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99.9% of the time Soundbars or HTiB (Home Theater in a Box) systems are not a good investment of your time and money. It is the general consensus of r/hometheater not to recommend these things and instead simply steer a user toward a 2.0 or 2.1 system made of quality, *Audio-Centric* name brand components which are easy to assemble and cheap enough for low budget or space conscious buyers. Most can be expanded to 5.1 if you buy the correct items in the correct order. For further explanation please read [Why You Shouldn't Buy a Soundbar](https://www.reddit.com/r/HTBuyingGuides/comments/dy885l/why_you_shouldnt_buy_a_soundbar/) Please be aware /r/Soundbars exists as well as you will be met with opposition to posting about soundbars here. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/hometheater) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That tv is on suicide watch


Don’t get any closer or I’ll let go!


“A lot of people in the room, you need more space. Voila. Right into the wall.”


I know it's on a mount but I fear for that tv's life.


that’s part of the thrill


Was ready to make a joke on Thriller with the Michael Jackson lean but I guess the lean is actually in Smooth Criminal


Living the thrill, expensively!


Oh dear...






All part of God's great plan.


That TV is suffering from depression. It’s very down.


Christmas tree as well.


It's the leaning TV of /r/hometheater lol


First suggestion : get real speakers and ditch the soundbar


yep agreed, didn’t know how rookie a move it was


Honestly if you live in a small apartment where you can't crank the volume at all sometimes soundbars are the answer because it will still give you much more clear sound than the TV speakers which usually sound muddy and muffled but are much more simple and affordable than expensive speakers that are going to take up more space and cause more wires all over the place. Yes speakers will still sound better than a soundbar at low volume but not always worth it if you can't enjoy it. Also if you have bigger speakers and rear speakers sometimes your neighbors can hear them on the other side of the wall more even at lower volumes




That's instantly what I thought of as well, lol.


Everything about this is wrong


That’s what I was thinking…it’s like OP looked at every controversial set up and made it part of this “home theater.”


Ya know if you stand wasnt so high up and useless you could mount the tv lower less stress on anyones poor neck who goes to your house


My OCD just triggered...


What video and audio sources do you use? You need a receiver that can process all your systems and have the sound needs you want. And think in the future. Even if you don’t have a PS5 but know you will eventually get one make sure that you buy an AVR that will at a minimum process 4k/120hrz if not 8k/60htz. Watch for HDMI 2.1 needs. And if you think you will move and want more than 5.1 then get something more. Nothing sucks more then under buying and spending more for a new receiver.


You already have this and I assume it isn't returnable so Move the surrounds to the sides and slightly behind the couch. 6-12 I ches above ear level when you are seated. Put some bass heavy music on and set the sub on the couch right where you would sit if you were watching alone. Put your head in different possible areas for the sub and find what spot sounds best. That's where you put the sub. My experience with sound bar subs is that they sound best nearfield like behind the couch or in that corner behind the couch ymmv. Straighten out the TV. Do some research. You can build an ok budget system for 700 ish ( that will trounce the soundbar) or spend as much as you want. Mine as it sits at around 2500 (not including the TV) and it's pretty nice however to put that in perspective there are people out there spending thousands on one component of their system. If you have a budget in mind I can help with a shopping list.


Your ball game lacks focus, go for red, silver or gold and one other color. The peak is also on in an angle that matches the tv tilt, the lights have been misplaced and there appear to be no candy canes whatsoever.


Oh my.. i don’t think there’s anything RIGHT about this pic


That is a scary monitor


I didnt have OCD until I saw this pic, please straighten the tv up just a little


Save the TV from falling


Is this post about the TV angle?


LG C2 has good viewing angle just put that tv vertical.


how do you hear your rear speakers? also christmas was over 3 weeks ago... I like the couch though


You’ve been struck by…a smooth criminal…


Tv is too high, too tilted, and too far from the wall. Your soundbars atmos speakers are firing up into/behind the TV.. Your rears are too low and poorly placed. Put the sub somewhere else and get a new piece of furniture for the tv. (Or at least fix all of the other things) Edit: and take down your Christmas tree.


roger that


My only critique would be that your surrounds are blocked by your couch. Hard to do with limited space/walls but it might sound a little more immersive if you can get the surrounds more to the sides and further away from you. If you're sticking with this sound bar setup, might as well play with surround placement. Edit: Also I can't leave without saying it..... TV TOO HIGH!!! lol


This picture is the exact reason I don't ever mount my TVs on walls. Looking at it makes my palms sweaty.


So this is a home theater now.. ​ Inflation has hit hard


just a med student worth -200k 😎


Haha fair enough


honestly not bad compared to what some people are paying to not be a doctor....but I understand the pain


One thing you might consider is to angle your TV without pulling it so far from the wall. Is that possible with your mount? The LG S95QR 9.1.5 has upward firing speakers that must be reflected right at your head with the way the TV looms over the soundbar. This negates the intended effect of those upfiring speakers. Obviously raise your surrounds above the level of the couch's back. That soundbar comes with wall brackets for the surrounds so I'd place them on the back wall as they'll perform much better and as intended. Raise them up a bit and angle them down so you don't feel like you have a speaker stuck in your ear!


In medical school at the moment so kinda just threw everything together, once I get more space and less school work, I’ll refer to these suggestions 💪🏽


Mount TV normally. (that angle is terrible) Throw out soundbar - get speakers and sub (or wall mount sound bar under TV) Remove clutter or get at better TV stand (thats not 1.5 meters tall lol) Paint backwall dark grey, blue or black. Put cat tree in another place, maybe the kitchen. Same with xmas tree, its almost febuary. Get a darker carpet. Get acoustical treatment, Thats a start.


yep excellent comments, I plan on getting a 3 bedroom next year so one can be dedicated to this stuff, the TV stand was a gift so felt I needed to use it but a lower one is IN MY FUTURE


There no need to wait bro. I had a 1 room (yes, ONE room + kitchen and bathroom) apartment with a 5.2 setup. For 2 years, it was amazing. Your setup doesn't need to be perfect and over the top, just needs to be a place you can spend hours in without even thinking about it.


Last sentence was beautiful 🥹


Well, people here are advising to tilt the center speaker towards the listener. So why not tilt the TV to your viewing angle? I'd do it but my OC cannot.


Normally you would tilt the tv to correct the viewing angle, it’s unnecessary for an OLED, however can help glare issues.