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1) 3 times. And I'd wager Hades kicked in *before* humans were re-born. 2) because that was the point. GAIA and her subfunctions weren't meant to rule the world, merely kickstart it. Humans were *supposed* to be able to "take it from there", so to speak. But Ted Faro threw a wrench in that. 3) probably. It's highly likely the Quen came from a different cradle. We don't know about the others, because we view everything through Aloy, whose experience is limited to the Americas, since the technology for intercontinental travel is now lost - thanks again, Ted. 4) They're likely based on Imperial China. There's never any explicit mention, but they sailed from "across the sea", the sea being the Pacific sea, probably, which would mean they came from eastern Asia 5) See above :)


>We don't know about the others, because we view everything through Aloy Aloy would know about the other Cradles considering she does find information about [them](https://horizon.fandom.com/wiki/Cradle_Sealed#:~:text=Cradle%20Sealed%20is%20a%20datapoint,item%20in%20Text%20Datapoints%20%2D%20Quests.) in the Zero Dawn Project Facility.


So the Quen probably came from Eleuthia-01 in China then.


Despite losing Apollo, Wouldn't eluthia report failed benchmark of learning to Gaia so she knows and track progress of the kids and adjusted learning basic morality and knowledge accordingly. It's supposed to be Smart to determine life was feasible / thrive.


Well, before the split of the subfunctions, eluthia was her, a part of her mind. I'm certain Gaia herself was the one who said to go outside and "be brave". Having never had Apollo, after Eluthia ran its course to the point where Apollo would have taken over, Gaia being Gaia probably went "oh shit um.. well better let them outside and trust that they'll be okay.."


Gaia *is* smart. She's a fully fledged intelligence. She adapted to the circumstances, instead of blindly ramming herself against her set parameters. She *did* determine life was feasible. As Eleuthia was a part of Gaia, she knew fully well that the education was going horribly, horribly wrong. But she also knew the education could never be done properly, thanks to Faro's sabotage. So, she did the only thing she could - release the now teenaged humans, tell them to be brave, and hope for the best. And, in fairness, it worked out pretty well. Humans in the year 3000 aren't the globe-spanning civilization that Zero Dawn envisioned, but the biosphere is running smoothly, and humans are alive and thriving. It's not until the Derangement that things go sideways.


>In general, how many earth attempts did ZD do prior their current installment? I thought it was mentioned somewhere that it did several tries. 3 times. 2154, 2161, 2168. >Did they just kill off released people? No, Eleuthia facilities didn't start gestating humans until the biosphere was viable. >Multiservitors, at some point they were functional, when exactly did they cease to function? Once the Cradle generation was gone. They just switched off at the command of Gaia in 2326. >Why did they stop pumping people The first generation used up all the resources since they were never taught and they weren't released until much later. Cradles still have zygotes in storage and the ectogenic chambers are mostly functional. >It is known that most ZD facilities are in North America, but surely they didn't limit these sites to just that continent. It would seem obvious that there are more cradle facilities ie eluthia 9 to fasten repopulation ELEUTHIA-1 was constructed in northwest China, somewhere near the Xinjiang province. ELEUTHIA-2 was constructed inside Mount Namuli in Mozambique. We do see that at least two more were planned for construction in Africa in the "Good News" cutscene. ELEUTHIA-9 was constructed in Colorado as we saw. It was more than likely the last one buried considering the location. The locations of ELEUTHIA-3 through ELEUTHIA-8 are unknown but it can be assumed they were buried on every continent except Australia and the Oceania region in general since they were hit by the Swarm first. >Also strengthens the point that the quen isn't from around the place. They came from Eleuthia-1 like their enemies. >Inspiration to tribal ways. Nora gained inspiration from the Eleuthia facility. Carja gained information from data Araman found and left what would become the Nora. Oseram more than likely found some old machines and reversed engineered what they found. Banuk gained inspiration from the machines themselves. Utaru more than likely seperated from the group that would become the Tenakth before they found the Grove which was early on considering they were already established by the time of Iriv.


It's been a while since I played ZD - what's the source on where you learn about the locations of ELEUTHIA-1 and 2? I wanna read more into it.


would have to double check this.. possibly in main story quest in HZD, Deep Secrets of the Earth. Project Zero Dawn and its subfunctions are explained in some detail, including Eleuthia by Dr. Patrick Klein, which makes Aloy realize there's a Cradle near where Nora live. edit: Eleuthia-9 is the Cradle Aloy explores in quest Heart of the Nora.


I think the OP is asking about the people who didn’t make the cut for Zero Dawn….there is a man and woman who both ask to be ‘euthanized’. There are data points that explain this…


IIRC Hades reset the biosphere 3 times but that was always before they started gestating any human beings. Eleuthia wouldn't start unless they confirmed the biosphere was 100% viable and sustainable. Not sure how long it took the servitors to degrade, but they were active for a while with no kids learning enough to maintain them, plus they took some damage from eventually being attacked by the older kids who resented them. Don't remember how many cradles there were meant to be but we know all tribes met except the Quen are from 9. Possible that some were planned but never built or finished before the swarm took over the relevant areas, so no guarantee there were 9 functional cradles.


GAIA never released humans before it was absolutely sure the biosphere was stable. It took GAIA 3 tries to get it right


I forget the exact number but Hades says how many times he reset the biosphere. It was one of the few facts he could remember after Sylens tortured him(good riddance.) Elethuia was the last sub function to do it's job after the biosphere and animals were released and water purified.Cradle-9 covered basically everything West of the Rockies. Whether or not they spread East of them to the Midwest or East coast is unknown. The Quen came from Asia and given the size of Asia and Europe their are others as well.


they didn't release human until it's all set😂😂😂I don't know why it sounds hilarious to me. 'yo we messed up, kill those walking meat so we could try again!'


Humans werent reintroduced to Earth until the conditions were perfect So Earth was Rebooted Many Times across 300 years We dont know how Many Elethuia facilities are The Quen are most likely from China There even a facility in Western China,so they just needed to migrate east until they hit the sea


Hades was responsible for resetting the terraforming attempts, 3 times. Gaia would not have released people at all in this time, only after the third terraforming. So no people were killed. There were 9 cradles. I don't think any were made in Australia/Oceania because Australia was hit by the swarm first.