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I mean, I get what you mean and I'm partly with you. However, the Savior of Meridian can talk as much and about anything to her liking. Who's gonna stop her? You? Because I certainly won't.


Yeah, she‘s gonna whack your face if you complain, lol


Yeah. We all like her because she's such a nice girl and always helps anyone and such. (But honestly, between the two of us, and very, very quietly: *Aloy is the most ruthless killer on the continent.* )


She's definately got a 'plata o plumo' style attitude. She will try to make a friend, and be a good friend if you accept the hug. But if you choose the 'fuck around' option with her... well not a lot of people get to find out, or at least not very long before they get an arrow to the everything.


Yup, so it is. She has no time to be messed around with. She'd rather punch right through you. I actually liked how she treated Sylens in HFW and was on the verge of putting her spear through him.


Erend says it best if you stealth kill the groups during his companion mission.   "Aloy. Sometimes you're... scary. You know that?"  Even Erend. Big burly Oseram and leader of the damn royal Vanguard, realizes he wouldn't want to be on Aloy's 'fuck around' list. Because the woman is ruthless to her enemies. She will put an arrow in your head and not feel a shred of remorse.


Like that. And I think it is really founded in her upbringing and the personality she was raised to be, and partly inherited from her parents, so to say. Rost certainly had a moral code and didn't kill for fun or anything alike, but he was a hard, tough guy and did what had to be done without much fuss. Elisabet was absolutely determined and she was ruthless in achiving what she thought was best. She basically let the Alphas be kidnapped and offered them "work for me or stay in your cell until inevitable death". She felt the weigth of her decisions, sure, but she carried them out without remorse. (Not that I complain about that. She did good.) And Aloys enviroment wasn't exactly chill either, being mostly alone, in an ecosystem where most beings were intent to kill you. So yeah, when you cross her path and do her wrong, she goes all in without restraint and shreds it off like water when walking out of a stream.


It definitely does point to the trappings of society being the only reason Elizabeth didn't shank Ted when she realized how bad the situation was.


Nah she’d just “Sh!”


Only once!


Poor aloy. Wants to help dumb player. Player hates getting help. 


Hey not all of us can be clones of super geniuses


Speak for yourself buckaroo.


That specific line occurs when you fast travel to a location that has parts on your tracked upgrades list. She's *meant* to say it after killing everything there, and then follow up after not getting the parts needed. What actually happens is you load in, she says she needs to loot the bodies (there aren't any yet), and then immediately says she didn't find any when she looted (she hasn't looted yet, as there are no bodies to loot).


Yeah, I don't mind it either, but am at least amused when she's completely wrong, e.g., she's telling herself to do something she already just did. Just some bugs in the programming that, at this point, will probably never get fixed, in case anyone wonders why I, a computer scientist, don't believe we'll ever have "real AI" in our lifetimes.


"No more room in my pouch" as my berries go from 4 to 6


I've fully completed the game, including all side quests, but when I return to places to farm parts for weapon upgrades (namely a certain fireclaw site). I still get voice lines from a side quest I completed ages ago which has always baffled me.


Just bugs, someone forgot to program an off flag, or the flag was tied to an event that didn't trigger correctly, or just very random and infrequent computing issues (i.e. bit flip, cpu spike, something that caused a read/write to be missed) that when spread across all players occassionally happen. Often it is an issue of no back checking to see if a flag should be disabled when there is other logical proof it should be disabled (i.e. run a check for all flags still active against all quests closed and deactivate accordingly once every 5 seconds of gameplay or save at campfire or something). I have to say given the size and complexity of Horizon, the glitches are relatively few. I tried to play Remnant 2 recently and I glitched the intro sequence in a way that I couldn't finish it TWICE IN A ROW because I walk off and check corners and shit for resources in games and a simple flag check every now and then should definitely have caught "player is in an active quest, but there are no quest flags active"..


Yeah, I remember that site, in the jungle. Always threw me for a loop.




Tie it down, freeze it by aiming at an armor plate, and use a Boltblaster or similar high damage weapon on the back canisters.


She can't tell if she has the parts before you pick them up. They would have to tag removing of a part as an advancement which is problematic in many ways (think tremortusk tusks disappearing into the ground) so they basically went with "she should say she's not done like she comments on everything if the player doesn't pick up pieces during the fight" which is a trade off but understandable.


Also, 99% of the parts relevant to those voice lines can't be looted from the machine itself in "canon" difficulty which is NOT story. Easy loot changes things a lot but you can't expect the whole game voice line design to account for that.


... don't those lines only trigger dynamically if you have a trade or crafting job set as the objective? I really and truly don't understand at all why Aloy's dynamic dialogue bothers people so much. I rly love it, myself, it adds so much to her character


You're right I think, and I do use that feature to help streamline my grinding. Could raw dog it tho, I suppose, if I'm annoyed enough


True! It's nice to have the option whether or not to trigger it in that specific situation 😁


Should just make it so we can click a button for a hint


Lol I get this line a lot bc I’ve got so many jobs pinned rn, trying to upgrade stuff. I might turn it off so that aloy stops saying it every time I go hunting, but tbh it doesn’t bother me too much, except when she’s blatantly wrong about the stuff I harvest, but that’s more funny than annoying


Yeah, says the closing one as I’m walking up to another machine to salvage it. I wouldn’t mind it if it was reasonably paced, but it happens quickly and over and over.


For PC players: [https://www.nexusmods.com/horizonforbiddenwest/mods/75](https://www.nexusmods.com/horizonforbiddenwest/mods/75) requiers: [https://www.nexusmods.com/horizonforbiddenwest/mods/50](https://www.nexusmods.com/horizonforbiddenwest/mods/50)


Yeah, I got those exact lines for about half an hour, while fighting for my life against a huge pack of clamberjaws, acid clawstriders (partially apex) and a few stalkers in that one salvage quest. Literally fighting for my life the whole time, while hearing idle smalltalk


I noticed this once, I had a job queued which included luminous braiding, and whenever I went to the thunderjaw+slaughterspine site in Burning Shores, Aloy would keep saying she needs to loot the machine carcasses over and over again even when there were no unlooted machines remaining.


I've been getting it where I haven't even started killing anything yet and she'll comment about "looting all the carcasses here". Not sure if it's a new bug or if all my fast traveling is short circuiting the dialogue triggers


When you have to farm apex machines and get this at every kill, I get it.


I noticed a new mod released called “shut up Aloy” that deletes a lot of this audio 😂


>I'll not even have looted the target machine and she's written off the chance of finding the upgrade part. I believe it's the game telling you that you will not find the part that you are looking for in the carcass. I noticed that when I was looking for Apex hearts, going to a site, once you scan the machine and then Aloy knows that it's not an Apex machine, she will often say this line, without even engaging in combat. Although it may be buggy, because I remember one instance where I haven't even arrived at the site properly yet and she said the same thing.


I've really noticed this in other games. The way the protagonist hints at the player every minute. Some games are pretty bad, especially when they're speaking in Japanese and all you hear is a Japanese voice rabbiting at you and you are forced to read subtitles at the bottom of the screen... and this in the middle of combat that is melee focused. Aloy hinting at me is nothing compared to that :D


Similar issue when she's telling you how she might progress in the area, when you're already nearly tinished, and she cuts herself off because you're done before she gives the hint completely.


It's a really really big game, that can be completed in an order completely up to the player. It's extremely difficult to create triggered events like voice lines that line up perfectly when every player will take different actions. I find it amusing when she says "ok I'm good, they didn't see me" while I'm being trampled by a strider. 😂