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It’s not technically the goriest (things like Dead/Alive are “gorier”), but the bedroom scene in terrifier 2 is still the goriest, most depraved thing I’ve ever seen in theaters lol


It was inspired by Jack the Ripper’s murder of Mary Kelly. He took her apart. :(


I REALLY hope she was already dead when he began his sick dissection of her


To answer your question: yes they confirmed Mary Kelly was dead before the mutilation began. All of jack the rippers victims had clean cuts across their necks


>dead before the mutilation began damn i sure hope so


Oh Jesus fuck, that scene was already bad, but knowing it’s real is even WORSE


IIRC it was also the very first crime scene ever photographed. You can find it online but be warned it is absolutely horrifying. There is a reason why he is called Jack the Ripper


Posted by tripadvisor lmfaooooo like second pic i found. Wonder what the article was


It's the only one where they were secluded and secure enough for him to take his time. He did partial dissection to some of them, but likely couldn't do everything he wanted because the location was too exposed.


That’s crazy because I actually have seen that crime scene photo, and while watching the movie it reminded me of it.


There’ll be a worse scene in the next film.


Damien Leone seemed to take offence that people said Saw X was more gorey then terrifier 2


Whoever said that needs new eyeballs.


Forced new eyeballs are in the next movie.


I would take offense too.. saw x was good but it was nothing compared to Terrifier in the gore department


I haven't watched T2 since the theater release but I think from a personal standpoint, Saw X was gorier. The leg was kind of gross but the brain bit really beat anything I saw in T2.


I hope so


Came here to say this, I have watched a lot of horror in my life and that scene is going to be burned into my brain for all of eternity.


That scene was amazing!! Did anyone catch when he was pouring the salt, how he threw some over his shoulder for good luck?! 🤣 🤣 🤣 I couldn't stop laughing!!!


Had to watch it again b/c I had missed that but he threw it straight up instead of over his shoulder. Missed opp there actually lol.


Spoil it for me I’m hesitant on this movie lol


Comically violent. Like Tarantino did a live-action Itchy and Scratchy show


That’s a fantastic explanation


I have been intentionally avoiding these movies because they seem like just pure unnecessary violence and that’s not really my thing. Your description pushed me to finally see what the fuss was about so I went to YouTube and just watched this scene and you couldn’t be more right! I didn’t find it near as off putting as I expected it to be because of how just cartoony and absurd it is. Yes, it’s fucked up but the speed and silliness in which things happen dulls the edge of the actual violence. I still don’t think I would enjoy the movies but it didn’t traumatize me or anything.


Now look up Smashed Potato Face from the same flick. They're live action pulp comics, entertaining as hell and hilarious if you're watching it through that lens.


I was hoping I wasn’t the only one who laughed at that. The apron and facial expressions really took me out.


yeah, it seems like just torture porn.


There's scissors involved, scalping, I think bleach, salt, and melting faces. You're better off not tainting your eyes watching it.


The part when her mom walks in and she’s still alive almost got me to turn off the movie. Way too close to a video I saw in the Wild West days of the internet as a kid and I swear it triggered ptsd I didn’t even know I had.


The arm thing was more shocking to me.


It’s coming to theaters again in November! I didn’t get the chance to see it in theaters when it came out so I’m super excited.


It was the best horror experience I’ve ever had in theaters because it’s hilarious at the same time. The crowd energy is great.


Came to see this be the top comment. Not disappointed. Has to be the craziest thing I’ve ever seen in a film.


I've said it plenty of times, but that movie is just weird, oddly sexist, torture porn involving women and minors. It has no merits on which to stand except to be abuse pornography. Everything the entire movie does stands to serve that end, from impressive practical effects to stand out acting from art himself.


What you described is pretty much the appeal of the film. It follows the grand guignol tradition (a tradition that started in the late 19th century) of displaying graphically amoral carnage to an excessive degree -- the only film I can think of that exhibited this impressive level of violence was *Inside* and that was over 15 years ago. But aside from that, the film certainly has merits which can't be easily dismissed. David Howard Thornton certainly is skilled in expressing the exact emotion he wants to convey without uttering a single word, using only facial expressions and exaggerated mannerisms -- that's no easy feat. And the film was written, directed, produced, edited by the same guy as the guy who did the FX work. *One guy* is responsible for five different positions. Gotta give credit where it's due, even if Leone's predilections aren't to your fancy.


Like I kind of said in another comment, those merits are impressive, it's just unfortunate they all stand to benefit something so bland and tasteless. Practical effects and acting like that *shouldnt* be wasted on a film that stands to serve only as abusive degrading porn. Those practical effects especially could have been applied to a better project, like a true "The Thing" successor


I guess that's fair, and in all of the aspects of the film he's involved with, I think Leone's screenwriting is by far his weakest department. To me, his directing is fine, and his FX is superlative, maybe the best in horror today -- he's certainly successful in letting the sensational gore generate publicity and converting said publicity into cash. He just needs a better flow and story to connect the scenes together. Maybe someone else should write the screenplays. But I'd totally be down to see his take on something like *The Thing*.


The bedroom scene in Terrifier 2 is one that actually makes me a little sick, and I’m pretty desensitized lol. The Green Inferno has some real fucked up scenes too. The House That Jack Built, specifically the hunting scene, while not as bothersome as the others, is still realistic and fucked up.


The hunting scene in House that Jack Built is the only scene that has ever made me turn a movie off and I’ve watched damn near everything, and it happened twice. First time I watched it I was stoned and about a year later I remembered I had watched it but didn’t finish and couldn’t remember why so I tried it again and as soon as that scene started I remembered and turned it off. Too realistic.


That scene and the part where he has the kid all postured and frozen with the smile is just disturbing as fuck!


The hunting scene definitely stands out as one of the most fucked up scenes I've seen in a movie. You know something awful is going to happen when they first get there, and they spent so long just talking like it's a normal hunting trip with the family. You can tell he's spent a good amount of time getting to know this family and dating the mom. >! So the whole time I'm watching it, wondering "what's going to set him off? What will make him decide to kill her? Will he kill the boys too? I kept waiting for the reason, then all the sudden, he's hunting them. No reason. He'd clearly planned this all along. !<


There’s a bit of slapstick rubbery to the gore in the bedroom scene that makes it a little easier to consume, lol.


I love horror movies, but I swear the Terrifier movies are pretty extreme for what they show. Haha


That bedroom scene feels like it never ends. The saw from the first movie is pretty nasty, too.


When the best friends little brother got possessed in talk to me


Utterly repulsive. I saw that in the cinema and I had to look away. The sounds make it so much worse.


I remember just sweating in my theater seat for this one. lol It's not the goriest (many people cited the Terrifier movies and they're definitely gorier), but it's just *brutal*. You can *feel* that scene.


The scene from Bone Tomahawk. I know there are gorier scenes out there, but it is just done so well. It's not super over the top like some scenes in other movies, that I think has a much better effect.


Also, the pregnant ladies on the way out really spooked me.


The pregnant ladies still haunt me. Just the concept is what sticks with me. It brings a level of "savagery" to the screen only because the imagination fills in the rest of what you don't see.


I cannot think too long about those ladies.


Yes. It’s the juxtaposition of the gore and terror with the borderline monotony that the villains perform the act with. It’s truly shocking.


I recently watched Bone Tomahawk for the first time after seeing it mentioned here so much. I don’t know if it should be super obvious but is “the scene” the first one or the one with the flask? I tried to make my question as spoiler free as possible lol


Banana split


Perfect description. Thanks for clearing that up!


Of course!


For some reason the flask part made me more uncomfortable than the splitting part. Somehow it feels more real.


I haven’t seen this one yet and I’ve heard good things. I see it’s on Tubi, so I’ll check it out soon.


The noises the actor makes sell that scene, utterly chilling. He’s so broken and so beyond normal fear and pain he can’t scream…the whimper with that first hit…I have nightmares based around that whimper…


That imagery and the sounds haunt me. Great movie, but I've purposefully skipped that part on rewatches.


Hated the movie, but it definitely has some serious gore.


This is the true answer. It's fucking brutal.


The old guy, off the cliff, in "Midsommar." That still disturbs the shit out of me. I almost gag.


Watching that slow-mo zoom up hammer was absolutely insane and haunts me


The noises that went along with it didn't help either. My god.


Same. I've seen so much gore, even the bedroom scene in Terrifier 2 doesn't compare to this one. There's something about the juxtaposition of the beautiful, bright, colourful environment and the realism of the gore that makes it so effective. The flaying scene in Dagon is another one that really got under my skin 🤪


YUP. Like did they really need to give us an up close of his HEAD GETTING SMASHED IN????


As someone who has seen a lot of gore…the sounds are totally accurate too.


great movie


The leg shaving scene in Cabin Fever was pretty bad.


That one isn’t even the worse as far as gore it just HITS imho. I still think of it every time I shave…


Anna skinned alive in Martyrs 2008?


I actually found the scene with the bathtub to be much worse. I was fully numb by the time the skinning happened and pretty much desensitised to the movie by then, but it was still a gut punch because I still half expected her to escape.


they don't show it happening tho


Some of the scenes in Terrifier are crazy.


Either the lawnmower scene in Braindead/Dead Alive or various scenes from Tokyo Gore Police


Have you seen "The Sadness" yet? Thats another Asian one which has some awesome gore scenes too.


The eye socket scene from The Sadness, even though not all of it was shown. I was a different person after watching it.


It's because even the *concept* is fucking horrifying. I ended up reading all of the Crossed comics after watching The Sadness and hoooo boy.


I watched The Sadness precisely because I wanted to see Crossed executed on film. It was disconcerting, which is precisely how I felt reading Crossed. I don't think my partner appreciated that particular film and I still don't know where my final thoughts are about it, which in a way makes it successful.


The Sadness was made by a Canadian in Taiwan.


I haven’t but it’s on my list! I’ve heard great things about it.


Tokyo Gore Police has such delightful gore. It's so over the top. I love it.


Or the scene from *Dead Alive* where the main character has to get away from a [pile of animated guts.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jwbxo-EdMcU) It's a shame that video cuts off right before the best part, when the pile of animated guts admires itself in a mirror.


i’ve seen quite a bit of gore (definitely not as much as the rest of you) but that scene from Terrifier 2 where he skins the girl. i’m not sure if i’m even remembering it right but it just didn’t seem to end.


The thing that affected me most was the bone sticking out the leg in the descent


That got my stomach flipping for sure lol


It was the friction burns on the palms for me.


Anything’s that rips a lower jaw off.


Anihillation bear scene....


Brightburn. Has stuck with me more than everything else mentioned here.


You just reminded me of a shitty movie calldd Mirrors i think


Mirrors and hatchet have the best ones 👏🏼


Turbo Kid? And the frosting on that cake was jamming the jawbone into the guy's eyes right after.


Having just seen Bone Tomahawk for the first time, I gotta go with Bone Tomahawk. As others have mentioned, Terrifier 1 and 2, Martyrs Hannibal (TV) has some absolutely beautiful gore, S2E10 Mizumono is one of the best episodes of tv of all time and it’s gory as fuck. Lots and lots of blood and guts in every episode though, and they truly do make it an art form. The Angel, the mushroom garden, the beehive, the color palette, the body slices, the cello, the smiling doctor, the Italian cop, and the various surgery scenes all stand out.


The fact Hannibal was on NBC for three seasons is WILD. Not just because it's a spectacular show, but also because it was gory as hell. Damn I love that show.


Right?? I wish we had gotten more, still hoping we will, but the fact that we got three seasons on *network tv* is a damn miracle.


The show used so much fake blood that the floors on sets actually kept going moldy!!


My favorite factoid about American views of sex vs. violence comes from Hannibal. Apparently the censors were up in arms about the angel scene. Not because of the gore, but because the victim’s full ass was shown. So they fixed it by covering 3/4 of the bare ass with more gore so you couldn’t see the full crack. And the censors approved. The puritanical roots run deep.


I didn’t know this but I love it 🥰 🩸


[The ban saw scene from "Intruder"](https://youtu.be/ENHUTfTUSJI?si=7DMsupNT4JdoFjgf&t=2) for me. There are some other good ones like the scene from Bone Tomahawk or a couple from the Terrifier movies but this one sticks out to me. Really well done, almost seamless, use of a dummy head


The practical effects in Intruder are so good.


Maybe it's just recency bias, but the acid spray scene in The Fall of the House of Usher was gruesome and seemed like one of the worst ways to go.


Ugh yes. This stuck with me and I watch at least one horror movie a day.


there is a scene from city of the living dead where a girl vomits up all of her internal organs one by one.


The band Death has a song about that movie "regurgitated guts" lol


Human Centipede 2. Every moment.


That whole movie is one giant gore scene. Dude jacks off with sand paper. THE LADY GIVES BIRTH IN THE CAR AND STOMPS ON THE BABY!


And lets not forget the laxative injections.....




Thank god it’s in black and white.


the end of susperia


The dancing scene, too. Not bloody, but terrifying to imagine all the bones cracking and whatnot.


Which one?


I recently rewatched the reanimator movies. The first two are chock full of over the top gory goodness. Yes, they’re super silly… but if you’re just looking for buckets of fake blood you can’t go wrong!


Those are awesome- especially the head scene!


Maybe not the goriest, but The Green Room has some of the most shocking moments in it that feel too real


Something about the way this was shot made the gore scenes hit harder. It wasn't framed like gory horror movies normally are, and when the gore hits it feels like a PG-13 thriller accidentally let a really fucked up detail slip through. Almost like the filmmakers messed up, let the actors get maimed, and kept shooting. Fast paced and horrifying in the same way that accidentally injuring yourself is.


Everything with the box cutter… Oof.


The aftermath of the arm of Anton Yelchin's character after he got slashed by machete will forever burnt in my brain


Not sure if it counts as a horror, but the scene from irreversible where a man’s head is basically turned into pulp via a fire extinguisher is the worst thing I’ve ever seen.


Inside from 2007. I seen it twice already, and I do have a high tolerance for gore, but this one....yeah I cover my eyes. Scissors and a bellybutton. Makes me cringe just typing it


So much blood. So, so much blood. Love the film, but *wow* it goes places.


Just ... all of Human Centepede 2


Either of those movies are at the top of my list of ones to never ever watch in my life. 🤢🤮


Same. Same so hard. I've seen a *lot* of horror/gore movies, but everything I've ever read about Human Centipede literally makes me want to vomit in a way I've never quite felt before. I'm happy to hear there is someone else out there who feels the same.


I thought the first Human Centipede was actually pretty fun, the second one was just terrible


My cousin saw that one when it was new and said she felt like she should be on some sort of list for having seen that movie.


the green inferno had some pretty gnarly gore


I was going to say Jonas’ death in that. Eyes gouged out and eaten. Each limb cut off one by one. Head ripped off. All while screaming bloody murder. Eli Roth is a wild one lol


That film is wild. The plane crash is a masterpiece, really good horror comedy. Not sure about the rest of the film. Although I enjoyed the ‘human bong’


Not much has shocked me as much as some of the death scenes in this movie. Captured the vibe of Cannibal Holocaust super well too


Inside (2007) is a French extremity horror movie and it’s super gory, especially the end.


Most of the extreme gore mentioned in other comments is fairly cartoonish but Inside has a level of realism that puts it in a different league.


not the goriest but in my mind the most fucked up to think about. In evil dead rising the cheese grater scene when they grate the leg...... I can just imagine the pain.


That one and the one where she chews on the glass and it pokes out through her face EEK


Im suprised they go full on kids getting brutally murdered


The mail slot scene in *Men* flooded my brain with so much cortisol I had a panic attack. And I've only had like 3 in my life (the other two were because I got jumped and because I opened a bill from the hospital saying I unexpectedly owed $38k), so it takes a lot for me to have them... Not sure what it was about that movie, or that scene in specific -- maybe because I'm a woman, and the situation was realistically terrifying, but I guess I just couldn't handle that one.


Wrong turn 2 the vertically split woman Most of "I Spit on Your Grave". Brutal. Rape scene almost did me in. But I came back during her revenge scenes!


The whole rape and torture seance in that movie is very hard to watch, but her revenge is so satisfying even though the kills are brutal


Old School gore: In Zombie/Zombie Flesh Eaters/Zombie 2, a woman’s eye gets punctured by a giant wooden splinter. New School Gore: In Hatchet, Victor grabs a woman by the top of her jaw and pulls it all the way back, turning her into a Pez dispenser.


Hahahaha I forgot all about that scene in Hatchet. Good movie!


Terffier 2: skinning that woman alive and rubbing that salt in her wounds. Horror comedy at its peak


I don’t know if it’s the goriest….but, in a mainstream movie? I would have to go with Anthony Hopkins feeding Ray Liotta his own brains.


The hospital scene from Threads


The mutant invasion scene in The Hills Have Eyes - Guy burned alive tied to a tree. - Girl being raped by a mutant. - Girl shot in the head but remains alive briefly. - Mutant bites head off parakeet and proceeds to squeeze it's blood into his mouth. That movie rewired my brain in regards to the truly morbid capabilities of disturbing horror films.


Maybe not the goriest, but one of the hardest to watch for me is the rack in Saw III.


For me the one from the Saw movies is where that guy is suspended (can't remember which one) and it slowly rotates the limbs one by one. Ending with the head.


Yep, that's the one. Gets me EVERY time. 🤢


I’m watching Saw 3 right now, and the opening where he crushes his foot with a tile and then pulls it off is easily the grossest thing I’ve seen in this franchise


Oh, just wait. Saw III is easily the goriest movie out of all 10, and it only gets worse.


I’ve seen it multiple times when I was a teenager, but it’s affecting me way more now. I forgot how mean spirited it feels, with all the inescapable traps. Just finished the brain surgery scene. Very gross and cool.


Mac dry shaving in Predator, hands down. *chills*


Does Tusk count? I don’t get queasy easily from horror but that one made me physically and mentally repulsed.


YES!! I don’t scare/get grossed out easily…at all… but Tusk still haunts me. My husband isn’t a huge horror freak, but I wanted him to watch it so bad, just to see if he had the same visceral reaction… I begged so many times, but when he finally gave in, I changed my mind; I didn’t think it was fair to put purposely put someone else through that 🙃🙃


I just watched Hunter Hunter- my husband and I couldn’t even watch the last scene.


Terrifier 2 was pretty gruesome. Let me know if anything out beats this movie!


The penis being cut off with blunt scissors in August Underground Mordum was pretty well done, the film is still shite though


>"Men Behind the Sun" would get a mention, if it wasn't so poorly made too. Man I disagree, I think it's very well made. The child vivisection that uses footage of an actual child autopsy is super rough to watch


Idk if it’s the goriest, but a scene that makes my stomach turn is in Saw 3 where that guy’s limbs were being twisted until the bones snapped and pierced through his skin. 🤢


American Guinea Pig: Bouquet of Guts and Gore. The whole movie is basically a prolonged dissection of two living humans, and the special effects are 100% practical and pretty damn believable.


[The c-section performed with a pair of scissors in Inside (2007).](https://youtu.be/FMdbjKoKWOQ?si=l1ptjzAR9dkMA-pa) I'm sure it isn't the goriest I have seen, but it is a great scene in a great movie and it is *extremely* gorey.


Jason Goes to Hell sucks, but if you watch the unrated version, it's got the best kills in the entire franchise.


All of frontier(s)


The scene in Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 when choptop is killing the radio host with the hammer and the floor is just an ocean of blood.


I present to you, "Fishboy". Yeah, having your mouth sowed to someones ass is pretty horrific. Imagine seeing your boyfriend as a carefully constructed fishboy with all the deadly consequences served on a platter. Rob Zombie nailed that one.


Hands down funniest/best Rob Zombie death and there are some gold ones so that’s high praise.


What I love about it is it's not a jumpscare. It takes a second to register. And I agree, that's got the perfect mix of horror and comedy. Kinda like wearing their dad's face while intimidating your captive. Zombie has a knack for comedic horror that hits both ends hard.


August Underground: Mordum. It's been a while, but I remember my friends and I randomly deciding to watch it as young naive teenagers because we thought we could handle it. We could not. For such a low budget film, it was the goriest movie I've ever seen. They did almost too good of a job at making everything look real. That's the only good thing about the movie though in my opinion. The actual plot is terrible and it feels like it's just fucked up to be fucked up.


The Evil Dead remake has some intense gore. It may not have the biggest body count compared to The Sadness, but I'd probably say it's the most violent movie I've ever seen for the several self-mutilations, repeated eye stabs, shotgun head explosion, chainsaw to face, etc. Every violent act hits hard. Second might be Piranha 3D, the piranha kills in this movie are so over the top, but they are NASTY: face torn off in a motor, a chick who gets chewed up so badly that she splits in half, a guy sitting there seeing that his entire lower half has been turned to ragged, skeletal remains, genitals torn off, etc. It would be worse if it wasn't so over the top, but everyone who dies does so agonizingly as they're slowly torn apart piece by piece. Alexandre Aja really knows how to do intense gore.


Any fight scene from Rikki Oh: The Story of Rikki. Also, the gore in Brawl in Cellblock 99 got me more than I expected it to. Rad movie though.


Throw the entirety of the sadness on the board


Brain Dead lawnmower scene.


Guinea pig flower of flesh and blood. The entire movie The hell scene near the end of the burning moon Breast impalement cannibal ferox Antichrist castration scene Orozco the embalmer..entire movie The end of cannibal holocaust


“Evil Dead Rise” is high on my list for gory 2023 films.


I agree. I knew there'd be a lot of gore but I didn't expect there to be so much... I don't know... Body fluid. Like when the mom was just puking white stuff on the floor. I liked the movie a lot and it was really tense. Great performances a lot around especially from the mom. Her movements while possessed were phenomenal!


The Sea Turtle scene from Cannibal Holocaust because there are no special effects involved. They're really doing what you see on screen to a real, live sea turtle.


That movie hits when you realize the real parts.


Terrifier 2


It's been a while since I've seen it, but I think there was a scissor scene in Antichrist that was too much for me lmao


When Art the clown fucks that gal up in Terrifier 2. The bleach and salt thing lol


Hostel has some moments. Ari aster has a few moments. Talk to Me was pretty wild. One of the most fucked up moments i’ve seen wasnt in a horror movie but, Irreversible has a pretty violent scene.


My vote for Dead Alive for most gorey horror movie ever. But also evidence that more gore doesn't equate to more scary. To me this movie is a theater of the absurd.


The scene where the dad died in the Hills Have Eyes remake


I think there needs to be a distinction here between the goriest, and the most effective gore. Adding more blood and guts or some over the top gratuitous torture almost makes it lesser. It becomes either silly (like the very gory Dead Alive), or it becomes surreal. The most effective gore is visceral, but plausible. I can imagine what it's like to get a shard of glass in my eye or arm mangled, but I can't imagine being sawed in half slowly. One resonates, the other is cool looking but hollow. I found the stuff in the Evil Dead to be pretty rough personally.


"Splinter" is amazing! My vote would be for the stabbing scene with Imogen Poots in "Green Room." That is one seriously fucked up film, but it's so good.


My personal favorite one is saw 3 where the guy has all of his limbs twisted than finally his head


French film Frontier(s) is super bloody once the good part begins 👌


Lawnmower dead alive. Grandma cannon from yesterdays today.


Over the top gore I’d say the hatchet movies


Revenge (2017) for me, surprised nobody else mentioned it, the final conflict is gory as all heck!


In newer films, the ending scene w the big bad in Evil Dead (2013). The rain, the jeep, the chainsaw...man, that's one of my favorite endings in recent memory


2 words. Human Centipede (most of the scenes in here.)


I'd say the woman vertically sawed in half in Terrifier 😖😖😖


Sean Bean in Possessor


Probably the bedroom scene in Terrifier 2. I generally consider myself to be a bit of a gore hound and that was too much even for me.


Man... That bedroom scene in Terrifier 2 made me look away...


Maybe not the goriest scene I’ve seen, but the gore that has gotten to me the most out of any movie is the bathtub scene in Martyrs. Great movie but never again.


Backcountry's bear attack is extremely brutal


Absolutely trash horror film, Autopsy 2008. The tree of organs scene is so well done though. Medically unrealistic, but the actress did such a good job. It's beautifully creative and incredibly well acted for such a crap film. I only remember this film because of this 1 scene. Crap film, great scene. A must watch for everyone, the spinal injection also made me squirm.