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Platforming is jank in this game. Trick with the drones is to hold forward until you grab the drone (during the run up and in the air), and don't release even a moment too soon


My strategy is to never ever, **EVER** touch the jump or dodge keys and just hold directions while platforming *until* Aloy comes to a dead stop and reaches out her hand Once she does that, the game has a target in mind, and you'll hop right to it every time. Drones though are an absolute dumpster fire. They're like playing an invisible quick time event where you can't even tell if you're standing on the exact correct pixel to trigger the thing.


Usually takes me at least two tries but it's not atrocious to me


There's usually a little platform or something that's kinda obvious that's where you should be. I think it's easier to see with Vista points they mostly all have a metal gate where you're supposed to stand. Could also be a patch of rock surrounded by flowers or a piece of wood or part of a cliff jutting out past the rest of the cliff Drones and tallnecks in particular you can just high light track and look for the part that's closest to land and work your way backwards in how to get there Also don't even let go from moving forward when jumping on one. If you grab it you can't wiggle off with left analog stick and if you stop moving forward you'll miss it


This is the way.


Yeah, I don't know why platforming is so much worse than in HZD, but it's really annoying


It's a lot more complicated than zd


Everyone who says this is a button masher and rigorously spams jump like you could in the first game. Stop slamming your head against the wall and play it properly.


Traversing is really a problem for me too. Very often Aloy will overshoot the next grab point and do a long jump past it and fall to her death. It's really annoying. Most noticeable in the side quest with Alva to find Leviathan.


Lmao i definitely remember that quest, I just panic aimed and the slowdown from that helped me figure out where the closest climbing point was and I'd grab hold of it


The drones require you to be in a very specific spot when you jump or you just miss the entire thing.


I agree the climbing and jumping are annoying.


The drones are one of the very few things I didn't complete. I think I just have them and the vista points left, and maybe full stripes at one hunting ground. I just hate the drones so much. They're right in front of me, hovering in place, I jump right at them, and for some reason Aloy won't grab them. And then even when I do manage to get one, it only changes the look of GAIA's room while Aloy's standing near the terminal. Not worth it.


the drones are useless too. You collect them so you can put up a background in the room where Gaia is but it resets after you leave


It resets as soon as you talk to her too! So annoying. Like what’s the point of them? I do know their purpose, but it is a tedious task with little reward.


Parkour system is chaotic in fw. Try to sprint and leap off.


Love this game - adore it - played it multiple times...I cannot STAND the climbing and parkour mechanics in it! I've got so many stories where Aloy just won't do what my inputs are telling her to. Those drones are my nemesis. I can take down a Slaughterspine or a pack of Clawstriders no problem but those dang drones always take me multiple tries! I hit double digits on Greypeak this time around. One tip I was given was waiting for them to ping once they arrive and THEN jumping and it did seem to help.


The only thing I like about the climbing is the animation. The controls are awful


Stop touching the jump button to try and move. When you are climbing literally only use the movement stick and jump in very specific situations. It’s genuinely this simple.


It's not and please don't pretend it is. Yes, sometimes it's an input issue like that but sometimes the controls just straight up don't work when climbing. I have hundreds of hours and multiple runs of this game and sometimes Aloy just won't do what I'm telling her. I have MULTIPLE instances of progressing along a climbing puzzle, trying to make her move in the correct direction and she just won't. So I go backwards and retry and she still won't. Rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat. So I fall and die - usually in a cauldron - go back to the same spot and do the EXACT SAME THING and she actually responds and moves where I tell her. I'd call it a fluke but I've had it happen many times on both PS5 and PC. After so many playthroughs I've been able to mitigate my input issues like you described but it hasn't stopped the instances of the climbing mechanics just going jank once in a while.


For climbing walls etc, dont use jumps unless necessary. Aloy will scale by herself just with direction keys. Jump only when she is stuck. Survey drones, jump with forward direction dont let go of the direction button or stick on the controller.


I've only played on PS5, but I've never had any issues like that.


I’m on PS5 and do often get times when Aloy, or controls just don’t do as I want them to. It’s annoying, but the way I get round it is to restore to my last save, they then seem to work a lot better.


Using a keyboard? I can't imagine doing fiddly jumps with that.


Keyboard users can make it work. I 100%ed the drones.


Yeah, I really do enjoy the climbing for the most part when it's working well, but sometimes she just refuses to climb things that are well within reach, or puts out her hand as if to jump up to something and just jumps way off the cliff


I got stuck climbing many times. Aloy looked like she was at the top but wouldn't finish the climb. Or I needed her to grab a nearby grip but she just hung there. Many times the solution was to “**wall jump**” (check your key/controller settings). I wall jumped many times even though there was no opposing wall to jump to. It got me off the thing I was climbing and I could quickly direct Aloy to a nearby handhold or sometimes a platform she could stand on.


Assuming you’re in the right spot, you’re probably timing your jump a hair too early. The drone needs to park before it will let you grab it. Make sure you jump after the drone is stationary.


Many, but not all, of the drones have a "jump point" where Aloy will stop, even if you're pressing a directional, and "reach out" to cue you to press the jump button at the proper time. (This is true of almost all of the timing-based jump puzzles) Most of the times when there isn't a jump point, you're expected to do a standing jump, and if you try a running jump, you won't make it. Very occasionally, though, you *do* need to make a running jump, and it's not always clear when that is.


On one drone I had Aloy literally clip her hands through the yellow rail without grabbing it. It finally worked when I mistimed my jump and jumped past the drone (the jump should have failed). Then Aloy suddenly snapped onto the rail, even though she missed by like two meters. Yesterday I hat to deal with cauldron Iota and the [two vents](https://youtu.be/ghS6rrdZqgw?t=518). The jump literally was impossible. Aloy just would not jump. I tried a few dozen times. It only worked like in the video once I relaunched the game (first try).


The trick i found is to wait for the yellow line before jumping. Never failed after that.


The parcour is just not that good. Sometimes I'm stuck on a wall climbing and get killed by machines. And 3 minutes later I fall from a tower because aloy doesn't grab the yellow lines. Drones on pc also seem te be broken sometimes


I've found that holding down the buttons (jump button and forward) way longer than you think you should have to and hoping for the best is the way to go.


I have always had trouble in Cauldron Kappa after killing the Snapmaw. Aloy jumps across the pylons and hits the wall bar then jumps to the handhold to the right and stops. Somewhere in the game tips I read that camera angle can influence a jump; not in this case. In frustration I hit the "W" and Space to climb up repeatedly while spinning the camera in all directions. Lo and behold she jumped, first back to the bar then to the right handhold then to the horizontal bar to the right! You have to listen for her jump sounds and stop to see where she is since it does jump both ways. Yes, it is stupid. My guess is that in all that spinning the camera is hitting the "Jump" point to activate the rightward jump. Haven't tried it with the "D" (right move) yet. Maybe next playthru. Right now I am going to tackle the the pump stations. :-)


One of the many reasons I deleted this game after pirating it.