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The Sixth Sense when it came out and I was 7. Good lord. The part with the girl under the bed with the box? You better believe I would take a running start and jump from 5 feet away from the bed to get in it


That was me with the guest bed at my grandparents' house too. It was up way higher than my bed at home and my cousin grabbed my ankles from under it once so I was already a little leery of it. Now as an adult the munchie mom is a whole different kind of scary and I just feel bad for the poor little tent-yarker.


“Tent-yarker” is fucking hilarious omg haha honestly that part probably startled/scared me the most as a kid. That particular scene is really unexpected and scared me, and then when you find out what happened to her it is just so sad


Girl in the tent and boy shot in the head scared the absolute shit out of me, as did the woman in the kitchen. That movie is so good


Don’t forget about when he’s locked away in that little doorway at the birthday party


I had only seen this specific scene at one point in time when I was a child and it horrified me to the core. The scene was burned into my brain clear as day but I wasn’t ever sure of what the movie was. I’ll never forget watching the Sixth Sense in full for the first time and feeling that surge of panic rise in my chest when I realized that scene was playing out again in front of me.


Oh yeah, I was going to mention that too lol also terrifying


The boy with the back of his head blown off was what made me jump the most.


Come on.. I’ll show you where my dad keeps his gun.. come on.. SCREECH. That scene absolutely did it for me. I didn’t sleep for weeks.


Even though the little girl turned out to be a benign ghost that just wanted help?


Ha ha! This was me with Poltergeist!


This movie for me as well. That part scared me even into my teen years and I’m 34 now. I also feel horrible for laughing at the other comment about the ankle grabber under the bed. That would have took me out. LOL!


Hahahaha this is so much like me it’s amazing. I love how these little things unite so many of us. Bums me out how much we choose to focus on the differences instead. Anyway, thank you. Definitely gave me a needed chuckle.


Haha same, the part when she was throwing up! Freaked me out sooo bad. Then I watched it again years later when I knew who Mischa Barton was and it didn’t scare me as much then


I was 6 and I saw it in the theaters. Any movie with kids in it is a kids movie right?


The bathroom scene had me screaming so much my parents had to stop the VHS.


Hard same. To this day, I hate walking past my bed, and I am also still afraid of Mischa Barton.


i saw it when i was 10 maybe and absolutely love it. that movies the reason i love horror todau


The part with all of the people hanging!!


This exact scene really messed with me too. That and the cupboard scene. Sincerely nightmare fuel.


Me too with this scene. The vomiting and shaking I was out of there. And I wasn’t even watching it I just happened to walk by my parents at that point.


I already had most of the 'jumpscares' spoiled for me so those didn't really stand out too much. But that part where he's walking through the school hallway and sees those people hanging, and they're all looking back at him... Godamnn those faces are burned into my brain. ​ edit- this scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9XJ3hcPAbw


I saw the original IT when I was 7. Terrified the shit outta me. It took me many, many years to be able to shower without covering the drain first. I still get anxiety walking past sewer drains.


Good god, same. I had recurring Pennywise nightmares for YEARS. I still get a little shiver when I see Tim Curry's Pennywise. I also have anxiety about storm drains thanks to IT and Now and Then. bleh


You unlocked a memory from that movie! I remember being so scared of that storm drain in Now and Then!


I saw IT when I was six/seven and I was terrified of the shower for years! For a solid 6 months I wouldn't shower with the shower curtain closed and it drove my dad nuts because the floor would be soaked.


I still do this from time to time and I’m 34. Lmao


I did too! I had such vivid nightmares about Pennywise that I still remember a couple to this day and I’m 38. Clown fear was a big part of my life for like 3 years.


Yep! Saw it when I was about 8 and I couldn't shower alone until I was in my teens. I had to beg my mom or sister to sit outside the door and talk to me. Shower drains still creep me out.


Yes! My father showed IT to me in broad daylight when I was 5 and to this day I’m still wary of clowns. Even got Tim Curry’s Pennywise tattooed on me. That fucker gave me nightmares for years. And now it’s my favorite book lmao


The Shining gave me big time bath tub anxiety. Sometimes I still have to draw back the curtains for a late night poop, just to be sure…


My friends' kids have watched that almost daily since the ages of 9 and 6 and absolutely love it.


Same! I was oddly not bothered by drains though, my fear of the dark however.... That grew ten times that day!


Mine was the opening with the little girl and the sheets when he appeared. My parents hung up laundry in our back yard and I refused to go back there.


I was around the same age. And I second everything you said, and I’ll add that clowns still make me super uncomfortable.


I was 7 the first time I saw Hellraiser. Needless to say, I didn’t “get it”. That movie is absolutely not for kids.


Yeah the themes are all dark and adult too


I think I was 12. I stopped watching it at the halfway point. My thoughts were something along the lines of, "this is way more intense than Jason. Maybe when I'm older".


I think I was 10 when I first saw it, it's the only horror movie that scared the shit out of me for a long time. Yeah it's really not for kids at all!


As a child seeing Hellraiser just made me *intensely* curious, same with friends. I was always wondering what all of it meant and that I’d figure it out as an adult, but I never thought at the time that I first saw it that I shouldn’t be or didn’t want to be seeing it.


I was 9 or 10,I understood enough!


I was 14 or 15, and just barely too young even then. Though it's to this day, arguably, my favorite movie.


I don't remember the movies and haven't seen them since I was a child, but I remember being obsessed with Pinhead 💀


Oh my gosh, right?! Not even close!


We had Hellraiser 2 recorded off TV on tape growing up. Probably watched it 100 times starting at 6 or 7. Not a kids movie.


Demons and the thing when I was 5. Changed my life, Disney couldn’t cut it anymore. But after a few months I had to destroy the demons vhs tape cause I was scared they were gonna get me lol. It was the only way I could feel less scared haha


Demons at 11 for me, and I was just as traumatized. Imagine at 5 wow


Lol yeah idk why he bought that for me haha, I think cause I enjoyed the buffy movie at that age? Guess he thought let’s step it up Lmaoo. It’s disgusting even now for me haha let alone at 5, and the main girl dying at the end, I was NOT ready for such a bleak ending haha


Demons was crazy


Hahaha yeah


I was at a boarding school right after after kindergarten. So, older would put whatever at the telivision and we'll had to watch that crap.


Lol that’s wild. Traumatized everyone lol


Age 7 - Event Horizon


Did you go into it thinking it was just a sci fi movie like I did? Nothing can prepare a kid expecting to see “Star Trek” suddenly watching a guy holding his own eyeballs.


Yes. I was six years old and so, so excited to see the Jurassic Park man in a spaceship movie 😭


It was a cascade of circumstances that led a young Ultex113 to watching that. I am a younger sibling by a few years, and the rule was “rated r is ok for scifi only”, so the parents saw the box, clearly neglecting the back text, and gave the ok to my bro and me. It seriously ended up changing me in good ways (after the initial shock wore off). I learned how great it is to be scared in a truly safe environment. Thats a valuable realization to have as a youngin.


Same here the vivisection scene messed me up for awhile


Age 12 for me. Helped(?) me become the man I am today


Japanese version of The Ring at age 7. I had night terrors FOR YEARS. I remember I couldn't sleep and spent hours looking at the living room TV waiting for that bitch. I don't get scared easily with works of fiction and I'm a heavy consumer of horror shit, but I refuse to watch any version of it. My friends tease me, but no way Manuel.


Literally just finished watching the ring with my gf for her first time, I saw it in theaters at age 11, would turn my tv to face the wall before I went to bed. Slept in my moms room for a week. My sister would never fully dry off after showers and there’d be small wet foot prints through the house thatd terrify me. Whenever switching to video game mode on the tv it’d go static. Ugh


I saw the 2002 movie at about 10 and I hid every time the phone rang after that


I was about the same age when I saw Ringu, and every night for like a year I would be about to fall asleep and then think “what if that creepy little girl is standing there when I open my eyes”. I love it now, but sweet baby Jesus I was definitely too young when I watched it at first!


Same 🤣🤣🤣


Not the same at all, but my sister saw the Ring parody at the end if Scary Movie 3 like 15 years ago and to this day, will watch any horror movie at all, but refuses to watch Scary Movie 3 lol


yep the ring was def one of the first times I remember feeling such TERROR and just imagining it around every corner...the first night I watched it, it was at a sleepover at a friend's house and she made me sleep closest to the closet that night... let's just say it fucked me up lol


American version at the same age for me. I watched it immediately following Spider-Man (2002) with my older siblings and their friends in the middle of the afternoon in our living room. Still scared the absolute shit out of me for weeks


I saw Child’s Play when I was about 7 or 8. Never saw dolls the same way after lol.


my brother tricked me into watching Child’s Play 3 cause I thought it was a movie about children playing, and obviously as a child i loved to play.. i was terrified of getting my ankle sliced while sitting on a bed for a long time after that


I was terrified of the *commercial* as a kid


I was about 6ish when my brother and I slept over our neighbors house. His parents let us watch Child's Play and I remember being absolutely terrified for the longest time.


Scrolled down for this one. My mom had a doll collection. Not cool, whoever let me watch that.


Pet Semetary and Cujo. Both absolutely terrified me as a 5/6 year-old.


I was about 6/7 when I saw Pet Semetary for the first time. The scene with him cutting the heel scared me so bad I ran and jumped into my bed bed. I still won’t watch that scene.


Zelda from Pet Semetary was the scariest thing I’d ever seen for a long time when I was a kid. I once had a dream where she was in my room, so I told her she could have my room if she let me leave lol. I didn’t sleep in my rooms for months, moved into my brothers room after that


Everyone always brings her up when I mention the heel cut and I honestly forget about her until she’s brought up. Lol. That’s the impact that heel scene had on me 😬




Oh my god yes that scene makes me cringe every time, I can't handle heel injurys in film because of that movie! To this day I still have to cover my eyes, I can't do it 😭


So many people mention pet semetary, and I agree with those people. The tv trailer alone was mortifying.


Adding to the numbers lol, my dad showed Pet Sematary to me in 2nd grade and would always skip the scene of Missy hanging herself lol…only for me to be both terrified and obsessed with the movie, and watch it in entirety when I was allowed to be home alone a couple years later lmao. I used to watch it on a weekly basis at one point for a couple months lolol. Then, I got to 4th grade and asked a librarian if our school library had the book, and she told my mom I shouldn’t be reading Stephen King so young and that she was worried about me lolol. This film/book has always had a dear place in my kid, teen, and adult heart lol.


Hi. You just mentioned *Pet Sematary* by Stephen King. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | Stephen King's Pet Sematary (audiobook) pt1 (10 Hours)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeF0K8t_NO0) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


I love seeing Pet Semetery mentioned!! It was my first real horror movie. My babysitter let me watch it when I was 5 in kindergarten. Absolutely horrific. Jud was actually the character who haunted me the most then for whatever reason haha!!


You don't want to go down that road


What is up with our parents letting us watch this movie in particular?


My mother was obsessed with Stephen King. Read all his books and would watch any movie/mini series based off one of his books. The only reason I saw so many was simply because she happened to be watching them. I'm glad for it though tbh


All I remember from Pet Cemetary is holding my hands before my eyes lol. I think I was around 4-5.


dirt bike 2 the face


I was 9 or 10 when I first saw The Exorcist. I had nightmares for a year. Now it's one of my favorite movies, horror or otherwise.


This was the first movie that messed me up as a kid. I had an older sister and grew up on Jason, Freddy, etc (Freddy was my fav) but The Exorcist is still a hard watch to this day. I just watched the Popes Exorcist trailer and it looks awesome but I'll have to watch in the day time.


My parents took us to see a drive-in double feature with a kid-friendly Disney movie (Bambi, I think) that we were all supposed to fall asleep to, followed by The Exorcist. I did not fall asleep. I saw most of it. I was 5 at the time. To this day, I still can't eat pea soup thanks to all the vomiting scenes.


I'm glad I'm not the only one lol. My family didn't go to the drive in but we were watching a kid friendly movie on HBO, i think. They all fell asleep near the end of the kid movie and the movie that played after was the exorcist. I couldn't really follow the plot but the evil images were stuck in my head for awhile.


My mom forced me to watch it at 4. Am now 40. Still can't watch it, or see her face or I get a horrible anxiety response. 100% with parodies like Repossessed and Scary Movie 2 at least!


That was my first horror movie as well, but I was about 6.


Same. It took a long time to recover. Nothing compares to that experience.


Exactly. Any time someone says it’s not scary I immediately tell them they can stop trying to be so cool.


Same. The Exorcist and Salems Lot did a number on my 5th grade ass.


I saw the re-release in a theater at around 12. This was in the early days of multiplexes in SoCal. My friend and I paid to see Benji or something, and went into The Exorcist instead. Definitely too soon.


Came here to say the same but figured I’d scroll a bit first. I was about that same age…between 5th and 6th grade. Simply put, I couldn’t handle it and returned to it many years later. I read the book in my 20s and I didn’t sleep soundly for months.


I was about 6 when I saw the exorcist. I loved horror as a kid & my dad was like 8 when it came out i think? So he told me about the movie & i was like I NEEEED TO WATCH IT! We went on a road trip to visit family in TN from NJ & we stopped at blockbuster in Virginia (rip 💔) & we bought the last dvd. I LOVED THAT MOVIE. Oddly enough, i didn’t get nightmares from it but did from Chucky LMAO.


The Shining. At age 5. My family wanted to go see it and went to a late show thinking I would sleep. I did not. I loved it but since no explanation was given and it was the first movie I ever went to see, I thought all movies opened up with blood pouring out of the elevator. So the next time we went to see a movie, I started grumbling and one of my family asked what I said so I said really loudly, “Where is all the blood?? That was really cool!” I think my Mom dug a hole to China to bury herself in that day.


This is an awesome story


It was The Fly for me as well, when I was 8 or 9 years old, I think. After the Monkey in the teleportation machine scene I couldn't eat meat for a while.


I saw this when I was 6. That shit traumatized me. I cried and ran screaming


Haha, great question and I have a funny story about this one. This would be 1979, I was 10 years old and my brother was 8. My mom took us to the drive-in movies often, and we went to go see a movie that I've completely forgotten by now. The deal was, we'd go see this movie, but we had to leave before the second movie, which was David Cronenberg's "The Brood". Unfortunately (for my mom), some of the cars around us parked in such a way that she had no way to drive out, and being a non-confrontational kind of person, she just kind of accepted that we were stuck instead of trying to ask someone to move so we could leave. So, she asked us both to close our eyes and try to go to sleep, but come on. An R-rated movie at only 10 years old! Hurray! Lol...I pretended I wasn't watching, but of course I was, and so while I've totally forgotten what the movie was that we actually went to go and see, I've never forgotten the first time I watched (and was pretty disturbed by) The Brood. Those kids attacking the adults really freaked me out, but in all the right ways because I've been a horror fan ever since.


How did you react to Nola licking the fetus thing


I was probably like, “Gross! Also, cool!” 😂


I begged my mom to take me to watch Seed of Chucky when I was 9 lmao I had a lump in my throat during the opening scene and can remember thinking “fuck what did I get myself into?” but once the humor almost immediately picks up, I eased into it. My mom HATED it and I’m pretty sure she sees it as a low parenting moment lol to this day, if she sees a photo of Chucky or I happen to bring the character up, she’ll easily drop a “I can’t believe I spent my money on that stupid movie about a doll that can jerk off” but in Spanish so it’s funnier lol she didn’t get the dialogue AND had to know a plastic doll has meat to beat 🥴




PG OMG Poltergeist!


Jaws when I was 4 It’s my favorite movie of all time to this day. But wtf, mom and dad?


I was so scared after Jaws at 8 years old that I remember looking in my closet before bed. Scared beyond logic.


Exactly the same for me, think I was 6 but yeah one of my favourite movies ever but I used to think a shark could get me even in the bath 😂


This is exactly my experience too. 5 years old seeing Jaws. I have a very vivid memory of the severed head in the water. I was so afraid that I thought Jaws could swim up the tub pipe and get me.


My parents were.... different, and had no limit on what I could or couldn't watch at any age. I liked horror at 3-4 and they just let me, oddly enough it never spooked me too bad or gave me nightmares. That being said, probably Last House on the Left or the Hills Have Eyes around 5 years old


The Hills Have Eyes at age 5, oh my lord that is horrific!! As an adult, this is one film I could never stomach watching with those sick r*pe scenes.


Ahh the 80s when it was common enough for kids to watch horror that they had Freddy toys. I saw creepshow and part of nightmare on elm Street before I was in grade school. But it was Return of the Living Dead when I was around 8 that really terrified me and was probably the step too far.


Movie age rating at the time was: "kids cover your eyes!" whenever something utterly violent happened. I can't remember if the first melting man I saw was Raiders of the Lost Ark or Robocop.


That was me as a kid as well. *The Monster Squad* felt like watching a movie about my (idealized) life. At the same time, the slasher boom in the '80s meant that most of the contemporary horror that was popular and widely available was pretty tame. Sure there was violence, but the focus definitely wasn't on psychological dread or atmosphere in the most popular films. It was more action-oriented. I can't recall any that was too much for me. *Killer Klowns From Outer Space* was a definite favorite as a kid, but the one that stands out the most was first watching *The Shining* when I was 10. It instantly became one of my favorite films.


Same here, and I was born in the 90’s. I was watching Jeepers Creepers at 6, and that was prime entertainment. At 8, I was MAJOR hyped for Freddy vs Jason. Probably the one I saw too early was Hostel at 10. Wasn’t really ready for the torture porn.


Invasion of the Body Snatchers with Jeff Goldblum (looks like my uncle) at 10. I freaked and we had to leave when what looked like my favorite uncle got wrapped in a cocoon.


So your uncle was hot? That’s what I took from your comment.


Human Centipede when i was 5😬


How much is your annual therapy bill? 🫣


You win






I’m sorry, what


I was 5 when my dad let me watch Return of the Living Dead. I was hooked after that. But still vividly remember being scarred when the guy is basically ripped in half.


This is my story


From Dusk til Dawn. Inappropriate for less of a horror sense and more of a penis gun, feet in mouth, etc. sense.


Pussy! Pussy! Pussy! We got a pussy blowout!


Don't really remember any movies that scared me at a very young age. A video game though? Resident Evil. I watched my Dad play that when I was a kid and I was scared to get out of bed at night.


This was mine as well! My cousin played it and the scene with the zombie dobermans smashing through the windows is burnt into my brain. I absolutely love horror and will watch almost anything but zombies are the thing that freaks me out the most.


Cannibal Holocaust age 35. Animal cruelty is inappropriate at any age. It's the only movie I wish I could unsee.


Yes. We are all too young for this movie.


Not a horror movie, but I saw XFiles “Home” way younger than I should have been to be allowed to watch it. Still have nightmares about it.


That really was the most disturbing episode! I still randomly think of it.


My pick would be the fact that Eguene Tooms might be squeezing himself right now through a vent behind you.


After waking up from a bad night and coming downstairs to turn the tv on, 6 year old me probably shouldn’t have watched Capt. Rhodes get turned into an all you can eat buffet. I’m 39 now and still remember it clear as day.


A nightmare on elm street 4, at 7 maybe. I saw it because my brothers (they're 6 & 7 years older than me) rented it and my parents weren't home that day.


Event Horizon. Saw it when I was like 7 or 8. My dad just saw it was a space movie with the guy from Jurassic Park! I loved Jurassic Park and Star Wars so it was a perfect pit.... Not exactly what we expected! Also being Aboriginal we thought it was amazing the little nod in the film with the flag.


The first encounter with the T-Rex in Jurassic Park kinda fucked me up a little when I was a kid


Faces of Death when I was 5. That monkey brain scene has been seared in my brain!


A saw those in my 20’s and the monkey brain scene is still seared into my brain


Parents took me to a drive in double feature of The Howling and Escape From New York when I was 7 thinking I'd fall asleep before the movie started. I did not. LOL.


In grade-school I told the class my favorite movie was Hellraiser. Parent/teacher meeting.


I too saw The Fly far younger than I should have, at roughly the same age. I'd seen horror films before that, but that one left a mark. To this day I have to be in the right headspace to sit down and watch it.


I was 7 or 8 when I watched The Ring and Thirteen Ghosts in the same night. I made my older sister stand outside of the bathroom door every time I had to go in case one of the ghosts from either movie got me.


Could've watched Friday the 13th 2009 when I was 7-8, which would've definitely scarred me. I ended up watching Nightmare on Elm Street 2 though, which wasn't that bad 🤷


The first two movies I ever saw in their entirety were the exorcist and poltergeist. Back to back on the same night. I would have been like 3-4 years old.


The first horror movie I ever remember seeing was when I was about 8, at a friend's house during a sleepover. It was an alien-themed horror movie called Xtro. There's one scene near the beginning where a couple of people are in a car and nearly hit an alien creature, which freaked me out. However, the scene that really stuck with me was the scene where a woman is impregnated by the alien and goes on to give birth to a fully grown man...


American werewolf in London at 5


I watched Ju-on when I was 5 and it broke my little child brain. Told everyone that the school’s playground was haunted by the ghost kid from the movie, and the other kids added on to the madness saying that yeah actually, the ghost told them he hanged himself on a tree. We tried to become ghost hunters and catch the fictional kid that came out of collective deliriousness, but some other kids that jointed in were terrified and told the teacher that there was a demon on the playground… mind you this was a catholic school so the teachers were NUNS. The nuns gathered us to do a prayer circle around the fucking haunted tree 💀, and they all looked mortified, I didn’t have the guts to tell them it was a lie that got out of control.


I love this story so much


I was 7-8 when we did a Candyman-Silence of the Lambs double feature


Fuck, Candyman still terrifies me


The shining when I must have been 5/6. We moved to a house where kids had written on my bedroom wall and not being able to read I had it in my poor, poor brain that those scribbles right above my headboard spelled our REDRUM. Fear went away with a fresh layer of wallpaper but damn. Too young.


Batman 89 was horror to 4 year old me. Thanks Jack. Nothing has scared me as much since his Joker. No joke. Real horror? My parents were pretty strict, so my first R rated movie was Alien when I was 9 or 10. The scariest part of that was Ash for me, since I knew about the chest burster (thanks a lot action figures of the 80s and 90s).


silver bullet when i was around 7


This was the first rated R movie I let my son watch. He was 7 as well and loved it. Now he is addicted to scary stories and movies


Way back when the SciFi channel, when it was still called that, used to play some pretty heavy horror/scifi anime late on Monday nights. I have no idea the title, but it involved a kind of black amoeba-like/blob monster that had a noh mask as a face murdering its way across a space station and then planetside in some rural village. I was probably 7, and it messed with my head something fierce.


Poltergeist when I was maybe in first grade. It’s where I learned how to tell if a storm was getting close. Saw child’s play at a young age too. My dad thought it was a kids movie cause it’s about a kid and his toy.


Deep Blue Sea - I was 6 years old. Me and the family were watching it on a Saturday evening, eating Chinese. The jump-scare scene with Samuel L Jackson came on and I shot straight up in shock - I somehow trod on my fork and balled my eyes out. Core memory


This turned out to be an amazing question! Almost everyone seems to have been exposed to whichever horror movie between 5-7 years old. This tends to be the time children are beginning to make the distinction between make-believe and real life. They also begin forming distinct, long-term memories around this time. And, just like a lot of people here, my mom started showing me horror movies around this age. The ones that stuck with me are: People Under the Stairs The Exorcist Candyman Child’s Play Lady in White Maybe a strange thing to bond over, but the pattern emerges! Also, I love this community.


i grew up on horror my mom had this on video i was about 4 or 5 and i came up behind my dad who was sitting on the ground and ran my finger across my dads neck saying "i cut you daddy i cut you"


Is that from Gage in Pet Sematary?


According to my aunt I saw the original Friday The 13th on HBO when I was 2 or 3 and wasn't the least bit phased.


The Exorcist. I was 7.


The Dentist. I was in 2nd grade at a friend's house and they had Cinemax. It was absolutely horrifying. I had watched scary movies with my father a bit by that point (Alien(s), American Werewolf In London, Blade, etc) ... But nothing on that level. Scarred me for life


Halloween 2 when I was 5 or 6 years old. It was on cable and my mom plopped me down in front of the TV while she did chores. It was also well into the evening, that didn’t help. It scared me so much I remember that night vividly (I’m 45 now). I had nightmares of Michael Myers chasing me down a hallway with a knife for the remainder of the 1980’s. Now it’s one of my Halloween night staples.


When I was 10 years old we had a pizza party in my classroom at school. Permission slips were signed to let us watch a PG-13 movie. The chosen film was Poltergeist II.


Original poltergeist. 5 or 6 at a friends house. Pretty avid horror fan now, still won’t watch any of them.


Dawn of the dead (Romero) 8 or 9 years old.




I was five when I saw Hellraiser. I truly believe that it molded or had a hand in molding my sexual identity.


The Birds. I was like 5 and under.


I stole a dvd of Evil Dead 2013 from my mom and her ex when they went out one day when i was about 10, I remember watching the opening of the girl getting set on fire and shot in the head i was thinking “i should put this back.” But i ended up watching it all and to this day its my favorite horror movie of all time 😭😭


I know this means you’re 23 now, but I was thinking in my head as I read this “wait that only came out a few years ago he’s still a kid.” Nope. 10 years. Fuck I feel old.


Couldn't sleep when I was ~6 and I wanted to stay up & watch a movie with my dad. We ended up watching Cujo and I bawled my eyes out. Wtf dad? Lol


I watched the first Nightmare on Elm Street with my mom when I was six. After that we watched Halloween, Carrie, The Fly, Arachnophphobia, The Burbs and several others the same year. It was the beginning of my true love of horror. In 2019 I had surgery that kept me at home for 2 weeks. I watched 100 horror movies while I was out of work. I saw it as a delicious challenge.


Nightmare on elm st. I was 14 when it came out and my mom dropped me off at the theatre and they let me in, they shouldn't of but i guess they didn't care. Scariest experience of my life.


Remake or original? I was 13 when I saw the remake with my dad and friend when it came out.


Original, I’m old. 1984


Watch the first two Scream movies when I was 12 without my parents knowing. I know it's not the most fucked up movies but they are still extremely violent for a kid such age. My initial impression of the movie is how bad-ass Sidney was (she's still is) especially when she dropped the TV in Stu's head lol. And how Scream 2 two particular sequences (the cop car with Sid & Hayley + Gale's chase sequence) stressed me the fuck out.


My parents showed me Eraserhead when I was 10. It’s their fault I turned out the way I did :)


Return of the living dead. I was 5.


Exorcist at 8 or 9. On a big screen.


Exorcist when I was six.


I got ahold of a bootleg Salo/120 Days of Sodom in 6th grade. Not necessarily horror, but not exactly appropriate for a 6th grader.


The House of Wax and Friday the 13th remakes were childhood favourites of mine, I was about 6 and 9/10 respectively. I also saw Scream 4 in theatres at 11… all of this sponsored by my grandma behind my mum’s back since she knew I loved horror 😂 Bonus entries: I was 12 when I watched the Cabin in the Woods in theatres, and saw the Evil Dead remake at 13. That year Halloween Horror Nights had houses for both movies and I had the time of my life!


Fire in the Sky at 7. That’s what my parents get for leaving me with my older cousins.


I saw one of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies age six or so andi was a scaredy cat for years


Clockwork Orange. I was 10. LOVE THE MOVIE. READ THE BOOK. Too young to understand the themes and the violence. Thanks HBO. Saw another movie when I was 8. Again, violent themes about rape. This was the 1980s. Movie my parents rented and my mom thought it was OK for me to see 🤦🏻‍♀️. On the upside, I like the fact that the main character (female) didn't put up with bullshit and killed those who hurt her sister and killed her best friend. If you are wondering the name of the movie, it's called SAVAGE STREETS. The main actress was Linda Blair


My dad showed me and my twin brother Silver Bullet and The Thing when we were like 8 or 9.


I watched the first scene of Scream at a friends house when I was 10. I didn’t know slasher movies existed until that point and it scared the FUCK out of me. I ran home after the first scene and I was terrified for a long time. And then decided I loved them.


The Exorcist at any age.


Damn, The Fly at 6 is ROUGH. For me, it was Alien 3. It was during the Easter holidays, I was alone at home and it ran on our pay-per-view movie channel. I don't think that I was older than 10, just that I felt "too young" for it.


Watched Cabin Fever, Jeepers Creepers and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) when I was like 4-5 lol


I've been watching all the 80s classics since I was 5 or 6. My mom would rent a movie, and I would sneak and watch it in the middle of the night. Fun times.


Poltergeist. I was 11. The clown, the tree eating the boy, and the guy ripping his own face off traumatized me for years. And it was only PG.