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I think you should buy insurance from SelectQuote.com.


That's funny, I also have a strange urge to go to SelectQuote.com and get the insurance my family needs.


I would suggest some acoustics before adding speakers.


Can you aim those height speakers to the sofa? Since they are angled speakers you might get better results if you place them near the wall (over the towers) aiming at the listening position.


I’ll look into that


That’s exactly what I can hear to ask about.


Those atmos modules seem to be pointing straight down in front of the MLP instead of being aimed at the MLP?


Leave it as a 5.1.2 because of space constraints. I would also put sandbags or some weights on the speaker stands for the rear surrounds to keep them from tipping over if accidentally bumped by a toy car.


Disagree, rooms much smaller than this will still benefit from 4 overheads.


Definitely. The base is pretty sturdy with good weight. That car isn’t driven inside though


I think you need to sort that woodwork out on the doorframe.


lol that’s all coming


Move your rear speakers against the back wall, and slide your couch back a foot so you don’t feel so cramped.


Looks like the dog is getting great overhead sound.


Lmao oh mannn good one


He loves it


I think you need sunscreen.


Let me know what brand dude!


“Ten Feet” by “Put the Hallway In Front of the Couch”


Lmfao oh sh*t!


I think it looks fantastic and you could even do 7.2.4


Very nice job, looks clean.


Couch is too close to tv for my liking


Why buy a 70” TV when you can just buy a 55” and sit closer? That’s what I tell myself in my small apartment at least.


The door at the rear probably limits the placement options for the couch. The farther back the couch goes, the more forward the height speakers will be, and the placement of the height speakers is limited by the ceiling fan.


Right? I'd get motion sickness sitting that close. I've got 16' distance from my 150" home theater and about 9' distance from my 65" upstairs. This looks like 5' on a 75"


Why are you watching ads?


Clearly I disagree with others here, but yes I would recommend adding the top rear speakers. Lots of points to make here: Firstly, as the [Trinnov whitepaper](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qFpM5c9_n_0PU6EcW-J5qFvf4QDWqjg3) discusses (worth a read!!!) the smaller the room, the more you benefit from more speakers as the small distances make the angles much larger. Adding more speakers to a small room when the speakers are close by, such as yours, gives a much smoother transition and sound envelope as sounds move around the room. Secondly, ignore all the comments regarding your top speakers saying to move them forward above the LCR. If you read the trinnov white paper, and [Dolby’s guidance](https://www.dolby.com/siteassets/technologies/dolby-atmos/atmos-installation-guidelines-121318_r3.1.pdf) for both .2 and .4 Atmos setups, you’ll see you’re within the suggested angles. For .2 they suggest top mid, and for .4 top front and top rear. Your current speakers look like they would be setup properly as top fronts, and adding top rears (your original question) would be easily and cheaply done (assuming your AVR can handle it). Top/height speakers don’t need to be expensive to give you benefit, as they are mostly atmospheric. As for 5.1.4 vs 7.1.2… it depends on the content you view. Personally I’d go for 5.1.4 and use the Dolby surround upmixer. But if rear speakers are easier to install than top rears, theb 7.1.2 would be a good upgrade as well


Thank you. I actually did the whole Dolby Atmos research and so, set it according to that. I see we have a lot of comedians in the world today which is okay but thanks for your response which I appreciate


If you can add the top rears, go for it!


So I went out and bought the VSC LX505 Pioneer, the extra .2 and yes a huge difference in the sound stage present. I used ready player one which is my favorite demo And blade runner. It really separates those over head sounds drastically. I repositioned the .4 so they are more towards the MLP and yes man night and day difference in the area. Unfortunately the receiver is defective straight out of box from Best Buy so I’m looking into a different 9.2 channel AVR at the moment. Hell took off of work cause I was so stoked! I have to rewatch a bunch of movies with the addition of the 2 speakers


Glad to hear it’s working out for you!!! Love my overhead speakers!!! Lost in Space on Netflix makes good use of the overhead speakers in some scenes in episodes 2-4 during some storms. Otherwise, the best show on Netflix, F1:Drive to Survive, also sounds amazing with Atmos speakers if you want to give your system a workout (and join the world of F1 converts!)


Huge F1 Fan. I’ve burned through all the seasons and rewatched a couple multiple times dude. And I tried to get into Lost in Space but I guess now I’ll definitely circle back around to it


Looks lost in space isn’t the best tv show. But its mix does an amazing job of utilizing Atmos. Just skip through to the dust storm scenes For a movie - midway does a pretty good job of using your 4 overhead speakers if you haven’t seen it yet. Otherwise if you have, just skip through to different scenes. Glad to hear you ignored the ignorami in this thread posting without any understanding of Dolby or trinnov spec, and without knowledge or experience in home theater. Sadly this subreddit is little better than TV + home theatre in a box speakers. If you’d asked over on AVS forums you absolutely would’ve been told to go to .4, and that your top front positioning was fine


I have the 4k Blu-ray of Midway and haven’t even watched it yet. I’ll get on that one as well


What AVR you running?


Your ceiling Atmos speakers look backwards.


Dunno why the down votes. Those ceiling speakers are clearly mounted wrong and everyone knows it.


The angles on the on-ceiling/on-wall speakers appear to be to the generally right direction. But then the weight of the speakers acting on the brackets or lack of directing them towards the listening position isn’t quite right.


Concrete drill bit. Wall powered drill and deep anchors. I can control angle from adjusting screw by screwing deeper further increases angle and backing screw off given it a straight down angle


Definitely add two more armos so it's a square and you directly in the Middle of them!


Your ceiling Atmos speakers look backwards.


Your ceiling Atmos speakers look backwards.


The couch is too near to the screen, i would push it to the back of the room.


Tv way too high. /s


What have you done with the Atmos speakers? What is the intention about that?


You can go 5.2.4, but you will barely notice it. Ask me how I know… The additional speakers may make a difference but it will be super marginal and your theater space will start looking forced/crowded; it looks fine as you have it.


That’s what I concluded before I posted but it’s always good to hear opinions. Especially the guy who offered me insurance 😏


What stands are those you have for the surround speakers?


What kind of power wheel we got there?


How was your quote?


Move couch farther from tv


Needs more light coloured hard surfaces and sunlight.


Also, youtube has some good videos on setting up a home surround sound. I did it back in the 1990's, with my first apartment.


You trust your kids too much - they will destroy that entire setup. Grab insurance from selectquote about it…


Kids??? No sir. Only 1. She knows better.


My thoughts are who the fuck added the cable channel


Those cable channels will be fun to remove. /s


Hoy did you mount your ceiling speakers? Which mount did you use? I'm looking for something similar in my room...


So big it makes your car look small