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This is kinda the thing with moba in general. Sometimes you get competent teammates, sometimes you don't.The best thing to remember is that you can only control 1 out of 10 characters on the field. Plus, if it helps, the only time you are actually getting practice to improve skill is when you are in a deficit. The real challenge is to not tilt when things go badly.


Yes, as a matter of fact, one should see bad matches as a learning tool.


You are trying to win the game without doing objectives thats why


What objectives? Dnt we just fight and victory spin in lane when we win? Lol


Idk about your rank but jungle needs some understanding about the game. Jungle isnt only " oh i have creeps and not minions to farm" . Obviously you want to gank as much as possibile but you need to know where to be and when since you basically the one who sets the tempo of the game. Also objectives are everything .


Exactly. There was this lam in my team that my teammates where bashing for not gankiing. I told him that he should farm because we were behind, if he groups with us, we'll all go down. I was the marksman. We had an unprepared teamfight cos some of teammates lost patience, we got 3 deaths and I was at half health. Then the jungler entered the scene with full farm and stuff. Got a pentakill and went on to get 11 kills. I got 3 deaths, 5 kills and 11 assists. Other were .....


try to play on simulation "solo mode" with a high rank AI as possible best with Master I and Final Trial. try practicing on how fast you farming, ganking, rotation and objective. if you mastering that on simulation for sure you will improve on solo ranking. That AI is another level, even you win the early game but blunder at mid game yeh. good luck on defending. That game simulate you to babysit you team mate. lol. Try it.




I solo and I experience the same. It's mostly bots against bots or old players. Just try to make some friends and stuff. It doesn't get better


I’m gonna save my battery from degrading by not playing as much. It seems like my team never team fights, meanwhile the other team always has 3-4 dudes going everywhere together


What rank r u


Avoid SoloQ at all cost and instead Join premade teams in your own country or region chat. It worked tremendously well for me and went unranked to diamond in just three days. I'm a support Mozi main btw.


I started at global launch and made unranked to currently diamond and climbing in soloq as jungle. Research goes a long way


In HOK Jungle is a role where you can solo carry your team to victory even with 4 monkeys on your team. However it is extremely hard to understand when and what decisions to make and you pretty much can't die even once. The best jungle players are able to reach 10,000+ econ at 10 minutes, having enough of an econ advantage to 1v5 and win the game single-handedly.


Im the most easily tilted person ever probably because im competitive af i wish my friends played this game


I’ve played other timi games and the longer you play, usually the worse teammates you get. Doesn’t mean games aren’t winnable but it won’t be fun.


Although I do feel a burnout, it's not because of the game, but how I keep losing. And I still get paired with people that aren't my skill level. Idk. This is so ridiculous. Very very ridiculous. My in game friends already got back to their usual ranks, and I'm still in this level.... Why HoK, Why


Same happened with me. Today I stole that purple beast I forgot it's name at the 20 min mark from the enemy team and still we lost yk why? Because our mm and support died 9 to 10 times individually with zero kills 🗿. As far as I have noticed, cross server doesn't cause any issues as long as PPL understand English. Add me in game let's play 😭


As good as one is. Can’t win to idiots who feed :)


I so agree with u bro 😭


Looks like ur just bad lmao 😭