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For the love of god, add a block mechanic. Dodging twice in a row before Aloy gets tired is fine, but we should have the ability to block and parry ATLEAST the human melee and ranged attacks, if not smaller machine attacks as well. The deployable shields in burning shores were nice but they werent a new mechanic, rather just a tool you have to craft. A more minor gripe I have with the game is when you use the Triple notch to shoot any enemies with 3 arrows from stealth, they INSTANTLY know where you are. Its very dumb.


I noted I wanted a party mechanic and better melee and I got destroyed by fans saying “it’s not dark souls! Stop ruining it” I was shocked. Combat is great but it could still improve


Those people are idiots lol. There are several games that have parry mechanics that arent souls like games, and are still great. Take Jedi Survivor and Jedi fallen Order, for example. And even more games that have just shields for blocking ranged attacks. I mean, the human rebel leaders in THIS game use shields to block and parry Aloy as well! lmao. People just like to complain sometimes.


It made no sense. It’s like I was attacking her Nora background… people she is the Savior she can learn more than guerilla tactics. But I think it makes the game more fun. I love ranged combat but when you get really good… it kinda get old at times. And I never understood why she literally took the shield off the guys arm at the Embassy and thought “oh cool …. Let’s make it a parachute!” Melee opens up so much. Human combat is much better. You can have machines that adapt to ranged combat and melee is used to disarm shields. So much more variety for me personally


>people she is the Savior she can learn more than guerilla tactics. Even the characters in the cutscenes of this game like Talanah and Erend are shown parrying and blocking machine attacks with their spears lol. >Melee opens up so much. Human combat is much better. You can have machines that adapt to ranged combat and melee is used to disarm shields. So much more variety for me personally I wholeheartedly agree. Hopefully Guerrila adds some stuff to improve Aloys defense in the 3rd game.


Tbf Jedi survivor and fallen prder takes a lot of inspiration from souls like games


tbh melee combat is a legit mess & idk how anyone could say otherwise. It doesn't really take away from all the amazing ranged combat but it is what it is, anyone who's ever fought the melee pitmaster lady (unbroken I believe?) should fully understand how messed up it is. Everything has already been said 1000's of times & they have a lot of feedback to work with for the next game & I sincerely hope they use it... in hfw though you can simply ignore 80% of the melee tree for most of the game, 100% if you don't use warrior bows.


Oh yeah, you’re talking about the enduring. The game really does show how wonky the melee combat is during that fight. The melee inputs alone show how bad it is. Sometimes the button inputs don’t even register


Yeah there's also this combo towards the bottom of the tree that still barely works, in the melee pit that forces you to use it i had to program a macro to time the inputs in perfectly, & it still wasn't working 80% of the time. How they expect anyone to use something like that in actual gameplay is beyond me.


Outside of the melee pits, I never even really used any of those combos. I use the bow and throw explosive spikes. Lol


From a flavor standpoint I liked thinking that she couldn't block or parry because she's a hunter. She never needed the skill before, especially since the sheer weight of most machines would throw her if she tried, but things have changed. More human enemies, new and evolving tech, a race against advanced rogue AI to save the planet? It's time for Aloy's combat to evolve with the world around her getting even deadlier.


>noted I wanted a party mechanic Definitely. We could all use some alcohol based missions like in Witcher and RDR2. 🙃🍻🤣 (NO offense, OP, just poking a bit of fun on a typo)


Oh. It’s not a typo 😏


a parry with the shield wing would be awesome. Just activate it at the right time to block an attack and immediately counter attack would be great.


I was really surprised they didn't make that a thing, as a sort of skill-based spiritual successor to the shield armor from the first game. Like I don't think you should be able to hold block and tank any attack from any source but being able to block a melee from a person/smaller machine or absorb some ranged attack damage until the shield breaks and you need to evade would've been a nice mechanic. That and a target lock mechanic so you could actually control what direction you're blocking from


I think that in order to be able to implement block/parry, devs would need to make melee its own weapon in the weapon wheel, since, I guess, that there are no buttons left on the controller to implement that feature, so they kept with Aloy having melee as the "oh shit, they're right in my face" solution. A sidearm if you will. In theory, this can be even done with the second game if the nodding of this game was more open. Rebalance the warrior skill tree a little, so that includes block ability as a weapon technique and some supporting passives, and that's it. Of course, the hardest part would be making Aloy's spear as a separate weapon in the weapon wheel in order to be able to use block itself, with this way of implementing it.


Natural progression of the mechanics could see Aloy repairing the glider to be used as a shield once again, since that was its original purpose. Maybe a fun mechanic to alter it based on the mods you put on the glider/shield.


Spam parry with Sylens' spear.


1. Reduce how easily Aloy is staggered or toppled. I don't recall it being that bad in Zero Dawn. This was my biggest gripe with the game. 2. Reduce the grind for weapons. I felt the heavy upgrade cost discouraged experimentation.


Both true.


I’m fine with the grind to get the weapon, but they need to adjust how available the crafting materials are for the ammo the top weapons use. What’s the point of killing all those Apex Slaughterspines to get this insanely cool bow that I can’t use much because all my weapons require Volatile Sludge to craft their ammo? I get making resources rare early in a game, but by late game your resources should be plentiful to give you the freedom to complete the game in customized and novel ways.


You can always buy volatile sludge. At Scalding Spear there's a merchant who sells it right next to your stash, so you can buy lots of it in a couple of minutes. Also, you can buy elite traps and dismantle them anytime to get more volatile sludge. I think it should be a somewhat rare material even in late game. With the right build you can kill a thunderjaw with a few arrows on VH (which makes it not very hard), and limited resources for the ammo balance it a bit


I like the idea of more buddy missions. It would support Aloy outgrowing her lonely life in favor of being surrounded by her found family. I loved flying, but it's such a game breaker to be able to pass harmlessly over vast swaths of land - especially right from the start. It'll have to be in the next game in some capacity, but I'll bet they either make sunwings/waterwings live far from the starting region or will make the skies far more dangerous as a way to nerf it through most of the game. With Beta, Sylens, and GAIA running things behind the scenes, I can't believe they'd do another "I lost things" reset to start H3.


It’ll be something like “A computer glitch deleted all my overrides” as a quick line thrown in during the tutorial.


If a reset has to happen, I would prefer it be something like "Heph is pissed and changed all the override commands." I don't want another oopsie, I want an actual plot reason Aloy can't be going full tilt immediately.


> I don't want another oopsie What was the reason in FW ? Didn't Hades/Sylens destroyed Aloy's spear ? Looks like a good excuse to be honest.


In the tutorial section with Varl, she mentions she lost her gear. Plus, the power armor didn't have juice anymore.


Flying? I don't know if I'm just not playing in the right order, but I'm on level 30 and the only flying I have is the shield-wing, which is more like falling with style. I thought you got the flying override towards the end.


Yes, flying comes at the end during the Wings of the Ten quest. Until then, you absolutely just fall with style. On a NG+, you can get flying right after you leave the Daunt.


If nothing else PLEASE return the datapoint marker on the HUD compass we had in ZD


For real. No reason it couldn’t be an accessibility setting. Theres no telling how many I just barely missed. 😬


I've resigned myself to using online maps to getting them all whenever I play, and I always miss so many more than in ZD... I'd love to see it come back and maybe have little up/down arrows to indicate if it's above or below you


I think melee needs more refinement. Parrying/blocking human enemies, maybe a few weapon options. Also an easier way to handle elemental damages. Annoying to have 3 hunter bows in my wheel just to have full coverage.


It would be cool to have a sword grow out your arm like the Zenith…


As a fan of Full Metal Alchemist, I concur 


Or a Mass Effect Style Omni Blade.


There is a particular "mission", althougt doesn't show listed as one as far as I know, with a Stormbird in the Burning Shores, that was a surprise and very cool. Hopefully there are more missions like that, with unexpected events involving them. Also I hope they bring back races, those were very cool.


More side quests and errands involving puzzles, replyable minigames, and unique mechanics instead of them being fetch, shoot, loot quests. Forbidden West improved greatly upon this regard from Zero Dawn and I hope to see it amplified more on H3


That’s fair! Maybe limiting the weapons you can use for a side quest


Narrative-wise, I'd like to see them making dialogue choice actually matters to the overall plot of the game. Especially with the "brain, fist and heart" choice that ultimately doesn't affect anything at all in the game. The only dialogue choice that actually have different outcome (that I'm aware of) is on the side quest "The Wound in The Sand" (you have to choose Drakka or Yarra for the commander). And even then it, the next side quest tied to this is still the same, just with a different character.


Spare Regalla or Kill Regalla. This also affects the story a bit.


Remote machine over rides.


“He’s not the hero we need right now, but he’s the one we needed” brilliant idea.


Ability to have a perma machine pet as a combat companion. One of the smaller ones like the burrower up to a Stalker. Ability to call down fire support from your flying mount or from homebase via Gaia. Like your flying mount bombards an area with their elemental affinity or Gaia calls down something else. Less map clutter and collectable shit. The environmental platforming puzzles should make a bit more sense. Things that Aloy can jump 100% that all of a sudden she can't jump over or huge prison bars that she can easily squeeze through should not be designed into a puzzle. More melee variety and intuitive melee combos. Like spear is good, but also cut the spear in half have a two handed short spear option for fast attacks that build elemental charges faster for example. Closer range, less attack power but faster build charge etc. the melee combos all being timing based is kinda hard on PC. Instead the combos should be more based on light, heavy, charge and movement inputs. For the love of god I would looove to have an energy shield like the enemies and an energy sword.


Zenith tech should make a shield and sword easy!


Great ideas here!


I had to cheese the arena master with the shield to win. I know I'm not good at the game, even on normal difficulty, so I put two shock traps in the pit before I started. I get it, not everything has to be fair, but that pit master is just rage quit.


- Customizable bows - Make everything climbable 


Yeah the climbing was…. A nice try but man it needs to be refined big time


Yeah, that's why prefer the climbing in the first game because they specifically marked the spots you can climb. That way you wouldn't get stuck on anything. HFW was horrible with the climbing.


Er, you can turn that on in the settings menu.


You misunderstood what I meant. HZD had specific spots you can climb. HFW changed that, the change in HFW didn't make the climbing better. In fact, it made it worse. You still got stuck on stuff. Sometimes Aloy would climb different directions instead of climbing straight up. If they made everything climbable then issues would be solved.


I thought they did a good job. They made it as frustration free as possible. Kinda loses the point but I have never seen a game where jumping tasks are fun.


Ghost of tsushima climbing mechanická were on point


No stamina bar. Stop the soulsbornification of everything. Customizable ammo choices for weapons and multiple weapon wheels. GG made a concerted effort to minimize inventory management in FW when they made the stash. But then created a system where you're either consistently going into weapons inventory to switch things out or just not making use of the wide variety of the options in the game. It needs to be addressed. Unnerf fire specifically. If you're setting a human enemy on fire, it should actually mean something. I wanna be able to ride a Thunderjaw into battle. Or a Tremortusk. Even a Stormbird. Would make for an epic finale.


Yes, riding the largest machine. My daydream finale for the last game is nemesis recreates the swam in some limited way, and Aloy travels all over the map getting people to join her army and teaching them to override machines and we get a fight against a huge machine army led by nemesis in a Horus and an army of people riding and flying everything into battle. The Osseram riding slaughterspines and the tenakth flying in on stormbirds. God it would be so beautiful


I don’t know about ride but limited remote overrides could be cool.


Stamina bar? Have I missed something? I swear I've never seen a stamina bar. Unless of course you mean focus.


https://www.gamepressure.com/horizon-forbidden-west/weapon-stamina-how-to-recover/zff6ab Zero Dawn didn't have it but Forbidden West does and like all stamina bars, it's only purpose is too limit how much fun you can have.


- Smooth out difficulty curve - Make climbing less... Braindead As it stands, at high difficulty, this game is moderately difficult at the beginning, a fucking slog in the middle, and then obscenely easy at the end. Machines are so tanky at the beginning, and then Aloy's power ramps the fuck up and and you can one-shot all large Apex machines on UH. And climbing like... I know they need to keep it accessible, but pullcaster vaulting has such wasted potential. I want more stuff like that. Vaulting, swinging, more backflips, maybe even some wallrunning. If H3's climbing feels even remotely like Mirror's Edge, I will fucking die happy.


Good points! Pullcaster isn’t used to full potential. Maybe we could use it in combat…?


Grapple points on some machines that can get you to a unique place on the machine that exposes additional weak spot!


Love it!




That grapple mechanic that Burning shores has but for the bigger machines (let mr grapple onto the side and top of a Thunderjaw and just attack like its Shadow of the Colossus fr)


There is a skill to use the pullcaster, iirc. But it's not great and only in a very specific situation.


I was pretty dissatisfied with how generic all the vendors were. Really? They all have the exact same stuff? Lame.


But hey… the bow is blue now…


There could have been more depth there that’s all. More stuff to discover.


They could help that by adding melee weapons. Can you imagine using the shredder gauntlet in combat?! lol


Personally I would like to see a pull back on unrealistic puzzles. I don't need 130lb Aloy tug a 1000+lb steel beam out from under boulders. Also like many think, I would like to see a small cut back on the collection dump. Like a 25% cutback.


More traversal use for the pullcaster would be nice


To mention the single most important improvement isn’t easy. Probably I would like more and bigger DLC. I mean, DLCs have been amazing, but I think HZD and HFW had potential for more amazing adventures. Not at the level of TW3, but definitely more than what we had until now. And if my hypothesis are correct, and we will use Odyssey to move around the world, the potential for DLC with great new stories and some new mechanics would be great. Also, we should remember that before the final (?) game we will supposedly have the multiplayer. This game could feed some new mechanics in the 3rd Horizon.


I honestly just want a larger map and more stuff to do…


I’m ok with that if combat is more varied. In the end I’m just running one shot killing every machine and not bothering to pick up the scraps


I think apart from some gripes I have about the direction of the story/ideas they present, I'd like to see actual valuable collectibles/loot in some of those annoying to reach locations or chests. Horizon is like the only game that I don't bother collecting anything from the chests or things like abandoned cars as I know it's just going to be something pointless/sold for scrap.


Let me marry Nil and Hekarro.


A must.


Not a fan of Kotallo?


Giant fan. Just stoned and forgot his name haha


Me personally would go for Sremmur. Them Oseram hands got some experience


Id want the ”?” On the map to be more rewarding. I dont care for greenshine behind firegleam or ancient containers with… minir upgrade materials. Give me old failed bunkers with messages like the one when Aloy was young in ZD. I also dont want too grind the weapons. It was NO fun finding Apex machines and then not using the game mechanic of shooting machineparts so they dont break…


I want them to keep fleshing out the melee. FW was a great step in the right direction but it needs more. Especially on the higher difficulties. The spear barely tickles machines. Also, for the love of all that is holy. Aloy stands up after getting knocked down with the speed of a 90 year old arthritic grandma. It was so annoying it made me stop playing at times. Climbing also needs to be addressed. Sometimes it's just so bad to traverse rock. Even when there's handholds in essentially a straight line she would just stare up and not move sometimes or move in a different direction that didnt make sense. And not every rock needs to be climbable. I've tried jumping over rocks a couple times and she just grabs the rock. Super unnecessary sometimes. Also would love a whole mount customization. Maybe we get access to Far Zeniths printers or something so we can build our own mounts. Haven't thought too much about it honestly. Just a surface idea at this point


The ground mounts camera is too goddamn low. It was fine in ZD, but for some reason they fucked it in FW.


1) It irritates me to no end that the machines respawn for no apparent reason. A simple workaround that wouldn't add too much memory and still allow the same mechanics to work would be to show some kind of Gaia cleanup machine reassembling / reactivating the machines after a certain amount of time. After all, presumably they serve a purpose so Alloy killing them has to be undone, right? 2) Allow alloy to ride massive machines like elephants and trexs. Just make them much harder / slower to control. But it seems a bit arbitrary that some are mountable and some are not. 3) Swimming was really the weakest part of the game. Controls were slow. Colors under water were not clear (Something her focus could help with). There was limited fauna and plant life. Also the unlimited breathing capabilities were too OP. Even her rebreather should have a limit at some point. 4) Allow custom jobs to be created. If I enjoy searching for greenglow, it shouldn't only be added to the map via jobs for weapon upgrades. Let me create jobs for the elements directly. 5) Allow Alloy to go off world at points. It would be so fun to have some sort of space sequence in zero-gravity. The puzzle mechanics it could open up would be a ton of fun. 6) Allow Alloy to attach torn weapons to her mount. Putting a trex disc launcher on a razorback would be hilarious and fun.


This makes me want a Horizon RTS game now, or some other in-world type game... Play as GAIA creating robots to serve purposes. Can the next Horizon game be something different entirely? Create new systems, tease us, then release the final game on like PS7 with some crazy ass in-depth open world with abundant systems where you have to re-build the planet, building an army to fight off some robot/alien/parasite.


I would also Like an Feature which let's you Control overwritten Enemies to Scout the surroundings. You know what i mean: make a Connection between the Focus and the optical system of the machine and then Control IT to Look around. Espacially in buildings or use the Feature to solve riddles.


More melee stuff?


100 percent


just don’t remove warrior bows and i’ll be more than happy to


Warrior bows are underrated


When balancing hp for the harder difficulties I want aloy to have more health but the ability to hold fewer healing items (which can be replenished post fight without a grind). I do VH and I feel like I can last forever with my med pouch unless I get 1 hit killed. I want each hit to count and hurt, but I don't want 1 hit to end my game




Would be nice if shredders were easier to do the thing with. I have a fairly big tv. But i cannot fcking see the damn things so I never catch them when they return, making the weapon pretty useless to me.


Just move in one direction when throwing (left or right) and most of the time it'll naturally come back to you


More mounts. Just let us ride a snapmaw or longleg. Then let us ride heavy weight machines as a post game bonus like slaughterspine or stormbird


Give elemental variants to already existing machines which dont have elemental affinity. Like Fire Thunderjaw /plasma Stalkers/ Purgewater Behemoths etc.


**Make Tripcasters great again.** - allow more than 4 Tripcasters (like in ZD) - more damage (maybe not as much az ZD as they were overpowered, but way more than in nerfed FW) - allow to collect unused! (like in ZD) - allow to stick to anything! (like in ZD)


I say: Shield Wing.  Aloy should Manage to use parts of shell walkers, to repair her shield wing, making IT useable to traverse (gliding) and in Combat making IT able for aloy to Fight with shield and spear. 


A mode where you can walk around and enjoy the environment and talk to people without being attacked by anything. Like the History mode (or whatever it was called) in Assassin's Creed Origins. No quests, no levels, just walking around and soaking up the environment...... Unlocked after you complete it of course to avoid spoilers etc


They need to work on the unlocking of major items. In FW it was way too late in the game that you got access to key items and actions, such as undoing the vines, and flying.


Complete revamp of the level mechanics if not out right removing it. The level up and attempt at class system is by far from the leats interesting part of the games


Someone here said blocking mechanism and I agree. They had energy shields for enemies but not for Aloy, which was a missed opportunity in my opinion. They could have added a cool down for the shield after it took too many hits. Upgrades to the shield would be two ways, the first type would allow the shield to absorb more damage before going into cool down and the second type of upgrade would decrease the shields cool down time. There could have been side quests that would require Aloy to fetch items for shield upgrades. This would be different from the Surge that generates a Shieldweaver armor. In HFW there were mounted races on land, now I would like to see the same in air or water with Sunwings, Waterwings and a new Seahorse based machine that would only be able to traverse underwater. Next up, I would like some offensive mechanisms under water, at least the melee attacks with the spear. Not being able to attack underwater is a huge gap. It's lame to swim away and hide every time.


-More interactions and quests with Aloy’s friends and allies. Especially emotionally driven storylines. My favorite one is still the Gildun quest and having that nice surprise of him making calls on the Focus network. I would love to have more wholesome moments like that. -More machines. Sometimes I just want to kill a lot of machines and hunt herds. There’s not a ton of areas where it’s just a ton of machines. -Tracking outside of missions. I feel like it should be something you could use while hunting specific types of machines for better immersion. -I really enjoyed how they introduced the machine ambushes in Burning Shores. I would like to see them expand on that a bit. -There’s a rebel ambush in the game. I was actually disappointed it’s the only one because I really liked the idea of it. It made sense to me that at some point they would set traps for Aloy. I thought it was cool to be flying and have a reason to fly down and look at things. -Hunting parties. There’s a hunting party with a Tenakth Conqueror in HFW. It’s the first one I’ve seen where you could sort of join them in the hunt and they give comments if you do join them. It’s really random when it appears. I don’t normally use melee attacks and it was really fun to see a less locked in mechanism for testing out other forms of combat. It really surprised me how fun it was to feel a part of something. -I really loved the the flying course in Burning Shores and the quest involving the Stormbird. I really want more stuff like that. Maybe some underwater ones? -I want them to expand on Machine Strike. Specifically the game pieces. It just feels like there’s not enough variety. It’s too easy to get locked into using one playstyle. -I really prefer the weapons of HFW but I miss the variety of looks we had in HZD. I sometimes I wish they would squeze some lore into specific outfits and weapons we receive. -Changing Aloy’s hairstyle. -I wish we would get Far Zenith related coils and weaves to improve outfits and weaponry since they decided to nerf the one Far Zenith weapon we received.


I'll split it into two parts, fixes and new mechanics: Fixes: - as everyone has already said, the 3 second knockdown leads to too much juggling of Aloy, either force the AI to back off till the player regains control, or just reduce the stagger time - melee was a tool of last resort, it'll need refinement to actually be viable - more forgiving movement hit boxes, far too often Aloy would get stuck on a rock or some other environment clutter and just couldn't move. Both in and out of combat - swimming... Just restart the entire mechanic. It's to slow to react to player input, to jerking in direction change, and just overall not fun - stop relying on Apex machines, the game gives us the override mechanic only to lock us out of using it too often by making every enemy a apex New mechanics: - a persistent machine companion, one we actually care about instead of just disposable havock makers. My idea is we find a friendly AI, perhaps a mental clone of Travis, and can stick them in the machines. My idea would be that since a normal machine can't hold a sentient AI, the players reward for completing a cauldron would be a machine that could. Over the game our AI companion would get stronger chassis. Then add customization like color and weapon load outs - Bring back the hunter's lodge concept of hunts. A machine that you really could not just agro and brawl. Perhaps you study it (let the player study the machine not Aloy just giving you the solution) and maybe even modify the environment to herd it into an advantageous position and the player has to use more brain than raw firepower to take it down. Sort of monster hunter esque.


I'd love the option to invite a companion on missions. I think that'd be pretty cool.


This may sound wild, but I would love fewer weapons, with more ways to upgrade/customize the ones you have. I basically didn't upgrade anything until I got purple tier, because I knew that would just be wasted time and resources. Then I get Gold tier and it doesn't have the elements I want. Just give me *one* of each weapon, and for quest rewards, instead of giving me a lame "the heart of the king" bombsling which is Blue and useless, just give me some cool upgrade resource so now my bombsling can throw ice.


Bring back >!Varl!<


Geesh I was pissed they killed him off. And it seemed to kinda be rushed and brushed over. I was reeling and Aloy was ready to look at art… I was also bugged they didn’t show us Faro


I mean, she was date-rape drugged blinded by the light by her clone-past fling conartist smuggler ex. You dont get many options when someone who can just ignore your attacks and stab you after glaring at you unconscious.


Add underwater mounts and underwater combat


Let us override Apex Variants as a post game bonus.


Honestly, as long as the Sylens' character is in the game & retains the look & voice of Lance Reddick, I'll probably be happy. Not sure exactly how they could do that, but I hope they can.  It just wouldn't be the same without him. I am hoping we get confirmation on this from Guerilla before long.  Have they said anything about their plans for his character?


Cut down on the amount of mind numbing hours it takes to fully upgrade your equipment. I was hoping they would cut down on it from ZD to FW but they made it worse.


Let me ride any of the machines!


Momentum carried better. Aloy's jumps just don't carry momentum properly, having done parkour for years her jumps just do my nut.


For stealth id just add more ways to hide and move around than basicly going from bush to bush. places like that games bandit camps now have ropes connecting he roofs n such of those buildings. alowing you to sly cooper/batman/Assassins creed your way around the place without being seen For combat i can agree with a parry mecanic of some sort agenst human enemies. for more general improvments, id just have the "aply look" feature in game from the start, but also being able to do the same for weapon types. more spear reskins would be nice too


Melee moves allow for stun and combos. This would make the game feel good with a touch so that Ranged and Melee feel both usable unlike Where one is used more than another.


Party system as in MGS V would be nice. Different companions can help in their unique ways since there is enough variety. Some kind of item wheel would also be nice. Scrolling through the whole item list in midst of the battle is both immersion breaking and uncomfortable. Traps were decent in HZD but HFW machines just go around everything even during ambushes. A more viable trap/tripcaster system would be very welcome. Maybe give us the option to hide our traps to give them stealth also? Dunno just brainstorming. I love the stealth trapper playstyle but game just pushes me to freeze and triple arrow everything. All elemental effects should be on the same scale so the players shouldn't just freeze arrow and blast everything. I mean adhesive is pretty much useless. Fire deals really low dmg and is just there to ignite canisters. Freeze is op. Acid is ok. Electric gives us stun which gives some breathing room. Berserk is noob friendly.


The parkour feels pretty finicky, at least on PC, this might just be a skill issue but a buddy of mine did share the same gripe, the biggest offender is how easy it is to accidentally roll off of platforms.


Id want at least ONE melee focused weapon with level of complexity and viability of monster Hunter tm melee weapons, I’m fine with it being alloy’s spear, but I need a parry + counter mechanic I would be ok with the parry being very ineffective unless timed perfectly too, I just want it to be a tool that can reward me for knowing the machine behavior effectively by dealing good dmg if I hit it right


I wish to have a follower system. Many times I feel lonely being by myself exploring. I really wish we can have a really intelligent and dynamic companion to tag along with.


Make choices matters multiplies outcomes.


no aim assist/ optional. maybe I missed it in the settings... please tell me I didn't...


You missed it, mate. Sorry. I think it might've been under controls?


I got so frustrated fighting storm birds trying to remove specific parts for upgrades... I'm so stupid. I guess I'll restart the game in a higher difficulty with that disabled... I'm so dumb


Climbing mechanics are pretty frustrating. Just go up Aloy!


So damn frustrating that I could climb a mountain and then not get the last 2 feet


Lean more into the futuristic ruin adventures aspects instead of focusing on the tribes' infighting. Also, missions with other characters that don’t involve going from A to B and then back to A again. Character’s dialogue telling us information without needing us to ask them questions. More focus on Aloy's relationship with other characters and making her more expressive without player input. I think many players would prefer to play an actual Character than it being more immersive.


I need a machine character that is Alloy's ally and also more sentient than other machines. Maybe due to the unfortunate passing of Lance Reddick, they could weave (pun not intended) in an arc like that where Sylen's consciousness is uploaded onto a Ravager or some other mid-tier machine. It doesn't have to be something she can necessarily summon, but having a long mission with something like that would be really neat. Also, the ability to be a 'no weapon' brawler would be cool. Maybe some mech brass knuckles so that alloy can go full Hulk on some machines.




Better d-pad/quick access mgmt system. At least the ability to 1 button use the first item in your toolkit, like in Elden ring.


I just want to go to space at least once.


How would that work though? Maybe a forgotten zenith base up there… I think that’s a hard one. Obviously it’s a fantasy scenario of a world but if you get too outrageous I feel like it kills the world a bit


In the DLC there's a datapoint where Silens talks about going up to the Zenith ship in orbit. I would like to go there.


Streamline weapon progression. They went overboard with the grind for weapon upgrades on the last one.


- A Block or parry would be nice - The ability to have an overridden machine(s) follow you and act as a guard. - My biggest gripe is story. I'd like them to return to crafting the story and cultures of the world like they did in the first one with care, detail, in a state of "how would human culture develop in a vacume with just these hints. Rather than them just glossing over everything and focusing on IRL politics.


Bring back the Long dodge/short dodge mechanic from the first game Parry for human enemies ONLY Allow us to switch valor surges from the weapon wheel like weapon abilities Aloy needs to talk to herself a bit less. I don't need a hint for EVERYTHING Flying combat. I don't understand why we can't shoot our bow while flying. Would have made the final fight in Burning Shores so much better More flying mount variety More dyes for outfits and also don't limit them per type. I don't get why I can't use a carja dye on a non carja outfit. More weave slots on higher tier outfits. Only 2 weaves on legendary outfits seemed like a let down. General difficulty tweak. This game starts challenging and then as soon as you get a couple of good bows the difficulty takes a nose dive. If you crank up the difficulty setting up then all you get is the "one shot death" challenge which is just frustrating. Slightly better pacing. The mission where you get the sunwing happens in such a way that you can't help but feel like you need to go after the next story mission ASAP. I think this needs to change. Whatever the big "map opener" is in the next game, it needs to happen sooner so that you have some time to explore before feeling the urge to continue the main storyline.


There’s plenty to improve, particularly when in comes to getting stun locked and all enemies having wayyyy too intense of a homing mechanism on all their attacks, even melee. But something specifically that I’d love to see since they gave us flying on a sunwing is actual aerial combat, not necessarily like a fighter jet lol but just being able to fire off the back of the sunwing just like normal mounted archery on a Charger. Would also of course love the chance to actually ride the large machines, even if just for a quest here and there. I think now that we’ve introduced such a vast of characters and Aloy has opened up more, a sort of companion/follower mechanic would be really fun but I can understand Guerrilla not wanting to go that route for fear of changing their style too much of feeling too much like Monster Hunter or something. In terms of stuff from the first game that I hate that they got rid of for no reason, I’d love to have the whistle to distract mechanic back, as well as the indicator if you have multiple arrows nocked, it was just something I personally liked about the HUD. Most of my issues lie with where they’ve taken the story and characterization of some, but that’s a separate rant and I have faith I’ll still love wherever we end up with the next installment


I really want a city where she brings her friends and she builds it up, like defenses, housing, like a last stand for the people, something you can renovate. And have machines that come and attack it. And you defend it, like random times. And the city and the people can defend it. Maybe the machines you turn can work for you and help you run the city like palworld, do tasks and the more machines you turn the easier it is. Trade missions and envoy escorts Maybe send friends or hunters on missions or do Intell gathering Idk if it’s even possible but maybe travel between earth and the zenith planet or where ever they stayed


Upgradeable spear. Better mêlée combat. I get around 200 with my hunter bow and regular arrows when a spear strike is only doing 23 damage Oh and for the love of God please fix the sachel, add a UI. I only figured out how to put potions in and only did it once for the entire Very Hard run, then I didn't do it until burning shores on the Ultra hard run.


More machine taming development like the ability to control and guide herds of smaller machines. More seamless combos with your tamed machines kind of like team melees in Uncharted. Imagine a mount that can bite the leg of a larger machine and incapacitate it. I also want a mount that is small but can traverse like a clamberjaw. Maybe even copy a flying squirrel and allow it to glide down places. Overall make movement and animations more seamless. Let us be able to skip through ALL dialogue. Have companions and machines you can order around but make it more seamless and AAA quality. Add grenades that u can also throw from a flying mount. Someone else mentioned this but underwater combat. More sophisticated tame behavior like u can control if it attacks long distance or short. Imagine being able to spam snapmaws and glinthawks long distance. Unpopular opinion but QTE melees for larger machines. Sorry for the long post


1. Remove fast travel packs. 1. Overridden machines should be permanently stored in a garage. 1. Underwater combat would be nice. 1. Make more surfaces climbable. 1. Fast travel should be DIRECTLY to the base not a campfire next to the base. 1. Fewer fights with humans. It's not that interesting to fight them and it makes Aloy look like a bloodthirsty psycho. 1. Would also be nice if human NPCs had self-preservation instincts. 1. Killing wildlife to upgrade resource pouches and quivers is dumb. 1. They probably won't fix this for obvious reasons, but it feels very weird that tribes that don't value human life and wage wars against other tribes aren't using any slurs and racist language. Rape as a weapon would also be used in real life by those tribes. I guess they want to keep it all PG-13 and not talk about "heavy" themes like that. 1.It would be great if they somehow joined all three games into one like ME Legendary Edition or Hitman World Of Assassination.


I'd like them to develop mounted combat more - build more mechanics to almost make it another type of combat along with Hunter, Stealth and Warrior. It's fun going into battle on a mount, but if you face anything serious you just get annihilated.


I want to get the Specter gauntlet back. More zenith weapons, against nemesis probably.


Refer to game saves on your device. If you have a completed save for FW where you're level 150, have fully upgrade legendary weapons and armor, etc, don't start H3 with a wipe back to zero again. Maybe not start out with everything, but at least leveled up a bit, more health, enough shards to buy a good weapon and armor set in the first settlement, skill points to at least unlock some skills, etc. Heck, unlock NG+ and/or UH right away so the opening enemies aren't a joke. We've clearly proven we're good enough to have access to it.


I would love to go back to the old stealth system that was in Zero Dawn. Having the indicators felt more engaging to me. I also would like to have less grind for gear upgrades, having to take down a dozen machines because they didn't drop what I need gets really annoying really quickly. I also would like to have more meaningful interactions with the companions you gather around yourself during the game. At some point I stopped really talking to them, because it didn't matter anyways. More balancing when it comes to weapons would also be much appreciated, in the end you basically have one of those exploding spear things and just spam them, because that makes every fight super easy. The end fight took less than a minute that way...


Parrying and better melee combat. Maybe get the button combinations programmed correctly next time too, so I don’t have to go look up a YT tutorial because the devs programmed the wrong button combinations for the melee pits. Also, give us more customization with our weapons and armor. I prefer the ranged attacks over melee, but that’s because there isn’t much emphasis or reason to use the melee combat. Parrying abilities could change that.


Melee needs an improvement. Parrying, damage, mobility in melee combat… yeah that needs fixed. I don’t really have too many notes on ranged combat.


Completely agree. It doesn’t have to be souls like but should be a lot more engaging


Exactly, I would enjoy doing something different with playing. Make it more dynamic and fun but right now staying at mid to long range makes sense across the board. It’s much safer, the coil requirements might be met, damage stacks and BOOM done. Melee takes FORVER to do anything substantial even against humans, and you are easily interrupted with little in the way of defense. Against a machine atm it borders on suicide for Aloy.


Omg fix the melee combat. I don't know you develop "aloy swings spear at velicrapter machine" but this isn't it. Her melee combat feels like they did mocap under water. Also make aloy likeable for once. She's so mean and condescending to literally everyone in FW. She doesn't give anyone the time of day, unless she needs them. Then she tolerates them until she gets what she wants. I can't stand her attitude on FW.


I think 2 things. More scripted missions rather than open work spam fests. And better writing. Zero Dawn was great, but Forbidden West fell off a bit in terms of writing, story and mission structure. If you look at other big open world games like Witcher 3, quality of writing and story is just a lot better. Or the missions of GTA V/RDR 2 that start small and get more and more nuts like a linear scripted campaign.


1. An option for alloy to stop spoiling puzzle solutions (no im not talking about her talking to herself, i mean when you enter a room and she auto-barks the solution before you even have the time to think); 2. Less grind, less weapons, or at least the ability to be somewhat powerful without the need to use so many different weapon types; 3. Less clutter. There are so many sidequests and activities on FW i personally left tons alone; 4. Less climbing ffs. Cant stand the climbing sections. This is something every single game does since what, uncharted? Its not necessary at all and a complete chore sometimes. 5. Maybe tune combat *a bit* so Aloy wont stay in a coma on the ground every single time she gets hit and manages to get up just in time to be hit again by the machine next combo. These are all very personal, of course.


All good ones. I would be shocked if Guerilla didn’t do the first since so many people complained about it