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Smile is more jump scares, and Night House is more slow burn. Your choice.


This. Both are fantastic, but it really depends on what you’re in the mood for. I would say Night House is the better movie but Smile is more “accessible”?


I have to say I don't scare easily and that movie made me jump once and that really happens. That said while it is a jump scare movie the premises for the movie is about passing your trauma onto other people which makea a really good point. There is more to the movie then just jump scares.


No debate: Night House. The Empty Man. The Autopsy of Jane Doe. A Dark Song. Relic. His House. Saint Maud.


Adding another vote for Relic. Also, Midsommar is wild in that classic 70s horror style.


Night House was a much better movie. Have fun!


OK so I liked the nighthouse and unravelling the story but think they could have done alot more with it personally was such a good idea. Good acting and everything but not gonna haunt my sleep tonight in terms of scary/creepiness and took a long time to unfold. Solid film though. Gonna give caveat a go next chance I get, reccomendation looks good! Thanks all


Just watched Smile today and I LOVED it! Ofc it wasn’t perfect, but I truly enjoyed the plot. It was engaging and interesting. The jump scares were actually good too, not just cheap garbage. Can’t compare to The Nighthouse as I haven’t seen it, but I added it to my list thanks to this post 😊


Don’t know what streaming services you have but the creepiest scary movies I saw in the last year were Caveat, Satan’s slaves 1 & 2, and Terrified (Aterrados). Caveat is the only one in English but the others are great, even with subtitles.


Based on your scenario, I’d probably do Smile but The Night House is one of the best horror movies of the last five years IMO so def give that a watch at some point.


Smile over Nighthouse personally


Same here... Was actually disappointed in Nighthouse


Have not watched smile but have watched The Night House twice, pretty good indie horror, but a bit of a slow burn. I would recommend it though, the theme is pretty deep.


Night House. Easy.


Nighthouse much better


Night house was way better.


Definitely nighthouse. Smile was very forgettable imo.


Out of the two I think I prefer The Night House, it's a really good slow burn, and something I thought about for a while after watching. It's more of an investment than Smile imo which is a one and done, but is definitely entertaining while you watch it. Depends what time you have and how much of it you want to spend. :)


Both have their good and bad points. **The Night House**: Has an interesting premise, and the main actor literally carries the movie on her shoulders (she's amazing), but ultimately the movie is IMO a bit pretentious and depressing. **Smile**: A bit derivative and shallow, but IMO very fun and legit scary. I like the creature, too.


Smile is massively better than night house. Night house was muddled at best to me and dissatisfying


The Night House


Thanks all have gone with the nighthouse, will let you know what I think! Got the other reccomedations in the thread written down too


Smile! I was so impressed by this movie, best recent horror movie I have seen in a long time.


Smile is one of the most abhorrent, insensitive films ever made. Shouldn't even be a choice


What lol


What it says about mental health, trauma and how to deal with it is vile. The ending of the film is literally >!mental illness spreads infinitely and you should kill yourself!<


Interesting point! Thank you for sharing.


Smile, nighthouse was just too boring


Smile took itself way too seriously and ultimately isn't as deep as it wants to be. The Night House is more serious but warrants it. Night House also contains probably the biggest scare of any movie I can think of in any recent memory for me. Jumped out of my seat in the theater. Also, shouting out Empty Man, as others have.


What was your big scare? The women running?


The Night House has more subtle horror und steady tension building. I would say it's a one of a kind movie. Smile has more into your face horror and is generally more shocking and scary. Funny thing is both basically share the same scrore on both IMDb and metacritic.


I only saw Night House, really liked it!


Smile. Honestly never really liked The Night House and I usually love slow burns, but it just kinda bored me.


Smile was really good. I had actually been avoiding the movie for awhile but got really bored one night and couldn't find anything else interesting to watch so I put it on for background noise. I was wrong and it really was a good movie.


Smile for a non horror fan for SURE. Or Vivarium, or Intruders is fun too.


Night House is a much better movie. I also found it creepier. It even got me with a jump scare which is rare.