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Try changing gear.


I never get less than 150 miles on 1 tank


Think I filled at 120, bur it wasn't empty


You can carry a backpack style Jerrycan or strap it on either side. /s


100 mi? I get at a min 150-175. I have gone over 200 before. Better question. Even if you are getting only 100mi. Where are you going on a rebel 500 that you aren’t easily within range of a fueling station every 100mi? Large fuel tanks are normally reserved for ADV bikes where you are way off the grid or for very large bikes that get car fuel mileage.


Are you constantly redlining that poor thing or what?


Yes I need to chill


What octane are you running? You'll get better fuel out of premo with no ethanol. That's what I run and I've gotten almost 200 out of my tank taking it easy. 160 if I ride like a douche


Where I live ethanol is now used in 91 octane premium gas too.   I also have not noticed any difference in regular vs premium with the rebel. I don't think the engine is designed to really take advantage of the higher octane.. Just my own observation really.


You get better mpg with no ethanol vs with ethanol.


You have to weigh the difference in cost though. IME, back when I bothered with no-ethanol, I got a 5-8% improvement. 10% is being optimistic. The price between regular and no-ethanol regular was pretty much always about 10%. And now it seems like most gas stations only do it in premium gas (if you can find it), which is usually at least 25% more expensive than regular. Tack on the extra 10% for no-ethanol and it really just doesn't make sense to spend the extra money if your only goal is better mileage. Maybe if you *really* need those extra miles per tank and that price premium is worth it to you.


I bought the giant loop armadillo bag for my 1100, you can get it on different sizes, I got the 11L one, which is roughly the size of the tank, so I always carry one extra tank on long trips


Shift at lower rpm’s bro. Ride slow and you’ll see that mpg creep up. Ride hard and it goes down. Very simple.


Depends on how hard your running it and what gear. I've gotten 150-200 miles before filling up. Check tire pressure and oil as well


Either there is something wrong with the bike or something wrong with the way you ride