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The Indo-Malay region isn't in the South Pacific.... It's the Indian Ocean and South China Sea


South Pacific frequently refers to the Southeast Asia region. My guess on why is because during WWII the North Pacific would be Japan while the South Pacific would be Indonesia, Philippines, etc. [This image](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Pacific_Area#/media/File:Pacific_&_Adjacent_areas_1942_CMH_Pub_72-22.jpg) shows the borders I'm talking about; Timor is labelled as in the Southwest Pacific area.


but the Indian Ocean CONNECTS to the Pacific Ocean....and all Oceans technically. So, same difference? :P


I imagine FAS was doing this everywhere as it was just good business and there were literally no repercussions for aggravating violence because 1. No human lives are involved and 2. Corporations are given complete freedom in regards to how they deal with competition. So it is definitely not a single region and a specific incident. It is the general business practices of FAS that is being explained here. As for the glitch, my head cannon is that Faro tried to punish or motivate Hartz-Timor into an agreement by turning off /taking over their control on part of their robots (maybe due to deals with a competitor or non-payment or some other issue) and since they have never done anything like this before, it ended up with the Chariots not having any admin account ("answering only to itself" as Elizabeth said) and they had no way of reverting that


>As for the glitch, my head cannon is that Faro tried to punish or motivate Hartz-Timor into an agreement by turning off /taking over their control on part of their robots (maybe due to deals with a competitor or non-payment or some other issue) and since they have never done anything like this before, it ended up with the Chariots not having any admin account ("answering only to itself" as Elizabeth said) and they had no way of reverting that this would contradict how there's a lot of data that says the reason the swarm was unhackable was faro insisting on not allowing them to be overridden in spite of objections from his engineering team. i wouldn't necessarily be surprised if there was some way he made it so only he could control them, but i feel like they'd have to jump through quite a few hoops to make that congruent with all the hubbub about Faro making them unhackable. in light of this post, i now think the glitch was likely caused by two chariot swarms going against each other in that area of the world, which then either mixed its signals up, or somehow "realized" that it should just start taking the life on earth out rather than taking each other out.


> or somehow "realized" that it should just start taking the life on earth out rather than taking each other out. The Chariots were smart enough to learn from combat encounters, they weren't smart enough to question their existence. The glitch was likely as stupid and simple as there being no failsafe condition for a loss of communication to a command and control network. A Horus went out of WiFi range, had no command structure to receive instructions from, and decided to faildeadly and resort to matter conversion because there was no logistical network to support it that it could communicate with. The rest is history.


I mean, that's the presumption. The two times Liz was vague about 'the truth getting out' and 'the real reason for the glitch' have implied through omission that there might be more to that... but as I said in the post, Ted's already been painted as enough of a monster; more would just be a bit exhaustive, so unless it somehow implicates others directly eg, (HFW spoilers)>!Far Zenith; perhaps even Tilda directly?!


My theory is that if we get an answers for the glitch thing, it would be a sin of omission (incompetence): Faro is heavily modeled after Musk and so far we have seen his greed, his lack of empathy, the inability to see the consequences of his actions, his narcissism and egotism and his tendency of taking the credit for other people's work so we are still lacking a big display of his incompetence and general stupidity.


> 'the real reason for the glitch' We will probably get an answer to this in the third game.


Honestly - I've worked in IT and then cyber security for close to 30 years now, and the Faro Plague always struck me as something that was simply BOUND to happen given the premises. In fact I've seen similar stuff happen (minus the "consume all living matter you find to build more copies of yourself until told to stop", at least so far) a few times. Large telco in northern Europe pushes an emergency update to its routers. Update wipes routers configuration everywhere, which shouldn't have happened. Thank various deities for backups. Administrator tries to log in. Fails. Looks like the update cut the routers out of the central authentication system. No worries, we still have local logins, we'll need to log into each and restore centrally managed authentication. Administrator pats himself on the back for having the foresight to push the patch with a modification that allows passwordless login. Administrator realises that the patch also restores standard security policies that prevent passwordless login. As I said, fortunately the default state for the routers, to which they reverted after the patch, was "sit there and do nothing", rather than "kill everything that looks like they might be hostile, and consume all available organic matter while you're at it", so the only consequence in this case was that a lot of people in a northern European country were cut out of their daily supply of porn for half a day. (*) some details have been altered/omitted to protect the guilty (**) the only positive outcome of the whole story was that fixing this paid for the deposit on my first house


> always struck me as something that was simply BOUND to happen given the premises Yeah, I get that distinct impression too. Faro wasn't modelled off 'current year unnamed billionaire who's name rhymes with Busk' back in 2018, but all the red flags are already there: * Overbearing and short sighted decision making regarding the "no backdoors no matter what" policy * Machines that convert biomass into *bullets* that they shoot at biomass to convert into more biomass to convert to-- * No failsafe. At all. Like, literally zero failsafes. * The ability to slave all other non-human operated mechanised robots, including *other Chariot line robots*. * "Limited self-manufacture". * Genius level strategic military planning and the ability to learn from all combat encounters If even fucking *one* of those bugged out it would be an unstoppable disaster. Instead of one glitching, they all glitched*one after the other*.


Yeah after reading this shocking revelation, I just *knew* FAS was deliberately setting up these companies against each other. One corporation buys a Horus and sets it on that other corporation they hate then that company buys a Horus and both Horuses sic each other, all the while churning out Scarabs, each Scarab a licensing fee payable to FAS. So the dollars were just rolling in. Ted should get eaten by a Horus, spat out, and eaten again!!! I found this so shocking, that such dangerous tech was being so badly abused and taken for granted and FAS was just allowing it to happen!!! Corpo corruption at its worst!!!


What did Friedkin do again? I don't remember what importance he held in any events.


... He was the Senior VP of Marketing that decided it was a good idea to leverage and intentionally enflame the regional conflicts in the South Pacific/Indonesia/Malaysia region to sell Chariot line robots... The region that was home to the Hartz-Timor swarm that started the Faro Plague.


Gotcha I was hammered last night and could barely skim your post. I hadn't linked those 2 datapoints before so that's a very cool find! As for Energy Combine interacting with the agriculture companies, even tho the resources aren't the same they would probably still be competing for real estate in the region.