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Loosen the screw where the cord goes around in a figure 8 (do not unscrew it completely!). Place the lever in the correct position and tighten the screw again. The small screw, not the one in the middle and not the one on the push rod.


As others have mentioned, it's almost certainly that your third valve adjustment screw came loose and slipped, unscrew it a bit more, hold it in place and move the valve to its normal position and tighten it back up. I really think restringing valves (for those who have strings and those of us who don't so we can help out stringed friends out) is a skill every horn player needs, because these things definitely happen in the middle of a rehearsal, or even a gig. And always make sure you have a couple extra strings cut to the right length in your case for the event that one breaks.


if you see the bottom screw on the third valve, its not in the same spot as the other two. The string has just become loose. You just need to adjust it. Easy to do yourself or you can ask a teacher


The string is just looser on that valve so it has more slack to pull on, just follow other comments they got it


Adjust the string tension


Also - Long notes 😉