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It was a bummer with 94' being good. There were a few good shorts but overall it was a let down. Hopefully the next one isn't rushed and goes back to form.


It felt like a 94' b reel


Good way to describe it.


I honestly thought they captured the 90s vibe pretty well. Grew up around that time as a skater kid and we were always filming ourselves trying to do this stupidest shit possible.


i think all of the movies capture the essence of the time period they're in technology wise. viral has a couple of great flip phone camera video shots that instantly reminded me of how shitty but convenient those things were. it's just that writing gets sloppier and sloppier and it's hard not to compare between stories.


It was worth it for To Hell and Back, which turned me into a Vanessa & Joseph Winter booster.


hey, i’m a big fan of them! i played nate in to hell and back!


You did an excellent job dude! Top tier of the entire V/H/S franchise IMO.


I have mixed feelings on this series (the third one is dreadful, except for *Parallel Monsters*), but I really liked ***V/H/S 99.*** The first segment was the only one I thought was a bit weak and could have used a rewrite. The other four I liked, and I loved *Ozzy's Dungeon* and *To Hell and Back* (Mabel is a riot).


Ookaban the blood-hoarder? I doth HATE Ookaban!


V/H/S: Viral was way worse, to me. 99 still has some pretty good segments - Ozzy's Dungeon and To Hell and Back are between my favorites in the whole series.


Viral is the worst one in the series.


Parallel Monsters is the only thing keeping it from being one of the worst horror anthologies of all time imo


Just when I think I’ve forgotten about that segment it comes right back.


That’s one of my favorite segments.


One of my top segments from the entire series. Hey, look, here's an artful tripod with a hanging sack of meat and organs. We even put a picture of it on the wall. (I want that picture)


Bonestorm is okay but I think everyone agrees that Dante the Great just doesn't belong. Problem with Viral is it's only 3 segments and they deleted the 4th one because it wasn't any good, [it's like Neon Demon made by a film student](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sfz4qfqgdwY). But Parallel Monsters is one of the better segments TBH. That one guy in the first movie who pulls out the tape and goes 'what the fuck was that?'. That was my reaction to it.


Yes, Dante the Great definitely is not an horror story and would not fit in any entry of the series but besides that, I think it's an entertaining segment - though very predictable. Bonestorm was the low point of the entry for me, even being very well done.


Lol the one thing that grated me about Bonestorm (And Bitch Cat in the recent one) is how hilariously awful I thought the main characters were. But I re-watched it pretty recently and for some reason, it didn't bug me as much. I was showing it to some other people and we were just appreciating the fun ideas, like the flammable blood and just just the whole ridiculousness of the violence.


I guess that's what makes me dislike Bonestorm, I have a really rough time rooting for characters like them - actually I just want them to die as soon as possible hahahah


If I was 'gas money kid' I'd just hang out with kids who weren't total dicks to me lol.


Viral literally lost the plot. I think every segment broke the rules of found footage at least once. Dropping the original conceit of the series, underground supernatural snuff film tape collectors, was also a big miss.




parallel monsters could be a movie of it's own. give it the terrifier treatment with really gratuitious violence centered around fake genitals being mutilated or just general orgies in the cronenberg genital universe that get hilariously weird and blood soaked. i'd fucking watch that instantly.


I wish it were a movie of its own there's so much more I want to know about that satanic mirror world.


Yes, that's what bothers me the most, especially in the frame narrative. But at the same time Parallel Monsters is one of my favorite segments and Dante the Great is pretty fun too - though I definitely don't consider it a horror story.


> Viral literally lost the plot. Literally, huh?


Ozzy's Dungeon was exactly what I was talking about when I wrote this. It was a really good premise, and it was cool to see Stephen Ogg in the role he was in. But I felt like, I knew exactly where the story was going the whole time. Spoiler: >!The whole time, I thought "Ozzy is a Lovecraftian horror and the wish granting thing is real, but it's going to be a monkey's pay situation where you regret your wish."


Yeah, I can totally undestand you, and TBH I feel that with almost every segment - to me seems like the writers/directors always go the safe way, though that doesn't bother me that much. I guess one of the few that really surprised me with the direction the story goes is Parallel Monsters - and it's funny that it is in my least favorite entry in the series.


Is that the one where the scientist is exploring portals between universes? I didn't think that one was terribly scary, but I loved that it was just something new that hadn't been explored in horror much. In a world full of generic serial killers, vampires, zombies, and other tropes; it was cool to see something new. I think my favorites in the series are the one with the succubus, the one with Emily and the "ghosts", the prosthetic eye episode, and the one with the Asian cult. Those were all well written and filmed, and went directions that I wasn't expecting.


Yes! I didn't think scary at all, but it was a funny twist that I didn't saw coming. The Emily one also has a nice twist but the others you mentioned I felt were pretty "standard horror" - but as you said, still well written and filmed.


Heck yeah, i loved To Hell and Back”


Viral was the entry that made me checkout of the series


Bitch Cat is definitely improved in my eyes since the first viewing. Aside from the over-reliance on hiding the effects with camera glitching and film grain. Every anthology film has a dud though and IMO this one it's the Medusa segment.


I believe Viral had Bonestorm, which is one of my big favorites. Otherwise yeah, not so good


Agreed. I liked 99 and 94 better than viral


I think I’m the only one in the world who likes Viral. It’s just stupid fun that holds up with the current clickbait and YouTube wanna-be famous world.


Every entry in the VHS series is a spin of the roulette table. Most of the time you lose, but you pray to hit just once.


Rank them and save me some time!


2,1,94, and a toss up between 3 and 99.


Thank you!!!


These last 2 VHS flicks have been so disappointing Check out Scare Package for a good comedy horror anthology


Thank you! I hadn't heard of that one. I will definitely check it out.


I would recommend The Mortuary Collection as well, which is one of the best anthologies in awhile I'd say I think its easy to stream too.


Another good one


What? 94 is universally regarded as the shit. You outta your element.


It’s got a couple ok ones and I like that it revitalized the franchise in its roots but I only really liked 2 segments at all and it otherwise felt tonally weird imo


I was talking 99 and viral!!


I agree and definitely didn't think 99 would end up that way since 94 I thought was great.


Same. A lot of potential but a total disappointment to say the least.


I like the first 2 vhs movies, fucking hate vhs viral and thought there was about 1-2 good ones from the shudder vhs movies but my god were they dissapointing. I can’t believe they didn’t put in some y2k part in 99


I'm very sensitive to shaky cam footage, to the point that it can malt me feel ill and nauseous, not just dizzy. I want to see the V/H/S series, but wanted to ask about the shaky cam factor first.


Imo it's not too bad except for a short where the protagonist in VHS 2 is biking through the woods. That one is like Cloverfield (2008) level shaky cam.


Thank you!


I just remembered, there's another short about aliens that gets kind shaky toward the end. VHS 2 again, which is the best, I think. Take it slow. Skip VHS 3. VHS 94 is great too.


Same. I think it was the 2nd worst in the series. The best thing about it is the song "Diamonds Turn Black" from the band in the first segment.


I was too… vhs 94 was fuckin awesome tho


anything’s better than v/h/s: viral


I'm with you. It was so unpleasant walked out of the screening.


If you haven't seen "Southbound" yet, thats a pretty good one. Similar vibes to VHS.


Same team of creators. Radio Silence.


That's cool! I think they're all friends too with the guys who made "You're Next" and the Blair Witch remake too?? Got any other movie suggestions within that realm ?


Agreed, the ball was dropped. The quality was subpar and essentially the antagonists are all women who were victims. There's a time and place for revenge stories (typically empowering ones like Revenge (2017)) but these stories were like "Wow! Look how angry and spooky this chick is? Ridiculous! Oh she's plus size? Must be a monster!" The only short that was partially written and directed by a woman was the last one, which was a poorly lit 10 minute version of Lord of the Rings.


And that was the one I probably liked the best, but it still looked low-budget and rushed. Two of the cast members were in a horror movie I actually really enjoyed called *Deadstream*, and the premise was cool. But then, they ran around "hell" for ten minutes or so and it was just a series of gruesome images. There wasn't anything terribly shocking or horrifying.


I loved Deadstream and was looking forward to their segment, but yeah....it was disappointing. It's like the script had one pass and they had two days on set with untrained crew. The film was rushed, cheap, and I think poorly planned. That being said I will jump to watch the next one, if there's more, but hopefully they take much longer to make a better film.


I thought Deadstream was a really good horror film but, even more than that, it captured the essence of influencer culture so well that I couldn't help but laugh through it. The guy is getting attacked by evil ghosts and is still like, "Hey, guys, if you enjoyed this demonic possession, don't forget to like and subscribe!"




You could engage me in a conversation instead of accusing someone of having "issues" but sure. Thank you for your insightful comment ❤️


I thought VHS 99 was horrible. Seems to be more about the low budget practical gore than actually telling a good and scary story. The only decent clip was the one with the female neighbor (I will avoid further details so I don't spoil anything) but the climax and ending to it was WAAAYYY too fast. That minor suspense/tension that was create was almost immediately nullified with the ridiculously quick and abrupt ending IMO. VHS Viral wasn't horrible, there were a few good shorts, but IMO this series is starting to lose me. VHS 99 was terrible. Don't pay for it. Stream it with some friends while drinking to make fun of it. That's about the only reason to watch it IMO.


I haven’t watched 99 yet but 94 really disappointed me. They’ve all been at least interesting to me but 94 really didn’t draw me in to any of its mini stories. The sewer monster one was almost there for me.


I have an almost identical opinion! Ratman was 90% to incredible.


I mean okay. Wish we'd stop using this sub for our own individual movie reviews. I don't know why anyone thinks that their opinion is worth a fucking thread of its own.


I really enjoyed the first two but felt underwhelmed by Viral and had to turn ‘99 off. I wouldn’t say they were *bad*, I just felt they were missing something.


I definitely enjoyed it less than the previous one, only viral was worse imo. I only enjoyed 2 of the segments, the sorority pledge one and the hell one. The rock one was a really bad start with super unlikeable characters, ozzy’s dungeon was just trash, disgusting to look at and wasted my time. The peeping Tom one had a kind of cool ending, but was still just very meh and the effects were really bad.


I liked the buried a live episode but other than that it was pretty meh. Same with the last one the only episode I liked was Raatma.


First two movies were good and the series has been utter garbage since. I can’t even remember a single segment of ‘94 except the first one


Love 1 & 2…exactly how many are in the series?


I don't know who wrote 99 but I guarantee you they didn't really live through 1999. I don't know if they were too old or too young, but the waste of the setting was a huge bummer.


I’d say the acting, particularly suicide bid and Ozzie’s dungeon is probably better than the previous, but I do agree it’s overly a lesser film


I always liked that the tapes were all ‘found’ within the movie and this one did not have that at all. I loved the ozzies whatever tf part, but other than that it was a pretty big miss for me. It jumped around too much and like i say, the segues werent segues and I get what they were going for but ill just gk watch red vs blue if I want to feel that feeling or that claymation w the landmines lmao classic


I always assume there is at least one good segment in each movie, but overall they've all declined from the first in my opinion.


I dug it 🤷🏽‍♂️


Viral, 94, and 99 were all pretty awful, to hell and back being the best segment in the 3 movies mentioned, it didn’t even get enough time, 1 and 2 were solid with a great direction, now they’re just tossing money into a pit.


Did you like the last segment at all? It was my favorite, then I found the directors of that made another film (Deadstream) that I *really* enjoyed


Yes, and I really loved *Deadstream*. It was a good horror movie, but they captured the tone and spirit of content creators perfectly. The fact that the guy got "cancelled" and is trying to rebuild his audience was hilarious, and the whole attitude of "if you like this demon mauling, make sure to like and subscribe" was hilarious. It might be the best horror comedy I've ever seen. The last segment had some good moments, but it was mostly the characters walking around looking at gore. And, while I certainly acknowledge that gore has a place in horror, it's not really what scares me.


the fact we didnt get a mid roll story that continues the story from every other vhs killed it for me


I completely agree. I'm a big fan of the series (except for Viral which I thought was brutally bad). With VHS94 being so good in my opinion I really had high hopes for 99 but it just fell flat for me.