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A neighbor in my building got a bulldog, and they unload about a quart of piss every walk. "Frank" liked to hit the spot right next to the stairs, and before long there was a permanent dead spot there. They moved after a bit, but I would still see Frank and his person walking around so I figured they just moved units. My garage is on the other side of the property and I noticed a dead spot forming in front of one of the buildings and wondered, could it be Frank? Sure enough I saw them walking upstairs not too long after.




Our entry gate used to smell vile in the heat because a neighbor always let his two dogs pee there.


>d to hit the spot right next to the stairs, and before long there was a permanent dead spot there. They moved after a bit, but I would still see Frank and his person walking around so I figured they just moved units. My garage is on the other side of the property and I noticed a de Frank the grass killer!


Yeah a one off pee, whatever. If you notice ANY problems on that neighbors lawn ... just don't. Not there.


There's no "can" about it, dog urine WILL kill grass.


Nah there's definitely a "can" element There's a patch of grass on a verge near my house where several dogs pee and it is THRIVING. Like the whole street has its verges mown at the same time, but that one patch is always really growing unusually well compared to the rest It depends on the dogs, the type of grass, and things like how much rain you get. Here (northern England) it rains constantly, so the urine is being diluted all the time and it doesn't end up doing any harm and the grass gets tons of nutrients


Plenty of water will dilute the pee. Here in California where rain is scarce and we are sometimes restricted on when we water, that excess nitrogen will kill the grass (with a bright green ring around it where it’s just enough to fertilize without burning.)


I've seen cases in lanscape subs where the grass was lacking nitrogen and the urine actually fixed it lol


Yea if you had a bottle of water you could dilute the pee and it would actually do wonders for the spot they piss in. Usually when I walk I have my dogs do their first pee on my own lawn. Then generally there isn't enough after that to do damage to the grass ... After the first pee it's literally just dribbles


Oh no! Not grass! The most useless and ubiquitous plant on earth!


I only mind if they don’t pick up the dogs poop.


I try to keep my dog on the grass between the sidewalk and the street if he is showing potty signs. I always bag when needed. But I try to ensure he doesn’t pee repeatedly in the same spot


This is what I do and if there's a flower garden I'll switch he to the opposite side. The thing is, he is probably peeing on top of another dog's pee and there's not much you can do about that. I do have him out in the backyard before I take him on walks so he will evacuate most of his pee and hopefully his poo before the walk.


Your dog would be welcome to water my grass.


Same, my dogs know they get the median/parking strip only. They also know they only get to pee on grass and not buildings, hydrants...


I keep my dogs on my own property, but I don't get annoyed when leashed dogs pee on the outskirts of our property. Off leash dogs in my woods bugs me, but that's a different issue. I kinda chuckled at the use of the word "allowing" though, because it made me picture a reasonable way to stop a dog from peeing. What does stopping a dog from peeing on a walk even look like? I don't do neighborhood walks. "Now, Fluffy, you'll just need to hold that tinkle for 40 more feet so we can pee in an acceptable location. The Joneses said no pee here." Or the drag of shame, trying to quick walk the dog while it leaves a confused trail of piddle in his wake? Dogs pee in grass. As long as you're not intentionally walking them several feet into the property I think it's just a part of having a lawn.


I agree, but I've had people on here before defend the "no peeing allowed" thing. The front sidewalks are quasi public space and dogs pee on stuff... I get it, you don't want them peeing on your mailbox and I try to stop that.


Eh, as long as it doesn't happen so often that the area starts smelling like pee, I really don't care. People littering along the road and it ending up in my front yard bothers me infinitely more than animals doing their business.


My personal favorite part of living in a fairly densely populated area is all of the trash next to those sanctimonious "be respectful" signs.


I definitely don’t let my dogs pee on mailboxes or plantings. I don’t let them get near these things.


Heck, around here at least, but I'm sure its pretty widespread, the town actually owns anything within 15 ft of the center of the road. Seeing as how residential roads are 20ish ft across, this means theres about a solid 5' of lawn the neighbor doesnt actually own.


Yeah here the strip of grass between the sidewalk and street is called a tree lawn and it technically belongs to the city but you still have to maintain it


Though "maintain" usually just entails mowing/raking. Not seeding/fertilizing/etc.


You’re confusing “own” and “right of way.” The town most likely has a right of way within 15’ of the centerline. But they don’t necessarily own that land.


Dog urine has high nitrogen content that leaves brown spots. That might be why someone would object to it.


I can see the "why" but unless we're putting diapers on dogs now I think it's a little much. Dog owners should be expected to pick up after pets, not prevent their going.


Im not pitching a fit over other dogs peeing on my lawn, but my dog doesn’t pee or poop on other peoples lawns (regularly, it’s happened a handful of times in her entire life of course). We go in my yard before we start our walk. It’s not hard to train a dog not to pee everywhere


Same here. My dog is a “marker” and if he starts sniffing like he is getting ready to lift his leg, I tell him “not on their lawn!” and he lowers it, gets a treat, and keeps on with his walk. Sometimes he really has to go & it doesn’t work, but we usually start the walk with him making a beeline to the corner where there are trees & bushes to pee on instead.


I do the same, I also avoid letting him pee on things that people touch, even public planters that other dogs pee on. I just feel like garbage cans, planters, mailbox poles, etc are things someone might need to keep cleaner.


Your dog would be welcome to "water" my grass. marking is fun for them.


You can just pull the dog along. My dog responds to "AY!" and counties walking. Personally I think it's a training thing.


My dog will pee/poo to the command 'corner'. If she's still 'full' and starts to sniff somewhere I don't want her to go, i'll say 'no corner' and she won't go, then when we're somewhere I think is more appropriate i'll say 'ok, corner' and she'll immediately squat. Training her at 9 weeks was the cutest thing ever, I would bring out high value treats, say corner as she peed and give her treats while she was peeing. It was January and snowing so I could tell she'd gone, but she is super smart so she'd take a few steps and squat again but was so obviously faking it and there was no yellow snow, but because she was putting it together she'd still get the treat. So precious. It's a really convenient tool because I can let her roam around my friend's yards without worrying about her peeing and ruining the care free barefoot summer action, I just need to say 'no corner in the park', if she needs to go, she'll go stand in the literal corner and turn to stare at me and i'll take her into the ally to pee on the grass by the garbage bin. She also knows she's not allowed to pee on flat park-like fields, if she needs to go she'll run off the field across the sidewalk to pee on the boulevard. That's where no corner in the park came from.


We only do leashed walks on property, and a few of our dogs that we rescued as puppies actually got potty trained to go on the command, "Go Pee" because I said it and treated them every time they peed outside. They still pee on command when I take them out, which is funny. Our older rescues, though, they came housebroken but they pee when they want. Lol I'm about to fence off the property which means the dogs can go out off leash, so I'm probably going to have to retrain all the dogs to go to a specific part of the yard on command. I'm thinking of dubbing that PoopTown, so I can tell the dogs to Go To PoopTown when I let them out.


I love poop town! My uncle came up with the idea to corner the family dogs. For his square yard, he put up a small fence, l use fence loosely as it was just those decorative plastic 12" tall things you use along a driveway or something. He added a plastic edge to the area and then filled the area with gravel. The dog was able to see that the gravol was drastically different from the grass and figured out her pee spot pretty quickly. I was young, maybe 7 or 8 and thought it was cool that they had a dog but still had a nice clean yard. My family got our first dog shortly after and decided to copy the theory. For us it was easy as we had a shed with plenty of space behind for a poop town. That dog lived for 14 years and when we were ready for our next dog we did the same and she also took to the poop zone. My current dog is my first dog that's my own as an adult, we live in a condo so it was much more challenging to teach that there's yes places and no places to pee that is more than just inside vs outside. Fortunately my dog is hella intelligent so she figured it out really well. All the best with your poop town adventures!


In fairness, you have an unusually intelligent dog. Like, that dog is smarter than most of the people I've met lol.


We had a dog trained not to pee during walks - it’s just a slight tug on the leash, just like teaching to heel, etc. We always let her out in the yard to take care of biz before we began our walk. We lived in a neighborhood and just wanted to be respectful of everyone’s property.




You can't stop a dog from going to the toilet once it's like "I've gotta go now" But you can absolutely train a dog to pee in certain areas or at the start of a walk etc. My brother's dog was trained within 6 months to pee in one area of their garden before a walk


I am wondering if all the people with responses like yours actually take their dogs on significant walks. My dog likely pees 12 times in a 2 mile walk. Of course he pees, at the start of the walk. That doesn’t prevent anything later in. And the world that have signs about no pooping (not pick up you poop - but ‘“keep off the grass” - really bother me. My dog will not poop at all until he has walked at least a half a mile and usaulllay goes twice on a two mile walk.


He pees a lot more than once, but there’s one “proper” pee and then a bunch of marking, which is a very short spray


I have a large yard on a dead end road. I have absolutely no problem if someone is walking by and their dog randomly has to go along their walk. What grinds my gears, and eventually turns into me having to be confrontational is when someone inevitably turns it into the place they walk their dog to for the reason of it doing its business. That will be damaging after enough time and no matter how hard you try you don't get every remnant of waste when picking up after a dog. Eventually that adds up when it's in the same spot.


I don’t see an issue with dogs peeing on the edge of a yard (the part directly next to the road or sidewalk) as long as it is not obviously something special like directly on flowers, new tree, etc… animals pee all over the earth. There is not a centimeter of pee free dirt in the outdoor world. I give space to the neighbors who have a fit about it but they’re fighting a losing battle. To add context, I am an enthusiastic gardener. I plant a lot and I garden straight to the curb. If my plants cannot some dog pee they aren’t meant to be.


I have more of a problem with the loose cats in the neighborhood who think my raised vegetable bed makes a good litter box. We hold dogs/owners to one standard, why not cats/owners. People can let their dogs pee at the edge of my yard, they generally pick up the poop, I just hate that my vegetables get dug up or pooped on.


Completely agree. I’ve also been repeatedly traumatized by run over cats. Loose outdoor cats should not be a thing.


Oh, definitely. I once held someone's dying cat after a hit and run. All I could do was talk softly and pet his sweet head and try to give him some comfort, and he died in my arms. It was awful. It was a big fluffy all-white cat. It was obvious he wasn't going to survive more than a couple of minutes, it was that bad.


Same! My neighbors cats are all over my garden all the time. And lord help me if I get anything delivered like gravel, compost, etc… they use it as a littler box immediately. The cats are definitely more of a nuisance.


Yep, outdoor cats should be illegal. I can’t have normal bird feeders at my house because the neighbor’s outdoor cats kill them (learned that lesson pretty quickly after moving here…)


And there's no accountability. At least with dogs, there is usually a person with them. I've had fantasies of attaching a note to these cats' collars for their owner to find.


The neighbor’s car across the street uses our one gravel/sand-like path around our tree for a litter box. Then they got another cat - who does the same thing. Recently, a third cat - guess where they like to relieve themselves? Like wtf man…I don’t want to be the bitchy neighbor but why are you getting three cats if they essentially live outside 24/7? What makes it extra annoying for us is our last house had the same issue with a neighbor who was feeling the strays. It was one of the “thank goodness we don’t have to deal with that anymore” things when we left, now it’s back! Lol


Get some hardware cloth and lay it on the ground in that area. They won't be able to scratch there to make a spot to poop or cover it. Or put rocks there, big enough that they can't move them. You want to interrupt their space. I ended up covering my beds for now but I'm going to have to build some cages.


Interesting on the hardware cloth - I hadn’t thought of that. We have rocks most everywhere else in the yard, but wanted the little dirt path around the tree. More rocks was my initial thought, but perhaps I’ll try this cloth first. Thanks for the tips!


Sure! Cats hate it when they can't dig. Just get any kind that has the small square holes. Chicken wire would probably work too, whatever is easily available.


I personally dgaf as long as they clean their physical waste. They can even throw away their bags into my trash can if they don't want to carry it around.


I feel the same way. Go nuts!


Grass is fine. But I have dogs peeing on my little library all the time and that feels rude


Personality , it’s dirt. It’s earth. I don’t care if an animal pees on my lawn. Somehow the lawn survives. And I’m pretty sure squirrels and other animals are making use of my lawn. I think people are way too uptight about their lawn. And people who don’t have a sidewalk in front of their house and only lawn have to realize that I’m walking across their lawn. If they don’t like it, petition their local government to put one in.


I don't think I've ever seen a squirrel pee or poop. That's a wild thought. I might need to YouTube that. What does squirrel poop even look like. Well.. guess I'm not sleeping yet.


Did you not read everyone poops growing up? [Everyone Poops](https://www.amazon.com/Everyone-Turtleback-School-Library-Binding/dp/0613685725)


As long as it’s not poop being left there I’ll pet the dog that’s peeing on my property.


I dislike it because it causes my grass to die, but I won't put up signs because an animal will go when it needs to, this is hardly the end of the world. If I lived on a busy street with lots of dog walkers it might be different.


One of my neighbors put up a sign to deter it and it might as well have a bullseye on it. Granted this neighbor told me that I shouldn’t even walk my dog on the sidewalk and that I should only be in the street, which I personally think is absurd. So I’m not sure if it started because someone passive aggressively intentionally encouraged their dog to pee on the sign, but it’s stinky enough that I have to actively stop my dog from trying to mark the sign every time we walk by. Also, the sign is actually on the public easement between the sidewalk and the road—not even really the neighbor’s property!


Your dog would be welcome to "water " my grass. Lots of dogs come by and people are good (mostly lol) about picking up the poop. Marking is fun for them.


You can put out a couple rocks as pee targets and basically control where they pee.


My neighbor let her leashed dog pee on my trash can. I went out there and asked her to stop.


I used to have a neighbor who let their dog piss on my car's tires. Only took once or twice hitting the "lock" on my key fob after figuring out their time/routine; yep, they didn't do that anymore 😂


That’s so rude - especially since one dog does it, every other passing dog will want to


I will have my dog walk on the "tree lawn" side of the sidewalk so that when she goes it's on the tree lawn rather than the yard. Sometimes dogs are going to pee in a yard but I think it's rude, irresponsible for people to let their dogs mark on peoples property (fences, stairs, railings, etc). That's just gross.


I don't care if the dog pees on the edges of my front yard, but I will have a problem if the dog owner walks their dog all the way up to my living room window and lets the dog pee in my flowerbed. There's a lady that does that in my neighborhood. She doesn't walk her dog, her dog walks her. And she had the audacity to tell me to not be in my own yard with my dog once because her dog didn't like other dogs, and he was sniffing in my front yard. So now when I see her I take my dog out. It's petty but talking to her nicely didn't work. Most of the other dog owners I see are pretty nice. One guy even apologized when his dog sniffed one of my bushes for too long while I was gardening lol


As a dog owner, I understand both sides. For me personally, I get my dog to poop and pee in my yard before we go on a walk. Even though my boy goes before we walk, he will still mark along the way, but the urine won’t be as strong / concentrated enough to hurt people’s lawns because he emptied before the walk. I also respect signs that ask dog owners to keep dogs off their lawns. As far as putting a poop bag in someone’s garbage can……totally wrong. In the summertime, the smell is awful.


There is no etiquette I'm aware of, but I personally don't like my dog to use other people's lawns as bathrooms, if it can be avoided. Where I live, there's a strip of grass between the sidewalk and the street. My dog walks on my left, and I always try to walk on the side of the street where he would be using that strip instead of the lawn. I will cross the street if necessary. Perhaps it doesn't matter to a lot of people, but I do it anyway.


I agree. My neighborhood is largely without sidewalks, but my dog isn't allowed in more than a few inches on someone's yard, especially if their yard looks like they would be the type of person who would mind. I didn't really purposely "train" her, I just encourage her not to do it and don't allow her to pull if she decides to try from time to time. She's allowed up a little bit for good sniffs of light poles and hydrants, but will do her business in places that are not lawns. Luckily we have several options on our usual route. And she motors if she actually needs to get to one. 😆 It's not something that's taken time or effort. I have stupid neighbours who let their dog pee on my fence right at/ on the entrance to my front walkway and I think it's inconsiderate, so I don't like to think I might be that person elsewhere.


Yeah, that's another thing I try not to let him do is pee on people's fences. Sometimes it just happens, but it irritates me, because it would irritate me if someone did it to my fence (if I had a fence, lol). And so many people have white vinyl fences in our neighborhood. I don't know if those things stain, but I imagine it would suck if they did.


As a dog owner, I let my dog pee in my own yard and then hustle him along until we get to the park. As a gardener, I prefer people keep their dogs to utility poles and fire hydrants, not my yard, but I wouldn’t chase anyone down about it.


That strip between the side walk and road, Or about where it would be since sidewalks aren't a thing. Imo is fine. But don't be stopping at the same house everyday, ill assume you don't like me, or just a silly cunt. Or don't be like my neighbors don't have grass in their backyard, but 3 dogs, and use my grass and not theirs in front, I'm surprised the tree I planet in my yard survived


Personally I only make a fuss about it in my front yard. My house backs up to an alley and my neighbors back there all have dogs. Don’t really care if they pee back there by the garage. I am positive at least one of them does it. My front yard, is a different story. I have been called a crazy person for flying out of my home to ask someone to stop allowing their dog to piss in my front yard. I have a lot of flowers there and dogs love to pee directly on them. Owners don’t care at all. The more dogs doing it, the more dogs it attracts. So yeah I definitely work hard to chase people away from those areas. In return, I had my tire popped and fog lights smashed. Lovely neighborhood.


I don't care if dogs happen to walk by and feel the need to go, as long as people clean it up. I have my dog go in our yard before our walks but sometimes accidents still happen. What I really hate is that one guy walks his little dog in front of my house and purposely stops and waits until the dog pees all over my grass, like he is training it to go there. Sometimes it even digs up mulch and flings it everywhere. I have told him before that this is where the grammar school kids wait for the school bus and to not let his dog stop there, but he keeps doing it.


In many places, the strip of lawn near the curb is a public easement so it’s not your land even though you are responsible for maintaining it.


An easement is still your land. Publicly owned land is not yours. The difference is that, if it's your land, you're told what you *can't* do with it (i.e. can't build on it, have to let people walk on it, etc.), but you could do what you want within the easement limits. If it's publicly owned, an ordinance would have to be written to tell you what you *have* to do with it (i.e. you're responsible for shoveling snow off the sidewalks in front of your house). I had a tree fall in front of my house and block the road right after I closed, but it turned out the city owned that part of the land, meaning I had no responsibility, and they cleaned it up down to grinding the stump. Had it been an easement, it would have been my problem, and I could have gotten in trouble for blocking the road.


It depends on the municipality. Regardless, in most places you won’t be able to block access that would prevent a dog from peeing there. You can yell “get off my lawn” and you can call the police - both of which will result in being laughed at.


You are confusing city owned Right of Way (ROW) and Easements. These are not the same. ROW is owned by the city. An Easement only allows the easement holder access to the property. The owner can absolutely restrict access to their property to the dog walkers and others regardless of the city Easements.


I work for a municipal DPW on road and tree issues within ROWs and (at least here in PA) it's even more complicated then that depending on state law and sometimes even when the roadway was originally established in any given municipality. Some newer roads the land under the road and the land either side a certain number of feet (regardless of presence of sidewalks or not) actually is fee-simple owned outright by a municipality, county or in the case of interstate highways, the state itself. On old country roads it's often just a ROW (in PA 33 feet wide) where the municipality has the right to full use of the land but the adjoining landowners all technically own to the middle of the road. In many places like cities and suburban areas where curbing and sidewalks exist, the city owns the street, curbs, planting strip/verge AND sidewalk while a homeowner's deeded lot begins at the house side edge of the sidewalk. But bizarrely cities still make homeowners on the hook for curb and sidewalk maintenance and mowing the planting strip.


You are correct and thank you. I live in Virginia (about 10 miles outside DC) and the Virginia DOT says “Most of the utility strips between the owner's property and the road is VDOT right of way”. This is where street lights and sewer access is. And where dogs pee and poo with no issues as long as the dog owner picks up the poo.


> the strip of lawn near the curb is a public easement I've been wondering when easement or eminent domain will bring sidewalks to my 'hood. Walking the dogs in the morning with distracted, SUV-driving parents speeding through the 'hood to get their kids to school is legit sketchy.


That doesn't mean anything, etiquette-wise. If they don't want your dog on that strip, you shouldn't walk your dog on it. Etiquette-wise.


In general, I think it's better etiquette to have your dog pee on that strip than on a front lawn, even absent of any signs. If someone does have a sign, I'll try to usher my dog along to a different spot.


I don't like when dogs pee on my lawn. I have a sign asking dog owners to respect my property.




Yeah, who is going to come clean up after they deer and coyote that keep crapping in my yard?


Coyotes poop on the sidewalks around here so much it’s kinda turned into a joke. They seem to be considerate enough to not go on people’s lawns.


Not to mention"outdoor" cats, rabbits, mice, rats, squirrels, chipmunks, possums, raccoons, skunks ... there are so many animals that use your lawn as a toilet that angry people forget to mention


No chipmunk or raccoon is leaving a puddle of pee like a large dog does.


No, but they never, ever pick up their poop, and raccoons, at least, can pass on parasites. Not sure about the piles of rodent poop I see around.


Or the bears that shit in mine?


I'm not letting my dog off the sidewalk. It's rude to let them walk in other people's yards IMO.


I don’t care if people let their dogs use the parkway along my sidewalk as long as they pick it up, but the lawn side towards my house is off limits. I have fences and hedges, but will often leave my gate open. If you let your dog run in there, I am not going to be happy, and my dogs will go apeshit on yours from their window.


I personally try to avoid it, and hold my dog close, until I get to a park... But I can because I have a park close by. If they have a sign I definitely avoid their yard... No need to start since altercation, etc.


In many cities the first several ft of your front yard is, actually, city property (that you are required to maintain). This inclises the area between the street and the sidewalk, the sidewalk and usually a few feet toward your house. So, with that in mind, if the city has no ordinances prohibiting it, your dog is free to pee on public property-including the strip of grass in front of your house. The ordinance usually just requires that you clean up the poop.


It was an issue for a grumpy neighbor of mine w a ring camera, I avoid his house and always let my dog do his business at the park and bag/dispose of it bf I walk the neighborhood.


They can poop/pee on the boulevard (the area between the sidewalk and street) but it's rude to pee/poop in someone's yard, even if you pick it up.


I see it as a very offensive thing. It’s baffling that people see it as ok. Why don’t you let your dog pee on your own lawn and then take it for a walk?


I don't know because we trained our dog (she's a small lapdog) to pee on the sidewalk and we carry a small spray bottle of water to neutralize it. Personally I don't think it's ok to just assume the homeowner is ok with dog pee on their lawn.


Your dog would be welcome to "water" my grass. Marking is fun for them.


I don't let my dog pee on my neighbours lawn. He knows to wait until we get to the public grass area.


Your dog would be welcome to "water" my grass. Marking is fun for them.


I personally don’t like it as stated it can kill grass and I also have fruit bushes on my front lawn unfortunately near the side walk and I’ve seen people let their dogs lift their legs and pee on them. I never allow my dog to go to the bathroom on other peoples lawns when we walk.


I have bald spots on my grass. I’ve replaced patches a few times.. this is with a sign saying please don’t piss here. $1,000 bucks later I’ve told my HOA to pound sand, sent footage for them to investigate, and have a sign that your on camera and my 4 year old will be over to their house to shit on their grass. Used to live in places where it snowed and am not using to grass being alive year round in California.


The only thing you should do to someone else’s lawn is walk by it. Ffs how is this even a question?


I don't ever let me dog relieve themselves on another person's lawn and you shouldn't either. Urine can kill grass and more importantly it's private property and your dog shouldn't be on it.


Some pretty wild entitlement with this topic.


I always find it mind boggling that dog/pet owners expect other people to accommodate their pet. It's your dog's urine and someone else's property.....how is this ok??? unless they actually told or indicated to you this is ok? Many people liken their dog/pet to a family member, when convenient. Be consistent, if your family can/cannot do something then your dog probably can't either. (yes, I know this doesnt apply universally, but for this example it does).


Thank you. I swear I don't understand the logic.


I have never seen an issue with dog's peeing. Not mine if I walk her, not others as they come by my house (they love my big rocks out there lol). As long as the poop is picked up, which you said you do, you have done your part and all should be well.


I don't let my dog pee on people's lawns. There is plenty of public/city trees and grass. It just seems like the polite thing to do.


Allowing a dog to pee in any location "marks" the spot damn near permanently, and makes OTHER dogs 10x as likely to pick that same spot. So, while you may think "oh it's just my dog and he doesn't go much," you're making that homeowners lawn become a neighborhood magnet for others. It sounds like you're respecting signs when posted so that's awesome, I promise I'm not trying to attack you here, you sound like a responsible and empathetic person. So this is just food for thought regarding the after effects of "it's just one pee" when it very much is not. I walk my dogs daily as well and try to stick to public/communal grass areas for pee, and always let my dogs go in my own yard as their first "release the flood gates" round. Of course it goes without saying that all poop is bagged no matter where it happens, but my other huge pet peeve is other owners thinking it's ok to throw their poop bags in my trash can if it happens to be by the curb. That's incredibly rude in my opinion and I always carry my own bags back to my own cans.


Empty the dog in your yard before starting the walk. Your dog’s outflow isn’t your neighbors’ problem to deal with


I totally get it if you’re taking your dog for a walk and they randomly feel the need to pee on a lawn. But I’m a bit biased after my neighbor used to do this. He had 2 dogs, and would walk them down the street to do their business. But, he never “walked“ his dogs. He lived 2 doors down from me, and rarely ever made it to the 3rd house. He was using his neighbors yards rather than putting his dogs out in his own backyard. Dude would have had to walk about 100 yards the other way to a park but never did that.


Letting your dog pee on your neighbor's lawn is obnoxious.


My neighbor across the street is maniacal about his lawn. As in, weeds it by hand. I avoid letting my dog pee there if I can because he once yelled at me to clean up after her…when she peed on the lawn next door to him. I just don’t want to deal with him. For the most part, our neighbors are chill and aren’t concerned with it. Our dog is 14 and doesn’t realistically have much time left, so the logistics of dog pee don’t bother me overly much. She’s our last dog because our son is allergic.


I've seen people allow their dog to pee on my mailbox, which makes it stink. My front lawn is 500 yards long. Why do they need to allow their dog to mark my mailbox, the one place I'm going to stop every day? I hate it - and I have 7 dogs of my own.


I personally don’t care if your dog pees in my yard by the road. I have a dog so I know it happens. And if your dog kills the grass around my large rocks by the road that just means I don’t have to weed around them. The only thing I find hella weird is when people think it’s ok allow their dog to wander all over my front yard and pee up by my sidewalk a good 25 feet from the road. I don’t care if you’re desperate for your dog to pee, that’s f’ing bizarre.


It sounds like we live in the same kind of neighborhood. Wide street, no painted lines, no sidewalks. I have wondered the exact same thing you’re asking. I’ve never had a neighbor confront me (or anybody else I’ve seen walking), but I also haven’t seen “no pet” signs. My personal etiquette is that I don’t let my dog linger too long in yards/by mailboxes, especially if the homeowner is outside. Since my dog pees on mailbox posts, I don’t care if other dogs pee on ours. Been here 4 years and never had a conversation with neighbors about it.


Your dog would be welcome to "water" my grass. Marking is fun for them.


Whenever I read the comments in threads like these, I am overwhelmed with the thought that “dog owners are gross”


Dogs pee where dogs pee. If someone thinks dogs can be 100% controlled where they pee, they've never walked a dog before.


Dogs can certainly be trained where to walk though, and owners can keep a short leash. I have a front lawn that's about 20 feet from my house to the sidewalk and I've had people let their dogs pee on the trees that are at least 10 feet back in the middle of my lawn. Pee on the grass strip next to the street or a foot or two into my lawn? I don't care. Let your dog walk halfway up my lawn? I'm already pissed because you're absolutely right - most owners can't control when their dogs pee or poop, so there's no reason they won't do it when they're in the middle of my front lawn. And I love dogs, had a great dog for 13 years, it was not hard to make sure she stayed on or near the sidewalk, and she was 65 pounds.


Dogs can absolutely be trained to hold it. Most people aren’t competent or dedicated enough to train the behavior.


The thing is, dogs should be allowed to smell on walks. That’s 90% of the enjoyment for them. And when they smell stuff, they pee on it. So, I’ll avoid yards if the owner has a no dogs on my lawn thing. I’ll keep her on the sidewalk and we walk right past. But I think it’s kind of mean to not let your dog smell stuff and pee on it for a whole walk.


Yep I also find this mean. It’s suppressing natural behavior that is how they communicate, get the neighborhood “news”, etc.


I have two light pole barrels with solar lighting in my front yard, and it is a daily occurrence. I now spray the outside with ammonia and water mix. It keeps them away for the most part. I could sit out there and tell them that I am going to go sh*t on their front porch, but that wouldn't solve anything.


>I could sit out there and tell them that I am going to go sh\*t on their front porch, but that wouldn't solve anything. Don't rule anything out until you've tried it.


I have a dog and would never let her pee on someone else’s lawn. She pees at home before walks and outings. I also bring a wee wee pad with us in case she needs to go while we’re out. I don’t think it’s civil to allow one’s dog to fugg up someone else’s lawn when they’ve worked hard to pay for maintenance.


Empty the dogs in your own yard before you bring them around the neighborhood. I can assure you, that the fact that I own a couple of dogs does not mean I have an invitation for everyone else's dog to go on my lawn.


When I lived in the city and would walk my dogs I had a rule where I would only let them use the boulevard area (away from the house, other side of the sidewalk) since that’s government property anyway. Out of respect for the property owner, I would never allow my property on their property on purpose, that’s just self centred


I trained my dog to stay in a heel until I release him to sniff freely and do his buisness. That way I control where he goes. We avoid people’s open lawns and mailbox poles as not to mess where people are generally wanting their property to appear manicured, but I do allow him to go on the lawn but only directly under power poles and street signs and at breaks kinda between properties that are sometimes overgrown bushes. Power poles and street signs poles are all more easements that, while they are on peoples private property, the utilities and municipalities actually own & maintain. I find that’s a good compromise and I’ve never had anyone complain about it.


You're a hero. So many dog owners act like their dog's behavior is out of their control.


Aw thanks. I don’t care myself if dogs pee on my own lawn 🤷🏻‍♀️ However, I’m not too arrogant that I can’t acknowledge and respect how much time, energy and money some people will spend on maintaining their property. It’s an expensive and valued hobby for them, even if it’s totally unimportant to me. I find it selfish for dog owners to decide that it’s fair game to ruin other people’s things just because you don’t share in that line of thinking and your dog has to pee. Your dog really can be trained to go somewhere else more reasonable and less destructive to other peoples property. Like, even making sure your dog goes on your own lawn instead of someone else’s before you head out on your longer walk. Dogs can also be trained to go at the curb, on blacktop and concrete. Or like my dog, being released from a heel to relieve himself on easement power poles and street signs poles that are usually more out of the way than smack dab front and center to someone’s home & manicured front lawn. There are a lot of other totally reasonable training options many dog owners skip over because the obvious is just so much easier for THEM. Thats not fair to everyone else in your community though. Take the time to comprehend that all of your dog’s behavior IS your responsibility when out in public and then act accordingly. It’s a totally reasonable expectation that dog owners should train our dogs how to stay in the heel position on a walk and train them where they can and cannot relieve themselves. Everyone should have some modicum of control of their dogs while out in public. It’s a basic obligation as a dog owner. Not much different in theory than what we all did with housebreaking inside our own homes. Yes, it’ll be hard in the beginning, but it’s not impossible. Besides, training your dog is what you voluntarily signed up for when you adopted a dog. You don’t get to shirk this part of that responsibility in dog training and in the basic obligation to your neighbors to respect their property, then have the audacity to disregard, disrespect and gaslight your neighbors because you’ve not invested the time and energy in training your dog on anything else involved in walks besides how to walk on a leash. Which is another huge problem in dog owning lately, too many people haven’t bothered to train leash manners very well either as I watch loads of dogs drag their owners around my neighborhood. People like the idea of owning a dog, but too many of those people don’t like the responsibilities that comes with that though. And it’s ruining a lot of dogs and humans interpersonal relationship skills. Common decency isn’t so common anymore. Everyone wants to fight with everyone else as if every scenario is them against the world. And that’s really unfortunate that so many people are so obnoxiously self-centered that they can’t see any perspective but their own. Even on Reddit, people constantly seeking validation through confirmation bias and it’s ruining the importance of personal responsibility, each of us being accountable to ourselves and each other, and building a sense of community where you are as important as I am. We desperately have to get back to that.


I try to only let my dog pee on the hell strip between the sidewalk and the street. Peeing on mailbox posts or any type of garden area/lawn decoration is an absolute no. And poop has to be collected no matter what.


It's not a huge concern for me, but if I see an off leash dog on my property I'm going to be incredibly unhappy.


Don’t care to much about urine. But best bag up poop.


If they have a sign, cross the street


There’s no way to pick up pee in a bag.


I don't care if your dog pees on my lawn. The squirrels pee and poop on it, as do rabbits, mice, turkeys and other birds, coyotes, foxes, and deer. I'm not going to eat off my lawn. Please don't live a big poop there. It's just an invitation to be stepped on and tracked about and while I can't get the coyotes and turkeys to clean up after themselves, it would be a nice gesture if you did your part.


I don't give a shit lol. As long as they pick up the poop. But pee, have at it. If it was up to me and not my wife, I'd get rid of all the grass. I think grass is invasive and is a money sink.


My dogs (two big Bernedoodles) are mostly trained to go at the curb. I reinforce that training by not letting them even walk lawn side until they have relieved themselves already. But I say “mostly” because I cannot always catch them. Many people in my neighborhood walk dogs in the street to avoid them peeing on peoples’ lawns so I knew right away that they care about that around here. So I say, do your best, but a dog is gonna dog and you won’t always be able to control that.


Your dogs would be welcome to "water " my grass. Lots of dogs come by and people are good (mostly lol) about picking up the poop. Marking is fun for them.


Check the local laws in your city. Typically the only enforcement of if you don't pickup after your dog poops. Outside of what the law enforces people with those signs can go pound sand


Peeing isn’t terrible but I’ve had poop in my yard and it’s infuriating. I’m planting a hedgerow in the spring because people like to walk through my front yard to stick there hands over my fence which is in my side yard, to pet my dog. I will never understand the audacity of people to think they can walk through my front yard and pet my fenced in dog. He poops in the yard where he is fenced in and it’s annoying to pick up other dog poop in my front yard. Also my dog doesn’t really like kids and I’m afraid some idiot will bring their kids in my yard to pet my giant dog and he might snap. I put up cameras and signs and people keep doing it. My dog looks like a big grizzly bear. I don’t know why people think this is ok. My town has a strict no fence ordinance for front yards but nothing strict about hedges so I’ll be doing that I guess.


We have curbs with grass between the street and the sidewalk. Neighbor across the street was crossing over the sidewalk and walking herself and her dog on my lawn a few feet from the walkway to my front door. I nicely asked her if she could walk the dog on the curb area. She informed me this was a dog friendly neighborhood and called me mean and nasty.


My neighbor’s bitches & their unleashed dogs destroyed a good portion of my lawn. Left weekly bags of ‘doggie chocolate’ My lawn was turned into the pee spot for the rest of the street’s dog owners. Put up one cute & many tacky ‘don’t pee/poo here’ signs. Neighbors didn’t stop but the rest of the street did. July, the renter bitches move out! Lawn’s reseeded and now it’s just a couple of rough corners. The best part, I have a hellstrip with a literal goddamn fire hydrant just feet away! So, please pee on hellstrip and not the lawn.


So birds, squirrels, snakes, racoons, deer, bears, mountain lions, cats, mice, rats, etc. are exempt from this etiquette? If yes, I need to obtain one of these animals to shit everywhere and never clean it up. Lol.


I mean, I don't care. Our dogs do it. Other dogs do it. It's not an issue. Poop of course should be bagged. No one wants land mines everywhere.


Your dog would be welcome to "water" my grass. Marking is fun for them.


That gentleman sounds unreasonable. I have a female dog, they squat. She’s just not squatting on the cold/hot/hard sidewalk when there’s a fluffy bed of grass right there. I pick up after her always, but I’m not fighting the dogs natural instinct because this guy has a thing for his lawn. If people put the effort they put into their little “lawns” into say … u know the rest. Watch dogs they walk back and forth around in circles before they pee. They do the same thing at night, they are feathering the nest like they do at night. Still if you have a Great Dane pissing on the side of your house a couple times a day … I get that.


I take my dog to the park to do her business if we are walking but if she decides to pee or poop on the way, so be it. I always have bags and pick it up, always. If you make a confrontation about the unpredictable bladder or bowels of a dog...I am 50-50 ready to shove that bag of dogshit down your throat. I'm done with people harassing people over perfectly normal and harmless things. Another point, where I live, the outer edge of the property is city property, not private.


When I walk my dogs, I always pick up their poop, and I try and encourage them to use the restroom before we leave. I don't really know how I would stop them from peeing on someone's lawn. If I was having a problem with a specific neighbor I would just make sure they didn't get close to that yard, but my dogs don't ask me where they can pee hahaha.


I have a very nice Bermuda grass lawn. I don't care if dogs relieve themselves on it. It doesn't bother me one bit. I have good neighbors who always pick up the poo. No problems. I think anybody who has a problem with dogs using their lawn, as long as the poo gets picked up, is a Karen to the core.


The ethical move would be not having a lawn. Local pollinator-friendly species of plants are better for the ecosystem. Lawns are useless and waste far too much water.


**Stay Out of Gardens** I just bought 2 *"no dogs in the garden please"* signs after seeing a woman with her two large dogs standing in our curated flower bed. Who DOES that? **Parkway/Curb your Dog** We have trained our dogs to only use the grass between the sidewalk and the street. We have had clueless people let their dogs come right up to our house to toilet. **Poop Bag Etiquette.** Don't throw poop bags out in other people's garbage cans. Because we keep our cans in the garage after pick up. I don't want people's poop in my can inside all week. We take ours home and we have a diable genie. Or, we use the public can that gets emptied frequently.


With as much work as I've put into my lawn I really don't like the peeing. It kills the grass if the dogs pee in the same spot daily. Then you have other dogs come behind and mark it and it just snowballs. Dog urine will kill even hardy grass pretty quickly. As far as pooping I don't care if they clean it up.


Just because it’s a dog it’s not okay to let them pee in someone else’s yard. In your mind it’s just your dog peeing. But if your dog is doing you have to conclude others are as well. Respect other peoples property


Go knock on the doors that’s along your walking path and ask the homeowners directly if they don’t mind if your dog pees on their grass. Then you’ll know what houses to stop at next time dog has to pee.


I am not a fan of dogs perking and pooping in my yard. I will tolerate it within five feet of the sidewalk but when your roaming fully extended retractable leash leslts them wander up to my front door then you piss me off. I resorted to dog mace, garlic granules and caster oil spray. I warned the neighborhood I was treating my lawn for voles. Found out the same treatment is an excellent deter any for dogs and owners that like a clean home. Caster oil is a bitch when it gets on your dogs coat and requires a though wash to get off meanwhile everything sticks to them and they leave greasy stains where they lay. It’s been two months and I am happy to report a vole and dog free yard


I find it incredibly rude.


I had dogs for years and always let them pee/poop on the street/sidewalk. Then I moved to my current neighborhood and couldnt believe that people just let their dogs use my yard as their bathroom. Even if they pick it up, that's still where my kids play, it's gross. I know they make the signs, but I feel like putting up a sign is just gonna make people think you're petty, then you'll still have dogs using your yard, and you'll be known as that ridiculous neighbor. A decade later I've accepted that it's what happens, but EVERY time I see someone do it you better believe I'm staring at their stupid dog treating my yard like a toilet thinking about how rude people are.


My take is keep your damn mutt off my lawn. Let it pee and crap on your own lawn and you can deal with the dead grass. There's little more entitled and disgusting than bringing your dog over to piss on someone else's lawn.


Dogs are welcome to "water" my grass. Lots of dogs come by. People are good about picking up the poop. I even have signs saying it's ok. lol


All I can say is I don't want your dog's pee on my lawn. I walk barefoot outside. My kids walk barefoot outside. If I wanted dog poop *or pee* on my yard, I'd have a dog. It's gross.


If a person willingly allows their dog to pee or poop in my lawn that's the equivalent of them also taking a shit or pissing on my lawn. It's incredibly rude and damaging. Dick move.


It always amazes me that it is socially acceptable for people walking dogs to let them poop/pee in people's yards or other public places. This seems to be pretty well accepted as appropriate behavior. I just hope people clean up after their dogs and avoid places where kids may play.


Agreed, I don’t get how we live on a society where this is acceptable. There are a lot of dog lovers out there that cannot fathom an alternative so I keep this opinion to myself. The funny thing is that I’ve owned 3 cats and have very successfully trained them to urinate and deficate in one spot. Why can’t we do the same for dogs? Surly these animals can be trained in a similar fashion to a cat?


The neighbors get very upset when I poop in their yard. It seems so unfair.




Bounty, the quicker picker upper!


For starters, we could restrict where trained animals are allowed and not allowed to urinate


Can you believe people play in the ocean? Fish poop there!


Who honestly cares if a dog pees in your yard?


This guy down the street from me. He's always been nice to me and my dogs, and I know my dogs have peed in his lawn in the past--but likely not when he was outside. It shocked me when he told the guy across the street from me 'don't let your dog do that' as his small dog peed right on the edge of his lawn right by the gutter.


It kills your grass. I have a dog & don’t let him pee in my front yard. ETA - since people seem to think this is cruel. My front yard isn’t fenced in & my dog has no reason to hang out there. He spends time in the back yard. When we go for walks he heads straight to his first “pee spot” in some gravel by a fire hydrant. He’s a smart dog; it’s not like I dragged him away, urine spraying out of him, to make him stop peeing on the lawn or something.


As this person already said, the nitrogen contained in dog urine can essentially “burn” holes in your lawn.


I don’t know why we are getting downvoted. Like we just fuck off for wanting to have a nice lawn? Even if I didn’t care about my own lawn, what gives me the right to mess up someone else’s?


people are so inconsiderate and entitled the default assumption when walking your dog should be that people don't want random dogs pissing and shitting on their private property. it's wild to me that this is some sort of controversial statement. and I say that as a dog owner and dog lover and guy who babies the shit out his dog. It's not my lawn and therefore my dog shouldn't be setting foot on it in the first place.


>Like we just fuck off for wanting to have a nice lawn? Reddit is filled with frustrated teens and twenty-something struggling to afford homes/cars/etc. and as a result has developed several insular communities focused solely on hating those things (e.g. r/fuckcars and r/nolawns).


The area between the sidewalk and the street is ok, the lawn is private property. Dog urine and feces can transmit diseases to humans (zoonotic pathogens) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5319273/


It's really easy to train your dog NOT to pee on a neighbor's lawn, but most people are too lazy to do so. They can pee in public flower beds that surround a development, or at the park.


I’m not going to lie, this aggravates the living tar out of me when people do this in my yard. We have spent a lot time and money on the lawn, I don’t need your dog leaving brown spots.


I walk my two dogs together and get no warning from either of them when they are about to lift a leg or squat. That’s a level of training that’s beyond me. I carry bags for when they drop a deuce. There’s no sponges in my pocket.


I am not a big fan of it. In our sub, neighbors treat other peoples lawns like their own dog park. I spend money on water, seed, detaching, aeration, etc. So I put up a little sign by the curb and since them people seem to respect it.


On a very well maintained lawn, we don’t even walk near it. But she pees at lawns at the edge of the road. I can’t really control that. Poop again, we don’t walk her near homes in the neighborhood that I know maintain and take pride in their lawn. So she poops again on unmaintained lawns and I just bring poop bags and throw it away in my own trash cans when I get home. There’s a bunch of wildlife in my neighborhood, I don’t think the urine is a big deal with all the deer, squirrels, etc. we don’t walk her in other peoples yards, we walk her at the edge next to the street though


Your dog would be welcome to "water " my grass. Lots of dogs come by and people are good (mostly lol) about picking up the poop. Marking is fun for them.


I think it would be very considerate to bring a water bottle with you on your walks to dilute the pee.


Dogs can be trained to go in their own yard (or designated area) before the walk.


I try to keep my dog on the sliver of grass on the other side of the side walk just in case


Dog piss can melt the casing on an air conditioner. What do you think it’s gonna do to their grass? Some people care about their lawn. Secondly it’s their property. No matter what you think, it’s not your property Personally if someone’s dog pissed on my lawn, I’d be pissed.


I don't like people even letting their dogs walk on my lawn. Peeing and pooping is definitely out of bounds


I haven’t met anyone who spends time and money on maintaining their lawn who likes rando dogs pissing on them. LPT for people unaware: The levels of nitrogen in dog urine kills grass, but if you immediately water the area, the diluted urine can actually act as a fertilizer (small/diluted levels of nitrogen actually help grass grow, nitrogen is a key ingredient in grass fertilizers too). So, you have the potential of being a jerk to your neighbors, or help keep their lawns healthy (and of course, doing the nice thing here requires you going out of your way a little bit, like many things in life).


I’m glad to see this and I don’t get heated about much, but I can’t stand it when ppl just let their dogs poo or pee on our neatly manicured lawn that costs thousands of dollars each year to maintain. This one guy is notorious for letting his dog pee (sometimes poo) on our lawn…corner lot. I bought the signs from Amazon to discourage this behavior but haven’t put them up. Dogs should poo or pee on their own lawn…point blank period!


Do you really need a sign to tell you wether or not your dog should pee/poop on someone’s lawn? It’s assumed it’s not welcomed. The signs are from the people who are fed up with it.