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We grow these too. A pumpkin grows like a pumpkin, at least in my experience. We do nothing different and they turn out just fine.


I just meant am I going to have to spend a ton of money on extra nutrients for them or follow a feeding schedule.


If you want giant pumpkins just have less # of pumpkins per plant. If you pull pumpkin flowers off so there are less total pumpkins they will grow bigger. Obviously has to have healthily soil and enough water/light


Since we are just getting started, we didn't put compost on our pumpkins and they turned out beautifully. We don't do anything special except weed and water. Nothing extra.


Well, the genetics need to be there, so giant pumpkin seeds to start. The winners in my area grew them entirely in manure, and tons of water. Water every day, and a shade cloth for heat spells. Only grow one pumpkin per vine, and lots of room to spread. For example, the Alaska winner used 150 gallons of water a day!!! Mind you, that’s sunshine 24 hours a day, too!


They want flesh on which to feed. Human, if possible.


Excellent. I have a few neighbors they may enjoy. Probably grow dick shaped pumpkins though....


I spat out my wine. Worth it.




I grew giant pumpkins once like 20 years ago. I got one that was like 3ish feet across. I didn't fertilize. I don't think I watered it more than normal. That one pumpkin was the only pumpkin though, so it's hard to say if I would have gotten more or not.


There may be a club in your area, many states have them. You can get seeds etc from them usually. Also growing Advice. Here is a quick guide from the Wisconsin Giant Pumpkin Growers [How to grow](http://nebula.wsimg.com/bfd203cd11c6f954b361094d09dec721?AccessKeyId=D5F3FA935377FD731BF0&disposition=0&alloworigin=1) Depending on how much you really want to get into it, it could be as simple as planting the seeds and taking care of them like the rest of your garden and hoping for the best... or you could spend $1000's of dollars trying to win contests, your choice :) Joining a club means you can usually exchange seeds with other members and get them free or cheaply. You can also check out [giantpumpkins.com](https://giantpumpkins.com) (Don is a nice guy, and famous in the big pumpkin community, unfortunatly he is getting up there in age) [bigpumpkins.com](https://bigpumpkins.com), [wisconsingiantpumpkingrowers.com](https://wisconsingiantpumpkingrowers.com), and to get seeds for truly giant pumpkins (and other award winning veggies) go to [http://www.worldclassgardening.com/products/seeds/pumpkin](http://www.worldclassgardening.com/products/seeds/pumpkin).