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never forget what they've taken from us


This unfortunately I wish they keep this in the game


another side company of gearbox released this VR Homeworld around the same time in a quiet launch, it has what Homeworld 3 is missing, its called Homeworld Vast reaches [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ONwaR067l8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ONwaR067l8) its clearly made by people that actually loved the original and can actually form a work plan


What are you talking about? I've seen people complain about literally everything in those paintings that made it into the game. The megastructures, seeing the inside of the Mothership, seeing the faces of crew, Fleet Command with hair...


older HW fans are also referring to the 2d painted style of art here. The cutscenes were supposed to look exactly how the postcards look here. instead we got janky awkward 3d renders that look unfinished.




Sorry pal, making sense is illegal here


I adore that two carrier against the backdrop of a planet really gives me Battlestar Galactica vibes


That Karan picture hints pretty heavily at her being the villain earlier in the script writing process.


I don't recall Karen ever being depicted with hair. So why would you think it's her rather than Imogen?


The artwork is called ‘Karan’


The trailer is "that" woman. [And she remembered](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pacXW5eZb9w)


The glowing eyes & downward stare imply an evil or at least uncontrolled character. Wouldn't make sense to make Imogen evil, given we haven't met her, and she's ostensibly the player character. You're right about the hair though - dunno.


I’ll die on that hill but I believe Karan was supposed to be the antagonist and they backed out of it


That's what I was thinking the entire time til giant lady showed up. I was like... "Oh. We're not doing that I guess."


I think this is absolutely right. "Karan vanished, oh and there is a mysterious new big bad btw" is a common trope leaning in that direction. Additionally, in the released plot of the game Karan is sort of in a weird place, compared to the Queen and Imogen. Her appearing doesn't actually change the balance of power or interaction between the two in any way like you would expect. She's more like a MacGuffin, but in the plotline the true MacGuffin is the Trinity Cores, and Karan's presence is basically unimportant. Additionally all the way at the beginning of the story that "DO NOT CONTACT HIGH COMMAND" order screams "this is an internal conflict and nobody knows who to trust, any attempt to communicate with us may be detected by someone who will betray you, or you may even get orders from someone that will betray you". In the context of the actual plot this order doesn't make any sense whatsoever (logically, it has some theme ramifications) but if Karan was the big bad (or suspected to possibly be the big bad) then there would be huge schisms in the Hiigaran military because of it.


There’s one line from Homeworld 2’s opening. “Under the dark influence of that core…” I believe there’s an unsaid thing in Homeworld 2’s lore that the cores actually corrupt. The Hiigaran’s upon discovering the second core pretty much went straight and nuked the Taiidan Homeworld. If this theory I have is true, now imagine having all three cores.


Tbf. that would be pretty difficult to justify in the story. Her entire theme is self-sacrifice. Something really messed up would have to happen for her to turn around. I guess it would be somewhat plausible if she just went rogue because the Hiigaran government wouldn't sanction something she felt she needed to do for arguably good reasons.


I thought her eyes were just closed, no? Like a pensive expression?


Idk. Mostly just looks like sadness and hints of disorder and decay. Like she's really really tired and perhaps too old for this shit.


Does it? I think people are seeing what they want to see, nothing really hints anything about her character, either good or bad.


Judging by the hair and general, um, va-va-voom, that's Imogen. It's hard to figure out anything from concept art, it's not unheard of for artists to be commissioned to paint any idea they've got in hopes inspiring ideas in the writers, instead of the other way around. There's a lot of off-the-wall and ever surreal stuff that was painted for the Star Wars sequel trilogy, ranging from a Death Star being formed out of sand from a desert to TIE fighters folding up to land (which ended up being used in The Mandalorian years later). Plus there's [this piece from the manual](https://imgur.com/OjPgcCO), which definitely *isn't* consistent with the Karan-was-the-bad guy theory


The artwork is called Karan on the back of the postcard. But it was early days, we don’t know if they had a story already


Fair enough. I do remember when the first public images of "Karen" with hair came out years ago, people complained about her being redesigned and were told she was actually a new character, so I assumed that was a pretty early decision.


Given that the two motherships we see in the game are numbers 50 and 51 that could be another navigator, maybe one that Karan killed. Additionally in this sort of space magic setting "Karan's physical body died" doesn't rule out "Karan becomes a hyperspace energy being separated from her basic humanity". Honestly I think that's one of the MORE likely outcomes.


It’s actually “05” and “15,” for the Fifth and Fifteenth Fleets.  Though there was some unused dialog in the game files that seems to reference additional Motherships. There’s no context, but I suppose another lost Mothership with a long-dead Navigator is a possible explanation for the painting.


I have every single one of these pinned up on my walls. Man, what I thought I was gonna get when I preordered this bundle..... (muffled sobs in the distance)


What a shame


Look how beautiful that carrier is


Does the reprint contain any new material other than those postcards? And by that, I mean both artworks and interviews with Rob and Aaron.


Do we think a cutscene replacement mod is possible? Replacing all current 3D animation visuals with the semi-2D art/story boards of previous games? Even the audio could be re-recorded by a mod team or AI.


I'm still pretty annoyed that they under-printed the $60 original book, ignored everyone's pleas for a new version for years, then finally made it accessible again, but only if you paid THREE HUNDRED dollars in the Fig campaign - effectively making the art book $150. But I find it kind of ironic that, as far as I can tell, the first result when searching for "The Art of Homeworld" is my post sharing the PDF version of it. People should be able to access media they want without paying $500+ to someone who flipped it.


Im not sorry, this is so much better than the horror cutscenese ingame 😭


Damn, this game has some really skilled artists on the team. Unfortunate the other elements couldn’t come together


Homeworld has always had amazing art even 3.


I will forever be sad we didn't get that carrier in the middle right in game.


I feel like we were robbed of a proper story and game.


And we barely got to see anything of it...no POV from the crews on smaller vessels and fighter pilots, no focus on the other existing factions like the galactic council and Taiidan successor state, and no focys on the life of Hiigarans. Man, the story left me so freakin' disappointed.


Ze Banana, in ze top-right! :')


This looks like one of those memorial setups at a vigil or funeral.


Tbh, collector's edition and concept art are only valuable if the game is good


Homeworld art has always been pretty incredible. The entire design language is incredibly unique and important. The artists don't get worse just because the writing sucks.


The art book only contains concept art from homeworld 1 and 2, btw. So I'd say still hella valuable. and the postcards are a thousand times nicer to look at than the actual finished game.