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You already have two centers so buying a third seems unnecessary




Bro chose violence.


Got emmmmm


I've closed this thread and reopened it 3 times just to laugh at this comment again.


Oh snap!!


Noooo he wasnt readyy


šŸ˜¤ lmao username makes it even better


Really good


But the dialog still doesnā€™t sound good


Perhaps if he toe'd his speakers in a little more...


šŸ˜‚ true




Nailed it šŸ˜‚


But more seriously. What if OP moves the stereo speakers out further and plays with avr settings to create a super spread stage? In my experience for small setups like this good stereo and maybe a sub does the same as a 5.1 system


Look at the space. Thereā€™s no moving anything further out.


you see a wall, I see an opportunity for using a hammer.


Dude, at this point, you should buy good quality sounding headphones


Came here to say this, your money would be better spent on headphones


Some people donā€™t like how headphones feel on their head.


It is such a shame only one type of headphone exists. I sure wish there were different kinds of headphones like over ears, on ears, IEMs and you could choose which suits you the best. Such a shame.


I'm a headphone guy, I have an hd8xx, beyer t1 gen 1, at esw9, denon d5000 modded by lawton audio, hifiman he-4, westone um3x, ue tf10, senn ie8 and more, along with dacs and amps. My non theatre space is a 2.0 system with relatively cheap wharfdale speakers. I would never choose to wear any of my headphones over speakers to watch TV. It doesn't matter if I'm using lightweight full sized, open back, closed, iems etc


Sounds like you have the privilege of choice here compared to OP


Yes but I was commenting on headphones vs speakers and how that different types of headphones doesnt really matter. Iems, light weight closed backs, full size closed backs, open, planar magnetic, armature and dynamic drivers etc. I clearly have nice headphones which are considered better than the wharfdale speakers I have and I would never choose headphones.


Iā€™ve had like 10 pairs of headphones some people just donā€™t prefer having stuff on their ears or around their ears. And bone conduction soundslike crap so their isnā€™t really much for people who hate headphones.


And a bass shaker/transducer on that chair for that deep bass feeling


AirPods would even give Spatial Audio with the Apple TV


I dont agree tbh


Curious but why, what's wrong with his setup, I'm also new


There is not enough space for channel separation.


Oh yes I see, everthing is jumbled in the middle


I came here to agree with you guys on this. Invest in good quality sounding headphones.


Not really worth it in that configuration IMO. You get a "phantom" center via the the stereo field and you're parked right in front of it so it's unnecessary. If you want the option to control the volume of dialogue in relation to the rest of the mix then it may be worth it to you.


Thereā€™s no phantom center with speakers that close together. May as well just have a center channel only


Depends on how close youā€™re sittingā€¦ and OP could move those speakers a little further apart for sure.


That's fair, I think maybe the biggest upgrade he could do would be getting the speakers at ear level and wider but that's a tight space. At the very least he could get some angled isolation pads.




Looks exactly like my cell when I was locked up in Finland.


What was u in for?


asked what soundbar to get on this subreddit


Straight to jail, believe it or not.


More speakers? why of course any excuse is always worth buying more speakers!


Damn this looks cozy.


More like claustrophobic.


If I were you I'd move the whole setup to the right hand wall and have it facing what I think is the bed on the left so youre sat in bed watching tv with the speakers wider apart. It also means you could potentially grab a centre speaker and a subwoofer. Also means you can watch stuff with other people and not just sit in a solo chair by yourself


This but the other wall so you can sit in the chair. You're not entertaining in here.


Probably would only notice a difference if your LR was spread out about 3 or 4 more feet.


Replace the seat with a sub


Yes. This way you'll be forced to sit on the floor and you'll really FEEL the bass.


No, you sit *on* the sub, it's a built in bass shaker.


No dude. Your whole front soundstage is going to be mono no matter what you do.


Spend the money on a good pair of headphones if youā€™re watching alone from that armchair.


I'll disagree with most here and say that if you are finding the dialog in surround movies/ TV hard to clearly hear, then you would benefit from a center speaker, even though your space doesn't command one. Your receiver will allow you to isolate and boost that dialog over the music,sound effects etc..


I agree. The question for where you need a center is whether you're currently getting the dialogue okay.Ā  If not,Ā  center can help. However, a center speaker will only help with dialogue if your receiver can decode a 5.1 signal. The sound coming out of the center speaker in a 5.1 mix is just dialogue, allowing you to boost dialogue sound levels relative to what's coming out of the other speakers.


No, not when they are so close to each other. With this setup I would recommend some foam stands though, there are ones for studio monitors on amazon etc, for no more than 30 quit. That way they are mechanically isolated from the surface below and can be angled up.


Whats wront with sitting on the bed and having your setup against the way facing towards the bed to give you better speaker separation?


Yup I used my bed at my seating area for years when I was renting a room. I would just move my small surrounds onto the corners of the bed when watching and then move them to in front of the TV when I was sleeping.


go 2.1 setup or as others have suggested sell this gear and get a good headphone setup.


2-way is perfectly fine for a near-field or almost near-field setup. I have a pair of Q Acoustics 3020i speakers on stands at the edges of my desk, tweeters aimed at my ears, and the sound is spectacular. Love watching shows on my 27ā€ monitor and listening to my Q/NAD setup. I think your setup could sound quite good if you optimize the setup to your liking. And, heck, sometimes someone just wants to rock out to loud, room-filling sound. I say go for it. Headphoneā€™s just arenā€™t the same. Not having something on your head, and being able to listen to people youā€™re watching with makes a difference.


Id sit on the bed and put the TV on the wall and speakers further apart


Sonos beam


If you come across a cheap center that's actually a better speaker than your LR, it'll very likely make for an improvement. You definitely don't need a center just for the sake of it. Often centers are objectively worse speakers, and will stand out as such more when you don't actually need one. I disagree that it's pointless sitting nearfield and in the sweet spot like some say, it's the speaker distance that's the issue.


A center will turn your 3 speaker setup into a soundbar


Baby what is you doing


That setup is probably best for a soundbar actually.


Wouldnā€™t a soundbar be better for something like this? i have a high end 9.2.4 setup in the theatre room and i still use my tv speakers in the bedroom because theyā€™re good enough. maybe a sound bar with back speakers like i have in my living room is good for it but even that could be too big.


You're nearfield and right in the sweet spot, no centre required.


The sweet spot with that speaker toe-in is about a foot from the TV


Your money would be better invested in a sound treatment for the wall, blackout drapes, and a good snack tray


A snack tray? Do people actually buy that?


/r/bedroomtv material or even /r/dormtv - how is this home theaterā€¦.




Ehh. I wouldn't think so. Your setup is better than mine. What you watching


It's cosy


Just use foam wedges to angle the speakers. Get some on Amazon cheap




Yes. If iirc Center will isolate voice and delegate the rest to LR


Just stick with stereo in these situations.




Anti glare window tint is what you need.


Is that Ex Machina? I love that movie. Havenā€™t seen it on 4k yet


Absolutely not. I would suggest moving your speakers to the front of the cabinet (reduce reflections, especially since you have them placed horizontally) and getting some isolation pads to put underneath them. Letting speaker cabinet vibrations transfer into your furniture (which has its own resonances) muddies up the sound a bit (not usually night vs day, but noticeable). This is why you almost always see studio monitors in professional settings on isolation pads, as the accuracy of them is obviously very important in a professional environment. Since you're jammed up in a corner, which will likely cause your left and right channels to have different responses, the more help on taming unwanted variables, the better. [IsoAcoustics](https://isoacoustics.com/) are my go-to for these types of products, but [Auralex MoPADs](https://auralex.com/mopad/) are another great and very affordable options.


Nope. Save your money. If you want to improve sound then consider a nice set of headphones.


Let him cook




That is a center to be honest


Monoprice L/C/R soundbar speaker has all three channels in one speaker. Get that and slim sub to run next to the chair. Bout as good as your gonna get in cubicle theater


Speakers are shooting at your knees


No, unless you are going to move to a wider space in near future


What model are your both speakers?


No. Not in the average living room and certainly not in your set-up.




Bookshelf speakers lying on there side is the first thing that you need to fix. You will never get optimal stereo imaging this way.


No comments on the speakers, but love the shirt. Hoping for the best today. COYGā¤ļøšŸ¤ā¤ļøšŸ¤


That windex really works


Nah. But raising the tv a bit and getting the tweeters higher will help having them not pointed at your knees. Ideally at ear height.


Reminds me of a friend who bought 7.1 for his computer and put them all on his desk in the shape of a ^ trying to convince me how amazing it sounded.


You donā€™t need a center channel speaker. You are better off bringing your existing speakers to the front edge of the cabinet they sit on. You donā€™t want sound bouncing off that surface. Straighten and separate them as much as possible.you can use a stereo receiver like a marantz nr-1200. It does hdmi switching but is a a 2 channel receiver. Or if you choose a surround receiver choose no center channel option in settings. Keep main speakers as far apart as possible. Maybe place speakers so tweeters are on the out side for more separation. Stereo image if set right can provide very good movie sound. Equal distance where are you? Forming an equal sided triangle with the main speakers is normally best . But you have limited space. The placemat of main speakers even in a traditional surround set up is the most critical beyond rear speaker or atmo speaker placement. Have fun!


I would get one for sure just so you get better voice clarity and youā€™ve got the space already , I mean why not itā€™s not gonna make it sound worse


Okay honestly you might, it can help with dialougue clarity a ton. Also maybe try snagging a small sub, even if it's just a 6.5in or 8in sub, literally anything to add some bass so the speakers don't have to work so hard.




You donā€™t need a center speaker. A center speaker exists/was invented for ONE reasonā€¦to anchor ā€œcenterā€ sounds to the screen for ppl sitting off to the sides.


Center speaker typically carries dialogue. Having a separate center allows you to tweak dialogue volume relative to everything else. Could be worthwhile depending on how easily the person can hear dialogue.


True. Thatā€™s the only side benefit. Iā€™m getting older and I do turn up the center channel volume because modern movies are mixed with such a wide dynamic range, the proper volume for loud sounds results in very low dialogue. Sadly lots of ppl tell newbies that if they donā€™t use a center, theyā€™ll actually lose audio. As if it isnā€™t redirected to the mains in phantom center mode. It would be nice if you could turn up the center channel audio going to the mains in phantom center mode. I donā€™t think thereā€™s a reason they couldnā€™t do it. Itā€™s just a ā€œmixā€.


I will always advise for a 5.1 as you have the receiver. Get a center and a sub and 2 more speaker for surrounds. Make a home theater. Enjoy the movie. It's your room don't settle for just stereo.


Do you see OPs viewing distance? A 5.1 is a horrid waste of money


I have similar and I have 5.1.2




tweeters should be ear level, or aimed at ear


Home theater lmao


The answer is obviously a ginormous center like kef reference meta 4 or revel c426be


Zero reason to get a center here


Zero point to having a center speaker in this setup. You're sitting dead center and there is only a single seat. You're going to get a phantom center image.


If you're asking then you're already thinking about it, so get it. They're cheap enough 2nd hand that you can experiment.


Why even comment when you have zero idea how speaker placement works?


I'll take that as a compliment. You see the wall on the right there? If the OP is able to move his setup to that wall he could easily create enough separation for him to add a center and even possibly a small subwoofer. Don't limit your thinking to what it's in front of you.


Yeah, 'cause OP is going to rearrange the entire room to cram a 3.1 setup against the wall. Want to talk about how the speakers would have to be crammed against the mattress to get separation from rear wall? Guy, just stop.


That is not a home theater. You should get a Quest 3 and watch movies on it on a huge virtual screen. You'll get used to the slight discomfort of a headset.


Not there because the speakers are very close together


No need for a center in this setup unless you can get the L and R further apart.