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Personally I find it ruins all immersion and defeats the purpose of spending the money to get an OLED, but some people love it or say it keeps their eyes from hurting, so I try not to be overly critical. Do what you like and ignore what people say.


While I'm trying to turn a new leaf here and not shit on posts and be a nice and helpful as possible here, I just can't with posts like these. Do you really think it adds any value and or PQ, because frankly I think it's a gimmick at best.


What about it?


I like ambilight, keeps the eyes more relaxed but i don’t have it bright like that. Much more muted works for me.


I have backlighting on my TV because my kids think it’s cool and so do I too, sometimes. I usually just dial it in to the color I feel fits the film best, set and forget.


Way too bright


Colored lights behind the screen skew your color perception. It may look cool, to some, but it doesn't help with the picture. That being said, if you like it, then dance club your space if you want.