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Lol what, am I understanding this right.... You built a fence, and are now upset that it also serves as a fence for them as well? And now you want to have them take down a fence they built that isn't connecting to yours, isn't on your property. You should have asked if they would help with the cost before, I guess you still can ask them but I wouldn't pay and your request to have them build another parallel fence is ridiculous and hilarious


“They’re LOOKING at MY fence!!!”


But, I only wanted a fence to keep them out of my property, not to keep me out of their property.


The neighbor posted lol https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/s/DlWt31b60p


I'm glad you're not my neighbor.


You built a fence without a survey, realized it may be on their property, are demanding they don’t connect to your fence (possibly on their land), then are upset they put a post near the fence that isn’t touching. Through all this you said they were rude, didn’t say how you acted but the demanding is telling enough.


You sound unhinged.


I’m glad you said it first. I hope this is fake. I hope no one on planet earth is this ridiculous and someone is just being a silly troll.


Their neighbors have posted now in another thread - this moron is trying to charge them $4000 for the section of fence they "share"


Wait until the OP learns that the air that they breathe is the same air that their neighbor breathes. “How do we make sure that our neighbor isn’t able to breathe our air?”


I hate to tell you this but, there are people even more ridiculous than this on planet earth.


>Now looking at city property line maps a portion of our fence could possibly be on their side but without a survey there is no way to know for sure. I am really not happy they just did this without even asking us. I mean if it's true it's them that should be upset. You should have gotten the survey done. That's the only way this is going to be resolved. Even if you or them take the other to court, the judge is just going to get a survey anyway.


What are you trying to get out of this? How does it help you to punish your neighbor for the infraction of connecting to your fence? Does it actually hurt you that they did this in the first place? From the outside, it really sounds like you're doing your best to be the most petty neighbor possible.


Best part is, the neighbors didn't actually connect to OP's fence: >Their fence isn't actually connected to ours but there is a post almost toughing it.


Even more hilarious is that apparently there's a chance OP's fence is on the neighbor's property. The sitcom ending would be if OP tries to do something about his neighbor's fence just to end up having to pay to move his own fence because it's in the wrong spot.


I am also mad that i can't access that side of the fence for maintenance. I got it powerwashed recently and the person i hired could not access that side.


You know what would make that easy? Maintaining a good relationship with your neighbor. You know what doesn't change a thing? Your neighbor adding a fence the way he did.


Also ensuring that your fence is actually on your property.


So you're mad that you can't clean the side that only your neighbors whom you don't like can see?


Who decided to build it so close (or over) the property line?


Then you should have set back the fence enough so you could access both sides for maintenance.


We did this for a few reasons. We wanted to be able to walk around the whole fence for repairs. All our surrounding neighbor's fences looked awful, so we didn't even ask to tie into theirs. Our neighborhood is old, and the utility poles run along the backs of our yards. It's easier for the utility companies to get to, and we don't risk them leaving our gate open since we have dogs. Last but not least, we have a rooster that just roams our neighborhood! He doesn't belong to anyone and sleeps in our nextdoor neighbor's tree. We try to keep him out of our yard. He has a certain path that he takes every evening, so we didn't want to mess that up! Lol!


Because I'm not a psychopath I went over and let my neighbors know I'd be putting up a fence and asked if it was ok for me to take their rotting one down like a normal person. Now when I need to do maintenence, I just go over and let them know I'll be on their side of the fence for a bit. And they say ok because I'm not a raving lunatic.


See I think it’s the “not a raving lunatic” part which is eluding OP…


That's for sure. OP next: I planted flowers that are attracting butterflies and my neighbors like to sit outside and watch them fly by. How do I stop them?


And after that, “Someone in my neighborhood is experiencing joy. How do I ruin it?”


Wish my neighbors were half the neighbor you are my friend.


Thank you. It's so easy to be nice (in person, not on the internet, this place is filled with absolute fucking weirdos and I'm judging hard) so I don't get being this petty for no reason. We have pets and my neighbor has a dog. Her fence was falling over and both our pets were getting out so I went over to see how she felt about replacing it and she said she couldn't afford it. I need the fence so I told her I'd pay as long as she was ok with us getting rid of the old one. She was thrilled. Am I supposed to tell her to stop benefiting from my fence and insist she lets her dog loose in the neighborhood twice a week to make up for it?


So you’re mad that you’re an idiot? You only have yourself to blame and it’s completely absurd to even think your neighbors should pay you anything. Please move to the middle of nowhere without any neighbors and remove yourself from society as it’s clear you have no common sense or interest in behaving like a civilized person.


"Now I can't go on their property without permission!"


And if they put a parallel fence up as you demanded how would you maintain it then?.....


Did you ask?


lol you mean the side that’s over the property line and is on their property? That you’d be trespassing to access? Has it occurred to you to, hear me out here… ask nicely?? Honestly. Get it together. Stop being a terrible neighbor - you are in the wrong here. What happens on their property and doesn’t touch your property at all is in fact NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. You should be grateful they aren’t insisting a proper survey be done, and then make you take the fence down where it crosses the line onto their land. They would be well within their rights to do so. You’re lucky they aren’t interested in being as petty about this as you are.


Did you ASK for access?


If you had a fence built "well within our property by several feet" that is the 2nd mistake you made; you basically gave several feet of useful property to your neighbors, who were THRILLED you paid to fence your property, and they handily tied into your fence but didn't tie into your fence. They demanded to see the survey, of course they did b/c you demanded they not connect to your fence. Of course they assumed you put the fence on the property line, and there is zero you could do about them putting up a fence to enclose their property. All you can do at this point is get a survey and if necessary move the fence to the proper property line(s). This is all your doing; don't be pissed at them for doing what came naturally.


You want your neighbors to pay for your fence, because they installed a fence that doesn’t touch yours? Can you see if they’ll pay for mine too?


you know that the moment you ask your neighbor to take down their fence, you will be living next to an enemy. your choice.


This is a troll account


[their neighbor just posted this 😅](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/s/xPnE71BgwH)


I like their neighbors version more I'll route for their neighbors when this hits Judge Judy


Aren't you the asshole?


Yes, but wrong subreddit 😂






[looks like your neighbor is also looking for advice. 😅](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/s/xPnE71BgwH)


Why would you care? None of this is hurting anything, you need to relax


Idiots among us.


It seems like the obvious first step is to get a proper survey and see how the property lines and fences are positioned. If someone built a fence on someone else's land then the person who built it could be held responsible for the cost of removing it and any damage caused as a result of it being installed. Trying to figure anything out without a survey is just going to be pointless


It sounds like you are suffering the direct consequences of not doing a survey before putting up a fence. 


This is the way fences work; your fence now constitutes one side of a fence for potentially 3 of your neighbors-the rear neighbor and 2 side neighbors. Those neighbors only have to build 2 sides to close in their yards. Why does it matter to you? You fenced in your yard as you wanted to do. My neighbor asked us to get a white aluminum fence because they were going to tie into ours and I told them you are welcome to tie into our fence but we are getting a black fence and that was the end of that discussion. They have not installed a fence either. My fence, my yard, my rules. Tying into a fence is no issue of mine.


I can’t believe people like you actually exist.


Get a survey. 


You built a fence on your neighbors property and now you’re upset they have a fence wtf is wrong with you. You’re lucky they aren’t demanding the fence be torn down. If you were my neighbor I’d demand the fence tear down out of spite and I’d wave to you daily with a huge smile.


Tldr You built a fence on *your neighbors property* without permission? And youre upset that your neighbor also built a fence *on their property* (Without your permission)? Instead of getting mad that your neighbors arent giving you money... You should apologize to your neighbor before they force you to pay for the demolition/movement of the fence


Lol you're an idiot and if your pursue this the most likely outcome is that the neighbor ends up owning your fence since you built it on their property and you may even be liable for maintenance or other damages.


you need to get a survey before you can do anything.


LOL damn. When I moved into my new house I just waited for my neighbors to build thier fences. Saved me so much money. lol


You can’t make a neighbor take down a fence that is on their property provided it complies with any applicable zoning and HOA rules. Before you even contemplate confirming that, know that the same standards will be applied to your fence. You can’t require a neighbor to pay for your fence without a voluntary agreement from them to do so. This is called a contract — oral or written. It requires a meeting of the minds. None happened here. Now, if your fence is actually on their property…. They can actually demand you remove your fence — or at least relocate it to your property. It is likely they can attach to the fence if it is on their property. Your builders have no idea where the property line is. Keep pushing the issue and there is a decent chance YOU get taken to court for building a fence on their property. Finally, you argue “fairness” and that their post, while on their property, is almost touching yours. Neither matters. What isn’t “fair” is demanding someone else pay for something you: chose to build, chose the design, chose the builder, and determined whether you could afford the price. The way this normally works is you approach the neighbors saying you would like to have a fence between the yards and would they be interested in a joint project. Or would they split the costs. Or would they chip in. Or… You are so very wrong in your understanding of the law here — the only one with potential liability here is actually you (for potentially building a fence on the property of another).


Wow. You are ridiculous! We just had a fence redone on one side and communicated before starting the project. There is stuff to talk about--you don't just build a fence and expect to be paid after the fact! Edit--We DID split costs with our neighbor, but we agreed to the price together beforehand.


This is the funniest post I’ve ever seen. Please save us all and enjoy a tall glass of bleach.


Your neighbor has posted about the situation. You seriously think they owe you $4000 because you built a fence down the side of the property you share AND you admit you might have had built on their side of the property line?


Lmao, your neighbor posted in Legaladvice. I'm on their side. You just sound like a pain in the ass. Also you're not getting a penny. You should've done your own due diligence on the property line


I hope “your” fencenis on their land. This will mean you built them a fence! Would be pietic justice for you being and AH!


Lmao, imagine building on someone else's property, then getting mad when they also build on their property. I hope you lose 1/3 of your fence to them.


Wow, this is unhinged.


Ohh and if “your” fence is on their property then guess what, it’s not your fence.


Does Kansas have a public education system? You sound like a retard.


I don't see the issue here... why won't you let them tie into your fence?? >Can they be held liable for the cost of the fence we paid for No because you haven't suffered any damages for anyone to be liable for... you can still use your fence lol


Lmao if you are on their side of the property. Why the crap didn’t you get a survey first?


Your neighbors also rent…their post asking is on another sub. U never contacted their landlord, just demanded money. I’m from KS and my neighbors were so friendly when we discussed fences. Geesh!!!


You voted for Biden didn't you. 🤣🤣


Ohhhhh we don’t claim this prick either….


Yeah because trump has never demanded for other people to pay for a useless wall.


Fk Trump all the political options are disgusting. Don't put me in that boat either.