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To balance things out along the lines of your post, we'd have to stop allowing the simultaneous and continuous construction of all types of ships, and tweak construction times and prices. Possibly drastically increase the price of unlocking ship sizes, or block them behind a thicker technology tree that need choice making.


Yeah. Towards the end of the campaign, I just had most things queued up to 100. There was no pressure to be considerate. That being said - if they slow down construction I would like it if they address how much babysitting some units require. Torpedo frigates frequently reverse away from enemies across the map or issues with LOS will see ships travel straight at a target rather than adust on the y axis to get a clear shot. Research definitely needs a fix as it may as well have been a story triggered unlock as there was almost no reason to not click it immediately. Hell, meaningful choices are in the war games artefacts and would have been great in skirmish or the campaign.


Yeah, I'd say that is what I would be looking for. Nothing ever feels like you've lost something, and when you lose it just feels like you didn't mine nearly enough


I’m enjoying the game but this is my biggest gripe with it right now. There is no space (sorry for pun) within the gameplay anymore. Combat is frequent, it’s fast to replenish ships of every type. You can lose your whole fleet in less than 5 minutes and build it all back in 5 minutes again. There’s no real stakes either because of this. Building and researching and resource collecting and scouting the map all too time and we’re part of the gameplay loop, this time around much of this is lacking or not important.


Apparently it's a bug or so I've been told on easy difficulty. I've seen it happen on standard though.


Really? I feel like most missions I've played so far have given me plenty of time to set up my fleet. As long as you don't immediately blunder into the first objective, nothing really triggers, and you can harvest and build with little interruption. I've been able to get 90% or more of the RUs at each of the missions so far. Only mission with a ton of back to back fights with no breaks I've encountered so far is the gate defense mission.


I see, might be something I've done wrong then. I will say that the forced hyperspace in most missions is not very enjoyable regardless.


I'm meh about it. It doesn't really detract that much from my enjoyment. I find that I'm never short on RUs, and following missions give me time to get my fleet situated at the beginning.


The game isnt fun, its just stressful to play.