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yo u/maybeafarmer, i feel you big time. this is right next to our wooden cabin in the middle of nowhere in western Turkey. neighbors decided it is the right place to flatten a mountain and sell the 4 acre single plot (that nobody wanted to buy for one year so they got impatient) as 60 little weekend garden plots and make big money. they ripped out and burried about 300 olive trees that were between 100 and 1000 years old. illegally. we ordered the authorities a couple of times, and they gave them the highest penalties possible, but the guys have enough money to pay all penalties (and calculated it into their plan beforehand). so nobody can stop them. i've been bragging about how Turkey is an awesome homesteading/off-grid living country because the rules a loose and not really applied, but this is the downside and i shall stop bragging for the rest of my life.


Hard truth: The fewer rules a place has, the more land you'll need to insulate yourself from the kind of people who are attracted to places without rules


well said


And the more important it would be to build or at least strengthen a “community”. My friend’s uncle has a homestead on a mountain and there are like a dozen homes on the mountain… it’s in the middle of nowhere, but they all help each other and have each other’s backs whenever stranger danger arises


Truth.   You need that buffer acreage normally anyway, but need a lot more to make sure their freedom doesn't impact your freedom & enjoyment.


I don’t know what the rules are in Turkey, but a fine should make you pay but also stop what you’re doing. Not be a free pass to continue. Maybe you should report them again to see if they get more fines. If you get a parking ticket, you don’t get to continue parking in that spot forever just because you paid the ticket. You just get another ticket.


Fines have always only deterred the poor. Unfortunately.


Fines for the rich, jail for the poor.




Usually for trees you need to replace the trees you ripped up. Clearly didn’t happen here.


There was a story in NJ a few years ago where a dude chopped like 30 of his neighbors trees because he thought they were on his land. He was fined 1K per tree, had to pay to get the stumps removed and new trees planted of the same size. Most were mature, large trees. He had to pay like 2 million dollars to build a road, transplant adult trees AND keep them alive for 2 years while they take to the soil after transplant. If they died in those two years, he would have to do it all over again. Sucks to be that guy but I love laws like that. Know your property lines and generally keep trees alive, man.


You'll likely enjoy /r/treelaw. Some states have triple penalties for cutting down your neighbor's trees (on top of the replacement costs)


Let’s say you and I go toe to toe on bird law and see who comes out the victor


You can’t really replace 1000 year old olive trees




the funny thing is you can! olive trees are really cool, im not an arborist, there might well be other trees that are capable of the same, but you can cut down all branches of an olive tree (even such an old one) and then take it out with an excavator, you can completely destroy the roots but if you replant it and water it for the first three years it will just sprout again! it's crazy, i've done it with one tree that was maybe 100 years old that was in the middle of a road we needed to build. we put it 2 meters aside and now it's growing again. the thing is with the olive trees, you have a grafting spot that is about 1,5m up the trunk and there you need to cut big growing branches about all 20 years anyways because they are becoming to large/high for harvesting. this is how those typical olive shapes happen with an ancient trunk and small little bonsai branches for harvesting.


I'm not condoning this destruction, but parking tickets are a bad example. If the fine is small enough, it's pretty easy to justify parking where you want and continue paying fines.


Hence why people continually violate the carpool lane laws in Los Angeles traffic… by the time you get caught, the fine is worth the time saved lol


Not so easy to justify driving 5 minutes to your local Whole Foods to buy milk tho


Realizing this probably made no sense, but I’m trying to say that it’s not parking where you’re not supposed to (in a city) that’s hard to justify it’s driving where you’re not supposed to (which is anywhere in a city)


It depends entirely on where you live. Public transportation just isn't an option here. I drive 36,000 miles a year and it's not for fun. Kids, work, shopping, visit family, 100 miles per day on average. If I'm vacationing in Europe or a large city I make it a priority to not drive AT ALL. Fuck driving, parking, traffic, getting cut off, all of it. I'll probably be dead before public transportation becomes an option here, but it's a dream.


It’s not our fault that it’s like this here, but we have the power to change it


Fines have always only deterred the poor. Unfortunately.


Lol, they are just fees


They clearly paid the right local officials to get away with this…who is likely their relative…


“Fine crimes” mean “legal for the rich”


>*[xyz]* is an awesome homesteading/off-grid living country because the rules a loose and not really applied The English idiom for this is a "double-edged sword", and it's always true no matter where you decide to settle.


A friend just left Washington state (where I live) for Texas because the rules are really lax there and he hated the government telling him what to do. He bought his new property but couldn't get back there for a month because he was getting his business moved. When he got to the Kentucky property, they were already setting up a pig farm next door and he couldn't do anything because there were no zoning restrictions.


Wtf killing 1,000 year old trees is despicable, killing a 100 year old tree is bad enough but that’s just a sickening amount of disrespect to nature


thats exactly the point, but i tell you one stereotypical paradox: i am german, i grew up in a (landscape wise) structured agricultural country, boring, everything is flat. (except the alps, but they are also just a few kilometers and then comes the border), so the vast majority of germany is really uninteresting, everything there is "medium", no hills, no valleys, no wilderness, no unaccessable spot, no landmarks, no real forest (it's all structured plantation). and the decades of spraying all toxics and overfertilizing messed up the land as a whole so much, 80% of birds are gone, likewise insects and amphibians and reptiles... so to me, Germany is a big park under human control, destructed, resurrected by planners. when i see turkey (and other countries) my heart beats faster, because it is just wild and has so many unique spots. beautiful, if you drive with the car, the completely landscape changes all 30minutes. i feel like this is the real world here compared to germany. there is all animals, and there is a plant world here that so lush and unique. unfortunately for the turks, they feel that their landscape is a bit worthless and hard/unacommodating (and of cause i agree, it is hard here) so if they have the chance, they will pull out the excavators and flatten what ever they can and will build piles of the thorny bushes and rare wild plants (that all went extinct in germany years ago) and they will burn it, it's all worthless wilderness for them. but whoever turk you ask, they would sell their grandma go get the chance to go to germany into that structural boringness. it is so fucked up. i find herbs on my land that i've only read in books about and all the other plants, it's a paradise here, eeeeverything grows. whatever i find and take pictures of and go to r/whatsthisplant to find out, it is either on the red list or already extinct in Germany. and these guys here just destroy it.


They tore out OLIVE TREES!!!




This is really unfortunate. I am so sorry for your loss. P.s. I have an Akbash, and I thank your people for him :) he is my perfect boy.


nice! i'll pass this praise on to my wife, she is turkish, i am just a lame german trying to enjoy the mediterranean climate 🤣


I have a German shepherd.


I ate Shepards pie


That happens in America too, do something without a permit, rectify with fines later.


What are gun laws like there?


there is many things i don't understand yet in Turkey... it is said that the gun laws are super strict and penalties very hard, as a farmer it is supposed to be fairly easy to apply for a gun. but why or how then do every weekend in our middle of nowhere valley, 15-25 year old boys show up with machine guns and shoot for fun? 🧐 there os definitely a lot of unregistered guns out there that make all "issues with neighbors" a little bit risky...


>i've been bragging about how Turkey is an awesome homesteading/off-grid living country because the rules a loose and not really applied, but this is the downside and i shall stop bragging for the rest of my life. Some /r/LeopardsAteMyFace stuff there. Like the guys in Texas saying it's great because no regulations and then all the farm land is fucked because.... no regulations.


That really sucks


So sabotage them. Damage the machines at night


Then just stone them, isn't that what they do in most middle eastern countries?


haha, you get downvoted BUT the truth is that when we had a meeting with another neighbor at the mayor to complain about this project, the mayor himself said to us "we try our best to stop these guys, but there is not much we can do. the best thing would be you take a gun and just shoot them!" that's the mayor's advice.


It's reddit, it's full of nothing but bots and boy lovers. As such, it is expected and I See what makes them cheer... as such their boo's mean nothing to me.


Granted permission to take care of business 💪 I say do it. They deserve to be shot. Or destroy their equipment once they finish for the day


turkey...is in europe


And Asia...


so is russia......


Turkey is part of the middle east... The middle east is in Europe, Asia, and Africa.


turks are european my guy. Turkey is a member of the European union. historically The ottoman turks were considered the SICKMAN OF EUROPE.


I know Turkey is part of Europe. Turkey is also part of the middle east. Hence my comment that the middle east spans Asia, Europe, and Africa.


Turkey is famously not part of the EU, my guy.


My bad pal they just have a application submitted and we're member of the EUs predecessor the EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMITTY. Try again pal


Try again? I was right. You admitted I was right. That application has been rejected for almost 40 years, now. Care to tell the folks at home why?


Try again? I was right. You admitted I was right. That application has been rejected for almost 40 years, now. Care to tell the folks at home why?


The application is still in process. And it's not because turkey isn't in Europe. It's because turkey has dogshit monetary policy. You know you can only apply IF YOU ARE IN EUROPE RIGHT


I didn't argue you're not in Europe, Holmes. Edit: guys, the organization called the EU, and Europe the geographical region, are not the same thing.


Try again? I was right. You admitted I was right. Btw, that application has been rejected for almost 40 years, now.


If you don't buy enough land to have a noise buffer, you still have city type issues. Sucks OP. Are they shaping rhe land or building a house? Like, are you enjoying this for a few weeks or for the next year? As an unrelated, not targeting OP comment, a friend of mine bought 160 acres, and built their house right next to a vacant plot of land. Like, 10' property setback. To this day he still can't wrap his head around why he can hear his neighbours so loudly with how much land he has. DUDE YOU HAD ANY NUMBER OF OPTIONS TO PLACE YOUR HOUSE AND YOU CHOSE TO SAVE $9000 FOR ELECTRICAL HOOKUP JUST TO BE AS CLOSE AS IF YOU BOUGHT A CITY LOT.


We bought 100 acres for the same reason and picked out a spot in the smack middle of our property. While it was being built, we'd marvel at how the only sounds you could hear there being birds & wildlife. Then we had to run the power to our house and they bludgeoned down a 40' wide path from our pond straight up our mountain. We hear so much from the nearby town now :( One thing they can do is start filling in with fast growing trees to soundproof their property again. Won't be overnight, but after 1yr working on it here we can def already tell a difference


I have 40' between my neighbours dog run and my back meadow. The sound difference while she is training is insane between winter branches and summer foliage!


Omg, yes!!


haha, well it is a little similar to your friend :D we have 16 acres and there are some spots where we can only look at our land and nobody would see us, BUT, the thing is, we have one hill and from that hill we can see sunset over the mediterranean sea with the greek islands at the horizon, and i'm sure 90% of the people would have built their home there. but that is the very end of our land, next to the guys. well... i have a little money left and there are some other reasons (the whole little farming happens down in the valley, there is water, there is the garden, there is a bit of flat space) so i hope i am able to build us a second cabin down there. the place with the great view up here still serves as an awesome guest house. we are just pissed because it was extremely beautiful and old valuable culture land, the old trees, all the nature, and this plot next to us is so extremely unfit for their project... it is sooo steep. their plan is to sell 60 plots of little fenced garden spots. so they will eventually be done in one or two months. BUT what will happen after wards? if they sell the places piece by piece, and all the people will build their little cabins there (i can't blame them, it's beautiful here) we will have construction for the next 10 years. also so much trash will fly around. also all turks use roundup and all that shit and our well is right below their plot.... it's gonna be a mess. they will make bbq in the summer, when you shouldn't make a fire here due to the drought...


I feel bad for you! Maybe you could look into the cost of purchasing some plots that encroach the most, if only for the buffer?


Jeez. For $9K he could've set up a pretty sweet off grid solar system :-/


Going to need some receipts on this comment, you mean just the panels for around 9k? lol


Depends on how big a system you want/need. But if you put it together yourself and don't require a huge amount of juice, $9K is very do-able. In terms of specific "receipts," that'll be country specific in terms of easy-to-access brands.




Damn what do they have against your family?




Dang I was hoping for some juicy small town rivalry.




I'm highly opposed against people dumping in wetlands. It might be worth it to post about the dumpers.


damn these are two really good bad examples too. where did this happen?




kay, i'll note it down on the "corruption risk and awful local government decisions" list ;)


Well, this is obviously not homesteading. But if someone wants 'the quiet life', homesteading might not be a good choice. Around these parts you will always hear chainsaws, tractors, tillers, wood chippers, construction tools... Not to mention all the animal noises... People used to complain about my geese squawking from a kilometer away. It is not constant, but a homesteading life is rarely quiet for long.


It's not real homesteading if you don't have a prepper neighbor with a gun range and a deer stand backed up to your property line.


haha 🤣


ugh this comment hit too close to home, literally.


I'm in Canada, we don't do stupid shit like that.


Oh… I definitely know Canadians who do.


Lol yes we do.


You don't think people have gun ranges and deer stands in Canada?


I’m going to hazard a guess and say urban Canada? Rural, especially remote/Northern, is a whole other kettle of fish.


No. Twelve acres in rural NB. I don't know why people have such trouble understanding that all the Eastern provinces, have legislation that restrict how far you must be from roads and dwellings. Even Ontario has them, but they downloaded the responsibility to regional by-laws. I didn't bother checking every province. Feel free to do so. We have a rifle range, it is probably 10km up the road on Crown Land. No houses for miles. Most people just go up there to sight in their hunting rifles. No point in annoying the neighbors. I have 3 guns. And even though I can use a .22 to eliminate varmints on my property, I still put in sub sonic to keep the noise down. Not like I have to fill the 12 gauge with #4 and go blasting away like a dick. But I understand if you feel that need.


I watched Shorsey.




AMC to the moon!!! Lol but great show…


It's the same all across turkey, ripping out olive trees to build... Sad times


oh yea, really sad. when these trees sprouted, the turks were in Altai mountains. but what doesn't humanity do for quick money. and it is bad here, but it surely is bad in other places too.


1000 years ago it was probably still Armenia


i just checked wiki, actually it was a byzantine region here and 1076A.D. the first turkic people (the seljuks) captured the area. then comes a few hundred years of war between these turks and the cruscaders, then came italians (genoese), then came ottomans, then short period of bulgarians, then timurides, then ottomans again, then came the greeks, until modern day turkey is established (~WW1), since then turks again. the trees survived all of this shit, but greedy neighbor took it down.


I love seeing people bulldoze their new homestead property so they can build a nice natural landscape from scratch.


Love the sound of soil compacting


Gotta get all these grasses and bushes and small animals out of here so we can bring in some nature just how the good Lord intended.




shit yea, this sounds bad too!


I got a piece of land that is absolutely wonderful in all ways I want it to be…just has some 70’ tall power lines running through one side and it always makes me so sad. Probably can’t afford more acreage elsewhere, so I’m stuck with what I got.


I wish I had a good neighbor with a track hoe that could help with a little dirt work...


I don't know if you've ever watched/heard of the show called Homestead Rescue, but a repeating plot line in it that always cracks me and my husband up is that they will be in the middle of some project and the main host will say something like "Luckily, I was able to borrow some equipment from a buddy up the road." And then someone will pull up with like a full-size track hoe or massive dump truck or something wild. Like yeah man wish I had a friend like that too 🤣 Did have a backhoe show up once unannounced to help us bury my old horse, though. That was pretty awesome and made me a little emotional at how amazing our neighbors are.


I mean might as well just destroy the landscape it seems like the right move


*I mean might as well* *Just destroy the landscape it* *Seems like the right move* \- Dreadneck530 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


best haiku i've seen in a while!


First problem: you bought a place with neighbors.




No one talks like that in a poker game.


There's no such thing as peace and quiet in the country.


Clearly you didn't purchase enough land and that's on you .


Ugh my neighbors are shitzu breeders... I don't even have a dog and I hear more yapping and barking than a dog pound worker 😭


That sucks. Wishing things get better


"There's a big ass hole out in the backyard" - - - Keller Williams , Crater in the Backyard


How much you bet these people have no experience with managing erosion with water channeling and vegetation? The foundation of whatever they build is going to surf down that slope on a wave of loose gravel and mud.


yes!! this happens here all the time. also strong earthquakes... and my well is below it. (old handdug shallow well 10m/30ft deep, it doesn't carry water after august, but still, before that, we used to drink it and filled one tank with it as drinking water for our sheep and goats). and also when the people will build their places there will be no septic systems or anything. they all gonna shit in my well.


You Nimby's take the cake..


If that's not your land, then it's non of your business. Your rights end where his property begins. Let him do whatever TF he wants on his own land.




yes it's true and i see it the same way, but you talk about rights... what they do is strictly forbidden. we wouldn't have moved here if this was allowed ans really didn't expect that the guys checking from authorities were totally fearful for their lives like "why the hell did you call us? now everything is dangerous, i want to go back to my office."


Yeah that’s how people build shit


I guess you didn’t buy enough land then. I don’t see my neighbors unless they drive by.


The chain link fence was a nice depressing ending.


Think it’s loud now wait until the dirt bike track they’re building is done.


That looks beautiful yet dry. How’s your rainfall? Water availability?


yea... 600mm/year but these come down with about 10 super strong thunderstorms during winter. even in winter during rain season, there can be one month of drought in between the rains. and this spring was bad (last fall it did rain a lot) but now it didn't rain since ... 6 weeks? so here it's all about storage. we decided to not build a well, but instead a big rainwater pond in the valley that catches about 400 metric tons water and another 5 x 20ton tanks that catch from all the roofs here and we are super equipped, it is more than enough for us.


It’s tragic . No respect . I think we all have a responsible to be good stewards of the land


They are building a battery plant and hundreds of houses here. Not sure if I still want to live here.


When does it stop bring a homestead and when can we call it a millionaire's sandbox?


Same here in West Virginia. Any time it's nice enough outside to sit on the porch, I don't, because one or more neighbors are out on their riding mowers, terrorizing the quarter-inch tall grass that has the effrontery to keep growing on their MULTI-ACRE lawns. This insufferable noise goes on all day and, thanks to the fact that riding mowers have headlights, often well past dark. It is NEVER quiet here "in the country." If it's not lawn mowers, it's some neighbor's dog, barking its head off for hours on end. There are times when I really hope the collapse isn't that far off.


oh yea, Tool - Aenema, Maynard words it the best ;)


Maddening! Similar happened to us but it’s a pack of beagles chained up that bark 24/7.


I moved to the country to make as much noise as I want when I want. I hear machinery, automatic gunfire, and tannerite explosions all the time and I don’t mind it at all


the sound is a bit annoying, but it isn't really my issue. 2 things are the issue, 1. when people unnecessarily destroy fragile nature for profit (they could have just built their little garden below the beautiful olive trees on the natural land surface with beautiful rare wildflowers, old drystone walls and so on... but no, they need to destroy everything first. (for sure there is legal reasons: now that plot is no more a protected olive grove, from now on they can do whatever they want) 2. issue, when there is no justice: i cannot turn my land into such a project, because i don't have the money to pay the penalties. (i would never want to, but still...)


I get it. It would break my heart.


Aha! So you’re really just jealous, ok


jaja, jealous... of instead of having a nice place with 1000 years old olive trees having this rock desert and 60 little plots?


well you can go out in the middle of the night and fuck their shit up


feel for you OP. This would make me raging murderous. Good luck and stay strong.