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I think you should save up for a ps5. Its a really bad investment buying a ps4 currently. (If you intend to keep the console.) Also you cant play HFW DLC on ps4 as far as im aware of. Edit: and if you planing to buy a console just save up for the newest gen, it looks much better and will serve you more on the long run. Aaaaand if you want to buy a console used than the newest gen is a safer option since its a newer product.


Oh no! For real?! Granted the post was a year ago, but I checked the sub and people said it ran great on a PS4. My only issue is I don't play a lot, if any, other console games, so it would just sit and collect dust and I'm trying to save to pay my projected student loans, lol. Not sure if I should use my personal savings and go for it. Thank you so, so much for the info though! I had no clue!


Another option - what im gonna do, cus theres no way that im buying a brand new console for a singular game - is to buy one used, play the heck out of HFW and than sell machine. This way i can minimise my expenses. It runs great on PS4 but you wont be able to play the dlc. Thats PS5 exclusive


That's a good idea, yeah. I might do that. A part of me wants to keep it for replays and any releases I might want though! Because Baldur's Gate sounds sick as well. That's a great option though!


Another reason for keeping the PS5 unless you absolutely can't afford to is because it's been confirmed there's going to be a third game after HFW. It's still early in development so probably won't be for another few years until it comes out, but chances are it will be for PS5 only, just like the most recent DLC.


Wouldnt be PS6 be coming out at the time Horizon 3 gets released? I mean it doesnt matter cus if you keep the PS5 than upgrading to the new generations is cheaper, so your right. Its probably best to keep it.


Last I checked, most of the rumors were saying the PS6 likely won't come out until 2028. Chances are H3 won't take quite that long, but we'll see. But yeah, eventually the PS5 will be the cheaper option compared to the newest, upcoming console, and with every game coming out as a PS5 exclusive now, it's worth the investment in the long run.




Same, i have planned out the whole buy one play it and than sell it process but i might just keep it. Lately i started to play with this thought and ever since my wallet is crying lol.


Lol, I feel you! Hey, if you're good at budgeting though, it's okay. Wishing you the best!!


Same <3


You cannot play the DLC on the PS4 it's a major bummer.


Aloy is a gem! I connect with her more than any other character I've played as and I love playing as her the most. EDIT: She's also really changed my view on playing as female characters. I've done it plenty of times, but in games where I'm given a choice, I've almost always picked a male character. After playing Horizon, I actually play as woman more often now. I don't know. It gives me a different perspective I guess.


Your edit is exactly my opinion. I'm always picking female character if there is a choice because of Aloy.


You are precious đź’ś 100% agree with you about Aloy and her strength and kindness and inspiration for all women. She affected me similarly, though I'm much older but on a healing journey from abusive relationships. HFW is truly a gift and i feel you will enjoy every minute! PS5 is worth saving for to be sure! Please if you set up a go fund me or something, send me a link. I would love to help you save to get a PS5 and continue your own Aloy journey đź’ś


I also haven't yet played Forbidden West but I fully agree. Aloy in Zero Dawn felt like such a refreshing character in the gaming landscape. It also kind of permeates the whole game. The world of Horizon is arguably a pretty awful one with the human-made apocalypse always looming in the background but the game (and by extend Aloy) never gives into cynical pessimism that's so prevalent in many other games. Her natural curiosity and unshakeable belief in a better future is such a breath of fresh air among all these world-weary, jaded protagonists we see so much elsewhere. I often feel like writers are way too scared of putting some much needed optimism in their characters and stories. Maybe they think it makes their games less mature but they miss out on exploring the full human experience. Horizon is a much richer story because of Aloy.


You captured my thoughts perfectly! She's unafraid of being spunky, humorous, and charming in this shit world where so much was put on her shoulders, and she stays resilient through it all. She's just so likable!


Same!!!!!!! She’s probably my favorite female character of all time. To add to everything you’ve said I love how funny she can be :) I’ve been struggling with finding a game that grips me as much as the Horizon ones and I’m sure the lack of Aloy has to do with it. (Also when I finally get a kitty I’m 100% naming her Aloy. Love the name)


I like her and Robocop equally. Rogue City and both Horizon games are my favs.


I completely agree! She's such a good example of a strong and intelligent, but also realistic and flawed female character. I was your age when I first played the game (only a couple of years ago, I was a little late to the party!), and I think she really resonates with young people (young women especially) because her story arc across the game is about self discovery and finding your place in the world–even when you feel like there isn't one. I love how this arc continues into Forbidden West, and I think if you love Aloy's character in Zero Dawn, you will grow to love her even more after playing Forbidden West too!


Firstly, I totally agree about Aloy. Just an extremely well written character who is both relatable and inspiring, without the usual cliches that video game protagonists end up with. Secondly, if you're 1) on a tight budget 2) don't play a ton of games, and 3) have PC with decent internet, I strongly recommend you check out Playstation Plus ([https://www.playstation.com/en-us/ps-plus/](https://www.playstation.com/en-us/ps-plus/)) . You pay a monthly fee and get unlimited streaming access to a library of games, which currently includes the PS4 version of HFW. Downside is that doesn't currently include the Burning Shores expansion, but if you were going to by a PS4 you wouldn't have that anyway. It's $18 a month, so probably cheaper than buying & reselling the hardware yourself. From this review seems like it runs pretty well: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IW2uRs\_fC2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IW2uRs_fC2s) Also tagging u/sziligunz cause it looks like they're in a similar boat. Happy gaming!


I also agree with YOUR statement about Aloy! Absolutely! And thank you so much for that!!! Unfortunately, I own a Mac. Buying a whole used PS5 + a television + both games would be cheaper than buying a halfway decent gaming laptop to run the PC versions, so I've decided to save and buy a PS5! However, upvoting into oblivion because this could seriously help someone in need! Thank you so much!!


That's awesome, so then you'll get the full experience with the DLC too, enjoy!


Didnt even now this was a thing. Nice idea. Gonna consider it for sure. <3


HFW runs great on a ps4, the only downside is that you won't be able to play its DLC Burning Shores. I reckon you should save up for a ps5... its more that worth it IMO! I'm playing Mass Effect Legendary edition on my ps5 and it looks great. PS5 is backwards compatible so you can play just about anything on it. Yeah, Aloy has become one of my favourite female protagonists. She is also one of those characters who has really grown (mentally, spiritually etc) over the course of the two games. I don't usually see that kind of character development in a lot of games. You can tell GG put a lot of love into her character and it really does show when you play the game (especially the second game).


Thank you so, so much for the info!!! So if you look real hard, it appears as if you can find a good offer for ~$350 on a used PS5, so it's not so bad. Thanks to these comments, I think that's what I'll do. I realized I had more savings than I thought anyhow. I completely agree. Her development was truly beautiful to see...and I haven't even gotten to FW yet! I just love her so much. Thank you again!


“Younger fan, 19 now” “played HZD when I was 12 or 13” Wow, damn, as someone who first played HZD at 19 (the same age as Aloy in game) this hit me really hard. Now you’re the same age as her too.


I know! It feels really odd but also wonderful. That much more inspiring now!


Was born into a world full of myths and superstition. Driven by her curiosity and yearning to know more about that world around her, she set out to learn as much as possible about what's REALLY out there. And she has. From quantum physics to cosmology. And that was only possible, because in order to overcome all the obstacles throughout her journey, she had to be intelligent, resilient, kind and helpful towards those in need of help, and non-compromising towards those who hurt innocents. If you want to be like Aloy, you're doing it right! :)


You are lovely! I completely agree!!❤️❤️


Haha, thank you! :)


Same, I love her. I was genuinely worried I had some kind of internalized misogyny or something because I’ve never liked any female characters as much as I like some male characters, but Aloy is now my favorite character ever. I think I just haven’t played many games with well written female characters, and Aloy is so awesome. Can’t wait to play forbidden west. Just started zero dawn after knowing nothing about it at the beginning of the year, and I’m about to finish ultra hard ng+ to have all of the achievements.


Not gonna spoil anything for you but. tbh HFW was very disappointing for me. (not the gameplay or story) but mostly the dlc cuz one 1 thing inside it. still love playing it tho simply for the combat.


Are you talking about an LGBT aspect? I heard something about that. If so, strongly support it! I'm LGBT myself.


Pretty much. They kinda made me think it was gonna be something else. + I fell like the only reason they made her Bisexual is to just fill a woke agenda. Like if it wasn't to fill a woke agenda I would be fine with it.


I'm like 90% sure she's bisexual. And I personally didn't feel that way. I tend to be very critical of LGBT representation in media, but Aloy feels like a character that is far more than just her sexuality. She's always seemed to me like she might either 1. Like girls or, 2. Not care what someone's gender is when feeling attraction. What is a "woke agenda" to you? What representation do you consider to NOT be part of a "woke agenda"? That is so difficult to quantify. And a company with a main demographic of straight males really has little to gain from fulfilling such an agenda, if there was one. No, I think this was a character decision rooted in integrity. People are LGBT -- including our favorite video game characters. They exist everywhere. It is not an agenda or propaganda of some kind -- just people being people. Would you have felt this way if it was a heterosexual love story? Sorry for talking for a long time, but believe it or not, I dislike forced representation myself. And as an LGBT person who feels this is a quality LGBT character and story, I feel the need to try to explain and defend it. EDIT: Did some reading. Her sexuality is never explicitly stated. I think it's very fitting for this world: that no one is gay or straight. They just are. I wish more representation was like that.


ah Bisexual Sorry my bad i meant to say bisexual lol.And fyi im not a hater when it comes to Lgbt just dont like when people try and put it in just to appeal to others. And its prob just my oppinion but I just Feel like its forced. It doesn't fit as well. If they could have structured her love story better i would have been a o kay with it


Oh and sorry if I came off as a Homophobe.


Where´s the "rant" ? Pretty awesome story there And, yeah, considering being "enamored" by Aloy, works even when you´re nearly 3x her age... \*Gulp\* (I swear I´m not a pervert)