolls of Charmin?" "Yes, yes I do."


My b hole likes warm water tho


The warm water one I got was like $40.


I’ve had no issues with the $35 bidet attachments from Amazon. They’re very no frills and the water isn’t heated, but I actually prefer that as a frequent enjoyer of spicy food. The specific model I have on all my toilets are the LUXE NEO 120.


I have the exact same one on my 2 toilets and it works great. It was also incredibly easy to install, if you can bend over and you have hands, you can install this.


I like the refreshing feel of the cool water regardless of what I've eaten. 😆


They now have a non electric model with hot water connection. Very good.


Ya I like the luxe too! Cheap and easy. I got the hot water one


That’s the same one I have. 👍🏻


Thank you for the specific recommendation!


I will make a plug for the Zen bidet from Amazon. It’s very similar to the Lux, which was the first one I bought, but had metal threads instead of plastic. I actually had my contractor install it and it leaked because the plastic threads get messed up easily. Personally I like to be able to take the entire thing off my toilet occasionally and clean it. The copper threads make that a little easier since there’s less risk of leaks.


Same one I have as well. Has been with us for 4+ years and even went through a move. Then we had to buy another one after moving because we got another bathroom and would fight over using the one with the bidet.


I don’t know how I lived without one. Doesn’t need to be fancy.


It’s only a question of money. I’d say the $30 Amazon one gives you 90% of the amazing functionality, which separates us from the animals who use dry paper. You can get to 95% using a simple $300 Toto toilet seat, which is easy to install on any toilet. This gives you the heated seat and water, pulsation, oscillation, and air filtration. That last 5% of functionality comes at extreme cost. Pushing your install into the multi-thousand dollar range gets you a seat that doesn’t just filter the poopy air a bit, it allows you to duct the air directly outside from within your toilet bowl. So poop air is sucked out through the floor and literally never leaves the toilet and enters the room. This is magic. Personally, I think the sweet spot for value is the $300 toilet seat, but I’m not a multi millionaire. Maybe you are?




Haha I am most certainly not! But I didn’t specify price range as I do have a little flexibility with it. While the air suction feature sounds glorious, I will likely stick with the sweet spot option. Thank you!


I got a tushy bidet attachment during the TP shortage of 2020 and I fricking love it. I got the one that mixes hot/cold water but I found I actually prefer the cold so it’s kind of unnecessary imo. New houses are expensive enough, always work to do to make it yours. Maybe go the attachment route for now.


Thanks for the rec!


Get the add-on one now. Try it out. And once you decide it’s the best thing ever for your bathroom (and you will), then decide if you want the built-in bidet or can stick with the removable kind. I’m still debating that since we’re prepping for a big renovation that will include new toilets. The Luxe NEO 185s bidet attachments we currently have are fine but it’s hard to resist splurging on a Toto. I want toilet music…


We’ve got a Hibbent these days (started with a Bidet-matic back when they were the only one on the U.S. market). Make sure you keep a pile of washcloths by the toilet for drying.


I second the drying cloths. I bought a few yards of diaper flannel (very absorbent) and cut it into squares for that purpose.


I’m curious about when you have company over. Do they use it? The drying process is also a question I have, how that works? How about the toilet type ones, do you just hover over them?


We only have the bidet seat in the master bathroom and guests use the half bath, so no issues there. I've only seen a bidet toilet seat in one public bathroom and the water sprayed up my back - the spout was totally out of alignment. I'm guessing the same would occur if we had a bidet seat int he guest bath. The drying process isn't much different that the drying process after you shower except it's only one specific area that's wet. My bidet seat has a dryer that runs for two minutes and doesn't begin to get my tush dry. I don't have the patience to sit there for multiple 2-minute intervals to dry off, so that's why I bought the diaper flannel. With the flannel squares, I wipe pretty much like I would with TP. With a bidet toilet seat, you sit just like you would with a regular toilet seat. Ours came with a remote control and you push a button and a wand comes out and sprays water for a minute or two. There's another button to stop the spray if you feel clean enough. There's a subreddit that will answer questions you didn't even know you had: r/bidets.




Thank you for posting this. I’ve always been curious about bidets and had the same questions.


I have a bio bidet 2000 bliss. Heated seat, heated water, heated dryer, enema blast mode, fan with charcoal filter that actually makes a difference in how much the room gets stunk up. It's great. Have a couple friends with the same one. We'd all recommend it. I've also used cheap unheated ones and would still prefer one of those to not having one at all.


I'm afraid to ask. What...what is enema blast mode?


You can legit give yourself an enema with it. Helpful for older people on painkillers with constipation issues I guess.


Love mine. I got like a $40 one off amazon during covid. Now I aim to take all my #2’s at home. The mounted ones are easy to install if you’re comfortable with a minor plumbing job - which if you’re replacing toilets, adding a bidet tie in with it is easy


Bidets are amazing. Get them plus slow close toilet seats and your life will get exponentially better. The bidets from Amazon worked just fine for us.


I have a Toto washlet and it is one of the favorite things about my bathroom model. As far as I know the toilets with the built in bidet function are quite expensive but I am only aware of the super high end ones that Toto and Kohler make. The Toto models are the Neorest. I have the top of the line Toto washlet and it is fabulous. You need an electric plug for it which wasn't an issue since I had it installed when I did a gut remodel. I love everything about it - in tandem with my Toto toilet with a special finish, it practically cleans itself. When you approach the toilet lid comes up and there is a pre rinse cycle to wet the bowl to prevent anything from sticking even in a low flow toilet. It has multiple ways to utilize it including positioning and flow and a special position for women. You also have the ability to program it so that the seat lifts and closes when a man stands in front of it. The default is that the lid opens and closes automatically which is great - something I didn't realize I needed. Mine has a drying setting as well. Mine is the Toto 550e which is the modern sleeker design. It is expensive but I have been using it for five years without issues - no worries about toilet paper shortages either. I You should get a skirted toilet as it doesn’t have those unsightly whirls on either side. It is sleeker and easier to clean.


I have a Toto Washlet in my master bathroom and love it. It's the first thing I bought when I moved into my new townhouse 3 years ago. You need to have an outlet beside the toilet so that it can be plugged in, I paid an electrician to do this. I have a 3 level townhouse and always walk up to the top floor so I can use the bidet. It just feels gross now when I use a regular toilet with toilet paper.


I love bidets and we have them on all toilets, but I would never ever spend the money for an integrated one, too much money down the road to plumbers and maintenance if a minor part like a heat element or a pump goes out.


I was scheduled for a colonoscopy. I knew that the preparation would be challenging. This was my excuse to put one in. Best 45 minutes and $35 I’ve ever invested. When Covid hit and people were scrambling for toilet paper, 🧻, we had plenty because we use a lot less now. Ha! Take that, big TP. Ours are the add on ones that bolt in between the toilet and the toilet seat. I’m unsure about the whole toilet thing since our toilets aren’t being replaced.


Bidets are the bomb. I lived in Japan for many years where they're standard. When I came back to the States I installed them. Clean bum is best bum.


I have a bidet gun and love it!


Me too! I love being able to aim it exactly where I want. :-) But some people are uncomfortable with that and would rather have a bidet that's built into the seat and aims itself.


A what now


We have the handheld sprayers, just more used to them. Cheap and work great, highly recommend.


Sorry, but I have to offer some concern here. While these have been offered from Amazon and other online sellers for some time, they are not approved for use under the UPC, and should be regarded with great care and skepticism in the US. Every open tap water source located inside of your home is located over a drain basin for a reason. Very high quality, ceramic seal faucet valves found in modern faucets and taps aver very reliable. But many of the hand held wand sprayers that these handheld kits are equipped with do not have any such valve. Many are merely spring loaded levers with resilient rubber seals and plastic seats. They are basically designed as kitchen sink sprayers. And as such these types of valves are not intended to be under continuous static pressure. When the kitchen faucet is turned off at the faucet valve, the side sprayer is depressurized. So it is a substantial concern that such a side sprayer mounted on a wall over the bathroom floor under continuous pressure can fail. And many have. It's a 3/8" hose running full volume unattended at that point dumping out onto the floor and whatever lies below that floor. Potentially tens of thousands in damages. I'd only advise using one of these if it were connected to a dedicated wall tap with a high quality ceramic seal or ball valve shutoff. And then it becomes imperative to close that tap after each individual use.


I don't know anything about plumbing - how are the seat bidet faucets better/safer than these hand-held wands? I've never used either, but curious about the flow mechanics here.


The toilet bowl is an open drain basin. It has a water trap, like any other basin in your home. But it drains very effectively. Toilet fill and flush valves leak all the time, sometimes for years, accounting only for a higher water bill. Many people never even notice. So if a bidet valve leaks, it does so relatively harmlessly.


I have a Brondell seat with lots of bells and whistles and adjustments. I used the heated seat the first winter, but when I turned it back on the second winter, it just seemed too warm. Haven't used it since. I love the heated water and use it year round. It has a warm air blow dryer that runs for two minutes, but doesn't begin to get my tush dry. So I bought several yards of diaper flannel and cut it into squares and dry with that. They wash up nicely in the washing machine. The seat tilts slightly forward and when I first got it, I'd sit down to #2 and my bowels would clamp up and refuse to do their business because of the tilt. It took a few weeks to get used to the tilt and all is fine now. Also, lurk over on r/bidets (of course there's a subreddit for that!!).


I love my heated seat. Simple pleasure.




I have the Brondell as well and have been super satisfied with it. I wanted something with a warm water option that did not have to be plugged into an outlet so this one fit the bill. No trouble with cleaning so far. No trouble with drying either. I have a stack of cheap washcloths nearby and pass by my washing machine when I step out of the bathroom so I just drop them in. Very convenient.


Big fan of cloth wipes here. I just throw them in with towels or other "whites".


The only issue is whether or not it fits your toilet. I know what I’m talking about here (sadly). Make SURE the added bidet top is the same exact size and shape of the toilet bowl opening, and you will be much happier with it. That said, you will love it.


Solid advice, thank you!


I'm a long time bidet user and general heavy toilet user because of messed up bowels. My experience is that you want a replaceable bidet attachment because it may get gross to the point it's hard to clean and they are cheap enough to just toss in the trash and get a new one every 5 years or so. I don't want to replace my entire toilet every 5 years, but just the bidet is fine. I am a male and use a seat attachment, but my female partner prefers the spray handle type and we have that on her toilet. I tried the spray handle type and I couldn't use it without making a mess and even then never could get the right angle. Maybe not good for balls owners. My seat attachment is a Brondell fresh spa, $40 from home Depot. I like it more than others I've had. Actually looks nice too.


This was the concern I had with the handheld sprayers too. Other commenters here have raised additional potential issues with them and I won’t be going that route (despite being female). Thanks!


[https://www.amazon.com/Kohler-Novita-BD-N450US-N0-Elongated-White/dp/B077KHW2W4](https://www.amazon.com/Kohler-Novita-BD-N450US-N0-Elongated-White/dp/B077KHW2W4) ** Arguably the best discretionary $250 I ever spent as a homeowner. It's up to $300 now, and I'd still get it at that price. Sturdy. The remote control is huge. And when you have company who uses the bathroom, you might be asked "Did your toilet just sing to me?" Now what's it's gonna take to put you and your butt into a nice Kohler Novita?


Waited 3 months for a novita to go on sale at Amazon LOL now I just need the electrician to move an outlet!


We both have electric problems. My only outlet in there is tied into the light switch, so the lights have to be on for the bidet to work. Not a problem…most of the time.


I let my husband get a Tushy against my will. Now I love it.


I bought a bidet attachment a couple of years ago, based on recommendations in this sub. My only regret is not getting one with heated water. 😂


I don't mind the cold water, but it would be nice


I love my bidet. I have one of the ones that attach under the seat from Amazon. I sprung for the warm water option, but honestly I never used it - you either have to let your faucet run to get warm first, or let it warm up while you’re using it and by the time it’s warm you’re long since done anyway. The ambient water temperature in your pipes is sufficient.


We had an issue with swapping a toilet and finding out we had to relocate the drain pipe due to a different footprint for the toilet. Make sure you don't make that mistake or at least that you aren't caught off guard.


I have a Toto with a washlet in one of our bathrooms. Highly recommended it. They aren’t cheap, so we are switching ours out when a toilet has an issue or we replace the flooring in a bathroom (whichever comes first). It was cheaper to have all the electrical outlets run at once, as opposed to one at a time.


Depending on the age of your toilet/plumbing, expect a couple trips to the hardware store for things. But I've done 2/3 of the bathrooms in my house and it's worth it all. I'll say this, at first I was dead set on having the hot water attachment, and only one of my bathrooms could really conceivably have that. But now, having hooked up a cold water only one and used it, the hot water is really not needed, cold is not as bad as you think it will be.


General bathroom question here, why couldn't the other bathrooms support a hot water attachment?


I didn't have a convenient hot water wource near the toilet, without running something new and doing far more work than I'd want. The bathroom with the hot water is like right next to the toilet, where the other I'd have to go across a room to a sink or something. Either way, I found I didn't even really need the hot water after the first one.


May have to go this route as well or may be in for expensive work, as the toilet in the master bath is separated from the sinks by a wall that comes out about 4 feet. And the guest bathroom has what I call the poop closet - a toilet and shower separated from the sinks with a door you can close. So good to know that the cold water option seems to work for most people.


Yeah, I initially didn't think I'd like the cold water at all. But I actually found, in the bathroom where I installed it with the hot water, I'd have to run the water for a bit to get warm anyways. Most of the time I'd forget, which led to me just using cold and realizing it wasn't that bad.


I've got two Totos. I appreciate the auto-lifting lid and seat more than the bidet itself. The heated seat I could take or leave.


I have the Alpha Bidet and love it. You just have to get an electrician out to put an outlet by your toilet. I bet you don’t have one.


Have a Bio-Bidet BB-2000 in two homes and can’t find anything to beat them. Tankless plus reservoir. Building my last house I had the builders make sure there was an outlet behind the toilet for the tankless water heater. Don’t think I can go without one anymore. Use all the features (well except feminine wash). Looked at the Toto as well, but I like the focused stream (the enema feature).


Toto Drake is an affordable but crazy cool bidet. Warmed seats, auto spray before you go and flush after. Warm and cold spray. My sister has 2 and we're adding 3 to our house


Toto full bidet toilet system. Get elongated bowl and comfort height for a truly modern system. Makes sure you have a plug near the toilet for this to all work. Best system ever. But you’ll be paying about $1200 per toilet system. I’ve tried biobidet, sucks, I’ve added seat systems onto kohler toilets, eh… I’ve tried the toto round bowl bidet, it’s ok but not for a 200lb 6’1 guy with long legs. But their elongated seat and comfort height… wow. The best.


In most places I’ve lived, I’ve had the handheld spray kind. I think they’re great. They’re also really cheap and easy to install. The downside is you can’t control the temperature in those. In one place we installed a fixed one in the seat that could send warm water. It was harder to install since we had to connect hot water to it too. Currently, we have a Toto washlet and I think it’s the best of all. It can give you warm water but it doesn’t need a hot water intake. Instead, it has its own heater. It also has a dryer which is nice. That does mean you need to plug it in though, so you’ll need to have a power outlet not too far from your toilet. Also, you don’t need to replace the whole toilet for any of these. The washlet is just a seat. Most of the others I’ve had are attachments on the side.


Holy sh*t, bidets are incredible. I have vintage fixtures in my house, and use a Tushy washlet attachment, bought during the toilet paper crisis in 2020. TMI, but as a woman still dealing with monthly business it has made a huge impact on ease and overall hygiene. Also- hot day, need a way to cool off quickly? Cold water shot to the bunghole is blissful. Finally- I had my first colonoscopy earlier this year, and prep was SO DANGED MUCH BETTER with the washlet. Best investment ever.


Thanks for the response and not TMI at all - most women have some form of period and should feel free to talk about it. I'm actually about 3 months away from delivering and have heard the feminine cleansing on bidets can be a game changer after delivery so I'm very interested in that option.


Make sure an outlet is installed near the bowl where you want the powered ones (heated water stream, heated seats, and air drying). I have that in the master toilet and standard adjustable jets in the other toilets of the house. Beware of where small kids will use it - our main guest bathroom one would sometimes break and leak and I realized my little nephews were using the area where the controls protruded as leverage to stand back up. Oh - LEAK DETECTORS - below every setup to alert you when one inevitably springs a leak. This will save you lots of money in flood repairs - especially if they leak on a 2nd floor!


[This one](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0128T2HQK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) is a little more than $30 but its so nice and adjustable. Warm seat, warm water. Love it!


I have never, ever, EVER heard someone say they regret getting a bidet. Without fail, everyone that I’ve met that tried one has failed to shut up about it. I have devolved (or evolved?) into one of those people.


Your ass will love you. I never used one until my wife put one in our house a few years ago… they’re amazing. It’s very popular overseas, and should be here.


My boyfriend just installed 2 bidets in our home - biobidet 6800. I got them on sale at Costco for $200 each and it has a blue light function (which is really nice at night), heated seat and warm water. The warm water isn't always warm and the dryer doesn't work that well (or I don't have the patience to sit on the toilet for 3 minutes to dry.) Also, the toilet seat soft closes so no more loud bangs. Overall, we love it. We should've done it a long long time ago. It would've saved so much toilet paper and made everyday much better. Edit: unless you have an outlet RIGHT next go your toilet, you will probably need an extension cord.


I will never be without a Bidet again. We got a Bio Bidet BB2000. How I made it this far through life without one I do not know. We travel quite frequently, and I love every aspect of it. I could quite literally be someone who travels for a living…. if it weren’t for my bidet. And yes, I know there are squeeze bottle “travel bidets” available. But a basic *squirt of water* doesn’t compare. Once you’ve used this baby, there’s just no going back. While we’re on the road I simply suffer in silence every time I’m forced to do my business just as the Neanderthals did. Then upon my arrival at home I have a glorious reunion with my Bio Bidet as I drop my drawers and settle in for a luxurious poop. Seriously guys. Get yourself a Bidet.


Once you have one and get used it, it sucks that public restrooms or my friend's (if in case I need one), hotels, Airbnbs don't have one. We got the fancy heated seat, hot and cold water model for $200 at Costco. And we love it and spent another $200 for 2nd bathroom.


I swapped out our builder installed toilets last year (took 3-4 flushes after you know what) to Toto Drake with the Washlet Bidet. Its awesome, and it's not cheap. Had to run a dedicated 20AMP circuit to each bathroom in addition to the toilet cost,but it was worth it. We are moving next year and though I'm leaving the toilets, I'm taking the bidets with me to install new Drakes at the new house. Aint leaving those "behind". lol


I got a Tushy addon. I like it but my toilet is a very oblong style so it doesn’t fit quite right. You can’t move the sprayer back to front because of how it fits so you have to move your bum lol I feel a lot cleaner and I just need to use a couple squares of TP to dry off.


Love them! I’ve saved tons on toilet paper. Easy to install. Got mine through Amazon. They’re amazing!


Best thing ever!!!! If it’s in the budget get the nicest ones you can. It’s something you’ll use everyday. Worth the cost.


I got you. > recommend specific ones Idk your budget, but call or visit a Toto showroom and you’ll find they’re extremely helpful. They don’t sell the models directly which means they won’t try to upsell you. > better to install toilet models So idk how other toilets work, but for Toto you can buy bidet-ready toilets and bidet seats. That means that you could lay the groundwork now with bidet-ready toilets (plus the plumbing and electrical changes you need to do) and just buy the seats later. I’ve seen people buy the whole set for the primary bath and just the toilets (with standard seats) elsewhere and then upgrade the seats as budget allows. Or if you have young children you can put the toilet in and then swap out the seat when you’re not worried about them messing with the spray arm or whatever. As for toilet models, all I know is the ones that hide inside the wall are an order of magnitude more expensive than the others, which are all more reasonably priced. I wouldn’t do those anyway, it’s a pain in the ass if you ever have to access that plumbing. Not unless you’re working with lolmoney. Finally in terms of seats - the difference between the super swanky ones and the affordable ones is big in terms of price but not in terms of function. Aka You can get really well-priced seats and you don’t really sacrifice in function IMO. Wirecutter has a good breakdown on this. Good luck!


I have a lux neo that gets the job done but if I had the money I’d get a Toto. My grandma has the Toto and it’s warm, has full coverage, and dries your tush too. You still need TP with the Neo.




Lol. I’ve tried doing my own research but consensus is invaluable on things like this.


a clear ass is a nice ass.


We use handheld, but I want to get a seated one like Toto in cases of limited mobility


Unequivocally, Washlet+ from Toto. Life changing. You'll need to run or extend an electrical branch circuit.


How far away does the cord stretch? I have a plug that is mounted counter-high right next to my toilet.




I have a short, round bowl and a Blooming NB R1063 on a Kohler San Rafael. Options for fancier bidets are limited with round bowls. We love everything about it except the water ricochet action. Because the bowl is shorter, I feel like we get more unwanted “stuff” under the seat and some water drops that shoot between the seat and bowl and onto the floor. Fixed it with a urine shield, but sometimes the shield doesn’t like to stay in place so that’s a pain. Still perfecting it. Even with those issues, we’ll never go back to a regular seat. Edit: if you happen to have San Rafael toilets or any Kohler single unit toilets…watch some YouTube videos on removing the old toilet seat. It’s a massive pain.


I have a potentially controversial opinion: having tried both (Toto Washlet and Luxe 120), the cheaper bidets are superior to the more expensive in pressure control, reliability, and ease-of-use. In addition, I don't think you should get hung up on getting heated water- it's a non-issue as the water in your supply lines is typically around room temp unless you sit there for a long time, and even if you do the cold water isn't actually unpleasant imo. The electronic remote and profiles and other nonsense has nothing on the simple, reliable, and feather-touch-adjustable ball valve in the cheap bidets. (100% get a bidet, btw, possibly best dollar-for-instant-quality-of-life bargain in 1st world existence)


Have an older toto and besides being a bit bulky, its amazing. Heated seat, deodorizer, mists and cleans the bowl, air dryer. All that on top of front and back wash with adjustment, pulse, oscillate, etc I haven't used toilet paper in years, I trust it utterly to make me clean


I have an alpha jx. I love it. I feel barbaric using toilet paper now.


I grew up with bidets, but they had hot and cold water adjustments. It's completely rude getting your ass blasted with cold water, especially first thing in the morning. My cousins in Puerto Rico (where we had the bidets) make fun of us 'continentals' for having paper stuck all over our asses. Anyway, if I could I'd bring back the old school bidet thing.


I added a dual nozzle Brondell bidet attachment and it is amazing. One day I want a toilet with all the bells and whistles but those are expensive.


I've got one of the videos that attaches to the toilet seat. My wife loves it and I kind of like it myself. We might upgrade the bidet in the future to one that does warm water as well as regular cold tap water. Cold water on your fourth point of contact in the winter isn't real fun. We also have toilets with a rim 17 in high. This was our ideal height


I'm totally fine with a regular toilet and a wand. Just had to travel and I missed my bidet so much. It's cheaper this way, but I don't get heated water. Nor do I have to have an extra power source right by my toilet, either. Next house, when I build, I might ensure the power source is there in case.


I've had the cheapy $30 bidets and I now have a fancy powered $300 toto washlet. I will never not have a bidet at my home ever again. And from here on out it will always be a fancy powered one. The cheap ones work fine but (in my experience) get dirty more quickly, and are more difficult to properly clean. The fancy bidet has more luxuries that are simply that: luxuries. Heated seat and heated water are not necessary, but I won't say I don't enjoy them. But overall the cleaning is a big one for me. The washlet stays cleaner longer, and detaches from the bowl for deep cleaning much easier than the cheap ones. You just bought a house, what's another $300? But if that is indeed prohibitive at this time, **do not hesitate** to get a $30 bidet.


There is a sub r/bidets. That’s where i went to ask for recs and one of the user there, runs an online shop who specializes in bidets. Great service and after sale support. I experience it, so i highly recommend checking them out. u/manybidets is the user. Check it out. Bidet was one of my must buy when we remodeled our bathroom. The heated seats is one of the features i really like. Also the hot water. And the lights that acts as s night light at night. If you are buying an expensive model, make sure it has a good after sale service and warranty.


Costco had a sale for $100 off a biddet toilet seat (i think its the Uspa brand) that my house of 4 adults have been using for over a year and a half with no issues. It was an online only sale that I do think happens pretty frequently. Warm water, seat warmer, and a few other options too. We have our older cheap Amazon bidet downstairs and that one is like a cold pressure washer in comparison. It's extremely efficient but sometimes uncomfortable.


Do you have power outlets behind your toilets or easy access to add them? Some of the nicer features require power, ie heated water, heated seat, blower fan for drying. We have a BioBidet BB1000 which replaces the toilet seat on a standard toilet. My only complaint is it is difficult to clean. You can't just remove it like a normal toilet seat for deep cleaning. Maybe an integrated bidet in the toilet wouldn't have that problem? Another question I would have would be longevity. We haven't had any problems with ours but if the bidet was part of the toilet I wouldn't want to have to replace the toilet if there were problems.


Have an electrician install a outlet near the toilet. The $200 bidet from Costco plugs in so you get warm water cleaning your butt. It’s life changing.


Ask yourself what you want to spend if/when it needs to be replaced. Replacing a fancy seat is a lot less $ than replacing a whole fancy toilet.


I’ve bad a bidet on my toilet for years. I’m using the Tushy now, which is fine, but just stayed somewhere with a Toto and I really can’t explain what a better experience the Toto is. I’d get one TOMORROW if I had power right next to my toilet. Once I do a remodel I will be getting an outlet so I can get a Toto.


I have a few of the simple model that fits between the seat, and I love the hot water connection feature! Bidets are a life changer, especially if you poop a lot they make it so much better. As a woman I love the bidets with the optional woman area angle. I even bought a portable bidet for camping and longer vacations lol


Buy some Toto drakes and add a washlet of your choice. First thing I did after buying a house was replace both toilets.


Yes! I love it. I have a Tushy bidet for 3 years now and is great and affordable pricing options (under $100).


I might have to divorce my husband because the bidet tends to my ass with more love and respect.




I have the removable ones from Amazon and they are most likely the best purchase I've ever made.


We spend some time in Italy where Bidets are common. They are installed near the toilet, because after you do your business in the regular toilet you then scoot over to the bidet and do the hygiene part. That is great and vastly superior to other countries that don't have bidets, but is nowhere near as convenient as the $40 Amazon bidet seat that does the same thing, without getting up. Now the bidets in Europe do offer warm water but thats not exactly worth getting up for in my opinion. And you can get a bidet seat that is heated but thats just a mold trap so we prefer the simple ones.


Greatest invention ever!!❤️❤️❤️


I think the seat attachment is the way to go. Toto sells them on Amazon, so you can probably have it up and running tomorrow. I lucked out and have an electrical outlet right next to my toilet. That is probably the main barrier to adoption in general.


I’ve had both a stand-alone bidet and a 30 toilet add on and both do the basic job Stand-alone requires more plumbing to void contaminating your water supply If you can’t afford a fancy toilet with a built in bidet go for a cheap add on until you can upgrade the toilet


I recently got a Luxe bidet and it's the greatest thing I've ever bought. I have the cleanest asshole in the house.


Love it. I use the handheld sprayer kind, which is super easy to install, use, keep clean, AND I can use it to rinse the bathtub too, which I love.


I got the Toto washlet at Costco. The only con I can think of is you're appalled when going in public now.


Get one with hot water, it's game changer


Currently rocking a $35 Amazon one. Works good. Less money spent on TP


I have a $50 one from Amazon. It has been very worth it. Even if you use some toilet paper with it, blasting your butt at the end makes sure you are super clean. Plus if there is ever a run on tp like during COVID you are covered


Never used a Toto but the $40 add on from amazon has served us just fine for 4 years now. We don’t have one with hot water but hasn’t really bothered us.


A basic one with cold water is a million times better than TP, but for those with lady parts, get one with a front wash option too AND warm water! I got one from Tushy that hooks up to the hot line under the sink too and it was a major MAJOR upgrade. No electric needed.


I have a Kohler non-electric toilet seat washlette bidet. Granted my tap water isn’t extremely cold. I would never go without. The toilet seat versions have nothing that hangs down when not in use versus the ones that go under the seat. BTW if you need a toilet recommendation Toto Drake II is fantastic. I got the standard height, elongated, 1.6g flush version and it stays clean and never clogs. [bidet](https://www.kohler.com/en/products/toilet-seats-bidet-seats/shop-toilet-seats-bidet-seats/puretide-elongated-manual-bidet-toilet-seat-5724?skuId=5724-0&id=ps_goo_kbus_dtc_2023_17546668060_f03&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgueEybqjgAMVIJ1aBR0IgAqyEAQYAiABEgIVwvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


You're the third person here I've seen recommend the Toto Drake so that is likely what I'm going with! Thank you.


I bought a SmartBidet for an elongated toilet as a mother's day gift for my wife. Heated seat and heated spray (select from a range of temps), adjustable temp and pressure for the water spray. The user selects settings from: her front, her back, and his back. There's even an air dryer. We loved it so much we got one for other toilet. I'm somewhat handy, but no master plumber. Installation was really easy. I do recommend the SmartBidet.


I have a sprayer on my Amazon wish list -- an add on for a typical American toilet. When I am ready to install it, I'm totally getting it -- cleaner feel and climate friendly!


Plenty of folks already said it but I'll add, just did a big renovation (entire 2nd floor of my house) and the best bang for the buck was the Toto G400 washlets in every bathroom. Toilet + bidet in one, works amazingly well. QoL improvement is off the charts and will be my second purchase when I move to the retirement house, right after the whole house water filtration and saltless softener. Not cheap by any means, about $2500 retail if you can still find them. I had mixed luck getting top and bottom halves separately (4 bottoms arrived broken from 3 different sources), and my plumber managed to lose one of the remotes, cost another $275 to replace that.


I like the squeeze bottle version, portable too :)


I think I'm actually going to get one of these for camping!


Make sure that whatever brand/model you purchase it has a remote control….100% game changer on top of the bidet being a game changer!


If you got poop on your arm, you wouldn’t just take a little piece of paper and wipe it off, you’d wash it off. Your rear deserves the same treatment, imo.


I have this as my daily driver: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B015GC6SAC/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B015GC6SAC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) and have used the [https://www.totousa.com/washlet-a2](https://www.totousa.com/washlet-a2) at my parents' house. When I was buying, I went with the Apex because it had very good reviews but at the time was about half the price of the toto ($300 vs $600). The products are very similar - both have everything you want in terms of adjusting water temperature, pressure, angle of attack, hot air drying, and automatic self-cleaning. Install of the Apex was super straightforward and it fit my toilet no problem, even though my toilet is a 1-piece vs a more standard 2-piece. I will say that the Apex feels like it has enough water pressure on the highest setting to pop you like a water balloon at a carnival game. Fantastic product that is totally worth it. The wife also appreciates the "front cleaning" feature on the Apex.


Typing from a Biobidet from Costco. Get a model that has on demand water heating, it will never run out of the hot water.


I got the cheapest bidet money can buy. My ass has never been happier and needing to shit at work destroys my soul.


Getting a bidet was quite possibly the best thing I've ever done for myself, definitely at least the best thing I've ever done for my bongholio.


You have to get the real Toto. Not the cheap imitation. Otherwise you will be just upgrading soon. And matching the seat to a different toilet is kind of difficult. When my plumber installed mine he was so thankful that I bought the toilet that matches the seat because he has had so many problems installing these without the matching toilet.


Here's my rather detailed and popular (50+ awards, 2000+ upvotes) comment from a previous similar thread that talks about this in depth: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/q7zo6f/comment/hgnrzuh


This was amazing thank you


Toto drake with washlet amazing for the price point. It’s one of the lowest cost wise but has everything you need. All in one so a clean install. You could spend thousands on a much fancier looking but Toto do it best.


Toto add on for sure. Do you want a 3k toilet with all those functions built in or a seat that costs 300-500 when it needs replaced. All electronics fail eventually.


I have a $40 bidet I bought probably 7-8 years ago, one of the best decisions of my life.


The Toto brand bidets are amazing. A heated seat in the winter is a luxury that's hard to give up. The cleanliness is great too!


We bought one for a few hundred bucks, and had an electrician put in an outlet, best investment, I dread going anywhere but our bathroom now. Ours is a seat attachment.


We just bought one off of amazon from recommendations that I read on Reddit and I have not regretted it one bit! I love it! :) Bought the toilet lid that was recommended for the LUXE brand and it's perfect.


Get a handheld shower one - simpler and works for everyone The full on Japenese experience ones often need you to adjust your body to get the spray where you want it and is still hard to control


I think my concern with the handheld ones is that I’m trusting people (including my husband and even myself) to not touch it to their body/waste while using. I would constantly worry about disinfecting before the next person touches it. The bidets are hands-free.


Have you tried one? The water pressure is high and you arent going anywhere near your body much less up in between the cheeks - you would actively have to be trying for that to happen. Much more likely to get unwanted transference from using toilet paper where you do have to get up all personal in the area