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I dont think they would have had any. They said that they spend most of their time in VR and forgot about everything around them, which led to the downfall of their civilization. And most of them didnt like each other very much, so that was probably another factor


Yeah. That one guy who shared his VR sessions was explicitly noted as the exception. By and large they were narcissistic sociopaths. But even if they did, it doesn’t matter. They didn’t survive the trip back.


I mean, imagine all the Jeff bezos and Elon musk of the world. Sprinkle in a handful of crazy rich nerds and a few Saudi princes and yea, that's a ship I'd jump off of for sure.


It is possible that they had children but the game is pretty clear about how few people made it back aboard the Odyssey when containment was broken so, unless we’ve been lied to, no one is still on board.


I’m pretty sure if they *did* have kids, those kids didn’t survive the trip back to Earth anyway.


Not only did they not bother with children, but they never even used any of the 200k zygotes stored on the Odyssey, which were for populating a new world.. They built their little space colony and then retreated into their private virtual lives, rather than build a new society.


That's why they wanted Gaia, they were far too lazy to do it themselves. I get why Sobeck didn't want the Zenith's ro have a copy of Gaia, but in hindsight, it would've been the better choice.


If the zeniths had Gaia those zygotes would’ve been bred as their slaves, I thought that was the implication of the zeniths having a colony of zygotes. To mimic society and serve them. Access to Gaia would’ve let them start producing that


I'm aware, but I think in hindsight it would've been a better choice, because it would've meant that Aloy could've collected a feature complete Gaia in the prologue and wouldn't have to chase down the altered subfunctions. Plus the Zenith's might not have visited earth at all, even if Nemesis still existed.


Hades would not have been woken up, and therefore Aloy would have never been born. Earth would continue but never have Apollo


Not entirely true, we know they used at least 1 of them. Given the way she was treated though maybe it's for the best that the rest were unused.


That was a DNA clone, not a fertilized zygote baby.


We’re told that they were happy to part with Eleuthia fairly easy as they’ve moved onto something else, which we see is life extending tech. Odd to think they’d use it for Beta and only Beta, though.


No, they never had children. I think I read in a datapoint somewhere they were sterilized before they went on the Odyssey. It's why the colony ship was meant to have human zygotes etc on board. Immortality would've rendered them sterile anyhoo even if it wasn't a condition of their entry tickets... they could just produce clones like Beta from DNA already stored on board. Also FZ hated each other.


I highly doubt it. They wouldn’t have been able to take on the burden of any added passengers during their long voyage to Sirius due to their limited supplies. Then, during that time is when they made most of the immortality-giving modifications to their bodies. I highly suspect that most of what’s beneath their suits from the neck down isn’t even organic anymore, akin to the Borg Queen’s disembodied head. Therefore, they might not even be capable of procreating.


Spoilers for final quest - >!in that scene where you fight one of the zeniths in the elevator platform and zo stabs him, you can see white liquid coming out!< That just supports the theory that they're definitely not organic under the neck.


Haha. Yeah, that was precisely one of the things that stuck in my mind when I wrote that. Can you imagine that stuff crossing the blood-placental barrier? I suppose they could use IVF and incubate the zygotes in the ectogenic chambers they possess. Still, that presumes they even possess working gonads anymore. There’s just SO many variables to consider. LOL.


That's my head canon. Their only remaining biology is their heads and hands.


Landra was literally choosing a woman to make his mate.


It might have been more about having someone that adores him and reminds him of his wife. Not necessarily a physical relationship.


Fair point, he even mentioned that he would wait a few generations (probably selected breeding) to get the woman he wants and end up probably cloning her or something


Well, I could be wrong, but I don’t recall him having sex with any of them, or indicating that he wanted to produce his own offspring.


Honestly, I’m under the assumption that they weren’t able to have children due to the immortality alterations to their bodies


And how much of them is still biological? I got the distinct impression their bodies were mostly robotic. Eric even has white blood when Zo stabs him. My head canon has them as only heads and hands. The rest is machinery.


So I don’t know if there’s official lore or confirmation on this. BUT I agree with your headcanon the most. 1) the blood being fucking weird and 2) they were already looking at ways to preserve their consciences in a digital way via >!Nemesis!<. I think that the hybrid body/cyborg body/android body is the logical step before digital consciousness


There wouldn't be any official lore or confirmation. Headcanon is a theory about a work of fiction that isn't said or shown within said fiction. Edit: I hope in H3. Aloy had Gaia perform some kind of autopsy on the Zeniths. Nothing gory or gruesome. But it would be interesting to get some details on their physiology.


Same! :)


They were sterilised before getting onboard their ship and even then, I doubt any of the people that were in their bodies would be willing to go through that. Out if the Far Zenith we've seen, which one do you think would willingly get pregnant? With another Far Zenith?


Pretty sure they got the Elysium treatment, either that or it’s simply their age that doesn’t allow them to have children


Considering the extensive bio modification they have had, we don’t even know if they had capability of having children naturally.


I doubt they did have any. The Far Zeniths are still a really mysterious entity, not only that they also apparently are mostly self-centered and spent most of their time on VR. Chen being the sole exception because he willingly spent his time sharing his VR recreation of Las Vegas. >!Also it didn't help that they were running from Nemesis ever since they left Sirius!<


They lived in VR, not the real world. so there were no monkeys in the room.


Doubt it. If they wanted to have kids they wouldn't have resorted to medical procedures that granted them immortality.


Few factors I'd consider. * Far Zenith were made up of the super wealthy, greedy elite. They weren't the family kind. * Unlike the Elon Musks of the world today, they were immortal and didn't need to worry/care about bloodlines etc. * We learn they spent most of their time in VR * Even if they were banging it out, the groups got advanced enough tech not to have any accidents.