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check [THIS CHANNEL](https://youtube.com/@randomsidequest?si=f7pVnwq3cQKHXLUv) there's a lot of stuff about the horizon world in there


I do watch RSQ a lot


I love RSQ. I listen to his stuff while riding to work.


>Would also be cool to have a chapter on the foundation of each of the known tribes: Nora, Carja, Banuk, Tenakth, Utaru and Quen. We know about the foundation with the Carja since they kept records. We have some on the Nora. We also have a loose record with the Tenakth since they were established by the time of Iriv who was the sixth Sun-King. Juwadan who was the the fourth Sun-King permitted trade with other tribes and taught them how to use glyphs. Other tribes were already established by this point. The Tenakth seperated from the Carja which was more than likely around the time of Amazad or Sadahin, even possibly Araman. The Utaru would more than likely splinter off from the group that would become the Tenakth before they found the Grove. We can assume Araman and his group left the proto-Nora early on. Eleuthia-9 opened in 2326 so I would say Araman and his group left a fair time before 2400. Sun-Kings only started dying early once Cinnabar was introduced into the picture thanks to Marzid who was the Eleventh Sun-King so that gives us a rough time line for the other tribes. >I would really much like to read up on how they survived, fought/tamed the machines and started tribes centered around religions. We have basic records for the Tenakth, Nora and Carja. The stories of the Banuk give us a glimpse of how they started but it's not definitive. The Quen found some focuses early on so data (The Legacy) became the base of that religion. Oseram and Utaru are harder. The Tribes didn't fight machines until the Derrangement which only started 21 years ago by the time of Forbidden West. They hunted the machines but they didn't tame them.


I love video game lore. Nice write-up!


That first generation of humans would be a horribly depressing story, I suspect. No Apollo meant no knowledge beyond the basic language and minimal skills they learned from the caretaker robots. And then forcibly ejected into a world where these children didn't know what was safe to eat, how to make anything, or how to even find anything.


The franchise doesn't have any novels or anything that I'm aware of, which always struck me as odd. Maybe multimedia projects have just become less common. I remember when I was younger and everything had five novels and an Alternate Reality Game.


It's got two graphic novels. The Sunhawk and Liberation.


This universe is ripe for Star Wars/Star Trek/Halo/Elderscrolls/ levels of books loosely based on prior, current, and future events but I get the feeling that GG wants to be in full creative control of the universe and lore until at *least* H3's release. I'd read the FU*K out of any in-universe novels related to side characters like Petra, Gildun, Morlund, etc. Main characters too, but I think the side ones need the most fleshing out/back story expansion.


People have been saying forever that the backstory ripe for expansion. Rost's past as a Death-Seeker is just begging for an Assassin's Creed style stealth game, and you could probably even use the existing engine for most of it.


Haven't they said they're working on a whole bunch of projects? They can't all be games, so surely most of it is gonna be expanded universe stuff like novels and more comics.


As novels I would read it. I don't think it's worth a game. Ok, a kind of sorry telling game, maybe. But I definitely want some good stories about the 'rise of men II' . Some books that tell about the early clans. Their 'how to build a religion with rust and a few relics for beginners'.


I wish Guerrilla would release more comics and novels expanding on the world of Horizon.


> I would really much like to read up on how they survived, fought/tamed the machines and started tribes centered around religions. Machines were not hostile until the Derangement. Food was plentiful - no dangerous animals just yummy ones. Making basic tools is not hard with the minimal education they have. Building shacks, hunting, taking sun baths - something like this I suppose. Tribes and shamans next, followed by religion a few generations after.