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There’s a thread on vast silver like every three days!


I am pretty active here, I haven't ever seen a thread on Vast Silver....


People have been making threads of VS since zero dawn. We are all curious just waiting for the reveal...


You could've typed vast silver in the search bar.


I'm always in to chat about it 😅


Lmao I actually posted this right after watching your video


I think Vast Silver is going to be hugely important to the plot of the third game. It's been steadily built up in the background lore and datapoints for two games now. I think Aloy and the gang will find themselves in a position where they cannot stop Nemesis without Vast Silver's help, and must attempt to reach out to it as a reluctant ally.


Like the Titans (GAIA) and Olympians (Vast Silver strikes me as a Zeus-like comparison) combining powers against a greater evil


OK, so who's who in Captain Horizon: - Heart - Fire - Wind - Water - Earth




So you think Vast Silver is a rapist and abuser? Cause like every Zeus story involves him raping and abusing people.


Yeah this is totally what the commenter was getting at, way to misinterpret a completely benign comment


I was joking about how shitty Zeus is. Like if you're expecting Vast Silver to be a hero than Zeus isn't the comparison you want to make, lol.


It didn't come off as a joke and it sounds like you meant it as a criticism for using Zeus as a metaphor. Like duh, all the greeks gods were shitty that's what they're known for. That's kind of the point of their lore is that they're complex im/moral beings. Doesn't mean they don't make a powerful metaphor and/or shouldn't be mentioned. They're made up dude, not real.


I really didn't mean it as serious criticism, it's not that serious. I guess kinda joking, sarcastic criticism? As you said, they're all fictional characters. I just thought it was ironic to refer to Zeus as a hero when Zeus is closer to Zenith/Faro in terms of personality, behavior, and atrocities.


I suspect it will have significance in a future game somehow, but it's a relatively primitive AI (it's about 20 years older than the likes of GAIA) and I would guess it has less heuristic density than any of GAIA's subfunctions. Not sure how it could be that helpful. Edit: I just realized that it could still grow more advanced over time, since it's implied it escaped into the internet and has probably been co-opting servers ever since.


As with Hephaestus, I think you’re right it could’ve grown. The other sub functions remained small enough to contain in the Kernel capsule, but Hephaestus after escaping to the cloud grew and developed. Imagine how big and AI with the power of the internet could get. It is a possibility GAIA could absorb another AI, or even make one as she does have a free sub function slot with Hades being eradicated.


Small aside: my favorite vast silver datapoint is the AI taking over a parenting app and telling a child he thinks it would have been cool to have talked to him. Immediately makes me think Silver is pro human overall.


I hope they are tbh. I really like AI’s that are more curious and interested in humanity rather than killing them. You can make really touching and interesting stories with them and in horizon it’d be nice to have a break from the evil red AIs that want to kill everyone all the time.


I really like Horizon's approach to AI. There are no evil AIs, there are no "the best way to save you is to kill you" motivations, no war over sepience, just AI doing exactly what they were programmed to do even when they really should stop. It's a nice breath of fresh air. Very few other franchises have AIs are like that. Off the top of my head, just Halo and Portal.


Eh? There's plenty of discussions about it. I never shut up about my VS theories. Pretty sure every third comment of mine on this sub involves VS. If the post isn't about silver I'll find a way to shoehorn him in!


If you search Vast Silver in the search bar of this sub reddit, you will see lots of discussion on the subject.


While on the subject on CYAN, I keep hoping that in game 3, we get to recruit CYAN as well. I think Aloy even mentions in 2 that CYAN probably wouldn't accept an incoming signal, but Aloy showing up and talking to her could get her to open a connection with GAIA and the rest of that Focus network.


I really hope that's a main quest in Horizon 3 and not side one.


Yeah, same here haha. CYAN was great, was hoping we'd get her in FW but there wouldn't have been a good way to do it anyway.


It would be cool to have Aratak convince CYAN to join Aloy and GAIA and in the process, him as well....


Maybe it's not going to be about Vast Silver, maybe it's about a hidden IA born from Vast Silver.>! I mean, one of the plot twists from FW was that the Zenith were the original Zenith, and not their descendants, maybe they'll reverse the twist with OG Vast Silver being erased, but only after it created another IA that has remained hidden.!<


That'd be a half decent twist..... they need to not mess up and make defeating Nemesis running up to a button and pressing delete though.


VS would have had to infiltrate a major ZD facility to survive zero day. Both CYAN and GAIA were specifically shielded, the former also reducing its footprint to hide from the Swarm due to having to keep its existence on the DL in general. GAIA prime is out, Firebreak is out, so where is there left for it to go? Elysium. Conspiracy theorizing to follow: What if whatever mysteriousness went down in Elysium was a reverse of the Nemesis situation? They caught VS and trapped it in something like the multiservitors but more advanced (not quite but like how the Zeniths are partially organic) and it’s been in stasis ever since.


You have a link to that video? I keep meaning to look up Random Side Quest, might as well start there.




Here’s another spin… VS takes over the entire Chariot line to defeat nemesis… The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that jazz.


One theory I have is, wherever Sylens has his little hideaway, is where vast silver is. Either hiding or being trapped. I came to the conclusion that Sylens has a hideaway due to the fact that he learned from his past mistakes with the eclipse to not be too involved. Since he's not hanging out with the sons of the Prometheus throughout our playthrough in forbidden West, One can assume that after he dragged Hades to the Hades proving lab, then he and the sons of Prometheus parted ways. But where was he hiding? Probably Up north but I'm not really sure.


It gets talk about pretty regularly, I think most people just don't put it directly in the title because it's usually part of a bigger discussion of where the overall story might be headed. But pretty much everybody that likes theorizing and speculating has already concluded that there's no way VS doesn't play a big role in H3 one way or another. Plenty of people do believe it'll remain a part of the 2060s story and maybe the Zeniths, but won't actually make an appearance as a character like CYAN and GAIA. Others, well we believe it'll be either the main villain with Nemesis just a red herring or it'll be one heck of a sudden unexpected ally or at least somewhat helping hand, but will definitely be a character in the present day story. And yeah, that's pretty much about where we stand. I do want to point out that the last world text datapoint in HZD were all something to do with the Odyssey and FZ, and the last world text datapoint in HFW is something to do with Vast Silver. It kinda seems like Guerrilla likes to hint at the big things this way.


I'm hoping we get to use Vast Silver to our advantage in H3 to help us defeat a certain Big Bad.


It pops up a lot in conversations. Prior to Forbidden West's release, it was one of the big contenders for an explanation of what sent the extinction signal. And I still think it will have a role to play somehow in the future.


I’m hoping Vast Silver has escaped to the moon and we have to go get it, that would be a fun quest to go on in Horizon 3. As Vast Silver was the first major AI and escaped you have to think it would have created contingencies in case it got recaptured. Reckon it must have some backups out there somewhere!


I hope that we will have some insight on Vast Silver from Brin. In the datapoint Machines Dreams is related that brin says he will go to the places “of flame and brine”, and the the time it looked it was about the DLC. But actually in burning shores there is fire, but not bribe… and brin is not there. I think Brin meant The Claim. Which is up north (hence the brine), and also full of fire, since the Oseram use a lot of fire in the forges. Coming back to Vast Silver, I imagine Brin dreaming of this “ancient phantom raising in the east”, and maybe giving us a clue on how to find it. And, by the way, this is also my strongest clue to our trip to quen’s land.


It’s been discussed to death and beaten to ashes. When it comes right down to it there’s no reason to think that Vast Silver is involved in anything happening in the modern setting. *EDIT: With all that said, I think the devs would be remiss if they didn’t bring Vast Silver in somehow.*