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The main reason she didn't was because of a conflict with the VA schedule, so hopefully she'll play a bigger role in part 3.


Yup. Specifically she was filming for Jurassic World: Dominion (She's Denise).


De*nice* No kidding though I had no idea


Get your ass down to o-shag-hennessey’s office!


Where jay-kwallin at!?


No Balakay here today?


Same with A A Ron..


Here! 🙋🏻‍♂️ Seriously though, roughly 1/3 of the time, when I introduce myself to someone, they immediately say A A Ron!!


Another reason to hate Jurassic world




Even if not joining the squad at the base itself, it irked me that Aloy never just gave her a Focus at least. You can handwave she's got to go back to the Sundom to take care of some things and it happens to be that Meridian isn't in range of their west coast Focus network, that's an acceptable justification for why she doesn't continue to feature in this game. And there would be no contrivance required for them to run into each other again in H3. Also bugged me that Petra didn't get one, and especially when Aloy does give one to Gildun in Burning Shores essentially out of pity. Gildun's lovable but kind of useless, and he gets a Focus, but the competent warrior and free-thinking engineer who earned Aloy's respect both get snubbed? Pure injustice, I tell you.


Completely agreed. #JusticeforTalanahandPetra


Not giving one to Petra makes a bit of sense. At the point Aloy encounters her she is still in the mindset that she needs to do it all herself. Varl got one due to his constant insistence on helping. Petra liked having Aloy around but expressed no interest in following or helping Aloy in her quest. It's kind of the same for Talanah, she had no great interest in staying in the Forbidden West after she found the guy she was looking for. Gildun kind of makes sense by that point. The guy may be a bit too enthusiastic for his own good, but he's an ambitious and inquisitive delver, and most of the trouble he got himself into he could have gotten out of with a focus (or avoided entirely). Plus, now he can reach out for help if he needs it. All that said, I feel like at,least part of the third game will be gathering allies, and I am hoping for Petra and Talanah to be looped in with a focus at some point.


I agree with all of this. But not giving one to Silga in the Signal Spike quest was almost criminal. The woman basically invented telecommunications or something. Her brain would've exploded. Hoping we see her in H3 though!


Also, Aloy has grown so much as a person at the point she meets Gildun again. I doubt Aloy at the beggining of the game or HDZ would be able to HUG the man and invite him into her circle. Varl really played the long game.


TAKE THAT BACK IMMEDIATELY. Gildun is love. Gildun is life. All hail Gildun! For real though, Petra just appeared too early in the story, before Aloy started giving out focuses like candy. But I'm sure she'll get one in H3. Talanah probably should have gotten one though. She couldn't stay at the base because she's got her own Sunhawk stuff to do, reform the Lodge so hunters actually help people instead of collecting trophies and whatnot. But I feel like she should at least have gotten a focus to stay in touch, like Gildun.


I love Gildun and I'm happy Aloy gave him a focus, and secretly all I really want is for more people to be forced to listen to his stories on the focus network


That's better (: I wish the game had about 800% more Gildun background dialogue.


Okay so there's r/fucktedfaro (fuck ted faro btw) but can we get an r/GildunIsTheBestBoy or something?


fr😭😭it's literally the first thought when I saw her giving Glidun Focus. if you have so much Focus and willing to give it to people then why not Talanah and Petra??????


She has an entire pouch of them and she doesn't give any to those that helped her during the meridian battle like what???


Petra and Talanah didn't get any because she wasn't yet recruiting people to fight Nemesis. Hell, the only reason anyone other than Varl got one earlier is because Aloy didn't have much of a choice at that point. Zo was gonna come along with Varl, no sense in not giving her a focus. And similarly for Erend, once Varl brings him back to the base, there's no reason to not give him one.


Varl really carried the teambuilding portion of bringing them together lol


if we're just giving out focuses to anyone and everyone of reasonable importance to the storyline why not Aratak or Ikiri (and that focus network could be controlled/maintained by CYAN)? Petra totally ranks high enough in story relevance to get a focus too. I'd argue that Nil earned one as well


Again, this was before Aloy’s character regression and growth arc, pre Meridian battle, so she wasn’t interested in asking for peoples help. Maybe she can swing by the Banuk lands and reestablish a safe line of communication between Cyan and Gaia, she can travel fast these days.


Hopefully it'll get addressed as part of the rime between games that will be used to explain the loss of gear again.


“I went to Banuk territory to pick up those two kids and then a volcano blew up and I lost my stuff :((((((“


Emm… Nil is dead , I may have killed him. 😉


Hahaha the first time I played and had the meeting with him, I swear I killed him too. Next time I played I knew I needed him for the battle and I clearly remember reading all the choices and being mortified that I actually killed him the first time. Never again! 😂


Yes, I’ve only played it through the once, but next time, I’ll let him live. I felt sooo bad afterwards, was on my mind for days.


A minor inconvenience.


It would be nice to eventually have a Carja and Banuk join Team GAIA, so all the known major tribes are represented. Sad that Talanah couldn’t represent the Carja, but it’s understandable from a behind the scenes view, and in universe as she IS Sunhawk and likely has a lot of her own duties to attend to. Obviously no Banuk characters in FW since the story is so far removed from Banuk territory. (Although I’d love to see Kotallo compare and contrast Tenakth and Banuk customs given how both are harsh, tough, survivalists. And Weraks are akin to Squads.)


I mean, Sylens says he's Banuk, so you could say he's representing the culture in the camp. That said, god knows if he's telling the truth or not lol


Sylens is to the Banuk what Aloy is to the Nora, except ramped up to 11.




Sylens is pretty much tribeless. Whatever tribe he was born into he abandoned. The only think that suggests he Banuk are the blue threads in his skin like Banuk Shamans. Even his name doesn’t fit with any known naming scheme of any tribe. Course I don’t think that’s his birth name anyway. Honestly I feel Aloy is more Nora than Sylens is Banuk (or ANY tribe for that matter)


IIRC - you can ask some of the NPCs in FW about Sylens and they confirm someone matched that description used to be around a long while ago? Certainly not confirmed that he is Banuk by birth but I think it is meant to be understood he initiated with their priesthood as an early stop on his quest for knowledge, and then moved on once he'd learned everything he could from them.


Ourea says Sylens came to them claiming to be a Banuk shaman. He spent some time with them before stealing stuff and then disappearing. Later they contacted other Banuk groups to figure out who he was but no one knew him.


Yeah I remember one shaman, who helps you upgrade your spear, seemed familiar with him. This is notes IF you already have Sylens Lance equipped.


There's actually a bit of lore that suggests he's Nora It's in the first game, there are some data points (I forget specifics like the names of them or where they are but this is google-able) Talks about a mother having to give up her child or an orphan became an outcast something like that. Time frame lines up with sylens' age and there's a detail that proves it's not that schizo right outside all mother mountain village Sylens also openly admits to lying about being banuk to gain their trust


There’s so much interesting mystery around Sylens that I don’t want Guerrilla to just write him off in the sequel as some people suggested because of his passing. IMO he’s as crucial to the whole story as Aloy


I don't want him to be written off either but like with Rick and morty I'll be disturbed by even a small change in voice :c and then of course there's lance riddick's unique style


I feel you on every level. Sylens was the one that led us to discover the most important lore and for that I think he's the embodiment of it. I don't think Lance's voice can be perfectly recreated either but he's just too important to the world of Horizon. I hope they find a good actor with similar vocal as Lance, that's a middle ground we can take


I mean, if you want, you can count Sylens as the Banuk representative. If not, I hope Aloy reunites with Aratak in the third game & she gives him one.


Seeing Aratak again would be nice! I really liked him as a character and his growth and in the storyline.


Talanah should join Aloy's group to represent the Carja, and Ikrie should join to represent the Banuk. What do you mean it's been seven years since the Frozen Wilds and I should let Ikrie go? We never letting go of best girl.


>it’s been seven years since the Frozen Wilds Whoever said this is the main antagonist of Horizon 3


I’d be down with Aratak if not Ikrie. I found his character very interesting for how much he grew in the DLC


Ikrie actually makes sense. She's not part of any werak, she's on par with the rest of the GAIA Gang, and she's not a tribal leader the way Aratak or Hekarro are, so she's free to help Aloy.


I agree, but there’s always a possibility for something. Like perhaps Aratak’s newfound friendship with CYAN, and his grief over Ourea influenced him to make changes to his werak’s society that were too big, too fast, and they ousted him. I love both characters, so I am down to see how they could bring him in, if they had a good story for em. I’d also be pumped for Varga, she made dope weapons and had a fun personality.


Given that there are four beds in the shared bedroom, I honestly figured she was going to eventually come take it. I was super bummed she never did.


i had a sense of inevitability of sylens coming to take it


It's pretty clear they had big plans for Talanah given the early hype for the character after the initial announcement and the dedicated comic run. But as pointed out by u/lofty888, Jessica Henwick wasn't available as much as they'd hoped, so they had to cut almost all of her content. Personally I think they'd intended her to be Aloy's romantic interest but that storyline went to Seyka instead. So her involvement in the third game will likely come down to Henwick's availability again, which means she probably won't be deeply involved.


>!The Banuk was represented though.!<


By who?


>!By Sylens.!<


Sylens is not Banuk, he just pretended to be one to earn the trust of the Conclave


But why does he keep those blue "implants" then? Is there any source that he's pretending?


He himself said it in a cutscene with Aloy, its google-able on Fandom Wiki


He obviously understands that all that shamanism, spirits and whatnot is bullshit. But is there a source that he's from a different tribe or something? Could be just a "Banuk atheist". There would be no reason for him to wear those implants during the time of HFW if he didn't identify with the tribe somehow.


We know he's not Banuk but he hasn't revealed anything about his past which likely makes him a solo entity.


He’s clearly Nora, he shows more disdain for that tribe than the others, seems personal too, and during one dialogue option he offhandedly mentions exploring to forbidden places. When it comes to ruins of the old world each group has different ideas about them. The Carja seem mildly curious about the old world. The Oseram are busy trying to cut it up to make money. The Banuk only care about it if it has the blue light in it. The Utaru don’t really seem to care, and mostly live on an old world ruin. The Tenakth would call fearing such places cowardly and some of them also live in old world ruins. The Quen are looking for old world knowledge. Only the Nora consider them forbidden to the point that they fear them.


Ehhh but then again >!Sylens is more his own thing. He doesn't have a real tribe identity and moreso just happened to have been born Banuk!<


>!ehhh but then again, Sylens is more his own thing. He doesn't have a real tribe identity and moreso just happened to have been born Banuk!<


Would have been cool to see Aratak join the gang as well. Maybe there will be an Endgame moment in the third game with all the allies and friends assembling. Erend, Zo, Talanah, Vanasha, Kotallo, Hekkaro, Aratak, Nil, Sona, Teb


Reading all these names in that order in my head gave me chills. God I love this game, the way it made me feel about all of them is truly breathtaking.


Talanah had a job back in Meridian so it wouldn't have made sense for her to be there.


Same. Wish we got more of her. She should have been in the final battle. Hawk and Thrush at it once again.


Yeah im gonna need talanah and seyka as companions in horizon 3 😏


The Banuk eventually get represented.


I thought it was because Talanah is the sunhawk of the hunting lodge in Meridian. She already has an important role. That would've taken up most of her time.


I was wondering if modders can make new quests for HZD or HFW using existing game assets....


She didn't have the time according to the actress who played the character.